using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Resizetizer
public class ResizetizeImages : MauiAsyncTask, ILogger
public string PlatformType { get; set; } = "android";
public string IntermediateOutputPath { get; set; }
public bool ThrowsErrorOnDuplicateOutput { get; set; } = true;
public string DuplicateOutputErrorMessage { get; set; }
public string InputsFile { get; set; }
public ITaskItem[] Images { get; set; }
public ITaskItem[] CopiedResources { get; set; }
public string IsMacEnabled { get; set; }
public ILogger Logger => this;
public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteAsync()
var inputImages = ResizeImageInfo.Parse(Images);
var images = RemoveDuplicates(inputImages);
var dpis = DpiPath.GetDpis(PlatformType);
if (dpis == null || dpis.Length <= 0)
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task.CompletedTask;
var originalScaleDpi = DpiPath.GetOriginal(PlatformType);
var resizedImages = new ConcurrentBag<ResizedImageInfo>();
this.ParallelForEach(images, img =>
var opStopwatch = new Stopwatch();
string op;
if (img.IsAppIcon)
// App icons are special
ProcessAppIcon(img, resizedImages);
op = "App Icon";
// By default we resize, but let's make sure
if (img.Resize)
ProcessImageResize(img, dpis, resizedImages);
op = "Resize";
// Otherwise just copy the thing over to the 1.0 scale
ProcessImageCopy(img, originalScaleDpi, resizedImages);
op = "Copy";
LogDebugMessage($"{op} took {opStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
catch (Exception ex)
LogCodedError("MAUI0000", $"There was an exception processing the image '{img.Filename}': {ex}");
if (PlatformType == "tizen")
var tizenResourceXmlGenerator = new TizenResourceXmlGenerator(IntermediateOutputPath, Logger);
var r = tizenResourceXmlGenerator.Generate();
if (r is not null)
var copiedResources = new List<TaskItem>();
foreach (var img in resizedImages)
var attr = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
string itemSpec = Path.GetFullPath(img.Filename);
// Fix the item spec to be relative for mac
if (bool.TryParse(IsMacEnabled, out bool isMac) && isMac)
itemSpec = img.Filename;
// Add DPI info to the itemspec so we can use it in the targets
attr.Add("_ResizetizerDpiPath", img.Dpi.Path);
attr.Add("_ResizetizerDpiScale", img.Dpi.Scale.ToString("0.0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
copiedResources.Add(new TaskItem(itemSpec, attr));
// Make sure the file is not readonly
// force the date time so we never update an image if its not changed.
File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(itemSpec, DateTime.UtcNow);
CopiedResources = copiedResources.ToArray();
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task.CompletedTask;
IEnumerable<ResizeImageInfo> RemoveDuplicates(IEnumerable<ResizeImageInfo> inputImages)
var imagesPairs = new Dictionary<string, ResizeImageInfo>();
var builder = new StringBuilder();
var hasDuplicates = false;
foreach (var image in inputImages)
if (imagesPairs.ContainsKey(image.OutputName))
if (hasDuplicates)
builder.Append(", ");
builder.Append($"{image.OutputName} ({image.ItemSpec})");
hasDuplicates = true;
imagesPairs[image.OutputName] = image;
if (hasDuplicates)
if (ThrowsErrorOnDuplicateOutput)
return imagesPairs.Values;
void ProcessAppIcon(ResizeImageInfo img, ConcurrentBag<ResizedImageInfo> resizedImages)
var appIconName = img.OutputName;
// Generate the actual bitmap app icons themselves
var appIconDpis = DpiPath.GetAppIconDpis(PlatformType, appIconName);
LogDebugMessage($"App Icon");
// Apple and Android have special additional files to generate for app icons
if (PlatformType == "android")
LogDebugMessage($"Android Adaptive Icon Generator");
appIconName = appIconName.ToLowerInvariant();
var adaptiveIconGen = new AndroidAdaptiveIconGenerator(img, appIconName, IntermediateOutputPath, this);
var iconsGenerated = adaptiveIconGen.Generate();
foreach (var iconGenerated in iconsGenerated)
else if (PlatformType == "ios")
LogDebugMessage($"iOS Icon Assets Generator");
var appleAssetGen = new AppleIconAssetsGenerator(img, appIconName, IntermediateOutputPath, appIconDpis, this);
var assetsGenerated = appleAssetGen.Generate();
foreach (var assetGenerated in assetsGenerated)
else if (PlatformType == "uwp")
LogDebugMessage($"Windows Icon Generator");
var windowsIconGen = new WindowsIconGenerator(img, IntermediateOutputPath, this);
LogDebugMessage($"Generating App Icon Bitmaps for DPIs");
var appTool = new SkiaSharpAppIconTools(img, this);
LogDebugMessage($"App Icon: Intermediate Path " + IntermediateOutputPath);
foreach (var dpi in appIconDpis)
LogDebugMessage($"App Icon: " + dpi);
var destination = Resizer.GetRasterFileDestination(img, dpi, IntermediateOutputPath)
.Replace("{name}", appIconName);
var (sourceExists, sourceModified) = Utils.FileExists(img.Filename);
var (destinationExists, destinationModified) = Utils.FileExists(destination);
LogDebugMessage($"App Icon Destination: " + destination);
if (destinationModified > sourceModified)
Logger.Log($"Skipping `{img.Filename}` => `{destination}` file is up to date.");
resizedImages.Add(new ResizedImageInfo() { Dpi = dpi, Filename = destination });
appTool.Resize(dpi, destination);
var r = appTool.Resize(dpi, destination);
void ProcessImageResize(ResizeImageInfo img, DpiPath[] dpis, ConcurrentBag<ResizedImageInfo> resizedImages)
var resizer = new Resizer(img, IntermediateOutputPath, this);
foreach (var dpi in dpis)
LogDebugMessage($"Resizing {img.Filename}");
var r = resizer.Resize(dpi, InputsFile);
LogDebugMessage($"Resized {img.Filename}");
void ProcessImageCopy(ResizeImageInfo img, DpiPath originalScaleDpi, ConcurrentBag<ResizedImageInfo> resizedImages)
var resizer = new Resizer(img, IntermediateOutputPath, this);
LogDebugMessage($"Copying {img.Filename}");
var r = resizer.CopyFile(originalScaleDpi, InputsFile);
LogDebugMessage($"Copied {img.Filename}");
void ILogger.Log(string message)