// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.Interop;
internal static class ComAggregate
/// <summary>
/// This method creates a native COM object that aggregates the passed in managed object.
/// The reason we need to do this is to enable legacy managed code that expects managed casts
/// expressions to perform a QI on the COM object wrapped by an RCW. These clients are relying
/// on the fact that COM type equality is based on GUID, whereas type equality is identity in
/// the managed world.
/// Example: IMethodXML is defined many times throughout VS and used by many managed clients
/// dealing with CodeFunction objects. If the CodeFunction objects they deal with are
/// direct references to managed objects, then casts operations are managed casts
/// (as opposed to QI calls), and they fail, since the managed type for IMethodXML
/// have different identity (since they are defined in different assemblies). The QI
/// works, since under the hood, the casts operations are converted to QI with
/// a GUID which is shared between all these types.
/// The solution to this is to return to these managed clients a native object,
/// which wraps the managed implementation of these interface using aggregation.
/// This means the interfaces will be obtained through QI, while the implementation
/// will be forwarded to the managed implementation.
/// </summary>
internal static object CreateAggregatedObject(object managedObject)
=> WrapperPolicy.CreateAggregatedObject(managedObject);
/// <summary>
/// Return the RCW for the native IComWrapperFixed instance aggregating "managedObject"
/// if there is one. Return "null" if "managedObject" is not aggregated.
/// </summary>
internal static IComWrapperFixed? TryGetWrapper(object managedObject)
=> WrapperPolicy.TryGetWrapper(managedObject);
internal static T GetManagedObject<T>(object value) where T : class
Contract.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
if (value is IComWrapperFixed wrapper)
return GetManagedObject<T>(wrapper);
Debug.Assert(value is T, "Why are you casting an object to an reference type it doesn't support?");
return (T)value;
internal static T GetManagedObject<T>(IComWrapperFixed comWrapper) where T : class
Contract.ThrowIfNull(comWrapper, "comWrapper");
var handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(comWrapper.GCHandlePtr);
var target = handle.Target;
Contract.ThrowIfNull(target, "target");
Debug.Assert(target is T, "Why are you casting an object to an reference type it doesn't support?");
return (T)target;
internal static T? TryGetManagedObject<T>(object? value) where T : class
if (value is IComWrapperFixed wrapper)
return TryGetManagedObject<T>(wrapper);
return value as T;
internal static T? TryGetManagedObject<T>(IComWrapperFixed comWrapper) where T : class
if (comWrapper == null)
return null;
var handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(comWrapper.GCHandlePtr);
return handle.Target as T;