34 interfaces inheriting from IView
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Maui (1)
IBlazorWebView.cs (1)
11 public interface IBlazorWebView : IView
Microsoft.Maui (31)
Core\IActivityIndicator.cs (1)
8 public interface IActivityIndicator : IView
Core\IButton.cs (1)
6 public interface IButton : IView, IPadding, IButtonStroke
Core\ICheckBox.cs (1)
8 public interface ICheckBox : IView
Core\IContentView.cs (1)
8 public interface IContentView : IView, IPadding, ICrossPlatformLayout
Core\IDatePicker.cs (1)
8 public interface IDatePicker : IView, ITextStyle
Core\IEditor.cs (1)
6 public interface IEditor : IView, ITextInput, ITextStyle, ITextAlignment
Core\IEntry.cs (1)
6 public interface IEntry : IView, ITextInput, ITextAlignment
Core\IFlyoutView.cs (1)
7 public interface IFlyoutView : IView
Core\IGraphicsView.cs (1)
8 public interface IGraphicsView : IView
Core\IHybridWebView.cs (1)
8 public interface IHybridWebView : IView
Core\IImage.cs (1)
10 public interface IImage : IView, IImageSourcePart
Core\IIndicatorView.cs (1)
8 public interface IIndicatorView : IView
Core\ILabel.cs (1)
6 public interface ILabel : IView, IText, ITextAlignment, IPadding
Core\ILayout.cs (1)
9 public interface ILayout : IView, IContainer, ISafeAreaView, IPadding, ICrossPlatformLayout
Core\IPicker.cs (1)
10 public interface IPicker : IView, ITextStyle, ITextAlignment, IItemDelegate<string>
Core\IProgress.cs (1)
9 public interface IProgress : IView
Core\IRadioButton.cs (1)
6 public interface IRadioButton : IView, ITextStyle, IContentView, IButtonStroke
Core\IRange.cs (1)
6 public interface IRange : IView
Core\IRefreshView.cs (1)
8 public interface IRefreshView : IView
Core\ISearchBar.cs (1)
8 public interface ISearchBar : IView, ITextInput, ITextAlignment
Core\IShapeView.cs (1)
8 public interface IShapeView : IView, IStroke
Core\ISlider.cs (1)
8 public interface ISlider : IView, IRange
Core\IStackNavigationView.cs (1)
8 public interface IStackNavigationView : IView, IStackNavigation
Core\IStepper.cs (1)
7 public interface IStepper : IView, IRange
Core\ISwitch.cs (1)
8 public interface ISwitch : IView
Core\ITabbedView.cs (1)
7 public interface ITabbedView : IView
Core\ITextButton.cs (1)
6 public interface ITextButton : IView, IButton, IText
Core\ITimePicker.cs (1)
8 public interface ITimePicker : IView, ITextStyle
Core\ITitleBar.cs (1)
8 public interface ITitleBar : IView, IContentView
Core\IWebView.cs (1)
9 public interface IWebView : IView
HotReload\IHotReloadableView.cs (1)
7 public interface IHotReloadableView : IReplaceableView, IView
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (1)
IControlsVisualElement.cs (1)
6 internal interface IControlsVisualElement : IControlsElement, IView
Microsoft.Maui.Maps (1)
Core\IMap.cs (1)
9 public interface IMap : IView
6 implementations of IView
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (6)
Frame\Frame.cs (1)
11 public partial class Frame : ContentView, IElementConfiguration<Frame>, IPaddingElement, IBorderElement, IView, IContentView
LegacyLayouts\Layout.cs (1)
93 public abstract class Layout : View, ILayout, ILayoutController, IPaddingElement, IView, IVisualTreeElement, IInputTransparentContainerElement
LegacyLayouts\StackLayout.cs (1)
11 public class StackLayout : Layout<View>, IElementConfiguration<StackLayout>, IView
Page\Page.cs (1)
24 public partial class Page : VisualElement, ILayout, IPageController, IElementConfiguration<Page>, IPaddingElement, ISafeAreaView, ISafeAreaView2, IView, ITitledElement, IToolbarElement
View\View.cs (1)
20 public partial class View : VisualElement, IViewController, IGestureController, IGestureRecognizers, IView, IPropertyMapperView, IHotReloadableView, IControlsView
VisualElement\VisualElement.cs (1)
25 public partial class VisualElement : NavigableElement, IAnimatable, IVisualElementController, IResourcesProvider, IStyleElement, IFlowDirectionController, IPropertyPropagationController, IVisualController, IWindowController, IView, IControlsVisualElement
561 references to IView
Microsoft.Maui (276)
Core\Extensions\VisualTreeElementExtensions.cs (1)
320 if (visualElement is IView view && view.Handler is not null)
Core\IAbsoluteLayout.cs (2)
16 Rect GetLayoutBounds(IView view); 23 AbsoluteLayoutFlags GetLayoutFlags(IView view);
Core\IAdorner.cs (2)
15 /// Gets the underlying <see cref="IView"/> that makes up the border. 17 IView VisualView { get; }
Core\IButton.cs (1)
4 /// Represents a <see cref="IView"/> that reacts to touch events.
Core\IContainer.cs (1)
8 public interface IContainer : IList<IView>
Core\IContentView.cs (1)
18 IView? PresentedContent { get; }
Core\IEntry.cs (1)
4 /// Represents a <see cref="IView"/> that is used for single-line text input.
Core\IFlexLayout.cs (6)
47 int GetOrder(IView view); 55 float GetGrow(IView view); 62 float GetShrink(IView view); 69 FlexAlignSelf GetAlignSelf(IView view); 76 FlexBasis GetBasis(IView view); 78 Rect GetFlexFrame(IView view);
Core\IFlyoutView.cs (2)
12 IView Flyout { get; } 17 IView Detail { get; }
Core\IGridLayout.cs (4)
37 int GetRow(IView view); 44 int GetRowSpan(IView view); 51 int GetColumn(IView view); 58 int GetColumnSpan(IView view);
Core\IRefreshView.cs (1)
23 IView Content { get; }
Core\IReplaceableView.cs (1)
5 IView ReplacedView { get; }
Core\IStackNavigation.cs (1)
11 void NavigationFinished(IReadOnlyList<IView> newStack);
Core\ITitleBar.cs (1)
14 IList<IView> PassthroughElements { get; }
Core\IWindow.cs (1)
15 IView? Content { get; }
Handlers\Border\BorderHandler.cs (1)
80 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.Background"/> property to the platform-specific implementations.
Handlers\GraphicsView\GraphicsViewHandler.cs (2)
15 [nameof(IView.Background)] = MapBackground, 17 [nameof(IView.FlowDirection)] = MapFlowDirection
Handlers\IViewHandler.cs (1)
23 new IView? VirtualView { get; }
Handlers\Layout\ILayoutHandler.cs (5)
20 void Add(IView view); 21 void Remove(IView view); 23 void Insert(int index, IView view); 24 void Update(int index, IView view); 25 void UpdateZIndex(IView view);
Handlers\Layout\LayoutExtensions.cs (3)
8 public static IOrderedEnumerable<IView> OrderByZIndex(this ILayout layout) => layout.OrderBy(v => v.ZIndex); 10 public static int GetLayoutHandlerIndex(this ILayout layout, IView view) 26 var child = layout[i];
Handlers\Layout\LayoutHandler.cs (2)
56 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.Background"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 120 if (arg is IView view)
Handlers\Layout\LayoutHandler.Standard.cs (5)
9 public void Add(IView view) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 10 public void Remove(IView view) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 12 public void Insert(int index, IView view) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 13 public void Update(int index, IView view) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 14 public void UpdateZIndex(IView view) => throw new NotImplementedException();
Handlers\Layout\LayoutHandlerUpdate.cs (1)
8 public record LayoutHandlerUpdate(int Index, IView View);
Handlers\RefreshView\RefreshViewHandler.cs (2)
22 [nameof(IView.Background)] = MapBackground, 23 [nameof(IView.IsEnabled)] = MapIsEnabled,
Handlers\RefreshView\RefreshViewHandler.Standard.cs (1)
23 public static void MapRefreshViewBackground(IRefreshViewHandler handler, IView view)
Handlers\SwipeItemMenuItem\SwipeItemMenuItemHandler.cs (1)
23 [nameof(IView.Background)] = MapBackground,
Handlers\View\ViewHandler.cs (109)
17 /// Base class for handlers that manage views which implement <see cref="IView"/>. 26 public static IPropertyMapper<IView, IViewHandler> ViewMapper = 31 new PropertyMapper<IView, IViewHandler>(ElementHandler.ElementMapper) 34 [nameof(IView.AutomationId)] = MapAutomationId, 35 [nameof(IView.Clip)] = MapClip, 36 [nameof(IView.Shadow)] = MapShadow, 37 [nameof(IView.Visibility)] = MapVisibility, 38 [nameof(IView.Background)] = MapBackground, 39 [nameof(IView.FlowDirection)] = MapFlowDirection, 40 [nameof(IView.Width)] = MapWidth, 41 [nameof(IView.Height)] = MapHeight, 42 [nameof(IView.MinimumHeight)] = MapMinimumHeight, 43 [nameof(IView.MaximumHeight)] = MapMaximumHeight, 44 [nameof(IView.MinimumWidth)] = MapMinimumWidth, 45 [nameof(IView.MaximumWidth)] = MapMaximumWidth, 46 [nameof(IView.IsEnabled)] = MapIsEnabled, 47 [nameof(IView.Opacity)] = MapOpacity, 48 [nameof(IView.Semantics)] = MapSemantics, 49 [nameof(IView.TranslationX)] = MapTranslationX, 50 [nameof(IView.TranslationY)] = MapTranslationY, 51 [nameof(IView.Scale)] = MapScale, 52 [nameof(IView.ScaleX)] = MapScaleX, 53 [nameof(IView.ScaleY)] = MapScaleY, 54 [nameof(IView.Rotation)] = MapRotation, 55 [nameof(IView.RotationX)] = MapRotationX, 56 [nameof(IView.RotationY)] = MapRotationY, 57 [nameof(IView.AnchorX)] = MapAnchorX, 58 [nameof(IView.AnchorY)] = MapAnchorY, 66 [nameof(IView.InputTransparent)] = MapInputTransparent, 82 public static CommandMapper<IView, IViewHandler> ViewCommandMapper = new() 84 [nameof(IView.InvalidateMeasure)] = MapInvalidateMeasure, 85 [nameof(IView.Frame)] = MapFrame, 86 [nameof(IView.ZIndex)] = MapZIndex, 87 [nameof(IView.Focus)] = MapFocus, 88 [nameof(IView.Unfocus)] = MapUnfocus, 171 public new IView? VirtualView 173 get => (IView?)base.VirtualView; 221 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.Width"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 224 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 225 public static void MapWidth(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 231 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.Height"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 234 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 235 public static void MapHeight(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 241 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.MinimumHeight"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 244 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 245 public static void MapMinimumHeight(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 251 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.MaximumHeight"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 254 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 255 public static void MapMaximumHeight(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 261 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.MinimumWidth"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 264 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 265 public static void MapMinimumWidth(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 271 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.MaximumWidth"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 274 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 275 public static void MapMaximumWidth(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 281 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.IsEnabled"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 284 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 285 public static void MapIsEnabled(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 291 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.Visibility"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 294 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 295 public static void MapVisibility(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 304 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.Background"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 307 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 308 public static void MapBackground(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 327 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.FlowDirection"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 330 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 331 public static void MapFlowDirection(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 337 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.Opacity"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 340 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 341 public static void MapOpacity(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 354 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.AutomationId"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 357 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 358 public static void MapAutomationId(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 364 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.Clip"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 367 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 368 public static void MapClip(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 376 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.Shadow"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 379 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 380 public static void MapShadow(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 387 static partial void MappingSemantics(IViewHandler handler, IView view); 390 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.Semantics"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 393 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 394 public static void MapSemantics(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 401 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.InvalidateMeasure"/> method to the platform-specific implementations. 404 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 406 public static void MapInvalidateMeasure(IViewHandler handler, IView view, object? args) 415 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 416 public static void MapContainerView(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 427 handler.UpdateValue(nameof(IView.Visibility)); 440 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 441 public static void MapBorderView(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 449 static partial void MappingFrame(IViewHandler handler, IView view); 452 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.Frame"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 455 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 457 public static void MapFrame(IViewHandler handler, IView view, object? args) 463 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.ZIndex"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 466 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 468 public static void MapZIndex(IViewHandler handler, IView view, object? args) 477 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.Focus"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 480 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 482 public static void MapFocus(IViewHandler handler, IView view, object? args) 491 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.InputTransparent"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 494 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 495 public static void MapInputTransparent(IViewHandler handler, IView view) 516 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView.Unfocus"/> method to the platform-specific implementations. 519 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 521 public static void MapUnfocus(IViewHandler handler, IView view, object? args) 530 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 531 public static void MapToolTip(IViewHandler handler, IView view)
Handlers\View\ViewHandler.Standard.cs (23)
9 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 10 public static void MapTranslationX(IViewHandler handler, IView view) { } 16 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 17 public static void MapTranslationY(IViewHandler handler, IView view) { } 23 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 24 public static void MapScale(IViewHandler handler, IView view) { } 30 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 31 public static void MapScaleX(IViewHandler handler, IView view) { } 37 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 38 public static void MapScaleY(IViewHandler handler, IView view) { } 44 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 45 public static void MapRotation(IViewHandler handler, IView view) { } 51 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 52 public static void MapRotationX(IViewHandler handler, IView view) { } 58 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 59 public static void MapRotationY(IViewHandler handler, IView view) { } 65 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 66 public static void MapAnchorX(IViewHandler handler, IView view) { } 72 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 73 public static void MapAnchorY(IViewHandler handler, IView view) { } 76 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IView"/> to the platform-specific implementations of a <see cref="IContextFlyoutElement"/>. 80 /// <param name="view">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 81 public static void MapContextFlyout(IViewHandler handler, IView view) { }
Handlers\View\ViewHandlerOfT.cs (4)
17 where TVirtualView : class, IView 46 IView? IViewHandler.VirtualView => base.VirtualView; 52 public virtual void SetVirtualView(IView view) => 56 SetVirtualView((IView)view);
Hosting\MauiHandlersCollectionExtensions.cs (1)
100 where TType : IView
HotReload\HotReloadExtensions.cs (2)
13 public static void CheckHandlers(this IView? view) 33 foreach (var v in layout)
HotReload\HotReloadHelper.cs (5)
58 public static bool IsReplacedView(IHotReloadableView view, IView newView) 74 public static IView GetReplacedView(IHotReloadableView view) 91 var newView = (IView)(parameters?.Length > 0 ? Activator.CreateInstance(newViewType, args: parameters) : Activator.CreateInstance(newViewType))!; 111 static void TransferState(IHotReloadableView oldView, IView newView)
HotReload\IHotReloadableView.cs (1)
10 void TransferState(IView newView);
Layouts\AbsoluteLayoutManager.cs (2)
29 var child = AbsoluteLayout[n]; 70 var child = AbsoluteLayout[n];
Layouts\FlexLayoutManager.cs (2)
27 foreach (var child in FlexLayout) 55 foreach (var child in FlexLayout)
Layouts\GridLayoutManager.cs (6)
38 foreach (var view in Grid) 76 readonly IView[] _childrenToLayOut; 123 _childrenToLayOut = new IView[gridChildCount]; 201 var view = _childrenToLayOut[n]; 250 public Rect GetCellBoundsFor(IView view, double xOffset, double yOffset) 382 var child = _childrenToLayOut[cell.ViewIndex];
Layouts\HorizontalStackLayoutManager.cs (3)
22 var child = Stack[n]; 60 var child = Stack[n]; 81 static double ArrangeChild(IView child, double height, double top, double x)
Layouts\LayoutExtensions.cs (7)
11 public static Size ComputeDesiredSize(this IView view, double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint) 34 public static Rect ComputeFrame(this IView view, Rect bounds) 72 static double AlignHorizontal(IView view, Rect bounds, Thickness margin) 109 static double AlignVertical(IView view, Rect bounds, Thickness margin) 147 var content = contentView.PresentedContent; 185 public static Size AdjustForFill(this Size size, Rect bounds, IView view) 212 var presentedContent = contentView.PresentedContent;
Layouts\VerticalStackLayoutManager.cs (2)
23 var child = Stack[n]; 56 var child = Stack[n];
Platform\Standard\ViewExtensions.cs (32)
7 public static void UpdateIsEnabled(this object platformView, IView view) { } 11 public static void Unfocus(this object platformView, IView view) { } 13 public static void UpdateVisibility(this object platformView, IView view) { } 18 public static void UpdateBackground(this object platformView, IView view) { } 20 public static void UpdateClipsToBounds(this object platformView, IView view) { } 22 public static void UpdateAutomationId(this object platformView, IView view) { } 24 public static void UpdateClip(this object platformView, IView view) { } 26 public static void UpdateShadow(this object platformView, IView view) { } 28 public static void UpdateBorder(this object platformView, IView view) { } 30 public static void UpdateOpacity(this object platformView, IView view) { } 34 public static void UpdateSemantics(this object platformView, IView view) { } 36 public static void UpdateFlowDirection(this object platformView, IView view) { } 38 public static void UpdateTranslationX(this object platformView, IView view) { } 40 public static void UpdateTranslationY(this object platformView, IView view) { } 42 public static void UpdateScale(this object platformView, IView view) { } 44 public static void UpdateRotation(this object platformView, IView view) { } 46 public static void UpdateRotationX(this object platformView, IView view) { } 48 public static void UpdateRotationY(this object platformView, IView view) { } 50 public static void UpdateAnchorX(this object platformView, IView view) { } 52 public static void UpdateAnchorY(this object platformView, IView view) { } 54 public static void InvalidateMeasure(this object platformView, IView view) { } 56 public static void UpdateWidth(this object platformView, IView view) { } 58 public static void UpdateHeight(this object platformView, IView view) { } 60 public static void UpdateMinimumHeight(this object platformView, IView view) { } 62 public static void UpdateMaximumHeight(this object platformView, IView view) { } 64 public static void UpdateMinimumWidth(this object platformView, IView view) { } 66 public static void UpdateMaximumWidth(this object platformView, IView view) { } 68 internal static Graphics.Rect GetPlatformViewBounds(this IView view) => view.Frame; 70 internal static System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 GetViewTransform(this IView view) => new System.Numerics.Matrix4x4(); 74 internal static Graphics.Rect GetBoundingBox(this IView view) => view.Frame; 81 internal static IWindow? GetHostedWindow(this IView? view) 84 public static void UpdateInputTransparent(this object nativeView, IViewHandler handler, IView view) { }
Platform\ViewExtensions.cs (1)
43 public static IPlatformViewHandler ToHandler(this IView view, IMauiContext context) =>
Primitives\LayoutAlignment.cs (1)
6 /// Determines the position and size of an <see cref="IView"/> when arranged in a parent element.
Primitives\NavigationRequestedEventArgs.cs (2)
7 public IReadOnlyList<IView> NavigationStack { get; } 9 public NavigationRequest(IReadOnlyList<IView> newNavigationStack, bool animated)
SemanticExtensions.cs (1)
24 public static void SetSemanticFocus(this IView element)
SoftInputExtensions.cs (2)
119 [NotNullWhen(true)] out IView? view) 121 if (textInput is not IView iView ||
ViewExtensions.cs (9)
31 public static void DisconnectHandlers(this IView view) 39 List<IView> _flatList = new List<IView>(); 42 foreach (var viewToDisconnect in _flatList) 47 void BuildFlatList(IView view, List<IView> flatList) 60 if (child is IView childView) 69 public static Task<IScreenshotResult?> CaptureAsync(this IView view) 91 internal static bool NeedsContainer(this IView? view)
VisualDiagnostics\RectangleAdorner.cs (4)
19 /// <param name="view">An <see cref="IView"/> to create the adorner around.</param> 24 public RectangleAdorner(IView view, float density = 1, Point? offset = null, Color? fillColor = null, Color? strokeColor = null) 44 public IView VisualView { get; } 89 if (VisualView is IView view)
VisualDiagnostics\RectangleGridAdorner.cs (2)
15 /// <param name="view">An <see cref="IView"/> to create the Adorner around.</param> 20 public RectangleGridAdorner(IView view, float density = 1, Point? offset = null, Color? fillColor = null, Color? strokeColor = null)
VisualDiagnostics\VisualDiagnostics.cs (2)
81 public static async Task<byte[]?> CaptureAsPngAsync(IView view) 87 public static async Task<byte[]?> CaptureAsJpegAsync(IView view, int quality = 80)
VisualDiagnostics\VisualDiagnosticsOverlay.cs (3)
83 if (visualElement is not IView view) 129 if (visualElement is not IView view) 151 if (element is not IView view)
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (265)
BindableLayout\BindableLayout.cs (15)
142 if (layout is Maui.ILayout mauiLayout && item is IView view) 154 if (layout is Maui.ILayout mauiLayout && item is IView view) 166 if (layout is Maui.ILayout mauiLayout && item is IView view) 178 if (layout is Maui.ILayout mauiLayout && item is IView view) 399 IView child = (IView)layoutChildren[childrenCount]!; 422 var maybeEmptyView = (IView)layoutChildren[0]!; 460 var layoutChildren = layout.Children.OfType<IView>().ToArray(); 463 foreach (var child in layoutChildren) 535 var child = (IView)layout.Children[index]!; 556 var child = (IView)layoutChildren[index]!; 580 static void ClearBindingContext(IView child)
Border\Border.cs (1)
260 IView? IContentView.PresentedContent => Content;
ContentPage\ContentPage.cs (5)
72 IView IContentView.PresentedContent => ((this as IControlTemplated).TemplateRoot as IView) ?? Content; 111 if (Content is IView view) 119 IView IReplaceableView.ReplacedView => HotReload.MauiHotReloadHelper.GetReplacedView(this) ?? this; 123 void HotReload.IHotReloadableView.TransferState(IView newView)
ContentPresenter.cs (1)
38 IView IContentView.PresentedContent => Content;
ContentView\ContentView.cs (2)
51 IView IContentView.PresentedContent => ((this as IControlTemplated).TemplateRoot as IView) ?? Content;
DragAndDrop\DropGestureRecognizer.cs (2)
118 IView dragSource = null; 124 dragSource = (IView)internalProperties["DragSource"];
Editor\Editor.cs (1)
146 IView view = this;
FlyoutPage\FlyoutPage.cs (2)
353 IView IFlyoutView.Flyout => this.Flyout; 354 IView IFlyoutView.Detail => this.Detail;
Frame\Frame.cs (1)
87 IShadow IView.Shadow
Layout\AbsoluteLayout.cs (10)
21 readonly Dictionary<IView, AbsoluteLayoutInfo> _viewInfo = new(); 103 public AbsoluteLayoutFlags GetLayoutFlags(IView view) 117 public Rect GetLayoutBounds(IView view) 131 public void SetLayoutFlags(IView view, AbsoluteLayoutFlags flags) 149 public void SetLayoutBounds(IView view, Rect bounds) 162 protected override void OnAdd(int index, IView view) 178 protected override void OnRemove(int index, IView view) 184 protected override void OnInsert(int index, IView view) 194 protected override void OnUpdate(int index, IView view, IView oldView)
Layout\AndExpandLayoutManager.cs (2)
63 var child = stackLayout[n]; 100 var child = stackLayout[n];
Layout\FlexLayout.cs (30)
256 readonly Dictionary<IView, FlexInfo> _viewInfo = new(); 268 public int GetOrder(IView view) 277 public void SetOrder(IView view, int order) 290 public float GetGrow(IView view) 299 public void SetGrow(IView view, float grow) 312 public float GetShrink(IView view) 321 public void SetShrink(IView view, float shrink) 334 public FlexAlignSelf GetAlignSelf(IView view) 343 public void SetAlignSelf(IView view, FlexAlignSelf alignSelf) 356 public FlexBasis GetBasis(IView view) 365 public void SetBasis(IView view, FlexBasis basis) 378 internal Flex.Item GetFlexItem(IView view) 387 void SetFlexItem(IView view, Flex.Item flexItem) 400 Thickness GetMargin(IView view) 409 double GetWidth(IView view) 418 double GetHeight(IView view) 427 bool GetIsVisible(IView view) 436 void InitItemProperties(IView view, Flex.Item item) 482 void AddFlexItem(int index, IView child) 535 void RemoveFlexItem(IView child) 559 public Graphics.Rect GetFlexFrame(IView view) => 566 var child = this[n]; 616 foreach (var child in Children) 630 protected override void OnAdd(int index, IView view) 636 protected override void OnInsert(int index, IView view) 642 protected override void OnUpdate(int index, IView view, IView oldView) 649 protected override void OnRemove(int index, IView view) 674 foreach (var child in Children) 689 foreach (var child in Children)
Layout\Grid.cs (15)
12 readonly Dictionary<IView, GridInfo> _viewInfo = new(); 149 public int GetColumn(IView view) 158 public int GetColumnSpan(IView view) 167 public int GetRow(IView view) 176 public int GetRowSpan(IView view) 195 public void SetRow(IView view, int row) 209 public void SetRowSpan(IView view, int span) 223 public void SetColumn(IView view, int col) 237 public void SetColumnSpan(IView view, int span) 251 protected override void OnAdd(int index, IView view) 267 protected override void OnRemove(int index, IView view) 273 protected override void OnInsert(int index, IView view) 283 protected override void OnUpdate(int index, IView view, IView oldView) 348 (this as IView)?.InvalidateMeasure();
Layout\GridExtensions.cs (20)
9 /// Adds an <see cref="IView" /> to the <see cref="Grid"/> at the specified column and row with a row span of 1 and a column span of 1. 11 /// <param name="grid">The <see cref="Grid"/> to which the <see cref="IView" /> will be added.</param> 12 /// <param name="view">The <see cref="IView" /> to add.</param> 13 /// <param name="column">The column in which to place the <see cref="IView" />.</param> 14 /// <param name="row">The row in which to place the <see cref="IView" />.</param> 20 public static void Add(this Grid grid, IView view, int column = 0, int row = 0) 26 /// Adds an <see cref="IView" /> to the <see cref="Grid"/> at the specified row and column spans. 28 /// <param name="grid">The <see cref="Grid"/> to which the <see cref="IView" /> will be added.</param> 29 /// <param name="view">The <see cref="IView" /> to add.</param> 31 /// <param name="right">The right edge of the column span. Must be greater than left. The <see cref="IView" /> won't occupy this column, but will stop just before it.</param> 33 /// <param name="bottom">The bottom edge of the row span. Must be greater than top. The <see cref="IView" /> won't occupy this row, but will stop just before it.</param> 41 public static void Add(this Grid grid, IView view, int left, int right, int top, int bottom) 47 /// Adds an <see cref="IView" /> to the the <see cref="Grid"/> at the specified row and column with the specified row and column spans. 49 /// <param name="grid">The <see cref="Grid"/> to which the <see cref="IView" /> will be added.</param> 50 /// <param name="view">The <see cref="IView" /> to add.</param> 51 /// <param name="row">The top row in which to place the <see cref="IView" />. Defaults to 0.</param> 52 /// <param name="column">The left column in which to place the <see cref="IView" />. Defaults to 0.</param> 53 /// <param name="rowSpan">The number of rows the <see cref="IView" /> should span. Defaults to 1.</param> 54 /// <param name="columnSpan">The number of columns the <see cref="IView" /> should span. Defaults to 1.</param> 60 public static void AddWithSpan(this Grid grid, IView view, int row = 0, int column = 0, int rowSpan = 1, int columnSpan = 1)
Layout\Layout.cs (26)
19 public abstract partial class Layout : View, Maui.ILayout, IList<IView>, IBindableLayout, IPaddingElement, IVisualTreeElement, ISafeAreaView, IInputTransparentContainerElement 38 readonly private protected List<IView> _children = new(); 43 public IList<IView> Children => this; 55 public bool IsReadOnly => ((ICollection<IView>)_children).IsReadOnly; 57 public IView this[int index] 62 var old = _children[index]; 103 if (bindableObject is IView view) 137 /// <returns>A <see cref="IEnumerator{T}"/> of type <see cref="IView"/> with all the children in this layout.</returns> 138 public IEnumerator<IView> GetEnumerator() => _children.GetEnumerator(); 151 public void Add(IView child) 176 var child = _children[i]; 191 public bool Contains(IView item) 201 public void CopyTo(IView[] array, int arrayIndex) 211 public int IndexOf(IView item) 221 public void Insert(int index, IView child) 243 public bool Remove(IView child) 273 var child = _children[index]; 286 /// Invoked when <see cref="Add(IView)"/> is called and notifies the handler associated to this layout. 290 protected virtual void OnAdd(int index, IView view) 304 /// Invoked when <see cref="Insert(int, IView)"/> is called and notifies the handler associated to this layout. 308 protected virtual void OnRemove(int index, IView view) 318 protected virtual void OnInsert(int index, IView view) 329 protected virtual void OnUpdate(int index, IView view, IView oldView) 334 void NotifyHandler(string action, int index, IView view) 341 (this as IView).InvalidateMeasure();
Layout\Layout.Standard.cs (2)
28 /// <param name="layout">The associated <see cref="IView"/> instance.</param> 30 static void MapInputTransparent(IViewHandler handler, IView layout) { }
Layout\LayoutExtensions.cs (1)
9 foreach (var child in layout.Children)
Layout\StackBase.cs (1)
8 propertyChanged: (bindable, oldvalue, newvalue) => ((IView)bindable).InvalidateMeasure());
LegacyLayouts\Grid.cs (4)
399 int IGridLayout.GetRow(IView view) 409 int IGridLayout.GetColumn(IView view) 419 int IGridLayout.GetRowSpan(IView view) 429 int IGridLayout.GetColumnSpan(IView view)
LegacyLayouts\Layout.cs (5)
165 if (bindableObject is IView view) 230 if (child is IView fe && fe.Handler != null) 384 Size IView.Measure(double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint) 496 if (child is IView fe && fe.Handler != null) 717 if (child is IView fe)
LegacyLayouts\LayoutOfT.cs (20)
11 int ICollection<IView>.Count => _children.Count; 12 bool ICollection<IView>.IsReadOnly => ((ICollection<IView>)_children).IsReadOnly; 13 public IView this[int index] { get => _children[index]; set => _children[index] = (T)value; } 17 void ICollection<IView>.Add(IView child) 25 bool ICollection<IView>.Remove(IView child) 36 int IList<IView>.IndexOf(IView child) 41 void IList<IView>.Insert(int index, IView child) 49 void IList<IView>.RemoveAt(int index) 54 void ICollection<IView>.Clear() 59 bool ICollection<IView>.Contains(IView child) 64 void ICollection<IView>.CopyTo(IView[] array, int arrayIndex) 69 IEnumerator<IView> IEnumerable<IView>.GetEnumerator()
NavigationPage\NavigationPage.cs (6)
440 Thickness IView.Margin => Thickness.Zero; 456 void IStackNavigation.NavigationFinished(IReadOnlyList<IView> newStack) 475 void SyncToNavigationStack(IReadOnlyList<IView> newStack) 503 IView Content => this.CurrentPage; 505 IReadOnlyList<IView> NavigationStack => this.Navigation.NavigationStack; 657 var immutableNavigationStack = new List<IView>(NavigationStack);
Page\Page.cs (2)
153 (this as IView).InvalidateMeasure(); 836 Paint IView.Background
RadioButton\RadioButton.cs (3)
653 IView IContentView.PresentedContent => ((this as IControlTemplated).TemplateRoot as IView) ?? (Content as IView);
RefreshView\RefreshView.cs (1)
146 IView IRefreshView.Content => base.Content;
ScrollView\ScrollView.cs (5)
176 var view = (sender as IView); 311 if (Content is IView fe && fe.Handler != null) 396 IView IContentView.PresentedContent => Content; 437 if ((this as IContentView)?.PresentedContent is not IView content)
Shell\Shell.cs (2)
1982 IView IFlyoutView.Flyout => this.FlyoutContentView; 1983 IView IFlyoutView.Detail => null;
Shell\ShellSection.cs (1)
1249 void IStackNavigation.NavigationFinished(IReadOnlyList<IView> newStack)
Switch\Switch.cs (2)
23 ((IView)bindable)?.Handler?.UpdateValue(nameof(ISwitch.TrackColor)); 31 ((IView)bindable)?.Handler?.UpdateValue(nameof(ISwitch.TrackColor));
TemplatedView\TemplatedView.cs (2)
122 IView? IContentView.PresentedContent => 123 (this as IControlTemplated).TemplateRoot as IView;
TitleBar\TitleBar.cs (13)
51 public static readonly BindableProperty LeadingContentProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(LeadingContent), typeof(IView), 55 public static readonly BindableProperty ContentProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Content), typeof(IView), 59 public static readonly BindableProperty TrailingContentProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TrailingContent), typeof(IView), 176 public IView? LeadingContent 209 public IView? Content 223 public IView? TrailingContent 240 public IList<IView> PassthroughElements { get; private set; } 245 IView IContentView.PresentedContent => (this as IControlTemplated).TemplateRoot as IView; 253 PassthroughElements = new List<IView>(); 315 if (controlTemplate?.GetTemplateChild(TitleBarLeading) is IView leadingContent) 320 if (controlTemplate?.GetTemplateChild(TitleBarContent) is IView content) 325 if (controlTemplate?.GetTemplateChild(TitleBarTrailing) is IView trailingContent)
View\View.cs (6)
282 Thickness IView.Margin => Margin; 299 internal protected PropertyMapper<T> GetRendererOverrides<T>() where T : IView => 305 Primitives.LayoutAlignment IView.HorizontalLayoutAlignment => HorizontalOptions.ToCore(); 308 Primitives.LayoutAlignment IView.VerticalLayoutAlignment => VerticalOptions.ToCore(); 312 IView IReplaceableView.ReplacedView => 317 void IHotReloadableView.TransferState(IView newView)
ViewExtensions.cs (3)
392 internal static string? GetStringValue(this IView element) 466 return handler.InvokeWithResult(nameof(IView.Focus), new FocusRequest()); 535 (view as IView)?.InvalidateMeasure();
VisualElement\VisualElement.cs (38)
1188 var result = (this as IView).Measure(widthConstraint, heightConstraint); 1244 Handler?.Invoke(nameof(IView.Unfocus)); 1398 (this as IView)?.InvalidateMeasure(); 1497 if (this is IView fe) 1499 fe.Handler?.UpdateValue(nameof(IView.Visibility)); 1708 if (element is IView fe) 1710 fe.Handler?.UpdateValue(nameof(IView.Width)); 1711 fe.Handler?.UpdateValue(nameof(IView.Height)); 1712 fe.Handler?.UpdateValue(nameof(IView.MinimumHeight)); 1713 fe.Handler?.UpdateValue(nameof(IView.MinimumWidth)); 1714 fe.Handler?.UpdateValue(nameof(IView.MaximumHeight)); 1715 fe.Handler?.UpdateValue(nameof(IView.MaximumWidth)); 1824 Paint? IView.Background 1838 IShape IView.Clip => Clip; 1841 IShadow IView.Shadow => Shadow; 1874 if (bindable is IView view) 1876 view.Handler?.Invoke(nameof(IView.ZIndex)); 1909 Size IView.Arrange(Rect bounds) 1938 void IView.InvalidateMeasure() 1946 protected virtual void InvalidateMeasureOverride() => Handler?.Invoke(nameof(IView.InvalidateMeasure)); 1949 void IView.InvalidateArrange() 1954 Size IView.Measure(double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint) 1972 bool IView.IsFocused 1979 FlowDirection IView.FlowDirection => FlowDirection; 1982 Primitives.LayoutAlignment IView.HorizontalLayoutAlignment => default; 1985 Primitives.LayoutAlignment IView.VerticalLayoutAlignment => default; 1988 Visibility IView.Visibility => IsVisible.ToVisibility(); 1991 Semantics? IView.Semantics => UpdateSemantics(); 2020 double IView.Width 2043 double IView.Height 2066 double IView.MinimumWidth 2083 double IView.MinimumHeight 2100 double IView.MaximumWidth 2112 double IView.MaximumHeight 2124 Thickness IView.Margin => Thickness.Zero; 2365 internal IView? ParentView => ((this as IView)?.Parent as IView);
VisualElement\VisualElement.Mapper.cs (14)
17 IPropertyMapper<IView, IViewHandler> viewMapper, 18 CommandMapper<IView, IViewHandler> commandMapper) 26 viewMapper.ReplaceMapping<IView, IViewHandler>(nameof(BackgroundColor), MapBackgroundColor); 27 viewMapper.ReplaceMapping<IView, IViewHandler>(nameof(Page.BackgroundImageSource), MapBackgroundImageSource); 28 viewMapper.ReplaceMapping<IView, IViewHandler>(SemanticProperties.DescriptionProperty.PropertyName, MapSemanticPropertiesDescriptionProperty); 29 viewMapper.ReplaceMapping<IView, IViewHandler>(SemanticProperties.HintProperty.PropertyName, MapSemanticPropertiesHintProperty); 30 viewMapper.ReplaceMapping<IView, IViewHandler>(SemanticProperties.HeadingLevelProperty.PropertyName, MapSemanticPropertiesHeadingLevelProperty); 34 commandMapper.ModifyMapping<VisualElement, IViewHandler>(nameof(IView.Focus), MapFocus); 37 public static void MapBackgroundColor(IViewHandler handler, IView view) => 40 public static void MapBackgroundImageSource(IViewHandler handler, IView view) => 43 static void MapSemanticPropertiesHeadingLevelProperty(IViewHandler handler, IView element) => 46 static void MapSemanticPropertiesHintProperty(IViewHandler handler, IView element) => 49 static void MapSemanticPropertiesDescriptionProperty(IViewHandler handler, IView element) => 55 Handler?.UpdateValue(nameof(IView.Semantics));
Window\Window.cs (1)
414 IView? IWindow.Content =>
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility (19)
MauiHandlersCollectionExtensions.cs (2)
41 where TMauiType : IView 56 where TControlType : IView
RendererToHandlerShim.cs (17)
29using ViewHandler = Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler<Microsoft.Maui.IView, System.Object>; 44 public static PropertyMapper<IView, ViewHandler> ShimMapper = new PropertyMapper<IView, ViewHandler>(ViewHandler.ViewMapper) 47 [nameof(IView.Background)] = MapIgnore, 48 [nameof(IView.IsEnabled)] = MapIgnore, 49 [nameof(IView.Opacity)] = MapIgnore, 50 [nameof(IView.TranslationX)] = MapIgnore, 51 [nameof(IView.TranslationY)] = MapIgnore, 52 [nameof(IView.Scale)] = MapIgnore, 53 [nameof(IView.ScaleX)] = MapIgnore, 54 [nameof(IView.ScaleY)] = MapIgnore, 55 [nameof(IView.Rotation)] = MapIgnore, 56 [nameof(IView.RotationX)] = MapIgnore, 57 [nameof(IView.RotationY)] = MapIgnore, 58 [nameof(IView.AnchorX)] = MapIgnore, 59 [nameof(IView.AnchorY)] = MapIgnore 62 static void MapIgnore(ViewHandler arg1, IView arg2)
Microsoft.Maui.Maps (1)
Core\IMap.cs (1)
7 /// Represents a <see cref="IView"/> that displays a map.