4 implementations of Log
Microsoft.Maui.Resizetizer (4)
GenerateSplashAndroidResources.cs (1)
161 void ILogger.Log(string message)
GenerateSplashAssets.cs (1)
45 void ILogger.Log(string message)
GenerateSplashStoryboard.cs (1)
143 void ILogger.Log(string message)
ResizetizeImages.cs (1)
263 void ILogger.Log(string message)
24 references to Log
Microsoft.Maui.Resizetizer (24)
AndroidAdaptiveIconGenerator.cs (9)
48 Logger?.Log($"Generating app icon took {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms"); 60 Logger.Log("Converting Background SVG to PNG: " + backgroundFile); 62 Logger.Log("Background was not found (will manufacture): " + backgroundFile); 73 Logger.Log($"Skipping `{backgroundFile}` => `{destination}` file is up to date."); 78 Logger.Log($"App Icon Background Part: " + destination); 104 Logger.Log("Converting Foreground SVG to PNG: " + foregroundFile); 106 Logger.Log("Foreground was not found (will manufacture): " + foregroundFile); 117 Logger.Log($"Skipping `{foregroundFile}` => `{destination}` file is up to date."); 122 Logger.Log($"App Icon Foreground Part: " + destination);
AppleIconAssetsGenerator.cs (2)
32 Logger.Log("iOS App Icon Set Directory: " + outputAppIconSetDir); 44 Logger.Log($"Skipping `{Info.Filename}` => `{appIconSetContentsFile}` file is up to date.");
Resizer.cs (1)
88 logger.Log($"Skipping '{inputFile}' as output '{outputFile}' is already up to date.");
ResizetizeImages.cs (1)
225 Logger.Log($"Skipping `{img.Filename}` => `{destination}` file is up to date.");
SkiaSharpAppIconTools.cs (1)
58 Logger?.Log($"Save app icon took {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms ({destination})");
SkiaSharpBitmapTools.cs (1)
25 Logger?.Log($"Open RASTER took {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms ({filename})");
SkiaSharpSvgTools.cs (2)
27 Logger?.Log($"Open SVG took {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms ({filename})"); 30 Logger?.Log($"SVG picture did not have a size and will fail to generate. ({Filename})");
SkiaSharpTools.cs (2)
90 Logger?.Log($"Detected a tint color of {tint}"); 122 Logger?.Log($"Save Image took {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms ({destination})");
TizenResourceXmlGenerator.cs (3)
63 Logger.Log("No 'res/contents/' directory to generate res.xml."); 80 Logger.Log($"Add {subDir.Name} to {groupNode.Name}"); 86 Logger.Log($"res.xml file has been saved in {outputResourceDir}");
WindowsIconGenerator.cs (2)
34 Logger.Log($"Generating ICO: {destination}"); 41 Logger.Log($"Skipping `{Info.Filename}` => `{destination}` file is up to date.");