using System;
using CoreGraphics;
using CoreHaptics;
using Microsoft.Maui.Graphics;
using UIKit;
using static Microsoft.Maui.Primitives.Dimension;
namespace Microsoft.Maui
internal static partial class ViewHandlerExtensions
// TODO: Possibly reconcile this code with LayoutView.LayoutSubviews
// If you make changes here please review if those changes should also
// apply to LayoutView.LayoutSubviews
internal static void LayoutVirtualView(
this IPlatformViewHandler viewHandler,
CGRect? bounds)
var virtualView = viewHandler.VirtualView;
var platformView = viewHandler.PlatformView;
if (virtualView == null || platformView == null)
bounds = bounds ?? platformView.Bounds;
if (virtualView is ISafeAreaView sav && !sav.IgnoreSafeArea
&& (System.OperatingSystem.IsIOSVersionAtLeast(11) || System.OperatingSystem.IsMacCatalystVersionAtLeast(11)
#if TVOS
|| OperatingSystem.IsTvOSVersionAtLeast(11)
bounds = platformView.SafeAreaInsets.InsetRect(bounds.Value);
var rect = bounds.Value.ToRectangle();
virtualView.Measure(rect.Width, rect.Height);
// TODO: Possibly reconcile this code with LayoutView.SizeThatFits
// If you make changes here please review if those changes should also
// apply to LayoutView.SizeThatFits
internal static CGSize? MeasureVirtualView(
this IPlatformViewHandler viewHandler,
CGSize size)
var virtualView = viewHandler.VirtualView;
var platformView = viewHandler.PlatformView;
if (virtualView == null || platformView == null)
return null;
var width = size.Width;
var height = size.Height;
var crossPlatformSize = virtualView.Measure(width, height);
return crossPlatformSize.ToCGSize();
internal static Size GetDesiredSizeFromHandler(this IViewHandler viewHandler, double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint)
var virtualView = viewHandler.VirtualView;
var platformView = viewHandler.ToPlatform();
if (platformView == null || virtualView == null)
return new Size(widthConstraint, heightConstraint);
// The measurements ran in SizeThatFits percolate down to child views
// So if MaximumWidth/Height are not taken into account for constraints, the children may have wrong dimensions
widthConstraint = Math.Min(widthConstraint, virtualView.MaximumWidth);
heightConstraint = Math.Min(heightConstraint, virtualView.MaximumHeight);
CGSize sizeThatFits;
// Calling SizeThatFits on an ImageView always returns the image's dimensions, so we need to call the extension method
// This also affects ImageButtons
if (platformView is UIImageView imageView)
widthConstraint = IsExplicitSet(virtualView.Width) ? virtualView.Width : widthConstraint;
heightConstraint = IsExplicitSet(virtualView.Height) ? virtualView.Height : heightConstraint;
sizeThatFits = imageView.SizeThatFitsImage(new CGSize((float)widthConstraint, (float)heightConstraint));
else if (platformView is WrapperView wrapper)
sizeThatFits = wrapper.SizeThatFitsWrapper(new CGSize((float)widthConstraint, (float)heightConstraint), virtualView.Width, virtualView.Height, virtualView);
else if (platformView is UIButton imageButton && imageButton.ImageView?.Image is not null && imageButton.CurrentTitle is null)
widthConstraint = IsExplicitSet(virtualView.Width) ? virtualView.Width : widthConstraint;
heightConstraint = IsExplicitSet(virtualView.Height) ? virtualView.Height : heightConstraint;
sizeThatFits = imageButton.ImageView.SizeThatFitsImage(new CGSize((float)widthConstraint, (float)heightConstraint));
sizeThatFits = platformView.SizeThatFits(new CGSize((float)widthConstraint, (float)heightConstraint));
var size = new Size(
sizeThatFits.Width == float.PositiveInfinity ? double.PositiveInfinity : sizeThatFits.Width,
sizeThatFits.Height == float.PositiveInfinity ? double.PositiveInfinity : sizeThatFits.Height);
if (double.IsInfinity(size.Width) || double.IsInfinity(size.Height))
size = new Size(platformView.Frame.Width, platformView.Frame.Height);
var finalWidth = ResolveConstraints(size.Width, virtualView.Width, virtualView.MinimumWidth, virtualView.MaximumWidth);
var finalHeight = ResolveConstraints(size.Height, virtualView.Height, virtualView.MinimumHeight, virtualView.MaximumHeight);
return new Size(finalWidth, finalHeight);
internal static void PlatformArrangeHandler(this IViewHandler viewHandler, Rect rect)
var platformView = viewHandler.ToPlatform();
if (platformView == null)
var centerX = rect.Center.X;
var parent = platformView.Superview;
if (parent?.EffectiveUserInterfaceLayoutDirection == UIUserInterfaceLayoutDirection.RightToLeft)
// We'll need to adjust the center point to reflect the RTL layout
// Find the center of the parent
var parentCenter = parent.Bounds.Right - (parent.Bounds.Width / 2);
// Figure out how far the center of the destination rect is from the center of the parent
var distanceFromParentCenter = parentCenter - centerX;
// Mirror the center to the other side of the center of the parent
centerX += (distanceFromParentCenter * 2);
// We set Center and Bounds rather than Frame because Frame is undefined if the CALayer's transform is
// anything other than the identity (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiview/1622459-transform)
platformView.Center = new CGPoint(centerX, rect.Center.Y);
platformView.Bounds = new CGRect(platformView.Bounds.X, platformView.Bounds.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
viewHandler.Invoke(nameof(IView.Frame), rect);
internal static double ResolveConstraints(double measured, double exact, double min, double max)
var resolved = measured;
min = ResolveMinimum(min);
if (IsExplicitSet(exact))
// If an exact value has been specified, try to use that
resolved = exact;
if (resolved > max)
// Apply the max value constraint (if any)
// If the exact value is in conflict with the max value, the max value should win
resolved = max;
if (resolved < min)
// Apply the min value constraint (if any)
// If the exact or max value is in conflict with the min value, the min value should win
resolved = min;
return resolved;