File: Interop\WeakComHandle.cs
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Project: src\src\VisualStudio\Core\Def\Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices_zuuaqqql_wpftmp.csproj (Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.Interop;
internal readonly struct WeakComHandle<THandle, TObject>
    where THandle : class
    where TObject : class, THandle
    // NOTE: The logic here is a little bit tricky.  We can't just keep a WeakReference to
    // something like a ComHandle, since it's not something that our clients keep alive.
    // instead, we keep a weak reference to the inner managed object, which we know will
    // always be alive if the outer aggregate is alive.  We can't just keep a WeakReference
    // to the RCW for the outer object either, since in cases where we have a DCOM or native
    // client, the RCW will be cleaned up, even though there is still a native reference
    // to the underlying native outer object.
    // Instead we make use of an implementation detail of the way the CLR's COM aggregation 
    // works.  Namely, if all references to the aggregated object are released, the CLR 
    // responds to QI's for IUnknown with a different object.  So, we store the original
    // value, when we know that we have a client, and then we use that to compare to see
    // if we still have a client alive.
    // NOTE: This is _NOT_ AddRef'd.  We use it just to store the integer value of the
    // IUnknown for comparison purposes.
    private readonly WeakReference _managedObjectWeakReference;
    private readonly IntPtr _pUnkOfInnerUnknownWhenAlive;
    public WeakComHandle(THandle comAggregateObject)
        if (comAggregateObject == null)
            _managedObjectWeakReference = null;
            _pUnkOfInnerUnknownWhenAlive = IntPtr.Zero;
        var pUnk = IntPtr.Zero;
        var managedObject = ComAggregate.GetManagedObject<TObject>(comAggregateObject);
            pUnk = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(managedObject);
            _pUnkOfInnerUnknownWhenAlive = pUnk;
            if (pUnk != IntPtr.Zero)
        _managedObjectWeakReference = new WeakReference(managedObject);
    public WeakComHandle(ComHandle<THandle, TObject> handle)
        var pUnk = IntPtr.Zero;
            pUnk = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(handle.Object);
            _pUnkOfInnerUnknownWhenAlive = pUnk;
            if (pUnk != IntPtr.Zero)
        _managedObjectWeakReference = new WeakReference(handle.Object);
    public THandle ComAggregateObject
            // This is pretty fragile code, watch carefully for race conditions!
            var pUnk = IntPtr.Zero;
                if (_managedObjectWeakReference == null)
                    return null;
                // Copy target locally to make sure other thread won't delete it before we use it
                var target = _managedObjectWeakReference.Target;
                if (target == null)
                    return null;
                pUnk = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(target);
                if (pUnk == _pUnkOfInnerUnknownWhenAlive)
                    // QueryInterface on COM aggregate might fail during shutdown, so we 
                    // defensively use "as" instead of casting (see Dev10 816848).
                    return Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(pUnk) as THandle;
                    return null;
                if (pUnk != IntPtr.Zero)
    internal bool TryGetManagedObjectWithoutCaringWhetherNativeObjectIsAlive(out TObject managedObject)
        // NOTE: Only use this method if you do NOT care whether the native ComAggregate
        // object has already been released.
        if (_managedObjectWeakReference == null)
            managedObject = null;
            return false;
        managedObject = _managedObjectWeakReference.Target as TObject;
        return managedObject != null;
    public ComHandle<THandle, TObject>? ComHandle
            var rcw = this.ComAggregateObject;
            if (rcw == null)
                return null;
            Debug.Assert(_managedObjectWeakReference != null);
            if (_managedObjectWeakReference.Target is TObject managedObject)
                // Construct a new ComHandle without going through the cycle of unwrapping
                // the managed object from the rcw, that has shown to be a perf concern for 
                // progression (see Dev10 Bug 628992).
                return new ComHandle<THandle, TObject>(rcw, managedObject);
                // We fall back to trying to unwrap the managed object out of the rcw, but
                // the Weakref to the managed object shouldn't go null if the rcw is still
                // alive, should it?
                Debug.Fail("Can this really happen?");
                return new ComHandle<THandle, TObject>(rcw);
    public bool IsAlive()
        if (_managedObjectWeakReference == null)
            return false;
        return _managedObjectWeakReference.IsAlive;