2 writes to picker
Microsoft.Maui.Essentials (2)
MediaPicker\MediaPicker.ios.cs (2)
71 picker = new UIImagePickerController(); 105 picker = null;
13 references to picker
Microsoft.Maui.Essentials (13)
MediaPicker\MediaPicker.ios.cs (13)
72 picker.SourceType = sourceType; 73 picker.MediaTypes = new string[] { mediaType }; 74 picker.AllowsEditing = false; 76 picker.CameraCaptureMode = UIImagePickerControllerCameraCaptureMode.Video; 79 picker.Title = options.Title; 81 if (DeviceInfo.Current.Idiom == DeviceIdiom.Tablet && picker.PopoverPresentationController != null && vc.View != null) 82 picker.PopoverPresentationController.SourceRect = vc.View.Bounds; 84 var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<FileResult>(picker); 85 picker.Delegate = new PhotoPickerDelegate 94 if (picker.PresentationController != null) 96 picker.PresentationController.Delegate = 100 await vc.PresentViewControllerAsync(picker, true); 104 picker?.Dispose();