// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
//#define OLD_ISF
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Ink;
namespace MS.Internal.Ink.InkSerializedFormat
internal class StrokeCollectionSerializer
#region Constants (Static Fields)
internal const double AvalonToHimetricMultiplier = 2540.0d / 96.0d;
internal const double HimetricToAvalonMultiplier = 96.0d / 2540.0d;
internal static readonly TransformDescriptor IdentityTransformDescriptor;
static StrokeCollectionSerializer()
TransformDescriptor transformDescriptor = new TransformDescriptor();
transformDescriptor.Transform[0] = 1.0f;
transformDescriptor.Tag = KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformIsotropicScale;
transformDescriptor.Size = 1;
StrokeCollectionSerializer.IdentityTransformDescriptor = transformDescriptor;
#region Constructors
// disable default constructor
private StrokeCollectionSerializer() { }
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the Ink serializer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="coreStrokes">Pointer to the core stroke collection - avoids recreation of collections</param>
internal StrokeCollectionSerializer(StrokeCollection coreStrokes)
_coreStrokes = coreStrokes;
#region Public Fields
internal PersistenceFormat CurrentPersistenceFormat = PersistenceFormat.InkSerializedFormat;
internal CompressionMode CurrentCompressionMode = CompressionMode.Compressed;
internal System.Collections.Generic.List<int> StrokeIds = null;
#region Decoding
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// Loads a Ink object from a spcified byte array in the form of Ink Serialzied Format
/// This method checks for the 'base64:' prefix in the byte[] because that is how V1
/// saved ISF
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inkData"></param>
internal void DecodeISF(Stream inkData)
// First examine the input data header
bool isBase64;
bool isGif;
uint cbData;
ExamineStreamHeader(inkData, out isBase64, out isGif, out cbData);
if (isBase64)
// this is a funky tablet v1 based byte[] that is base64 encoded...
// each 4 bytes in this array corresponds to 3 bytes of ISF data.
// EXCEPT the first 7 bytes which are saved with the value
// 'base64:' and must not be base64 decoded.
// and the last null terminator (if present)
// The following code does two things:
// 1) Convert each byte to a char so it can be base64 decoded
// 2) Strips out the first 7 resulting characters
int isfBase64PrefixLength = Base64HeaderBytes.Length;
// the previous call to ExamineStreamHeader guarantees that inkData.Length > isfBase64PrefixLength
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(inkData.Length > isfBase64PrefixLength);
inkData.Position = (long)isfBase64PrefixLength;
List<char> charData = new List<char>((int)inkData.Length);
int intByte = inkData.ReadByte();
while (intByte != -1)
byte b = (byte)intByte;
intByte = inkData.ReadByte();
if (0 == (byte)(charData[charData.Count - 1]))
//strip the null terminator
charData.RemoveAt(charData.Count - 1);
char[] chars = charData.ToArray();
byte[] isfData = Convert.FromBase64CharArray(chars, 0, chars.Length);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(isfData);
if (IsGIFData(ms))
else if (true == isGif)
catch (ArgumentException ex)
//only include an inner exception in debug builds
throw new ArgumentException(SR.IsfOperationFailed, ex);
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
//only include an inner exception in debug builds
throw new ArgumentException(SR.IsfOperationFailed, ex);
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
//only include an inner exception in debug builds
throw new ArgumentException(SR.IsfOperationFailed, ex);
catch (NullReferenceException ex)
//only include an inner exception in debug builds
throw new ArgumentException(SR.IsfOperationFailed, ex);
catch (EndOfStreamException ex)
//only include an inner exception in debug builds
throw new ArgumentException(SR.IsfOperationFailed, ex);
catch (OverflowException ex)
//only include an inner exception in debug builds
throw new ArgumentException(SR.IsfOperationFailed, ex);
catch (ArgumentException)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.IsfOperationFailed, "stream");//stream comes from StrokeCollection.ctor()
catch (InvalidOperationException)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.IsfOperationFailed, "stream");//stream comes from StrokeCollection.ctor()
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.IsfOperationFailed, "stream");//stream comes from StrokeCollection.ctor()
catch (NullReferenceException)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.IsfOperationFailed, "stream");//stream comes from StrokeCollection.ctor()
catch (EndOfStreamException)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.IsfOperationFailed, "stream");//stream comes from StrokeCollection.ctor()
catch (OverflowException)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.IsfOperationFailed, "stream");//stream comes from StrokeCollection.ctor()
#region Private Methods
/// <summary>
/// Loads the strokeIds from the stream, we need to do this to decrement the count of bytes
/// </summary>
internal uint LoadStrokeIds(Stream isfStream, uint cbSize)
if (0 == cbSize)
return 0;
uint cb;
uint cbTotal = cbSize;
// First decode the no of ids
uint count;
cb = SerializationHelper.Decode(isfStream, out count);
if (cb > cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"), nameof(isfStream));
cbTotal -= cb;
if (0 == count)
return (cbSize - cbTotal);
cb = cbTotal;
byte[] inputdata = new byte[cb];
// read the stream
uint bytesRead = StrokeCollectionSerializer.ReliableRead(isfStream, inputdata, cb);
if (cb != bytesRead)
throw new ArgumentException(StrokeCollectionSerializer.ISFDebugMessage("Read different size from stream then expected"), nameof(isfStream));
cbTotal -= cb;
if (0 != cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"), nameof(isfStream));
return cbSize;
private bool IsGIFData(Stream inkdata)
Debug.Assert(inkdata != null);
long currentPosition = inkdata.Position;
return ((byte)inkdata.ReadByte() == 'G' &&
(byte)inkdata.ReadByte() == 'I' &&
(byte)inkdata.ReadByte() == 'F');
//reset position
inkdata.Position = currentPosition;
private void ExamineStreamHeader(Stream inkdata, out bool fBase64, out bool fGif, out uint cbData)
fGif = false;
cbData = 0;
fBase64 = false;
if (inkdata.Length >= 7)
fBase64 = IsBase64Data(inkdata);
// Check for RAW gif
if (!fBase64 && inkdata.Length >= 3)
fGif = IsGIFData(inkdata);
private static ReadOnlySpan<byte> Base64HeaderBytes => [(byte)'b',
/// <summary>
/// Takes an ISF byte[] and populates the StrokeCollection
/// attached to this StrokeCollectionSerializer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inkdata">a byte[] of the raw isf to decode</param>
/// <summary>
/// Takes an ISF Stream and populates the StrokeCollection
/// attached to this StrokeCollectionSerializer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inputStream">a Stream the raw isf to decode</param>
private void DecodeRawISF(Stream inputStream)
Debug.Assert(inputStream != null);
KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex isfTag;
uint remainingBytesInStream;
uint bytesDecodedInCurrentTag = 0;
bool strokeDescriptorBlockDecoded = false;
bool drawingAttributesBlockDecoded = false;
bool metricBlockDecoded = false;
bool transformDecoded = false;
uint strokeDescriptorTableIndex = 0;
uint oldStrokeDescriptorTableIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint drawingAttributesTableIndex = 0;
uint oldDrawingAttributesTableIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint metricDescriptorTableIndex = 0;
uint oldMetricDescriptorTableIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint transformTableIndex = 0;
uint oldTransformTableIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF;
GuidList guidList = new GuidList();
int strokeIndex = 0;
StylusPointDescription currentStylusPointDescription = null;
Matrix currentTabletToInkTransform = Matrix.Identity;
_strokeDescriptorTable = new System.Collections.Generic.List<StrokeDescriptor>();
_drawingAttributesTable = new System.Collections.Generic.List<DrawingAttributes>();
_transformTable = new System.Collections.Generic.List<TransformDescriptor>();
_metricTable = new System.Collections.Generic.List<MetricBlock>();
// First make sure this ink is empty
if (0 != _coreStrokes.Count || _coreStrokes.ExtendedProperties.Count != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("ISF decoder cannot operate on non-empty ink container"));
// store a compressor reference at this scope, if it is needed (if there is a compresson header) and
// therefore instanced during this routine, we will dispose of it
// in the finally block
Compressor compressor = null;
// First read the isfTag
uint uiTag;
uint localBytesDecoded = SerializationHelper.Decode(inputStream, out uiTag);
if (0x00 != uiTag)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.InvalidStream);
// Now read the size of the stream
localBytesDecoded = SerializationHelper.Decode(inputStream, out remainingBytesInStream);
ISFDebugTrace("Decoded Stream Size in Bytes: " + remainingBytesInStream.ToString());
if (0 == remainingBytesInStream)
while (0 < remainingBytesInStream)
bytesDecodedInCurrentTag = 0;
// First read the isfTag
localBytesDecoded = SerializationHelper.Decode(inputStream, out uiTag);
isfTag = (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex)uiTag;
if (remainingBytesInStream >= localBytesDecoded)
remainingBytesInStream -= localBytesDecoded;
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"));
ISFDebugTrace("Decoding Tag: " + ((KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex)isfTag).ToString());
switch (isfTag)
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.GuidTable:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.DrawingAttributesTable:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.DrawingAttributesBlock:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokeDescriptorTable:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokeDescriptorBlock:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.MetricTable:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.MetricBlock:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformTable:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.ExtendedTransformTable:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.Stroke:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.CompressionHeader:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.PersistenceFormat:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.HimetricSize:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokeIds:
localBytesDecoded = SerializationHelper.Decode(inputStream, out bytesDecodedInCurrentTag);
if (remainingBytesInStream < (localBytesDecoded + bytesDecodedInCurrentTag))
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"), nameof(inputStream));
remainingBytesInStream -= localBytesDecoded;
// Based on the isfTag figure out what information we're loading
switch (isfTag)
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.GuidTable:
// Load guid Table
localBytesDecoded = guidList.Load(inputStream, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag);
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.DrawingAttributesTable:
// Load drawing attributes table
localBytesDecoded = LoadDrawAttrsTable(inputStream, guidList, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag);
drawingAttributesBlockDecoded = true;
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.DrawingAttributesBlock:
//initialize to V1 defaults, we do it this way as opposed
//to dr.DrawingFlags = 0 because this was a perf hot spot
//and instancing the epc first mitigates it
ExtendedPropertyCollection epc = new ExtendedPropertyCollection();
epc.Add(KnownIds.DrawingFlags, DrawingFlags.Polyline);
DrawingAttributes dr = new DrawingAttributes(epc);
localBytesDecoded = DrawingAttributeSerializer.DecodeAsISF(inputStream, guidList, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag, dr);
drawingAttributesBlockDecoded = true;
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokeDescriptorTable:
// Load stroke descriptor table
localBytesDecoded = DecodeStrokeDescriptorTable(inputStream, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag);
strokeDescriptorBlockDecoded = true;
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokeDescriptorBlock:
// Load a single stroke descriptor
localBytesDecoded = DecodeStrokeDescriptorBlock(inputStream, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag);
strokeDescriptorBlockDecoded = true;
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.MetricTable:
// Load Metric Table
localBytesDecoded = DecodeMetricTable(inputStream, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag);
metricBlockDecoded = true;
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.MetricBlock:
// Load a single Metric Block
MetricBlock blk;
localBytesDecoded = DecodeMetricBlock(inputStream, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag, out blk);
metricBlockDecoded = true;
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformTable:
// Load Transform Table
localBytesDecoded = DecodeTransformTable(inputStream, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag, false);
transformDecoded = true;
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.ExtendedTransformTable:
// non-double transform table should have already been loaded
if (!transformDecoded)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"));
// Load double-sized Transform Table
localBytesDecoded = DecodeTransformTable(inputStream, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag, true);
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.PersistenceFormat:
uint fmt;
localBytesDecoded = SerializationHelper.Decode(inputStream, out fmt);
// Set the appropriate persistence information
if (0 == fmt)
CurrentPersistenceFormat = PersistenceFormat.InkSerializedFormat;
else if (0x00000001 == fmt)
CurrentPersistenceFormat = PersistenceFormat.Gif;
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.HimetricSize:
// Loads the Hi Metric Size for Fortified GIFs
int sz;
localBytesDecoded = SerializationHelper.SignDecode(inputStream, out sz);
if (localBytesDecoded > remainingBytesInStream)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"));
_himetricSize.X = (double)sz;
localBytesDecoded += SerializationHelper.SignDecode(inputStream, out sz);
_himetricSize.Y = (double)sz;
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.CompressionHeader:
byte[] data = new byte[bytesDecodedInCurrentTag];
// read the header from the stream
uint bytesRead = StrokeCollectionSerializer.ReliableRead(inputStream, data, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag);
if (bytesDecodedInCurrentTag != bytesRead)
throw new ArgumentException(StrokeCollectionSerializer.ISFDebugMessage("Read different size from stream then expected"), "isfStream");
uint size = bytesDecodedInCurrentTag;
compressor = new Compressor(data, ref size);
// in case the actual number of bytes read by the compressor
// is less than the encoder had expected (e.g. compression
// header was encoded as 10 bytes, but only 7 bytes were read)
// then we don't want to adjust the stream position because
// there are likely other following tags that are encoded
// after the compression tag. This should never happen,
// so just fail if the compressor is broken or the ISF is
// corrupted.
if (size != bytesDecodedInCurrentTag)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Compressor intialization reported inconsistent size"));
//just advance the inputstream position, we don't need
//no compression header in the new isf decoding
inputStream.Seek(bytesDecodedInCurrentTag, SeekOrigin.Current);
localBytesDecoded = bytesDecodedInCurrentTag;
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokeIds:
localBytesDecoded = LoadStrokeIds(inputStream, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag);
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.Stroke:
ISFDebugTrace(" Decoding Stroke Id#(" + (strokeIndex + 1).ToString() + ")");
StrokeDescriptor strokeDescriptor = null;
// Load the stroke descriptor based on the index from the list of unique
// stroke descriptors
if (strokeDescriptorBlockDecoded)
if (oldStrokeDescriptorTableIndex != strokeDescriptorTableIndex)
if (_strokeDescriptorTable.Count <= strokeDescriptorTableIndex)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"));
strokeDescriptor = _strokeDescriptorTable[(int)strokeDescriptorTableIndex];
// use new transform if the last transform is uninit'd or has changed
if (oldTransformTableIndex != transformTableIndex)
// if transform was specified in the ISF stream
if (transformDecoded)
if (_transformTable.Count <= transformTableIndex)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"));
// Load the transform descriptor based on the index from the list of unique
// transforn descriptors
currentTabletToInkTransform = LoadTransform(_transformTable[(int)transformTableIndex]);
oldTransformTableIndex = transformTableIndex; // cache the transform by remembering the index
// since ISF is stored in HIMETRIC, and we want to expose packet data
// as Avalon units, we'll update the convert the transform before loading the stroke
currentTabletToInkTransform.Scale(StrokeCollectionSerializer.HimetricToAvalonMultiplier, StrokeCollectionSerializer.HimetricToAvalonMultiplier);
MetricBlock metricBlock = null;
// Load the metric block based on the index from the list of unique metric blocks
if (metricBlockDecoded)
if (oldMetricDescriptorTableIndex != metricDescriptorTableIndex)
if (_metricTable.Count <= metricDescriptorTableIndex)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"));
metricBlock = _metricTable[(int)metricDescriptorTableIndex];
DrawingAttributes activeDrawingAttributes = null;
// Load the drawing attributes based on the index from the list of unique drawing attributes
if (drawingAttributesBlockDecoded)
if (oldDrawingAttributesTableIndex != drawingAttributesTableIndex)
if (_drawingAttributesTable.Count <= drawingAttributesTableIndex)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"));
oldDrawingAttributesTableIndex = drawingAttributesTableIndex;
DrawingAttributes currDA = (DrawingAttributes)_drawingAttributesTable[(int)drawingAttributesTableIndex];
//we always clone so we don't get strokes that share DAs, which can lead
//to all sorts of unpredictable behavior
activeDrawingAttributes = currDA.Clone();
// if we didn't find an existing da to use, instance a new one
if (activeDrawingAttributes == null)
activeDrawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes();
// Now create the StylusPacketDescription from the stroke descriptor and metric block
if (oldMetricDescriptorTableIndex != metricDescriptorTableIndex || oldStrokeDescriptorTableIndex != strokeDescriptorTableIndex)
currentStylusPointDescription = BuildStylusPointDescription(strokeDescriptor, metricBlock, guidList);
oldStrokeDescriptorTableIndex = strokeDescriptorTableIndex;
oldMetricDescriptorTableIndex = metricDescriptorTableIndex;
// Load the stroke
Stroke localStroke;
localBytesDecoded = StrokeSerializer.DecodeStroke(inputStream, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag, guidList, strokeDescriptor, currentStylusPointDescription, activeDrawingAttributes, currentTabletToInkTransform, compressor, out localStroke);
localBytesDecoded = StrokeSerializer.DecodeStroke(inputStream, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag, guidList, strokeDescriptor, currentStylusPointDescription, activeDrawingAttributes, currentTabletToInkTransform, out localStroke);
if (localStroke != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF tag logic"));
// if this isfTag's decoded size != expected size, then error out
if (localBytesDecoded != bytesDecodedInCurrentTag)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"));
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.Transform:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformIsotropicScale:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformAnisotropicScale:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformRotate:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformTranslate:
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformScaleAndTranslate:
// Load a single Transform Block
TransformDescriptor xform;
bytesDecodedInCurrentTag = DecodeTransformBlock(inputStream, isfTag, remainingBytesInStream, false, out xform);
transformDecoded = true;
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformTableIndex:
// Load the Index into the Transform Table which will be used by the stroke following this till
// a next different Index is found
bytesDecodedInCurrentTag = SerializationHelper.Decode(inputStream, out transformTableIndex);
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.MetricTableIndex:
// Load the Index into the Metric Table which will be used by the stroke following this till
// a next different Index is found
bytesDecodedInCurrentTag = SerializationHelper.Decode(inputStream, out metricDescriptorTableIndex);
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.DrawingAttributesTableIndex:
// Load the Index into the Drawing Attributes Table which will be used by the stroke following this till
// a next different Index is found
bytesDecodedInCurrentTag = SerializationHelper.Decode(inputStream, out drawingAttributesTableIndex);
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.InkSpaceRectangle:
// Loads the Ink Space Rectangle information
bytesDecodedInCurrentTag = DecodeInkSpaceRectangle(inputStream, remainingBytesInStream);
case KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokeDescriptorTableIndex:
// Load the Index into the Stroke Descriptor Table which will be used by the stroke following this till
// a next different Index is found
bytesDecodedInCurrentTag = SerializationHelper.Decode(inputStream, out strokeDescriptorTableIndex);
if ((uint)isfTag >= KnownIdCache.CustomGuidBaseIndex || ((uint)isfTag >= KnownTagCache.KnownTagCount && ((uint)isfTag < (KnownTagCache.KnownTagCount + KnownIdCache.OriginalISFIdTable.Length))))
ISFDebugTrace(" CUSTOM_GUID=" + guidList.FindGuid(isfTag).ToString());
// Loads any custom property data
bytesDecodedInCurrentTag = remainingBytesInStream;
Guid guid = guidList.FindGuid(isfTag);
if (guid == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentException(StrokeCollectionSerializer.ISFDebugMessage("Global Custom Attribute tag embedded in ISF stream does not match guid table"), "inkdata");
object data;
// load the custom property data from the stream (and decode the type)
localBytesDecoded = ExtendedPropertySerializer.DecodeAsISF(inputStream, bytesDecodedInCurrentTag, guidList, isfTag, ref guid, out data);
if (localBytesDecoded > bytesDecodedInCurrentTag)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"), "inkdata");
// add the guid/data pair into the property collection (don't redecode the type)
_coreStrokes.ExtendedProperties[guid] = data;
// Skip objects that this library doesn't know about
// First read the size associated with this unknown isfTag
localBytesDecoded = SerializationHelper.Decode(inputStream, out bytesDecodedInCurrentTag);
if (remainingBytesInStream < (localBytesDecoded + bytesDecodedInCurrentTag))
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"));
inputStream.Seek(bytesDecodedInCurrentTag + localBytesDecoded, SeekOrigin.Current);
bytesDecodedInCurrentTag = localBytesDecoded;
ISFDebugTrace(" Size = " + bytesDecodedInCurrentTag.ToString());
if (bytesDecodedInCurrentTag > remainingBytesInStream)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"));
// update remaining ISF buffer length with decoded so far
remainingBytesInStream -= bytesDecodedInCurrentTag;
if (null != compressor)
compressor = null;
if (0 != remainingBytesInStream)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"), "inkdata");
/// <summary>
/// Loads a DrawingAttributes Table from the stream and adds individual drawing attributes to the drawattr
/// list passed
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <summary>
/// Loads a DrawingAttributes Table from the stream and adds individual drawing attributes to the drawattr
/// list passed
/// </summary>
private uint LoadDrawAttrsTable(Stream strm, GuidList guidList, uint cbSize)
// First, allocate a temporary buffer and read the stream into it.
// These will be compressed DRAW_ATTR structures.
uint cbTotal = cbSize;
// OK, now we count the number of DRAW_ATTRS compressed into this block
uint cbDA = 0;
while (cbTotal > 0)
// First read the size of the first drawing attributes block
uint cb = SerializationHelper.Decode(strm, out cbDA);
if (cbSize < cb)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbTotal -= cb;
if (cbTotal < cbDA)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
// Create a new drawing attribute
DrawingAttributes attributes = new DrawingAttributes
// pull off our defaults onthe drawing attribute as we need to
// respect what the ISF has.
DrawingFlags = 0
cb = DrawingAttributeSerializer.DecodeAsISF(strm, guidList, cbDA, attributes);
// Load the stream into this attribute
if (cbSize < cbDA)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbTotal -= cbDA;
// Add this attribute to the global list
if (0 != cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
return cbSize;
/// <summary>
/// Reads and Decodes a stroke descriptor information from the stream. For details on how it is stored
/// please refer the spec
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <param name="cbSize"></param>
/// <param name="descr"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private uint DecodeStrokeDescriptor(Stream strm, uint cbSize, out StrokeDescriptor descr)
descr = new StrokeDescriptor();
if (0 == cbSize)
return 0;
uint cb;
uint cbBlock = cbSize;
while (cbBlock > 0)
// first read the tag
KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex tag;
uint uiTag;
cb = SerializationHelper.Decode(strm, out uiTag);
tag = (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex)uiTag;
if (cb > cbBlock)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbBlock -= cb;
// If this is TAG_BUTTONS
if (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.Buttons == tag && cbBlock > 0)
uint cbButton;
// Read the no. of buttons first
cb = SerializationHelper.Decode(strm, out cbButton);
if (cb > cbBlock)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbBlock -= cb;
while (cbBlock > 0 && cbButton > 0)
uint dw;
cb = SerializationHelper.Decode(strm, out dw);
if (cb > cbBlock)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbBlock -= cb;
else if (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokePropertyList == tag && cbBlock > 0)
// Usually stroke property comes last in the template. Hence everything below this is
// are Tags for strokes extended properties
while (cbBlock > 0)
uint dw;
cb = SerializationHelper.Decode(strm, out dw);
if (cb > cbBlock)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbBlock -= cb;
if (0 != cbBlock)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
return cbSize;
/// <summary>
/// Reads and Decodes a stroke descriptor information from the stream. For details on how it is stored
/// please refer the spec
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <param name="cbSize"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private uint DecodeStrokeDescriptorBlock(Stream strm, uint cbSize)
if (0 == cbSize)
return 0;
StrokeDescriptor descr;
uint cbRead = DecodeStrokeDescriptor(strm, cbSize, out descr);
if (cbRead != cbSize)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
return cbRead;
/// <summary>
/// Reads and Decodes a number of stroke descriptor information from the stream. For details on how they are stored
/// please refer the spec
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <param name="cbSize"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private uint DecodeStrokeDescriptorTable(Stream strm, uint cbSize)
if (0 == cbSize)
return 0;
uint cb; // Tracks the total no of bytes read from the stream
uint cbTotal = cbSize; // Tracks how many more bytes can be read from the stream for the table. Limited by cbSize
while (cbTotal > 0)
// First decode the size of the next block
uint cbBlock;
cb = SerializationHelper.Decode(strm, out cbBlock);
if (cb > cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbTotal -= cb;
if (cbBlock > cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
StrokeDescriptor descr;
cb = DecodeStrokeDescriptor(strm, cbBlock, out descr);
if (cb != cbBlock)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbTotal -= cb;
// Add this stroke descriptor to the list of global stroke descriptors
if (0 != cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
return cbSize;
/// <summary>
/// Decodes metric table from the stream. For information on how they are stored in the stream, please refer to the spec.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <param name="cbSize"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private uint DecodeMetricTable(Stream strm, uint cbSize)
if (cbSize == 0)
return 0;
uint cb;
uint cbTotal = cbSize;
// This data is a list of Metric block. Each block starts with size of the block. After that it contains an
// array of Metric Entries. Each metric enty comprises of size of the entry, tag for the property and the metric
// properties.
while (cbTotal > 0)
// First read the size of the metric block
uint dw;
cb = SerializationHelper.Decode(strm, out dw);
if (cb + dw > cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbTotal -= cb;
MetricBlock newblock;
cb = DecodeMetricBlock(strm, dw, out newblock);
if (cb != dw)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbTotal -= cb;
if (0 != cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
return cbSize;
/// <summary>
/// Decodes a Metric Block from the stream. For information on how they are stored in the stream, please refer to the spec.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <param name="cbSize"></param>
/// <param name="block"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private uint DecodeMetricBlock(Stream strm, uint cbSize, out MetricBlock block)
// allocate the block
block = new MetricBlock();
if (cbSize == 0)
return 0;
uint cb;
uint cbTotal = cbSize;
uint size;
while (cbTotal > 0)
// First decode the tag for this entry
uint dw;
cb = SerializationHelper.Decode(strm, out dw);
if (cb > cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbTotal -= cb;
// Next read the size of the metric data
cb = SerializationHelper.Decode(strm, out size);
if (cb + size > cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbTotal -= cb;
// now create new metric entry
MetricEntry entry = new MetricEntry
Tag = (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex)dw
byte[] data = new byte[size];
uint bytesRead = StrokeCollectionSerializer.ReliableRead(strm, data, size);
cbTotal -= bytesRead;
if ( bytesRead != size )
// Make sure the bytes read are expected. If not, we should bail out.
// An exception will be thrown.
entry.Data = data;
if (0 != cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
return cbSize;
/// <summary>
/// Reads and Decodes a Table of Transform Descriptors from the stream. For information on how they are stored
/// in the stream, please refer to the spec.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <param name="cbSize"></param>
/// <param name="useDoubles"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private uint DecodeTransformTable(Stream strm, uint cbSize, bool useDoubles)
// only clear the transform table if not using doubles
// (e.g. first pass through transform table)
if (!useDoubles)
if (0 == cbSize)
return 0;
uint cb;
uint cbTotal = cbSize;
int tableIndex = 0;
while (cbTotal > 0)
KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex tag;
uint uiTag;
cb = SerializationHelper.Decode(strm, out uiTag);
tag = (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex)uiTag;
if (cb > cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbTotal -= cb;
TransformDescriptor xform;
cb = DecodeTransformBlock(strm, tag, cbTotal, useDoubles, out xform);
cbTotal -= cb;
if (useDoubles)
_transformTable[tableIndex] = xform;
if (0 != cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
return cbSize;
/// <summary>
/// ReliableRead
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream"></param>
/// <param name="buffer"></param>
/// <param name="requestedCount"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static uint ReliableRead(Stream stream, byte[] buffer, uint requestedCount)
if (stream == null ||
buffer == null ||
requestedCount > buffer.Length)
throw new ArgumentException(StrokeCollectionSerializer.ISFDebugMessage("Invalid argument passed to ReliableRead"));
// let's read the whole block into our buffer
uint totalBytesRead = 0;
while (totalBytesRead < requestedCount)
int bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer,
(int)(requestedCount - totalBytesRead));
if (bytesRead == 0)
totalBytesRead += (uint)bytesRead;
return totalBytesRead;
/// <summary>
/// Reads and Decodes a Transfrom Descriptor Block from the stream. For information on how it is stored in the stream,
/// please refer to the spec.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <param name="tag"></param>
/// <param name="cbSize"></param>
/// <param name="useDoubles"></param>
/// <param name="xform"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private uint DecodeTransformBlock(Stream strm, KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex tag, uint cbSize, bool useDoubles, out TransformDescriptor xform)
xform = new TransformDescriptor
Tag = tag
uint cbRead = 0;
uint cbTotal = cbSize;
if (0 == cbSize)
return 0;
// TODO: Use leaveOpen ctor
BinaryReader bw = new BinaryReader(strm);
if (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformRotate == tag)
uint angle;
cbRead = SerializationHelper.Decode(strm, out angle);
if (cbRead > cbSize)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
xform.Transform[0] = (double)angle;
xform.Size = 1;
if (tag == KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformIsotropicScale)
xform.Size = 1;
else if (tag == KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformAnisotropicScale || tag == KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformTranslate)
xform.Size = 2;
else if (tag == KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformScaleAndTranslate)
xform.Size = 4;
xform.Size = 6;
if (useDoubles)
cbRead = xform.Size * Native.SizeOfDouble;
cbRead = xform.Size * Native.SizeOfFloat;
if (cbRead > cbSize)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
for (int i = 0; i < xform.Size; i++)
if (useDoubles)
xform.Transform[i] = bw.ReadDouble();
xform.Transform[i] = (double)bw.ReadSingle();
return cbRead;
/// <summary>
/// Decodes Ink Space Rectangle information from the stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <param name="cbSize"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private uint DecodeInkSpaceRectangle(Stream strm, uint cbSize)
uint cb, cbRead = 0;
uint cbTotal = cbSize;
int data;
cb = SerializationHelper.SignDecode(strm, out data);
if (cb > cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbTotal -= cb;
cbRead += cb;
_inkSpaceRectangle.X = data;
if (cbRead > cbSize)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cb = SerializationHelper.SignDecode(strm, out data);
if (cb > cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbTotal -= cb;
cbRead += cb;
_inkSpaceRectangle.Y = data;
if (cbRead > cbSize)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cb = SerializationHelper.SignDecode(strm, out data);
if (cb > cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbTotal -= cb;
cbRead += cb;
_inkSpaceRectangle.Width = data - _inkSpaceRectangle.Left;
if (cbRead > cbSize)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cb = SerializationHelper.SignDecode(strm, out data);
if (cb > cbTotal)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
cbTotal -= cb;
cbRead += cb;
_inkSpaceRectangle.Height = data - _inkSpaceRectangle.Top;
if (cbRead > cbSize)
throw new ArgumentException(ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF data"),nameof(strm));
return cbRead;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Matrix Information structure based on the transform descriptor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tdrd"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Matrix LoadTransform(TransformDescriptor tdrd)
double M00 = 0.0f, M01 = 0.0f, M10 = 0.0f, M11 = 0.0f, M20 = 0.0f, M21 = 0.0f;
if (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformIsotropicScale == tdrd.Tag)
M00 = M11 = tdrd.Transform[0];
else if (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformRotate == tdrd.Tag)
double dAngle = (tdrd.Transform[0] / 100) * (Math.PI / 180);
M00 = M11 = Math.Cos(dAngle);
M01 = Math.Sin(dAngle);
if (M01 == 0.0f && M11 == 1.0f)
//special case for 0 degree rotate transforms
//this is identity
M10 = 0.0f;
M10 = -M11;
else if (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformAnisotropicScale == tdrd.Tag)
M00 = tdrd.Transform[0];
M11 = tdrd.Transform[1];
else if (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformTranslate == tdrd.Tag)
M20 = tdrd.Transform[0];
M21 = tdrd.Transform[1];
else if (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformScaleAndTranslate == tdrd.Tag)
M00 = tdrd.Transform[0];
M11 = tdrd.Transform[1];
M20 = tdrd.Transform[2];
M21 = tdrd.Transform[3];
M00 = tdrd.Transform[0];
M01 = tdrd.Transform[1];
M10 = tdrd.Transform[2];
M11 = tdrd.Transform[3];
M20 = tdrd.Transform[4];
M21 = tdrd.Transform[5];
return new Matrix(M00, M01, M10, M11, M20, M21);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the Property Metrics for a property based on Tag and metric descriptor block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guid"></param>
/// <param name="tag"></param>
/// <param name="block"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private StylusPointPropertyInfo GetStylusPointPropertyInfo(Guid guid, KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex tag, MetricBlock block)
int dw = 0;
bool fSetDefault = false;
uint cbEntry;
// StylusPointPropertyInfo values that we need to read in.
int minimum = 0;
int maximum = 0;
StylusPointPropertyUnit unit = StylusPointPropertyUnit.None;
float resolution = 1.0f;
// To begin with initialize the property metrics with respective default valuses
// first check if this property belongs to optional list
for (dw = 0; dw < 11; dw++)
if (MetricEntry.MetricEntry_Optional[dw].Tag == tag)
minimum = MetricEntry.MetricEntry_Optional[dw].PropertyMetrics.Minimum;
maximum = MetricEntry.MetricEntry_Optional[dw].PropertyMetrics.Maximum;
resolution = MetricEntry.MetricEntry_Optional[dw].PropertyMetrics.Resolution;
unit = MetricEntry.MetricEntry_Optional[dw].PropertyMetrics.Unit;
fSetDefault = true;
if (false == fSetDefault)
// We will come here if the property is not found in the Optional List
// All other cases, we will have only default values
minimum = Int32.MinValue;
maximum = Int32.MaxValue;
unit = StylusPointPropertyUnit.None;
resolution = 1.0f;
fSetDefault = true;
// Now see if there is a valid MetricBlock. If there is one, update the PROPERTY_METRICS with
// values from this Block
if (null != block)
MetricEntry entry = block.GetMetricEntryList();
while (null != entry)
if (entry.Tag == tag)
cbEntry = 0;
int range;
using (MemoryStream strm = new MemoryStream(entry.Data))
// Decoded the Logical Min
cbEntry += SerializationHelper.SignDecode(strm, out range);
if (cbEntry >= entry.Size)
break; // return false;
minimum = range;
// Logical Max
cbEntry += SerializationHelper.SignDecode(strm, out range);
if (cbEntry >= entry.Size)
break; // return false;
maximum = range;
uint cb;
// Units
cbEntry += SerializationHelper.Decode(strm, out cb);
unit = (StylusPointPropertyUnit)cb;
if (cbEntry >= entry.Size)
break; // return false;
using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(strm))
resolution = br.ReadSingle();
cbEntry += Native.SizeOfFloat;
entry = entry.Next;
// return a new StylusPointPropertyInfo
return new StylusPointPropertyInfo( new StylusPointProperty(guid, StylusPointPropertyIds.IsKnownButton(guid)),
/// <summary>
/// Builds StylusPointDescription based on StrokeDescriptor and Metric Descriptor Block. Sometime Metric Descriptor block may contain
/// metric information for properties which are not part of the stroke descriptor. They are simply ignored.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strd"></param>
/// <param name="block"></param>
/// <param name="guidList"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private StylusPointDescription BuildStylusPointDescription(StrokeDescriptor strd, MetricBlock block, GuidList guidList)
int cTags = 0;
int packetPropertyCount = 0;
uint buttonCount = 0;
Guid[] buttonguids = null;
System.Collections.Generic.List<KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex> tags = null;
// if strd is null, it means there is only default descriptor with X & Y
if (null != strd)
tags = new System.Collections.Generic.List<KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex>();
while (cTags < strd.Template.Count)
KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex tag = (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex)strd.Template[cTags];
if (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.Buttons == tag)
// The next item in the array is no of buttongs.
buttonCount = (uint)strd.Template[cTags];
// Currently we skip the the no of buttons as buttons is not implimented yet
buttonguids = new Guid[buttonCount];
for (uint u = 0; u < buttonCount; u++)
Guid guid = guidList.FindGuid(strd.Template[cTags]);
if (guid == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentException(StrokeCollectionSerializer.ISFDebugMessage("Button guid tag embedded in ISF stream does not match guid table"),nameof(strd));
buttonguids[(int)u] = guid;
else if (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokePropertyList == tag)
break; // since no more Packet properties can be stored
if (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.NoX == tag ||
KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.NoY == tag)
throw new ArgumentException(StrokeCollectionSerializer.ISFDebugMessage("Invalid ISF with NoX or NoY specified"), nameof(strd));
List<StylusPointPropertyInfo> stylusPointPropertyInfos = new List<StylusPointPropertyInfo>();
stylusPointPropertyInfos.Add(GetStylusPointPropertyInfo(KnownIds.X, (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex)((uint)KnownIdCache.KnownGuidBaseIndex + (uint)KnownIdCache.OriginalISFIdIndex.X), block));
stylusPointPropertyInfos.Add(GetStylusPointPropertyInfo(KnownIds.Y, (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex)((uint)KnownIdCache.KnownGuidBaseIndex + (uint)KnownIdCache.OriginalISFIdIndex.Y), block));
stylusPointPropertyInfos.Add(GetStylusPointPropertyInfo(KnownIds.NormalPressure, (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex)((uint)KnownIdCache.KnownGuidBaseIndex + (uint)KnownIdCache.OriginalISFIdIndex.NormalPressure), block));
int pressureIndex = -1;
if (tags != null)
for (int i = 0; i < tags.Count; i++)
Guid guid = guidList.FindGuid(tags[i]);
if (guid == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentException(StrokeCollectionSerializer.ISFDebugMessage("Packet Description Property tag embedded in ISF stream does not match guid table"), nameof(strd));
if (pressureIndex == -1 && guid == StylusPointPropertyIds.NormalPressure)
pressureIndex = i + 2; //x,y have already been accounted for
continue; //we've already added pressure (above)
stylusPointPropertyInfos.Add(GetStylusPointPropertyInfo(guid, tags[i], block));
if (null != buttonguids)
// add the buttons to the end of the description if they exist
for (int i = 0; i < buttonguids.Length; i++)
StylusPointProperty buttonProperty = new StylusPointProperty(buttonguids[i], true);
StylusPointPropertyInfo buttonInfo = new StylusPointPropertyInfo(buttonProperty);
return new StylusPointDescription(stylusPointPropertyInfos, pressureIndex);
#endregion // Decoding
#region Encoding
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// This functions Saves the Ink as Ink Serialized Format based on the Compression code
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A byte[] with the encoded ISF</returns>
/// <summary>
/// This functions Saves the Ink as Ink Serialized Format based on the Compression code
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A byte[] with the encoded ISF</returns>
internal void EncodeISF(Stream outputStream)
_strokeLookupTable =
new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Stroke, StrokeLookupEntry>(_coreStrokes.Count);
// Next go through all the strokes
for (int i = 0; i < _coreStrokes.Count; i++)
_strokeLookupTable.Add(_coreStrokes[i], new StrokeLookupEntry());
// Initialize all Arraylists
_strokeDescriptorTable = new List<StrokeDescriptor>(_coreStrokes.Count);
_drawingAttributesTable = new List<DrawingAttributes>();
_metricTable = new List<MetricBlock>();
_transformTable = new List<TransformDescriptor>();
using (MemoryStream localStream = new MemoryStream(_coreStrokes.Count * 125)) //reasonable default
GuidList guidList = BuildGuidList();
uint cumulativeEncodedSize = 0;
uint localEncodedSize = 0;
byte xpData = (CurrentCompressionMode == CompressionMode.NoCompression) ? AlgoModule.NoCompression : AlgoModule.DefaultCompression;
foreach (Stroke s in _coreStrokes)
_strokeLookupTable[s].CompressionData = xpData;
// we need to get this data up front so that we can
// know if pressure was used (and thus if we need to add Pressure
// to the ISF packet description
int[][] isfReadyData;
bool shouldStorePressure;
s.StylusPoints.ToISFReadyArrays(out isfReadyData, out shouldStorePressure);
_strokeLookupTable[s].ISFReadyStrokeData = isfReadyData;
// this is our flag that ToISFReadyArrays sets if pressure was all default
_strokeLookupTable[s].StorePressure = shouldStorePressure;
// Store Ink space rectangle information if necessary and anything other than default
if (_inkSpaceRectangle != new Rect())
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
Rect inkSpaceRectangle = _inkSpaceRectangle;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.InkSpaceRectangle);
int i = (int)inkSpaceRectangle.Left;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.SignEncode(localStream, i);
i = (int)inkSpaceRectangle.Top;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.SignEncode(localStream, i);
i = (int)inkSpaceRectangle.Right;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.SignEncode(localStream, i);
i = (int)inkSpaceRectangle.Bottom;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.SignEncode(localStream, i);
// validate that the expected inkspace rectangle block in ISF was the actual size encoded
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace("Encoded InkSpaceRectangle: size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
// First prepare the compressor. Currently Compression is not supported.
// Next write the persistence format information if anything other than ISF
// Currently only ISF is implemented
if (PersistenceFormat.InkSerializedFormat != CurrentPersistenceFormat)
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.PersistenceFormat);
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, (uint)SerializationHelper.VarSize((uint)CurrentPersistenceFormat));
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, (uint)CurrentPersistenceFormat);
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace("Encoded PersistenceFormat: size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
// Future enhancement: store any size information if necessary such as GIF image size
// Now store the Custom Guids
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
cumulativeEncodedSize += guidList.Save(localStream);
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace("Encoded Custom Guid Table: size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
// Now build the tables
// first write the drawing attributes
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializeDrawingAttrsTable(localStream, guidList);
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace("Encoded DrawingAttributesTable: size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
// Next write the stroke descriptor table
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializePacketDescrTable(localStream);
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace("Encoded Packet Description: size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
// Write the metric table
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializeMetricTable(localStream);
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace("Encoded Metric Table: size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
// Write the transform table
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializeTransformTable(localStream);
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace("Encoded Transform Table: size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
// Save global ink properties
if (_coreStrokes.ExtendedProperties.Count > 0)
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
cumulativeEncodedSize += ExtendedPropertySerializer.EncodeAsISF(_coreStrokes.ExtendedProperties, localStream, guidList, GetCompressionAlgorithm(), true);
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace("Encoded Global Ink Attributes Table: size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
// Save stroke ids
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SaveStrokeIds(_coreStrokes, localStream, false);
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace("Encoded Stroke Id List: size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
StoreStrokeData(localStream, guidList, ref cumulativeEncodedSize, ref localEncodedSize);
ISFDebugTrace("Embedded ISF Stream size=" + cumulativeEncodedSize);
// Now that all data has been written we need to prepend the stream
long preEncodingPosition = outputStream.Position;
uint cbFinal = SerializationHelper.Encode(outputStream, (uint)0x00);
cbFinal += SerializationHelper.Encode(outputStream, cumulativeEncodedSize);
//we have to use localStream to encode ISF because we have to place a variable byte 'size of isf' at the
//beginning of the stream
outputStream.Write(localStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)cumulativeEncodedSize);
cbFinal += cumulativeEncodedSize;
ISFDebugTrace("Final ISF Stream size=" + cbFinal);
if (cbFinal != outputStream.Position - preEncodingPosition)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
/// <Summary>
/// Encodes all of the strokes in a strokecollection to ISF
/// </Summary>
/// <Summary>
/// Encodes all of the strokes in a strokecollection to ISF
/// </Summary>
private void StoreStrokeData(Stream localStream, GuidList guidList, ref uint cumulativeEncodedSize, ref uint localEncodedSize)
// Now we will save the stroke data
uint currentDrawingAttributesTableIndex = 0;
uint currentStrokeDescriptorTableIndex = 0;
uint uCurrMetricDescriptorTableIndex = 0;
uint currentTransformTableIndex = 0;
int[] strokeIds = StrokeIdGenerator.GetStrokeIds(_coreStrokes);
for (int i = 0; i < _coreStrokes.Count; i++)
Stroke s = _coreStrokes[i];
uint cbStroke = 0;
ISFDebugTrace("Encoding Stroke Id#" + strokeIds[i]);
// if the drawing attribute index is different from the current one, write it
if (currentDrawingAttributesTableIndex != _strokeLookupTable[s].DrawingAttributesTableIndex)
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.DrawingAttributesTableIndex);
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, _strokeLookupTable[s].DrawingAttributesTableIndex);
currentDrawingAttributesTableIndex = _strokeLookupTable[s].DrawingAttributesTableIndex;
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace(" Encoded DrawingAttribute Table Index: size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
// if the stroke descriptor index is different from the current one, write it
if (currentStrokeDescriptorTableIndex != _strokeLookupTable[s].StrokeDescriptorTableIndex)
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokeDescriptorTableIndex);
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, _strokeLookupTable[s].StrokeDescriptorTableIndex);
currentStrokeDescriptorTableIndex = _strokeLookupTable[s].StrokeDescriptorTableIndex;
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace(" Encoded Stroke Descriptor Index: size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
// if the metric table index is different from the current one, write it
if (uCurrMetricDescriptorTableIndex != _strokeLookupTable[s].MetricDescriptorTableIndex)
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.MetricTableIndex);
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, _strokeLookupTable[s].MetricDescriptorTableIndex);
uCurrMetricDescriptorTableIndex = _strokeLookupTable[s].MetricDescriptorTableIndex;
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace(" Encoded Metric Index: size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
// if the Transform index is different from the current one, write it
if (currentTransformTableIndex != _strokeLookupTable[s].TransformTableIndex)
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformTableIndex);
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, _strokeLookupTable[s].TransformTableIndex);
currentTransformTableIndex = _strokeLookupTable[s].TransformTableIndex;
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace(" Encoded Transform Index: size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
// now create a separate Memory Stream object which will be used for storing the saved stroke data temporarily
using (MemoryStream tempstrm = new MemoryStream(s.StylusPoints.Count * 5)) //good approximation based on profiling isf files
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize;
// Now save the stroke in the temp stream
cbStroke = StrokeSerializer.EncodeStroke(s, tempstrm, null/*we never use CompressionMode.Max)*/, GetCompressionAlgorithm(), guidList, _strokeLookupTable[s]);
cbStroke = StrokeSerializer.EncodeStroke(s, tempstrm, GetCompressionAlgorithm(), guidList, _strokeLookupTable[s]);
if (cbStroke != tempstrm.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Encoded stroke size != reported size"));
// Now write the tag KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.Stroke
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.Stroke);
ISFDebugTrace("Stroke size=" + tempstrm.Length);
// Now write the size of the stroke
cumulativeEncodedSize += SerializationHelper.Encode(localStream, cbStroke);
// Finally write the stroke data
localStream.Write(tempstrm.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)cbStroke);
cumulativeEncodedSize += cbStroke;
localEncodedSize = cumulativeEncodedSize - localEncodedSize;
if (localEncodedSize != 0)
ISFDebugTrace("Encoding Stroke Id#" + strokeIds[i] + " size=" + localEncodedSize);
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
if (cumulativeEncodedSize != localStream.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ISFDebugMessage("Calculated ISF stream size != actual stream size"));
/// <summary>
/// Saves the stroke Ids in the stream.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strokes"></param>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <param name="forceSave">save ids even if they are contiguous</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <summary>
/// Saves the stroke Ids in the stream.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strokes"></param>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <param name="forceSave">save ids even if they are contiguous</param>
internal static uint SaveStrokeIds(StrokeCollection strokes, Stream strm, bool forceSave)
if (0 == strokes.Count)
return 0;
// Define an ArrayList to store the stroke ids
int[] strkIds = StrokeIdGenerator.GetStrokeIds(strokes);
// First enumerate all strokes to collect the ids and also check if the follow the default sequence.
// If they do we don't save the stroke ids
bool fDefIds = true;
if (!forceSave)
// since the stroke allocation algorithm is i++, we check if any
// values are not equal to the sequential and consecutive list
for (int i = 0; i < strkIds.Length; i++)
if (strkIds[i] != (i + 1))
// if non-sequential or non-consecutive, then persist the ids
fDefIds = false;
// no need to store them if all of them follow the default sequence
if (fDefIds) return 0;
// The format is as follows
// <Tag.StrokeIds> <Encoded Size of Stroke Id data> <StrokeId Count> <Huff compressed array of longs>
// Encode size of stroke count
// First write the KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokeIds
uint cbWrote = SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokeIds);
ISFDebugTrace("Saved KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokeIds size=" + cbWrote.ToString());
// First findout the no of bytes required to huffman compress these ids
byte algorithm = AlgoModule.DefaultCompression;
byte[] data = Compressor.CompressPacketData(null, strkIds, ref algorithm);
byte[] data = Compressor.CompressPacketData(strkIds, ref algorithm);
if (data != null)
// First write the encoded size of the buffer
cbWrote += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)(data.Length + SerializationHelper.VarSize((uint)strokes.Count)));
// Write the count of ids
cbWrote += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)strokes.Count);
strm.Write(data, 0, (int)data.Length);
cbWrote += (uint)data.Length;
// If compression fails for some reason, write the uncompressed data
byte bCompAlgo = AlgoModule.NoCompression;
// Find out the size of the data + size of the id count
uint cbStrokeId = (uint)(strokes.Count * Native.SizeOfInt + 1 + SerializationHelper.VarSize((uint)strokes.Count)); // 1 is for the compression header
cbWrote += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, cbStrokeId);
cbWrote += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)strokes.Count);
// TODO: Use leaveOpen ctor
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(strm);
for (int i = 0; i < strkIds.Length; i++)
cbWrote += Native.SizeOfInt;
return cbWrote;
#region Private Methods
/// <summary>
/// Simple helper method to examine the first 7 members (if they exist)
/// of the byte[] and see if they have the ascii characters 'base64:' in them.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool IsBase64Data(Stream data)
Debug.Assert(data != null);
long currentPosition = data.Position;
if (data.Length < Base64HeaderBytes.Length)
return false;
for (int x = 0; x < Base64HeaderBytes.Length; x++)
if ((byte)data.ReadByte() != Base64HeaderBytes[x])
return false;
return true;
//reset position
data.Position = currentPosition;
/// <summary>
/// Builds the GuidList based on ExtendedPropeties and StrokeCollection
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private GuidList BuildGuidList()
GuidList guidList = new GuidList();
int i = 0;
// First go through the list of ink properties
ExtendedPropertyCollection attributes = _coreStrokes.ExtendedProperties;
for (i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++)
// Next go through all the strokes
for (int j = 0; j < _coreStrokes.Count; j++)
BuildStrokeGuidList(_coreStrokes[j], guidList);
return guidList;
/// <summary>
/// Builds the list of Custom Guids that were used by this particular stroke, either in the packet layout
/// or in the drawing attributes, or in the buttons or in Extended properties or in the point properties
/// and updates the guidlist with that information
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stroke"></param>
/// <param name="guidList"></param>
private void BuildStrokeGuidList(Stroke stroke, GuidList guidList)
int i = 0;
// First drawing attributes
// Ignore the default Guids/attributes in the DrawingAttributes
int count;
Guid[] guids = ExtendedPropertySerializer.GetUnknownGuids(stroke.DrawingAttributes.ExtendedProperties, out count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
Guid[] descriptionGuids = stroke.StylusPoints.Description.GetStylusPointPropertyIds();
for (i = 0; i < descriptionGuids.Length; i++)
if (stroke.ExtendedProperties.Count > 0)
// Add the ExtendedProperty guids in the list
for (i = 0; i < stroke.ExtendedProperties.Count; i++)
private byte GetCompressionAlgorithm()
if (CompressionMode.Compressed == CurrentCompressionMode)
return AlgoModule.DefaultCompression;
return AlgoModule.NoCompression;
/// <summary>
/// This function serializes Stroke Descriptor Table in the stream. For information on how they are serialized, please refer to the spec.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private uint SerializePacketDescrTable(Stream strm)
if (_strokeDescriptorTable.Count == 0)
return 0;
int count = 0;
uint cbData = 0;
// First add the appropriate header information
if (_strokeDescriptorTable.Count == 1)
StrokeDescriptor tmp = _strokeDescriptorTable[0];
// If there is no tag, that means default template and only one entry in the list. Return from here
if (tmp.Template.Count == 0)
return 0;
// Write it out directly
// First the tag
cbData += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokeDescriptorBlock);
// Now encode the descriptor itself
cbData += EncodeStrokeDescriptor(strm, tmp);
uint cbTotal = 0;
// First calculate the total encoded size of the all the Templates
for (count = 0; count < _strokeDescriptorTable.Count; count++)
cbTotal += SerializationHelper.VarSize((_strokeDescriptorTable[count]).Size) + (_strokeDescriptorTable[count]).Size;
// Now write the Tag
cbData += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.StrokeDescriptorTable);
cbData += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, cbTotal);
// Now write the encoded templates
for (count = 0; count < _strokeDescriptorTable.Count; count++)
cbData += EncodeStrokeDescriptor(strm, _strokeDescriptorTable[count]);
return cbData;
/// <summary>
/// This function serializes Metric Descriptor Table in the stream. For information on how they are serialized, please refer to the spec.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private uint SerializeMetricTable(Stream strm)
uint cSize = 0;
MetricBlock block;
if (0 == _metricTable.Count)
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _metricTable.Count; i++)
cSize += _metricTable[i].Size;
uint cbData = 0;
// if total size of the blocks is 1, then there is nothing to write
// the reason that the size of the blocks is 1 instead of 0 is because
// MetricBlock.Size returns the size of the block plus the byte encoded
// size value itself. If the MetricBlock size value is 0, then byte
// encoded size value is 0, which has a byte size of 1.
if (1 == cSize)
return 0;
else if (1 == _metricTable.Count)
cbData += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.MetricBlock);
cbData += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.MetricTable);
cbData += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, cSize);
for (int i = 0; i < _metricTable.Count; i++)
block = _metricTable[i];
cbData += block.Pack(strm);
return cbData;
/// <summary>
/// Multibyte Encodes a Stroke Descroptor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <param name="strd"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private uint EncodeStrokeDescriptor(Stream strm, StrokeDescriptor strd)
uint cbData = 0;
// First encode the size of the descriptor
cbData += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, strd.Size);
for (int count = 0; count < strd.Template.Count; count++)
// Now encode all members of the descriptor
cbData += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)strd.Template[count]);
return cbData;
/// <summary>
/// This function serializes Transform Descriptor Table in the stream. For information on how they are serialized, please refer to the spec.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private uint SerializeTransformTable(Stream strm)
// If there is only one entry in the TransformDescriptor table
// and it is the default descriptor, skip serialization of transforms
if (_transformTable.Count == 1 && _transformTable[0].Size == 0)
return 0;
uint floatTotal = 0;
uint doubleTotal = 0;
// First count the size of all transforms (handling both float && double versions)
for (int i = 0; i < _transformTable.Count; i++)
TransformDescriptor xform = _transformTable[i];
uint cbLocal = SerializationHelper.VarSize((uint)xform.Tag);
floatTotal += cbLocal;
doubleTotal += cbLocal;
if (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformRotate == xform.Tag)
cbLocal = SerializationHelper.VarSize((uint)(xform.Transform[0] + 0.5f));
floatTotal += cbLocal;
doubleTotal += cbLocal;
cbLocal = xform.Size * Native.SizeOfFloat;
floatTotal += cbLocal;
doubleTotal += cbLocal * 2;
uint cbTotal = 0;
// If there is only one entry in the TransformDescriptor table
if (_transformTable.Count == 1)
TransformDescriptor xform = _transformTable[0];
cbTotal = EncodeTransformDescriptor(strm, xform, false);
// Now first write the block descriptor and then write all transforms
cbTotal += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformTable);
cbTotal += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, floatTotal);
for (int i = 0; i < _transformTable.Count; i++)
cbTotal += EncodeTransformDescriptor(strm, _transformTable[i], false);
// now write the Extended Transform table (using doubles instead of floats)
{ // note that we do not distinguish between 1 and > 1 transforms for compression
// Now first write the block descriptor and then write all transforms
cbTotal += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.ExtendedTransformTable);
cbTotal += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, doubleTotal);
for (int i = 0; i < _transformTable.Count; i++)
cbTotal += EncodeTransformDescriptor(strm, _transformTable[i], true);
return cbTotal;
/// <summary>
/// Multibyte Encode if necessary a Transform Descriptor into the stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strm"></param>
/// <param name="xform"></param>
/// <param name="useDoubles"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private uint EncodeTransformDescriptor(Stream strm, TransformDescriptor xform, bool useDoubles)
uint cbData = 0;
// First encode the tag
cbData = SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)xform.Tag);
// Encode specially if transform denotes rotation
if (KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.TransformRotate == xform.Tag)
uint angle = (uint)(xform.Transform[0] + 0.5f);
cbData += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, angle);
// TODO: Use leaveOpen ctor
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(strm);
for (int i = 0; i < xform.Size; i++)
// note that the binary writer changes serialization
// lengths depending on the Write parameter cast
if (useDoubles)
cbData += Native.SizeOfDouble;
cbData += Native.SizeOfFloat;
return cbData;
/// <summary>
/// This function serializes Drawing Attributes Table in the stream. For information on how they are serialized, please refer to the spec.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream"></param>
/// <param name="guidList"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <summary>
/// This function serializes Drawing Attributes Table in the stream. For information on how they are serialized, please refer to the spec.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream"></param>
/// <param name="guidList"></param>
private uint SerializeDrawingAttrsTable(Stream stream, GuidList guidList)
uint totalSizeOfSerializedBytes = 0;
uint sizeOfHeaderInBytes = 0;
if (1 == _drawingAttributesTable.Count)
//we always serialize a single DA, even if it has default values so we will write width back to the stream
DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes = _drawingAttributesTable[0];
// There is single drawing attribute. Save it along with the size
totalSizeOfSerializedBytes += SerializationHelper.Encode(stream, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.DrawingAttributesBlock);
// Get the size of the saved bytes
using (MemoryStream drawingAttributeStream = new MemoryStream(16)) //reasonable default based onn profiling
sizeOfHeaderInBytes = DrawingAttributeSerializer.EncodeAsISF(drawingAttributes, drawingAttributeStream, guidList, 0, true);
// Write the size first
totalSizeOfSerializedBytes += SerializationHelper.Encode(stream, sizeOfHeaderInBytes);
// write the data
uint bytesWritten = Convert.ToUInt32(drawingAttributeStream.Position);
totalSizeOfSerializedBytes += bytesWritten;
Debug.Assert(sizeOfHeaderInBytes == bytesWritten);
stream.Write( drawingAttributeStream.GetBuffer(), //returns a direct ref, no copied
// Temporarily declare an array to hold the size of the saved drawing attributes
uint[] sizes = new uint[_drawingAttributesTable.Count];
MemoryStream[] drawingAttributeStreams = new MemoryStream[_drawingAttributesTable.Count];
// First calculate the size of each attribute
for (int i = 0; i < _drawingAttributesTable.Count; i++)
DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes = _drawingAttributesTable[i];
drawingAttributeStreams[i] = new MemoryStream(16); //reasonable default based on profiling
sizes[i] = DrawingAttributeSerializer.EncodeAsISF(drawingAttributes, drawingAttributeStreams[i], guidList, 0, true);
sizeOfHeaderInBytes += SerializationHelper.VarSize(sizes[i]) + sizes[i];
// Now write the KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.DrawingAttributesTable first, then sizeOfHeaderInBytes and then individual Drawing Attributes
totalSizeOfSerializedBytes = SerializationHelper.Encode(stream, (uint)KnownTagCache.KnownTagIndex.DrawingAttributesTable);
totalSizeOfSerializedBytes += SerializationHelper.Encode(stream, sizeOfHeaderInBytes);
for (int i = 0; i < _drawingAttributesTable.Count; i++)
DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes = _drawingAttributesTable[i];
// write the size of the block
totalSizeOfSerializedBytes += SerializationHelper.Encode(stream, sizes[i]);
// write the saved data
uint bytesWritten = Convert.ToUInt32(drawingAttributeStreams[i].Position);
totalSizeOfSerializedBytes += bytesWritten;
Debug.Assert(sizes[i] == bytesWritten);
stream.Write( drawingAttributeStreams[i].GetBuffer(), //returns a direct ref, no copies
return totalSizeOfSerializedBytes;
/// <summary>
/// This function builds list of all unique Tables, ie Stroke Descriptor Table, Metric Descriptor Table, Transform Descriptor Table
/// and Drawing Attributes Table based on all the strokes. Each entry in the Table is unique with respect to the table.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guidList"></param>
private void BuildTables(GuidList guidList)
int count = 0;
for (count = 0; count < _coreStrokes.Count; count++)
Stroke stroke = _coreStrokes[count];
// First get the updated descriptor from the stroke
StrokeDescriptor strokeDescriptor;
MetricBlock metricBlock;
StrokeSerializer.BuildStrokeDescriptor(stroke, guidList, _strokeLookupTable[stroke], out strokeDescriptor, out metricBlock);
bool fMatch = false;
// Compare this with all the global stroke descriptor for a match
for (int descriptorIndex = 0; descriptorIndex < _strokeDescriptorTable.Count; descriptorIndex++)
if (strokeDescriptor.IsEqual(_strokeDescriptorTable[descriptorIndex]))
fMatch = true;
_strokeLookupTable[stroke].StrokeDescriptorTableIndex = (uint)descriptorIndex;
if (false == fMatch)
_strokeLookupTable[stroke].StrokeDescriptorTableIndex = (uint)_strokeDescriptorTable.Count - 1;
// If there is at least one entry in the metric block, check if the current Block is equvalent to
// any of the existing one.
fMatch = false;
for (int tmp = 0; tmp < _metricTable.Count; tmp++)
MetricBlock block = _metricTable[tmp];
SetType type = SetType.SubSet;
if (block.CompareMetricBlock(metricBlock, ref type))
// This entry exists in the list. If it is a subset of the element, do nothing.
// Otherwise, replace the entry with this one
if (type == SetType.SuperSet)
_metricTable[tmp] = metricBlock;
fMatch = true;
_strokeLookupTable[stroke].MetricDescriptorTableIndex = (uint)tmp;
if (false == fMatch)
_strokeLookupTable[stroke].MetricDescriptorTableIndex = (uint)(_metricTable.Count - 1);
// Now build the Transform Table
fMatch = false;
// always identity
TransformDescriptor xform = StrokeCollectionSerializer.IdentityTransformDescriptor;
// First check to see if this matches with any existing Transform Blocks
for (int i = 0; i < _transformTable.Count; i++)
if (true == xform.Compare(_transformTable[i]))
fMatch = true;
_strokeLookupTable[stroke].TransformTableIndex = (uint)i;
if (false == fMatch)
_strokeLookupTable[stroke].TransformTableIndex = (uint)(_transformTable.Count - 1);
// Now build the drawing attributes table
fMatch = false;
DrawingAttributes drattrs = _coreStrokes[count].DrawingAttributes;
// First check to see if this matches with any existing transform blocks
for (int i = 0; i < _drawingAttributesTable.Count; i++)
if (true == drattrs.Equals(_drawingAttributesTable[i]))
fMatch = true;
_strokeLookupTable[stroke].DrawingAttributesTableIndex = (uint)i;
if (false == fMatch)
_strokeLookupTable[stroke].DrawingAttributesTableIndex = (uint)_drawingAttributesTable.Count - 1;
#endregion // Private Methods
internal class StrokeLookupEntry
internal uint MetricDescriptorTableIndex = 0;
internal uint StrokeDescriptorTableIndex = 0;
internal uint TransformTableIndex = 0;
internal uint DrawingAttributesTableIndex = 0;
// Compression algorithm data
internal byte CompressionData = 0;
internal int[][] ISFReadyStrokeData = null;
internal bool StorePressure = false;
#endregion // Encoding
#region Debugging Methods
static void ISFDebugTrace(string message)
// [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("DEBUG_ISF")]
internal static string ISFDebugMessage(string debugMessage)
return debugMessage;
return SR.IsfOperationFailed;
#region Private Fields
StrokeCollection _coreStrokes;
private System.Collections.Generic.List<StrokeDescriptor> _strokeDescriptorTable = null;
private System.Collections.Generic.List<TransformDescriptor> _transformTable = null;
private System.Collections.Generic.List<DrawingAttributes> _drawingAttributesTable = null;
private System.Collections.Generic.List<MetricBlock> _metricTable = null;
private Vector _himetricSize = new Vector(0.0f, 0.0f);
// The ink space rectangle (e.g. bounding box for GIF) is stored
// with the serialization info so that load/save roundtrip the
// rectangle
private Rect _inkSpaceRectangle = new Rect();
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Stroke, StrokeLookupEntry> _strokeLookupTable = null;
/// <summary>
/// Simple static method for generating StrokeIds
/// </summary>
internal static class StrokeIdGenerator
/// <summary>
/// Generates backwards compatible StrokeID's for the strokes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strokes">strokes</param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static int[] GetStrokeIds(StrokeCollection strokes)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(strokes != null);
int[] strokeIds = new int[strokes.Count];
for (int x = 0; x < strokeIds.Length; x++)
//stroke ID's are 1 based (1,2,3...)
strokeIds[x] = x + 1;
return strokeIds;