47 references to MsgBoxStyle
Microsoft.VisualBasic (1)
Microsoft.VisualBasic.cs (1)
64[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxStyle))]
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core (40)
Microsoft\VisualBasic\Constants.vb (38)
118Public Const vbOKOnly As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly 119Public Const vbOKCancel As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel 120Public Const vbAbortRetryIgnore As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.AbortRetryIgnore 121Public Const vbYesNoCancel As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel 122Public Const vbYesNo As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.YesNo 123Public Const vbRetryCancel As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.RetryCancel 124Public Const vbCritical As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.Critical 125Public Const vbQuestion As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.Question 126Public Const vbExclamation As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation 127Public Const vbInformation As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.Information 128Public Const vbDefaultButton1 As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton1 129Public Const vbDefaultButton2 As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton2 130Public Const vbDefaultButton3 As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton3 131Public Const vbApplicationModal As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.ApplicationModal 132Public Const vbSystemModal As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.SystemModal 133Public Const vbMsgBoxHelp As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxHelp 134Public Const vbMsgBoxRight As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxRight 135Public Const vbMsgBoxRtlReading As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxRtlReading 136Public Const vbMsgBoxSetForeground As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxSetForeground
Microsoft\VisualBasic\Interaction.vb (2)
133Public Function MsgBox(ByVal Prompt As Object, Optional ByVal Buttons As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, Optional ByVal Title As Object = Nothing) As MsgBoxResult
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Forms (5)
Microsoft\VisualBasic\Interaction.vb (5)
237Public Function MsgBox(Prompt As Object, Buttons As MsgBoxStyle, Title As Object) As MsgBoxResult 253If ((Buttons And &HFI) > MsgBoxStyle.RetryCancel) _ 254OrElse ((Buttons And &HF0I) > MsgBoxStyle.Information) _ 255OrElse ((Buttons And &HF00I) > MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton3) Then 256Buttons = MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly
VisualBasicRuntimeTest (1)
Program.cs (1)
76Interaction.MsgBox(Prompt: "Message", Buttons: MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel, Title: "Title");