using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Foundation;
using Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel;
using Microsoft.Maui.Devices;
using Microsoft.Maui.Storage;
using MobileCoreServices;
using Photos;
using UIKit;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Media
partial class MediaPickerImplementation : IMediaPicker
static UIImagePickerController picker;
public bool IsCaptureSupported
=> UIImagePickerController.IsSourceTypeAvailable(UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.Camera);
public Task<FileResult> PickPhotoAsync(MediaPickerOptions options)
=> PhotoAsync(options, true, true);
public Task<FileResult> CapturePhotoAsync(MediaPickerOptions options)
if (!IsCaptureSupported)
throw new FeatureNotSupportedException();
return PhotoAsync(options, true, false);
public Task<FileResult> PickVideoAsync(MediaPickerOptions options)
=> PhotoAsync(options, false, true);
public Task<FileResult> CaptureVideoAsync(MediaPickerOptions options)
if (!IsCaptureSupported)
throw new FeatureNotSupportedException();
return PhotoAsync(options, false, false);
public async Task<FileResult> PhotoAsync(MediaPickerOptions options, bool photo, bool pickExisting)
#pragma warning disable CA1416 // TODO: UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.PhotoLibrary, UTType.Image, UTType.Movie is supported on ios version 14 and above
#pragma warning disable CA1422 // Validate platform compatibility
var sourceType = pickExisting ? UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.PhotoLibrary : UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.Camera;
var mediaType = photo ? UTType.Image : UTType.Movie;
#pragma warning restore CA1422 // Validate platform compatibility
#pragma warning restore CA1416
if (!UIImagePickerController.IsSourceTypeAvailable(sourceType))
throw new FeatureNotSupportedException();
if (!UIImagePickerController.AvailableMediaTypes(sourceType).Contains(mediaType))
throw new FeatureNotSupportedException();
if (!photo && !pickExisting)
await Permissions.EnsureGrantedAsync<Permissions.Microphone>();
// Check if picking existing or not and ensure permission accordingly as they can be set independently from each other
if (pickExisting && !OperatingSystem.IsIOSVersionAtLeast(11, 0))
#pragma warning disable CA1416 // TODO: Permissions.Photos is supported on ios version 14 and above
await Permissions.EnsureGrantedAsync<Permissions.Photos>();
#pragma warning restore CA1416
if (!pickExisting)
await Permissions.EnsureGrantedAsync<Permissions.Camera>();
var vc = WindowStateManager.Default.GetCurrentUIViewController(true);
picker = new UIImagePickerController();
picker.SourceType = sourceType;
picker.MediaTypes = new string[] { mediaType };
picker.AllowsEditing = false;
if (!photo && !pickExisting)
picker.CameraCaptureMode = UIImagePickerControllerCameraCaptureMode.Video;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options?.Title))
picker.Title = options.Title;
if (DeviceInfo.Current.Idiom == DeviceIdiom.Tablet && picker.PopoverPresentationController != null && vc.View != null)
picker.PopoverPresentationController.SourceRect = vc.View.Bounds;
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<FileResult>(picker);
picker.Delegate = new PhotoPickerDelegate
CompletedHandler = async info =>
await vc.DismissViewControllerAsync(true);
GetFileResult(info, tcs);
if (picker.PresentationController != null)
picker.PresentationController.Delegate =
new UIPresentationControllerDelegate(() => GetFileResult(null, tcs));
await vc.PresentViewControllerAsync(picker, true);
var result = await tcs.Task;
picker = null;
return result;
static void GetFileResult(NSDictionary info, TaskCompletionSource<FileResult> tcs)
catch (Exception ex)
static FileResult DictionaryToMediaFile(NSDictionary info)
if (info == null)
return null;
PHAsset phAsset = null;
NSUrl assetUrl = null;
if (OperatingSystem.IsIOSVersionAtLeast(11, 0))
assetUrl = info[UIImagePickerController.ImageUrl] as NSUrl;
// Try the MediaURL sometimes used for videos
if (assetUrl == null)
assetUrl = info[UIImagePickerController.MediaURL] as NSUrl;
if (assetUrl != null)
if (!assetUrl.Scheme.Equals("assets-library", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return new UIDocumentFileResult(assetUrl);
#pragma warning disable CA1416 // TODO: 'UIImagePickerController.PHAsset' is only supported on: 'ios' from version 11.0 to 14.0
#pragma warning disable CA1422 // Validate platform compatibility
phAsset = info.ValueForKey(UIImagePickerController.PHAsset) as PHAsset;
#pragma warning restore CA1422 // Validate platform compatibility
#pragma warning restore CA1416
#pragma warning disable CA1416 // TODO: 'UIImagePickerController.ReferenceUrl' is unsupported on 'ios' 11.0 and later
#pragma warning disable CA1422 // Validate platform compatibility
if (phAsset == null)
assetUrl = info[UIImagePickerController.ReferenceUrl] as NSUrl;
if (assetUrl != null)
phAsset = PHAsset.FetchAssets(new NSUrl[] { assetUrl }, null)?.LastObject as PHAsset;
#pragma warning restore CA1422 // Validate platform compatibility
#pragma warning restore CA1416 // 'PHAsset.FetchAssets(NSUrl[], PHFetchOptions?)' is unsupported on 'ios' 11.0 and later
if (phAsset == null || assetUrl == null)
var img = info.ValueForKey(UIImagePickerController.OriginalImage) as UIImage;
if (img != null)
return new UIImageFileResult(img);
if (phAsset == null || assetUrl == null)
return null;
#pragma warning disable CA1416 // https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/14619
#pragma warning disable CA1422 // Validate platform compatibility
string originalFilename = PHAssetResource.GetAssetResources(phAsset).FirstOrDefault()?.OriginalFilename;
#pragma warning restore CA1422 // Validate platform compatibility
#pragma warning restore CA1416
return new PHAssetFileResult(assetUrl, phAsset, originalFilename);
class PhotoPickerDelegate : UIImagePickerControllerDelegate
public Action<NSDictionary> CompletedHandler { get; set; }
public override void FinishedPickingMedia(UIImagePickerController picker, NSDictionary info) =>
public override void Canceled(UIImagePickerController picker) =>