// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Utilities for converting types to custom Binary format
using System;
using System.IO;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;
using MS.Internal.PresentationFramework;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TypeConverterHelper = MS.Internal.Markup;
namespace MS.Internal.Markup
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
using TypeConverterHelper = System.Windows.Markup;
namespace MS.Internal.Media
// Internal class used during serialization of Point3D, or Vectors.
// We define this struct so that we can create a collection of types during serialization.
// If we used defined avalon types, like Point & Vector, we'd have to bring these into PBT
// with a compiler change everytime these types are changed.
// The type is called "ThreeDoubles" to make clear what it is and what it's for.
// If either Vector3D or Point3D changes - we will need to change this code.
internal class ThreeDoublesMarkup
internal ThreeDoublesMarkup( double X, double Y, double Z)
_x = X;
_y = Y;
_z = Z;
internal double X
return _x;
internal double Y
return _y;
internal double Z
return _z;
double _x ;
double _y ;
double _z ;
internal struct Point
internal Point(double x, double y)
_x = x;
_y = y;
internal double X
_x = value;
return _x;
internal double Y
_y = value;
return _y;
private double _x;
private double _y;
internal struct Size
internal Size(double width, double height)
_width = width;
_height = height;
internal double Width
_width = value;
return _width;
internal double Height
_height = value;
return _height;
private double _width;
private double _height;
internal static class XamlSerializationHelper
// =====================================================
// All PBT specific types and methods go here.
// ======================================================
internal enum SerializationFloatType : byte
Unknown = 0,
Zero = 1,
One = 2,
MinusOne = 3,
ScaledInteger = 4,
Double = 5,
/// Serialize this object using the passed writer in compact BAML binary format.
/// <remarks>
/// This is called ONLY from the Parser and is not a general public method.
/// </remarks>
internal static bool SerializePoint3D(BinaryWriter writer, string stringValues)
List<ThreeDoublesMarkup> point3Ds = ParseThreeDoublesCollection(stringValues, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS);
ThreeDoublesMarkup curPoint;
Point3DCollection point3Ds = Point3DCollection.Parse( stringValues ) ;
Point3D curPoint ;
// Write out the size.
writer.Write( ( uint ) point3Ds.Count ) ;
// Write out the doubles.
for ( int i = 0; i < point3Ds.Count ; i ++ )
curPoint = point3Ds[i] ;
WriteDouble( writer, curPoint.X);
WriteDouble( writer, curPoint.Y);
WriteDouble( writer, curPoint.Z);
return true ;
/// Serialize this object using the passed writer in compact BAML binary format.
/// <remarks>
/// This is called ONLY from the Parser and is not a general public method.
/// </remarks>
internal static bool SerializeVector3D(BinaryWriter writer, string stringValues)
List<ThreeDoublesMarkup> points = ParseThreeDoublesCollection(stringValues, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS);
ThreeDoublesMarkup curPoint;
Vector3DCollection points = Vector3DCollection.Parse( stringValues ) ;
Vector3D curPoint ;
// Write out the size.
writer.Write( ( uint ) points.Count ) ;
// Write out the doubles.
for ( int i = 0; i < points.Count ; i ++ )
curPoint = points[ i ] ;
WriteDouble( writer, curPoint.X);
WriteDouble( writer, curPoint.Y);
WriteDouble( writer, curPoint.Z);
return true ;
/// Serialize this object using the passed writer in compact BAML binary format.
/// <remarks>
/// This is called ONLY from the Parser and is not a general public method.
/// </remarks>
internal static bool SerializePoint(BinaryWriter writer, string stringValue)
List<Point> points = ParsePointCollection(stringValue, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS);
Point curPoint;
PointCollection points = PointCollection.Parse( stringValue ) ;
Point curPoint ;
// Write out the size.
writer.Write( ( uint ) points.Count ) ;
// Write out the doubles.
for ( int i = 0; i < points.Count ; i ++ )
curPoint = points[ i ] ;
WriteDouble( writer, curPoint.X);
WriteDouble( writer, curPoint.Y);
return true ;
private const double scaleFactor = 1000000 ; // approx == 2^20
private const double inverseScaleFactor = 0.000001 ; // approx = 1 / 2^20
// Write a double into our internal binary format
// The format is :
// <Byte indicating enum type> ( <4 bytes for scaledinteger> | < 8 bytes for double> )
internal static void WriteDouble( BinaryWriter writer, Double value )
if ( value == 0.0 )
writer.Write( (byte) SerializationFloatType.Zero ) ;
else if ( value == 1.0 )
writer.Write( (byte) SerializationFloatType.One ) ;
else if ( value == -1.0 )
writer.Write( (byte) SerializationFloatType.MinusOne ) ;
int intValue = 0 ;
if ( CanConvertToInteger( value, ref intValue ) )
writer.Write( (byte) SerializationFloatType.ScaledInteger ) ;
writer.Write( intValue ) ;
writer.Write( (byte) SerializationFloatType.Double ) ;
writer.Write( value ) ;
// Read a double from our internal binary format.
// We assume that the binary reader is at the start of a byte.
internal static double ReadDouble( BinaryReader reader )
SerializationFloatType type = ( SerializationFloatType ) reader.ReadByte();
switch( type )
case SerializationFloatType.Zero :
return 0.0 ;
case SerializationFloatType.One :
return 1.0 ;
case SerializationFloatType.MinusOne :
return -1.0 ;
case SerializationFloatType.ScaledInteger :
return ReadScaledInteger( reader );
case SerializationFloatType.Double :
return reader.ReadDouble();
throw new ArgumentException(SR.FloatUnknownBamlType);
internal static double ReadScaledInteger(BinaryReader reader )
double value = (double) reader.ReadInt32();
value = value * inverseScaleFactor ;
return value ;
/// <summary>
/// Parse - returns an instance converted from the provided string.
/// <param name="source"> string with Point3DCollection data </param>
/// <param name="formatProvider">IFormatprovider for processing string</param>
/// </summary>
private static List<ThreeDoublesMarkup> ParseThreeDoublesCollection(string source, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
TokenizerHelper th = new TokenizerHelper(source, formatProvider);
List<ThreeDoublesMarkup> resource = new List<ThreeDoublesMarkup>( source.Length/ 8 ) ; // SWAG the length of the collection.
ThreeDoublesMarkup value;
while (th.NextToken())
value = new ThreeDoublesMarkup(
Convert.ToDouble(th.GetCurrentToken(), formatProvider),
Convert.ToDouble(th.NextTokenRequired(), formatProvider),
Convert.ToDouble(th.NextTokenRequired(), formatProvider));
return resource;
/// <summary>
/// Parse - returns an instance converted from the provided string.
/// <param name="source"> string with Point3DCollection data </param>
/// <param name="formatProvider">IFormatprovider for processing string</param>
/// </summary>
private static List<Point> ParsePointCollection(string source, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
TokenizerHelper th = new TokenizerHelper(source, formatProvider);
List<Point> resource = new List<Point>(source.Length/ 8 ); // SWAG the length of the collection.
Point value;
while (th.NextToken())
value = new Point(
Convert.ToDouble(th.GetCurrentToken(), formatProvider),
Convert.ToDouble(th.NextTokenRequired(), formatProvider) );
return resource;
// Can we convert this double to a "scaled integer"
// We multiply by approx 2^20 - see if the result is either
// - greater than maxInt
// - if there is a non-numeric integer remaining
// as a result this routine will convert doubles with six-digits precision between +/- 2048
internal static bool CanConvertToInteger( Double doubleValue , ref int intValue )
double scaledValue ;
double scaledInteger ;
scaledValue = doubleValue * scaleFactor ;
scaledInteger = Math.Floor( scaledValue ) ;
if ( !( scaledInteger <= Int32.MaxValue ) // equivalent to scaledInteger > MaxValue, but take care of NaN.
!( scaledInteger >= Int32.MinValue ) ) // equivalent to scaledInteger < Minvalue but take care of NaN.
return false ;
else if ( ( scaledValue - scaledInteger ) > Double.Epsilon )
return false ;
intValue = (int) scaledValue ;
return true ;