using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CoreGraphics;
using ObjCRuntime;
using UIKit;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Platform
public static class ImageViewExtensions
public static void Clear(this UIImageView imageView)
// stop the animation if there is one
imageView.AnimationImages = null;
imageView.Image = null;
public static void UpdateAspect(this UIImageView imageView, IImage image)
imageView.ContentMode = image.Aspect.ToUIViewContentMode();
imageView.ClipsToBounds = imageView.ContentMode == UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFill || imageView.ContentMode == UIViewContentMode.Center;
public static void UpdateIsAnimationPlaying(this UIImageView imageView, IImageSourcePart image)
if (image.IsAnimationPlaying)
if (!imageView.IsAnimating)
if (imageView.IsAnimating)
// TODO: This method does not appear to be used, should we obsolete in net9?
public static void UpdateSource(this UIImageView imageView, UIImage? uIImage, IImageSourcePart image)
imageView.Image = uIImage;
// TODO: This method does not appear to be used, should we obsolete in net9?
public static Task<IImageSourceServiceResult<UIImage>?> UpdateSourceAsync(
this UIImageView imageView,
IImageSourcePart image,
IImageSourceServiceProvider services,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
float scale = imageView.Window?.GetDisplayDensity() ?? 1.0f;
return image.UpdateSourceAsync(imageView, services, (uiImage) =>
imageView.Image = uiImage;
}, scale, cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the size that fits on the screen for a <see cref="UIImageView"/> to be consistent cross-platform.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The default iOS implementation of SizeThatFits only returns the image's dimensions and ignores the constraints.</remarks>
/// <param name="imageView">The <see cref="UIImageView"/> to be measured.</param>
/// <param name="constraints">The specified size constraints.</param>
/// <param name="padding"></param>
/// <returns>The size where the image would fit depending on the aspect ratio.</returns>
internal static CGSize SizeThatFitsImage(
this UIImageView imageView,
CGSize constraints,
Thickness padding = default)
// If there's no image, we don't need to take up any space
if (imageView.Image is null)
return new CGSize(0, 0);
CGSize imageSize = imageView.Image.Size;
double imageWidth = imageSize.Width;
double imageHeight = imageSize.Height;
var horizontalThickness = padding.HorizontalThickness;
var verticalThickness = padding.VerticalThickness;
var widthConstraint = constraints.Width - horizontalThickness;
var heightConstraint = constraints.Height - verticalThickness;
var constrainedWidth = Math.Min(imageWidth, widthConstraint);
var constrainedHeight = Math.Min(imageHeight, heightConstraint);
// In cases where we the image must fit its given constraints, we must shrink based on the smallest dimension (scale factor)
// that can fit it
if (imageView.ContentMode == UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit)
var widthRatio = constrainedWidth / imageWidth;
var heightRatio = constrainedHeight / imageHeight;
var scaleFactor = Math.Min(widthRatio, heightRatio);
return new CGSize(imageWidth * scaleFactor + horizontalThickness, imageHeight * scaleFactor + verticalThickness);
// Cases where AspectMode is ScaleToFill or Center
return new CGSize(constrainedWidth + horizontalThickness, constrainedHeight + verticalThickness);
} |