using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CoreAnimation;
using CoreGraphics;
using Foundation;
using Microsoft.Maui.Graphics;
using UIKit;
using static Microsoft.Maui.Primitives.Dimension;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Platform
public static partial class ViewExtensions
internal const string BackgroundLayerName = "MauiBackgroundLayer";
public static void UpdateIsEnabled(this UIView platformView, IView view)
if (platformView is not UIControl uiControl)
uiControl.Enabled = view.IsEnabled;
public static void Focus(this UIView platformView, FocusRequest request)
public static void Unfocus(this UIView platformView, IView view)
public static void UpdateVisibility(this UIView platformView, IView view) =>
ViewExtensions.UpdateVisibility(platformView, view.Visibility);
public static void UpdateVisibility(this UIView platformView, Visibility visibility)
switch (visibility)
case Visibility.Visible:
platformView.Hidden = false;
case Visibility.Hidden:
platformView.Hidden = true;
case Visibility.Collapsed:
platformView.Hidden = true;
public static void UpdateBackground(this ContentView platformView, IBorderStroke border)
bool hasShape = border.Shape != null;
if (hasShape)
public static void UpdateBackground(this UIView platformView, IView view)
platformView.UpdateBackground(view.Background, view as IButtonStroke);
public static void UpdateBackground(this UIView platformView, Paint? paint, IButtonStroke? stroke = null)
// Remove previous background gradient layer if any
if (paint.IsNullOrEmpty())
if (platformView is LayoutView)
platformView.BackgroundColor = null;
if (paint is SolidPaint solidPaint)
Color backgroundColor = solidPaint.Color;
if (backgroundColor == null)
platformView.BackgroundColor = ColorExtensions.BackgroundColor;
platformView.BackgroundColor = backgroundColor.ToPlatform();
else if (paint is GradientPaint gradientPaint)
var backgroundLayer = gradientPaint?.ToCALayer(platformView.Bounds);
if (backgroundLayer != null)
backgroundLayer.Name = BackgroundLayerName;
platformView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
platformView.InsertBackgroundLayer(backgroundLayer, 0);
public static void UpdateFlowDirection(this UIView platformView, IView view)
UISemanticContentAttribute updateValue = platformView.SemanticContentAttribute;
switch (view.FlowDirection)
case FlowDirection.MatchParent:
updateValue = GetParentMatchingSemanticContentAttribute(view);
case FlowDirection.LeftToRight:
updateValue = UISemanticContentAttribute.ForceLeftToRight;
case FlowDirection.RightToLeft:
updateValue = UISemanticContentAttribute.ForceRightToLeft;
if (updateValue != platformView.SemanticContentAttribute)
platformView.SemanticContentAttribute = updateValue;
if (view is ITextAlignment)
// A change in flow direction may mean a change in text alignment
PropagateFlowDirection(updateValue, view);
static UISemanticContentAttribute GetParentMatchingSemanticContentAttribute(IView view)
var parent = view.Parent?.Handler?.PlatformView as UIView;
if (parent == null)
// No parent, no direction we need to match
return UISemanticContentAttribute.Unspecified;
var parentSemanticContentAttribute = parent.SemanticContentAttribute;
if (parentSemanticContentAttribute == UISemanticContentAttribute.ForceLeftToRight
|| parentSemanticContentAttribute == UISemanticContentAttribute.ForceRightToLeft)
return parentSemanticContentAttribute;
// The parent view isn't using an explicit direction, so there's nothing for us to match
return UISemanticContentAttribute.Unspecified;
static void PropagateFlowDirection(UISemanticContentAttribute semanticContentAttribute, IView view)
if (semanticContentAttribute != UISemanticContentAttribute.ForceLeftToRight
&& semanticContentAttribute != UISemanticContentAttribute.ForceRightToLeft)
// If the current view isn't using an explicit LTR/RTL value, there's nothing to propagate
// If this view has any child/content views, we'll need to call UpdateFlowDirection on them
// because they _may_ need to update their FlowDirection to match this view
if (view is IContainer container)
foreach (var child in container)
if (child.Handler?.PlatformView is UIView uiView)
else if (view is IContentView contentView
&& contentView.PresentedContent is IView child)
if (child.Handler?.PlatformView is UIView uiView)
public static void UpdateOpacity(this UIView platformView, IView view) => platformView.UpdateOpacity(view.Opacity);
internal static void UpdateOpacity(this UIView platformView, double opacity) => platformView.Alpha = (float)opacity;
public static void UpdateAutomationId(this UIView platformView, IView view) =>
platformView.AccessibilityIdentifier = view.AutomationId;
public static void UpdateClip(this UIView platformView, IView view)
if (platformView is WrapperView wrapper)
wrapper.Clip = view.Clip;
public static void UpdateShadow(this UIView platformView, IView view)
var shadow = view.Shadow;
if (shadow == null)
[Obsolete("IBorder is not used and will be removed in a future release.")]
public static void UpdateBorder(this UIView platformView, IView view)
var border = (view as IBorder)?.Border;
if (platformView is WrapperView wrapperView)
wrapperView.Border = border;
internal static T? GetChildAt<T>(this UIView view, int index) where T : UIView
if (index < view.Subviews.Length)
return (T?)view.Subviews[index];
return null;
public static T? FindDescendantView<T>(this UIView view) where T : UIView =>
FindDescendantView<T>(view, (_) => true);
[Obsolete("MAUI background layers now automatically update their Frame when their SuperLayer Frame changes. This method will be removed in a future release.")]
public static void UpdateBackgroundLayerFrame(this UIView view) =>
[Obsolete("MAUI background layers now automatically update their Frame when their SuperLayer Frame changes. This method will be removed in a future release.")]
internal static void UpdateBackgroundLayerFrame(this UIView view, string layerName)
if (view.Frame.IsEmpty)
var layer = view.Layer;
if (layer?.Sublayers is { Length: > 0 } sublayers)
var bounds = view.Bounds;
UpdateBackgroundLayers(sublayers, layerName, bounds);
static void UpdateBackgroundLayers(this CALayer[] layers, string layerName, CGRect bounds)
foreach (var layer in layers)
if (layer.Sublayers is { Length: > 0 } sublayers)
UpdateBackgroundLayers(sublayers, layerName, bounds);
if (layer.Name == layerName && layer.Frame != bounds)
layer.Frame = bounds;
public static void InvalidateMeasure(this UIView platformView, IView view)
// MauiView/WrapperView already propagates the SetNeedsLayout to the parent
if (platformView is not MauiView && platformView is not WrapperView)
public static void UpdateWidth(this UIView platformView, IView view)
UpdateFrame(platformView, view);
public static void UpdateHeight(this UIView platformView, IView view)
UpdateFrame(platformView, view);
public static void UpdateMinimumHeight(this UIView platformView, IView view)
UpdateFrame(platformView, view);
public static void UpdateMaximumHeight(this UIView platformView, IView view)
UpdateFrame(platformView, view);
public static void UpdateMinimumWidth(this UIView platformView, IView view)
UpdateFrame(platformView, view);
public static void UpdateMaximumWidth(this UIView platformView, IView view)
UpdateFrame(platformView, view);
public static void UpdateFrame(UIView platformView, IView view)
if (!IsExplicitSet(view.Width) || !IsExplicitSet(view.Height))
// Ignore the initial setting of the value; the initial layout will take care of it
// Updating the frame (assuming it's an actual change) will kick off a layout update
// Handling of the default width/height will be taken care of by GetDesiredSize
var currentFrame = platformView.Frame;
platformView.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(currentFrame.X, currentFrame.Y, view.Width, view.Height);
public static async Task UpdateBackgroundImageSourceAsync(this UIView platformView, IImageSource? imageSource, IImageSourceServiceProvider? provider)
if (provider == null)
if (imageSource != null)
var service = provider.GetRequiredImageSourceService(imageSource);
var scale = platformView.GetDisplayDensity();
var result = await service.GetImageAsync(imageSource, scale);
var backgroundImage = result?.Value;
if (backgroundImage == null)
platformView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromPatternImage(backgroundImage);
public static int IndexOfSubview(this UIView platformView, UIView subview)
if (platformView.Subviews.Length == 0)
return -1;
return Array.IndexOf(platformView.Subviews, subview);
public static UIImage? ConvertToImage(this UIView view)
var imageRenderer = new UIGraphicsImageRenderer(view.Bounds.Size);
return imageRenderer.CreateImage((a) =>
public static UINavigationController? GetNavigationController(this UIView view)
var rootController = view.Window?.RootViewController;
if (rootController is UINavigationController nc)
return nc;
return rootController?.NavigationController;
internal static void Collapse(this UIView view)
// See if this view already has a collapse constraint we can use
foreach (var constraint in view.Constraints)
if (constraint is CollapseConstraint collapseConstraint)
// Active the collapse constraint; that will squish the view down to zero height
collapseConstraint.Active = true;
// Set up a collapse constraint and turn it on
var collapse = new CollapseConstraint();
collapse.Active = true;
internal static bool Inflate(this UIView view)
// Find and deactivate the collapse constraint, if any; the view will go back to its normal height
foreach (var constraint in view.Constraints)
if (constraint is CollapseConstraint collapseConstraint)
collapseConstraint.Active = false;
return true;
return false;
public static void ClearSubviews(this UIView view)
for (int n = view.Subviews.Length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
internal static Rect GetPlatformViewBounds(this IView view)
var platformView = view?.ToPlatform();
if (platformView == null)
return new Rect();
return platformView.GetPlatformViewBounds();
internal static Rect GetPlatformViewBounds(this UIView platformView)
if (platformView == null)
return new Rect();
var superview = platformView;
while (superview.Superview is not null)
superview = superview.Superview;
var convertPoint = platformView.ConvertRectToView(platformView.Bounds, superview);
var X = convertPoint.X;
var Y = convertPoint.Y;
var Width = convertPoint.Width;
var Height = convertPoint.Height;
return new Rect(X, Y, Width, Height);
internal static Matrix4x4 GetViewTransform(this IView view)
var platformView = view?.ToPlatform();
if (platformView == null)
return new Matrix4x4();
return platformView.Layer.GetViewTransform();
internal static Matrix4x4 GetViewTransform(this UIView view)
=> view.Layer.GetViewTransform();
internal static Point GetLocationOnScreen(this UIView view) =>
internal static Point? GetLocationOnScreen(this IElement element)
if (element.Handler?.MauiContext == null)
return null;
return (element.ToPlatform())?.GetLocationOnScreen();
internal static Graphics.Rect GetBoundingBox(this IView view)
=> view.ToPlatform().GetBoundingBox();
internal static Graphics.Rect GetBoundingBox(this UIView? platformView)
if (platformView == null)
return new Rect();
var nvb = platformView.GetPlatformViewBounds();
var transform = platformView.GetViewTransform();
var radians = transform.ExtractAngleInRadians();
var rotation = CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform.MakeRotation((nfloat)radians);
CGAffineTransform.CGRectApplyAffineTransform(nvb, rotation);
return new Rect(nvb.X, nvb.Y, nvb.Width, nvb.Height);
internal static Rect GetFrameRelativeTo(this UIView view, UIView relativeTo)
var viewWindowLocation = view.GetLocationOnScreen();
var relativeToLocation = relativeTo.GetLocationOnScreen();
new Rect(
new Point(viewWindowLocation.X - relativeToLocation.X, viewWindowLocation.Y - relativeToLocation.Y),
new Graphics.Size(view.Bounds.Width, view.Bounds.Height)
internal static UIView? GetParent(this UIView? view)
return view?.Superview;
internal static Size LayoutToMeasuredSize(this IView view, double width, double height)
var size = view.Measure(width, height);
var platformFrame = new CGRect(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height);
if (view.Handler is IPlatformViewHandler viewHandler && viewHandler.PlatformView != null)
viewHandler.PlatformView.Frame = platformFrame;
return size;
public static void UpdateInputTransparent(this UIView platformView, IViewHandler handler, IView view)
// Interaction should not be disabled for an editor if it is set as read-only
// because this prevents users from scrolling the content inside an editor.
if (view is not IEditor && view is ITextInput textInput)
platformView.UpdateInputTransparent(textInput.IsReadOnly, view.InputTransparent);
platformView.UserInteractionEnabled = !view.InputTransparent;
public static void UpdateInputTransparent(this UIView platformView, bool isReadOnly, bool inputTransparent)
platformView.UserInteractionEnabled = !(isReadOnly || inputTransparent);
internal static UIToolTipInteraction? GetToolTipInteraction(this UIView platformView)
UIToolTipInteraction? interaction = default;
if (OperatingSystem.IsMacCatalystVersionAtLeast(15)
|| OperatingSystem.IsIOSVersionAtLeast(15))
if (platformView is UIControl control)
interaction = control.ToolTipInteraction;
if (platformView.Interactions is not null)
foreach (var ia in platformView.Interactions)
if (ia is UIToolTipInteraction toolTipInteraction)
interaction = toolTipInteraction;
return interaction;
public static void UpdateToolTip(this UIView platformView, ToolTip? tooltip)
// UpdateToolTips were added in 15.0 for both iOS and MacCatalyst
if (OperatingSystem.IsMacCatalystVersionAtLeast(15)
|| OperatingSystem.IsIOSVersionAtLeast(15))
string? text = tooltip?.Content?.ToString();
var interaction = platformView.GetToolTipInteraction();
if (interaction is null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
interaction = new UIToolTipInteraction(text);
interaction.DefaultToolTip = text;
internal static IWindow? GetHostedWindow(this IView? view)
=> GetHostedWindow(view?.Handler?.PlatformView as UIView);
internal static IWindow? GetHostedWindow(this UIView? view)
=> GetHostedWindow(view?.Window);
internal static bool IsLoaded(this UIView uiView)
if (uiView == null)
return false;
return uiView.Window != null;
internal static IDisposable OnLoaded(this UIView uiView, Action action)
if (uiView.IsLoaded())
return new ActionDisposable(() => { });
var observers = new List<IDisposable>(2);
ActionDisposable? disposable = null;
disposable = new ActionDisposable(() =>
disposable = null;
foreach (var observer in observers)
// Ideally we could wire into UIView.MovedToWindow but there's no way to do that without just inheriting from every single
// UIView. So we just make our best attempt by observering some properties that are going to fire once UIView is attached to a window.
if (uiView is IUIViewLifeCycleEvents lifeCycleEvents)
lifeCycleEvents.MovedToWindow += OnLifeCycleEventsMovedToWindow;
observers.Add(new ActionDisposable(() =>
lifeCycleEvents.MovedToWindow -= OnLifeCycleEventsMovedToWindow;
void OnLifeCycleEventsMovedToWindow(object? sender, EventArgs e)
//The MovedToWindow fires multiple times during navigation animations, causing repeated OnLoadedCheck calls.
//BeginInvokeOnMainThread ensures OnLoadedCheck executes after all window transitions are complete.
uiView.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => OnLoadedCheck(null));
var boundKey = new NSString("bounds");
var frameKey = new NSString("frame");
var boundObserver = (NSObject)uiView.Layer.AddObserver(boundKey, Foundation.NSKeyValueObservingOptions.OldNew, (oc) => OnLoadedCheck(oc));
var frameObserver = (NSObject)uiView.Layer.AddObserver(frameKey, Foundation.NSKeyValueObservingOptions.OldNew, (oc) => OnLoadedCheck(oc));
observers.Add(new ActionDisposable(() => uiView.Layer.RemoveObserver(boundObserver, boundKey)));
observers.Add(new ActionDisposable(() => uiView.Layer.RemoveObserver(frameObserver, frameKey)));
// OnLoaded is called at the point in time where the xplat view knows it's going to be attached to the window.
// So this just serves as a way to queue a call on the UI Thread to see if that's enough time for the window
// to get attached.
uiView.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => OnLoadedCheck(null));
void OnLoadedCheck(NSObservedChange? nSObservedChange = null)
if (disposable is not null)
if (uiView.IsLoaded())
disposable = null;
else if (nSObservedChange != null)
// In some cases (FlyoutPage) the arrange and measure all take place before
// the view is added to the screen so this queues up a second check that
// hopefully will fire loaded once the view is added to the window.
// None of this code is great but I haven't found a better way
// for an outside observer to know when a subview is added to a window
uiView.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => OnLoadedCheck(null));
return disposable;
internal static IDisposable OnUnloaded(this UIView uiView, Action action)
if (!uiView.IsLoaded())
return new ActionDisposable(() => { });
var observers = new List<IDisposable>(2);
ActionDisposable? disposable = null;
disposable = new ActionDisposable(() =>
disposable = null;
foreach (var observer in observers)
// Ideally we could wire into UIView.MovedToWindow but there's no way to do that without just inheriting from every single
// UIView. So we just make our best attempt by observering some properties that are going to fire once UIView is attached to a window.
if (uiView is IUIViewLifeCycleEvents lifeCycleEvents)
lifeCycleEvents.MovedToWindow += OnLifeCycleEventsMovedToWindow;
observers.Add(new ActionDisposable(() =>
lifeCycleEvents.MovedToWindow -= OnLifeCycleEventsMovedToWindow;
void OnLifeCycleEventsMovedToWindow(object? sender, EventArgs e)
//The MovedToWindow fires multiple times during navigation animations, causing repeated UnLoadedCheck calls.
//BeginInvokeOnMainThread ensures UnLoadedCheck executes after all window transitions are complete.
// OnUnloaded is called at the point in time where the xplat view knows it's going to be detached from the window.
// So this just serves as a way to queue a call on the UI Thread to see if that's enough time for the window
// to get detached.
void UnLoadedCheck()
if (!uiView.IsLoaded() && disposable != null)
disposable = null;
return disposable;
internal static void UpdateLayerBorder(this CoreAnimation.CALayer layer, IButtonStroke? stroke)
if (stroke == null)
if (stroke.StrokeColor != null)
layer.BorderColor = stroke.StrokeColor.ToCGColor();
if (stroke.StrokeThickness >= 0)
layer.BorderWidth = (float)stroke.StrokeThickness;
if (stroke.CornerRadius >= 0)
layer.CornerRadius = stroke.CornerRadius;
internal static T? FindResponder<T>(this UIView view) where T : UIResponder
var nextResponder = view as UIResponder;
while (nextResponder is not null)
nextResponder = nextResponder.NextResponder;
if (nextResponder is T responder)
return responder;
return null;
internal static T? FindResponder<T>(this UIViewController controller) where T : UIViewController
var nextResponder = controller.View as UIResponder;
while (nextResponder is not null)
nextResponder = nextResponder.NextResponder;
if (nextResponder is T responder && responder != controller)
return responder;
return null;
internal static T? FindTopController<T>(this UIView view) where T : UIViewController
var bestController = view.FindResponder<T>();
var tempController = bestController;
while (tempController is not null)
tempController = tempController.FindResponder<T>();
if (tempController is not null)
bestController = tempController;
return bestController;
internal static UIView? FindNextView(this UIView? view, UIView containerView, Func<UIView, bool> isValidType)
UIView? nextView = null;
while (view is not null && view != containerView && nextView is null)
var siblings = view.Superview?.Subviews;
if (siblings is null)
// TableView and ListView cells may not be in order so handle separately
if (view.FindResponder<UITableView>() is UITableView tableView)
nextView = view.FindNextInTableView(tableView, isValidType);
if (nextView is null)
view = tableView;
nextView = view.FindNextView(siblings.IndexOf(view) + 1, isValidType);
view = view.Superview;
// if we did not find the next view, try to find the first one
nextView ??= containerView.Subviews?[0]?.FindNextView(0, isValidType);
return nextView;
static UIView? FindNextView(this UIView? view, int index, Func<UIView, bool> isValidType)
// search through the view's siblings and traverse down their branches
var siblings = view is UITableView table ? table.VisibleCells : view?.Superview?.Subviews;
if (siblings is null)
return null;
for (int i = index; i < siblings.Length; i++)
var sibling = siblings[i];
if (!sibling.Hidden && sibling.Subviews?.Length > 0)
var childVal = sibling.Subviews[0].FindNextView(0, isValidType);
if (childVal is not null)
return childVal;
if (isValidType(sibling))
return sibling;
return null;
static UIView? FindNextInTableView(this UIView view, UITableView table, Func<UIView, bool> isValidType)
if (isValidType(view))
var index = view.FindTableViewCellIndex(table);
return index == -1 ? null : table.FindNextView(index + 1, isValidType);
return null;
static int FindTableViewCellIndex(this UIView view, UITableView table)
var cells = table.VisibleCells;
var viewCell = view.FindResponder<UITableViewCell>();
for (int i = 0; i < cells.Length; i++)
if (cells[i] == viewCell)
return i;
return -1;
internal static void ChangeFocusedView(this UIView view, UIView? newView)
if (newView is null)
internal static UIView? GetContainerView(this UIView? startingPoint)
var rootView = startingPoint?.FindResponder<ContainerViewController>()?.View;
if (rootView is not null)
return rootView;
var firstViewController = startingPoint?.FindTopController<UIViewController>();
if (firstViewController?.ViewIfLoaded is not null)
return firstViewController.ViewIfLoaded.FindDescendantView<ContentView>();
return null;
internal static UIView? FindFirstResponder(this UIView? superview)
if (superview is null)
return null;
if (superview.IsFirstResponder)
return superview;
foreach (var subview in superview.Subviews)
var subviewFirstResponder = subview.FindFirstResponder();
if (subviewFirstResponder is not null)
return subviewFirstResponder;
return null;
internal static float GetDisplayDensity(this UIView? view) =>
view?.Window?.GetDisplayDensity() ?? 1.0f;
internal static bool HideSoftInput(this UIView inputView) => inputView.ResignFirstResponder();
internal static bool ShowSoftInput(this UIView inputView) => inputView.BecomeFirstResponder();
internal static bool IsSoftInputShowing(this UIView inputView) => inputView.IsFirstResponder;
internal static bool IsFinalMeasureHandledBySuperView(this UIView? view) => view?.Superview is ICrossPlatformLayoutBacking { CrossPlatformLayout: not null };