// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Calibrators;
using Microsoft.ML.CommandLine;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Data.Conversion;
using Microsoft.ML.EntryPoints;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Internallearn;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Model;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.Trainers;
using Microsoft.ML.Transforms;
[assembly: LoadableClass(typeof(SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer), typeof(SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer.Options),
new[] { typeof(SignatureBinaryClassifierTrainer), typeof(SignatureTrainer), typeof(SignatureFeatureScorerTrainer) },
[assembly: LoadableClass(typeof(void), typeof(SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer), null, typeof(SignatureEntryPointModule), SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer.LoadNameValue)]
namespace Microsoft.ML.Trainers
using TPredictor = CalibratedModelParametersBase<LinearBinaryModelParameters, PlattCalibrator>;
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="IEstimator{TTransformer}"/> to predict a target using a linear binary classification model trained with the symbolic stochastic gradient descent.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <format type="text/markdown"><)
/// or [SymbolicStochasticGradientDescent(Options)](xref:Microsoft.ML.MklComponentsCatalog.SymbolicSgdLogisticRegression(Microsoft.ML.BinaryClassificationCatalog.BinaryClassificationTrainers,Microsoft.ML.Trainers.SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer.Options)).
/// [!include[io](~/../docs/samples/docs/api-reference/io-columns-binary-classification.md)]
/// ### Trainer Characteristics
/// | | |
/// | -- | -- |
/// | Machine learning task | Binary classification |
/// | Is normalization required? | Yes |
/// | Is caching required? | No |
/// | Required NuGet in addition to Microsoft.ML |Microsoft.ML.Mkl.Components |
/// | Exportable to ONNX | Yes |
/// ### Training Algorithm Details
/// The symbolic stochastic gradient descent is an algorithm that makes its predictions by finding a separating hyperplane.
/// For instance, with feature values $f0, f1,..., f_{D-1}$, the prediction is given by determining what side of the hyperplane the point falls into.
/// That is the same as the sign of the feature's weighted sum, i.e. $\sum_{i = 0}^{D-1} (w_i * f_i) + b$, where $w_0, w_1,..., w_{D-1}$
/// are the weights computed by the algorithm, and $b$ is the bias computed by the algorithm.
/// While most symbolic stochastic gradient descent algorithms are inherently sequential - at each step, the processing of the current example depends on the parameters learned from previous examples.
/// This algorithm trains local models in separate threads and probabilistic model cobminer that allows the local models to be combined
/// to produce the same result as what a sequential symbolic stochastic gradient descent would have produced, in expectation.
/// For more information see [Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent with Sound Combiners](https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.08030).
/// Check the See Also section for links to usage examples.
/// ]]>
/// </format>
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Microsoft.ML.MklComponentsCatalog.SymbolicSgdLogisticRegression(Microsoft.ML.BinaryClassificationCatalog.BinaryClassificationTrainers,System.String,System.String,System.Int32)" />
/// <seealso cref="Microsoft.ML.MklComponentsCatalog.SymbolicSgdLogisticRegression(Microsoft.ML.BinaryClassificationCatalog.BinaryClassificationTrainers,Microsoft.ML.Trainers.SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer.Options)"/>
/// <seealso cref="Options"/>
public sealed class SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer : TrainerEstimatorBase<BinaryPredictionTransformer<TPredictor>, TPredictor>
internal const string LoadNameValue = "SymbolicSGD";
internal const string UserNameValue = "Symbolic SGD (binary)";
internal const string ShortName = "SymSGD";
/// <summary>
/// Options for the <see cref="SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer"/> as used in
/// <see cref="Microsoft.ML.MklComponentsCatalog.SymbolicSgdLogisticRegression(BinaryClassificationCatalog.BinaryClassificationTrainers, Options)"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class Options : TrainerInputBaseWithLabel
/// <summary>
/// Degree of lock-free parallelism. Determinism not guaranteed if this is set to higher than 1.
/// The default value is the number of logical cores that are available on the system.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Degree of lock-free parallelism. Determinism not guaranteed. " +
"Multi-threading is not supported currently.", ShortName = "nt")]
public int? NumberOfThreads;
/// <summary>
/// Number of passes over the data.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Number of passes over the data.", ShortName = "iter", SortOrder = 50)]
[TGUI(SuggestedSweeps = "1,5,10,20,30,40,50")]
[TlcModule.SweepableDiscreteParam("NumberOfIterations", new object[] { 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 })]
public int NumberOfIterations = Defaults.NumberOfIterations;
/// <summary>
/// Tolerance for difference in average loss in consecutive passes.
/// If the reduction on loss is smaller than the specified tolerance in one iteration, the training process will be terminated.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Tolerance for difference in average loss in consecutive passes.", ShortName = "tol")]
public float Tolerance = Defaults.Tolerance;
/// <summary>
/// Learning rate. A larger value can potentially reduce the training time but incur numerical instability and over-fitting.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Learning rate", ShortName = "lr", NullName = "<Auto>", SortOrder = 51)]
[TGUI(SuggestedSweeps = "<Auto>,1e1,1e0,1e-1,1e-2,1e-3")]
[TlcModule.SweepableDiscreteParam("LearningRate", new object[] { "<Auto>", 1e1f, 1e0f, 1e-1f, 1e-2f, 1e-3f })]
public float? LearningRate;
/// <summary>
/// L2 regularization.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "L2 regularization", ShortName = "l2", SortOrder = 52)]
[TGUI(SuggestedSweeps = "0.0,1e-5,1e-5,1e-6,1e-7")]
[TlcModule.SweepableDiscreteParam("L2Regularization", new object[] { 0.0f, 1e-5f, 1e-5f, 1e-6f, 1e-7f })]
public float L2Regularization = Defaults.L2Regularization;
/// <summary>
/// The number of iterations each thread learns a local model until combining it with the
/// global model. Low value means more updated global model and high value means less cache traffic.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The number of iterations each thread learns a local model until combining it with the " +
"global model. Low value means more updated global model and high value means less cache traffic.", ShortName = "freq", NullName = "<Auto>")]
[TGUI(SuggestedSweeps = "<Auto>,5,20")]
[TlcModule.SweepableDiscreteParam("UpdateFrequency", new object[] { "<Auto>", 5, 20 })]
public int? UpdateFrequency;
/// <summary>
/// The acceleration memory budget in MB.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The acceleration memory budget in MB", ShortName = "accelMemBudget")]
public long MemorySize = Defaults.MemorySize;
/// <summary>
/// Set to <see langword="true" /> causes the data to shuffle.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Shuffle data?", ShortName = "shuf")]
public bool Shuffle = Defaults.Shuffle;
/// <summary>
/// Apply weight to the positive class, for imbalanced data.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Apply weight to the positive class, for imbalanced data", ShortName = "piw")]
public float PositiveInstanceWeight = Defaults.PositiveInstanceWeight;
internal void Check(IExceptionContext ectx)
ectx.CheckUserArg(LearningRate == null || LearningRate.Value > 0, nameof(LearningRate), "Must be positive.");
ectx.CheckUserArg(NumberOfIterations > 0, nameof(NumberOfIterations), "Must be positive.");
ectx.CheckUserArg(PositiveInstanceWeight > 0, nameof(PositiveInstanceWeight), "Must be positive");
ectx.CheckUserArg(UpdateFrequency == null || UpdateFrequency > 0, nameof(UpdateFrequency), "Must be positive");
internal static class Defaults
public const float PositiveInstanceWeight = 1;
public const bool Shuffle = true;
public const long MemorySize = 1024;
public const float L2Regularization = 0;
public const float Tolerance = 1e-4f;
public const int NumberOfIterations = 50;
public override TrainerInfo Info { get; }
private readonly Options _options;
/// <summary>
/// This method ensures that the data meets the requirements of this trainer and its
/// subclasses, injects necessary transforms, and throws if it couldn't meet them.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ch">The channel</param>
/// <param name="examples">The training examples</param>
/// <param name="weightSetCount">Gets the length of weights and bias array. For binary classification and regression,
/// this is 1. For multi-class classification, this equals the number of classes on the label.</param>
/// <returns>A potentially modified version of <paramref name="examples"/></returns>
private RoleMappedData PrepareDataFromTrainingExamples(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData examples, out int weightSetCount)
CheckLabel(examples, out weightSetCount);
var idvToShuffle = examples.Data;
IDataView idvToFeedTrain;
if (idvToShuffle.CanShuffle)
idvToFeedTrain = idvToShuffle;
var shuffleArgs = new RowShufflingTransformer.Options
PoolOnly = false,
ForceShuffle = _options.Shuffle
idvToFeedTrain = new RowShufflingTransformer(Host, shuffleArgs, idvToShuffle);
var roles = examples.Schema.GetColumnRoleNames();
var examplesToFeedTrain = new RoleMappedData(idvToFeedTrain, roles);
if (examples.Schema.Weight.HasValue)
ch.Check(examplesToFeedTrain.Schema.Feature.Value.Type is VectorDataViewType vecType && vecType.Size > 0, "Training set has no features, aborting training.");
return examplesToFeedTrain;
private protected override TPredictor TrainModelCore(TrainContext context)
Host.CheckValue(context, nameof(context));
using (var ch = Host.Start("Training"))
var initPred = context.InitialPredictor;
var linearInitPred = initPred as LinearModelParameters;
// If initial predictor is set, it must be a linear model.
// If initPred is null (i.e., not set), the following check will always be bypassed.
// If initPred is not null, then the following checks if a LinearModelParameters is loaded to linearInitPred.
Host.CheckParam(initPred == null || linearInitPred != null, nameof(context),
"Initial predictor was not a linear predictor.");
var preparedData = PrepareDataFromTrainingExamples(ch, context.TrainingSet, out int weightSetCount);
return TrainCore(ch, preparedData, linearInitPred, weightSetCount);
private protected override PredictionKind PredictionKind => PredictionKind.BinaryClassification;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer"/>
/// </summary>
internal SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer(IHostEnvironment env, Options options)
: base(Contracts.CheckRef(env, nameof(env)).Register(LoadNameValue), TrainerUtils.MakeR4VecFeature(options.FeatureColumnName),
Host.CheckValue(options, nameof(options));
_options = options;
Info = new TrainerInfo(supportIncrementalTrain: true);
private TPredictor CreatePredictor(VBuffer<float> weights, float bias)
Host.CheckParam(weights.Length > 0, nameof(weights));
VBuffer<float> maybeSparseWeights = default;
VBufferUtils.CreateMaybeSparseCopy(in weights, ref maybeSparseWeights,
var predictor = new LinearBinaryModelParameters(Host, in maybeSparseWeights, bias);
return new ParameterMixingCalibratedModelParameters<LinearBinaryModelParameters, PlattCalibrator>(Host, predictor, new PlattCalibrator(Host, -1, 0));
private protected override BinaryPredictionTransformer<TPredictor> MakeTransformer(TPredictor model, DataViewSchema trainSchema)
=> new BinaryPredictionTransformer<TPredictor>(Host, model, trainSchema, FeatureColumn.Name);
/// <summary>
/// Continues the training of <see cref="SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer"/> using an already trained <paramref name="modelParameters"/>
/// a <see cref="BinaryPredictionTransformer"/>.
/// </summary>
public BinaryPredictionTransformer<TPredictor> Fit(IDataView trainData, LinearModelParameters modelParameters)
=> TrainTransformer(trainData, initPredictor: modelParameters);
private protected override SchemaShape.Column[] GetOutputColumnsCore(SchemaShape inputSchema)
return new[]
new SchemaShape.Column(DefaultColumnNames.Score, SchemaShape.Column.VectorKind.Scalar, NumberDataViewType.Single, false, new SchemaShape(AnnotationUtils.GetTrainerOutputAnnotation())),
new SchemaShape.Column(DefaultColumnNames.Probability, SchemaShape.Column.VectorKind.Scalar, NumberDataViewType.Single, false, new SchemaShape(AnnotationUtils.GetTrainerOutputAnnotation(true))),
new SchemaShape.Column(DefaultColumnNames.PredictedLabel, SchemaShape.Column.VectorKind.Scalar, BooleanDataViewType.Instance, false, new SchemaShape(AnnotationUtils.GetTrainerOutputAnnotation()))
[TlcModule.EntryPoint(Name = "Trainers.SymSgdBinaryClassifier",
Desc = "Train a symbolic SGD.",
UserName = SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer.UserNameValue,
ShortName = SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer.ShortName)]
internal static CommonOutputs.BinaryClassificationOutput TrainSymSgd(IHostEnvironment env, Options options)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
var host = env.Register("TrainSymSGD");
host.CheckValue(options, nameof(options));
EntryPointUtils.CheckInputArgs(host, options);
return TrainerEntryPointsUtils.Train<Options, CommonOutputs.BinaryClassificationOutput>(host, options,
() => new SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer(host, options),
() => TrainerEntryPointsUtils.FindColumn(host, options.TrainingData.Schema, options.LabelColumnName));
// We buffer instances from the cursor (limited to memorySize) and passes that buffer to
// the native code to learn for multiple instances by one interop call.
/// <summary>
/// This struct holds the information about the size, label and isDense of each instance
/// to be able to pass it to the native code.
/// </summary>
private readonly struct InstanceProperties
public readonly int FeatureCount;
public readonly float Label;
public readonly bool IsDense;
public InstanceProperties(int featureCount, float label, bool isDense)
FeatureCount = featureCount;
Label = label;
IsDense = isDense;
/// <summary>
/// ArrayManager stores multiple arrays of type <typeparamref name="T"/> in a "very long" array whose size is specified by accelChunkSize.
/// Once one of the very long arrays is full, another one is allocated to store additional arrays. The required memory
/// for this buffering is limited by memorySize.
/// Note that these very long arrays can be reused. This means that learning can be done in batches without the overhead associated
/// with allocation.
/// The benefit of this way of storage is that only a handful of new calls will be needed
/// which saves time.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of arrays to be stored</typeparam>
private sealed class ArrayManager<T> : IDisposable
/// <summary>
/// This structure is used for pinning very long arrays to stop GC from moving them.
/// The reason for this design is that when these arrays are passed to native code,
/// GC does not move the objects.
/// </summary>
private struct VeryLongArray
public T[] Buffer;
public GCHandle GcHandle;
public int Length => Buffer.Length;
public VeryLongArray(int veryLongArrayLength)
Buffer = new T[veryLongArrayLength];
GcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(Buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
public void Free()
// This list holds very long arrays.
private readonly List<VeryLongArray> _storage;
// Length of each very long array
// This is not readonly because there might be an instance where the length of the
// instance is longer than _veryLongArrayLength and we have to adjust it
private int _veryLongArrayLength;
// This index is used to walk over _storage list. During storing or giving an array,
// we are at _storage[_storageIndex].
private int _storageIndex;
// This index is used within a very long array from _storage[_storageIndex]. During storing or
// giving an array, we are at _storage[_storageIndex][_indexInCurArray].
private int _indexInCurArray;
// This is used to access AccelMemBudget, AccelChunkSize and UsedMemory
private readonly SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer _trainer;
private readonly IChannel _ch;
// Size of type T
private readonly int _sizeofT;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor for initializing _storage and other indices.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="trainer"></param>
/// <param name="ch"></param>
public ArrayManager(SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer trainer, IChannel ch)
_storage = new List<VeryLongArray>();
// Setting the default value to 2^17.
_veryLongArrayLength = (1 << 17);
_indexInCurArray = 0;
_storageIndex = 0;
_trainer = trainer;
_ch = ch;
_sizeofT = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns if the allocation was successful</returns>
private bool CheckAndAllocate()
// Check if this allocation violates the memorySize.
if (_trainer.UsedMemory + _veryLongArrayLength * _sizeofT <= _trainer.AcceleratedMemoryBudgetBytes)
// Add the additional allocation to UsedMemory
_trainer.UsedMemory += _veryLongArrayLength * _sizeofT;
_storage.Add(new VeryLongArray(_veryLongArrayLength));
return true;
// If allocation violates the budget, bail.
return false;
/// <summary>
/// This method checks if an array of size <paramref name="size"/> fits in _storage[_storageIndex][_indexInCurArray.._indexInCurArray+size-1].
/// </summary>
/// <param name="size">The size of the array to fit in the very long array _storage[_storageIndex] </param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool FitsInCurArray(int size)
_ch.Assert(_storage[_storageIndex].Length == _veryLongArrayLength);
return _indexInCurArray <= _veryLongArrayLength - size;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to add span <paramref name="instArray"/> to the storage without violating the restriction of memorySize.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="instArray">The span to be added</param>
/// <returns>Return if the allocation was successful</returns>
public bool AddToStorage(ReadOnlySpan<T> instArray)
var instArrayLength = instArray.Length;
_ch.Assert(instArrayLength * _sizeofT * 2 < _trainer.AcceleratedMemoryBudgetBytes);
if (instArrayLength > _veryLongArrayLength)
// In this case, we need to increase _veryLongArrayLength.
if (_indexInCurArray == 0 && _storageIndex == 0)
// If there are no instances loaded, all of the allocated very long arrays need to be deallocated
// and longer _veryLongArrayLength be used instead.
_veryLongArrayLength = instArrayLength;
// If there are already instances loaded into the _storage, train on them.
return false;
// Special case that happens only when _storage is empty
if (_storage.Count == 0)
if (!CheckAndAllocate())
return false;
_indexInCurArray = 0;
// Check if instArray can be fitted in the current setup.
else if (!FitsInCurArray(instArrayLength))
// Check if we reached the end of _storage. If so try to allocate a new very long array.
// Otherwise, there are more very long arrays left, just move to the next one.
if (_storageIndex == _storage.Count - 1)
if (!CheckAndAllocate())
return false;
_indexInCurArray = 0;
_indexInCurArray += instArrayLength;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// This is a soft clear, meaning that it doesn't reallocate, only sets _storageIndex and
/// _indexInCurArray to 0.
/// </summary>
public void ResetIndexing()
_storageIndex = 0;
_indexInCurArray = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Gives an array of <paramref name="size"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="size">The size of array to give</param>
/// <param name="outGcHandle"></param>
/// <param name="outArrayStartIndex"></param>
public void GiveArrayOfSize(int size, out GCHandle? outGcHandle, out int outArrayStartIndex)
// Generally it is the user responsibility to not ask for an array of a size that has not been
// previously allocated.
// In case no allocation has occurred.
if (_storage.Count == 0)
outGcHandle = null;
outArrayStartIndex = 0;
// Check if the array fits in _storage[_storageIndex].
if (!FitsInCurArray(size))
// If not, it must be in the next very long array.
_indexInCurArray = 0;
outGcHandle = _storage[_storageIndex].GcHandle;
outArrayStartIndex = _indexInCurArray;
_indexInCurArray += size;
private void DeallocateVeryLongArrays()
foreach (var veryLongArray in _storage)
public void Dispose()
/// <summary>
/// This class manages the buffering for instances
/// </summary>
private sealed class InputDataManager : IDisposable
// This ArrayManager is used for indices of instances
private readonly ArrayManager<int> _instIndices;
// This ArrayManager is used for values of instances
private readonly ArrayManager<float> _instValues;
// This is a list of the properties of instances that are buffered.
private readonly List<InstanceProperties> _instanceProperties;
private readonly FloatLabelCursor.Factory _cursorFactory;
private FloatLabelCursor _cursor;
// This is used as a mechanism to make sure that the memorySize restriction is not violated.
private bool _cursorMoveNext;
// This is the index to go over the instances in instanceProperties
private int _instanceIndex;
// This is used to access AccelMemBudget, AccelChunkSize and UsedMemory
private readonly SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer _trainer;
private readonly IChannel _ch;
// Whether memorySize was big enough to load the entire instances into the buffer
private bool _isFullyLoaded;
public bool IsFullyLoaded => _isFullyLoaded;
public int Count => _instanceProperties.Count;
// Tells if we have gone through the dataset entirely.
public bool FinishedTheLoad => !_cursorMoveNext;
public InputDataManager(SymbolicSgdLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer trainer, FloatLabelCursor.Factory cursorFactory, IChannel ch)
_instIndices = new ArrayManager<int>(trainer, ch);
_instValues = new ArrayManager<float>(trainer, ch);
_instanceProperties = new List<InstanceProperties>();
_cursorFactory = cursorFactory;
_ch = ch;
_cursor = cursorFactory.Create();
_cursorMoveNext = _cursor.MoveNext();
_isFullyLoaded = true;
_instanceIndex = 0;
_trainer = trainer;
// Has to be called for cursoring through the data
public void RestartLoading(bool needShuffle, IHost host)
if (needShuffle)
_cursor = _cursorFactory.Create(RandomUtils.Create(host.Rand.Next()));
_cursor = _cursorFactory.Create();
_cursorMoveNext = _cursor.MoveNext();
/// <summary>
/// This method tries to load as much as possible from the cursor into the buffer until the memorySize is reached.
/// </summary>
public void LoadAsMuchAsPossible()
while (_cursorMoveNext)
var featureValues = _cursor.Features.GetValues();
int featureCount = featureValues.Length;
// If the instance has no feature, ignore it!
if (featureCount == 0)
_cursorMoveNext = _cursor.MoveNext();
// We assume that cursor.Features.values are represented by float and cursor.Features.indices are represented by int
// We conservatively assume that an instance is sparse and therefore, it has an array of Floats and ints for values and indices
int perNonZeroInBytes = sizeof(float) + sizeof(int);
if (featureCount > _trainer.AcceleratedMemoryBudgetBytes / perNonZeroInBytes)
// Hopefully this never happens. But the memorySize must >= perNonZeroInBytes * length(the longest instance).
throw _ch.Except("Acceleration memory budget is too small! Need at least {0} MB for at least one of the instances",
featureCount * perNonZeroInBytes / (1024 * 1024));
bool couldLoad = true;
if (!_cursor.Features.IsDense)
// If it is a sparse instance, load its indices to instIndices buffer
couldLoad = _instIndices.AddToStorage(_cursor.Features.GetIndices());
// Load values of an instance into instValues
if (couldLoad)
couldLoad = _instValues.AddToStorage(featureValues);
// If the load was successful, load the instance properties to instanceProperties
if (couldLoad)
float label = _cursor.Label;
InstanceProperties prop = new InstanceProperties(featureCount, label, _cursor.Features.IsDense);
_cursorMoveNext = _cursor.MoveNext();
if (_instanceProperties.Count > (1 << 30))
// If it happened to be the case that we have so much memory that we were able to load (1<<30) instances,
// break. This is because in such a case _instanceProperties can only be addressed by int32 and (1<<30) is
// getting close to the limits. This should rarely happen!
_isFullyLoaded = false;
// If couldLoad fails at any point (which is because of memorySize), isFullyLoaded becomes false forever
_isFullyLoaded = false;
public void PrepareCursoring()
_instanceIndex = 0;
/// <summary>
/// This method provides instances stored in the buffer in a sequential order. Note that method PrepareCursoring should be called before using this method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prop">The property of the given instance. It is set to null in case there are no more instance.</param>
/// <param name="indicesGcHandle"></param>
/// <param name="indicesStartIndex">The offset for the indices array.</param>
/// <param name="valuesGcHandle"></param>
/// <param name="valuesStartIndex">The offset for the values array.</param>
/// <returns>Retruns whether output is valid. Otherwise we have gone through the entire loaded instances.</returns>
public bool GiveNextInstance(out InstanceProperties? prop, out GCHandle? indicesGcHandle, out int indicesStartIndex,
out GCHandle? valuesGcHandle, out int valuesStartIndex)
if (_instanceIndex == _instanceProperties.Count)
// We hit the end.
prop = null;
indicesGcHandle = null;
indicesStartIndex = 0;
valuesGcHandle = null;
valuesStartIndex = 0;
return false;
prop = _instanceProperties[_instanceIndex];
if (!prop.Value.IsDense)
// If sparse, set indices array accordingly.
_instIndices.GiveArrayOfSize(prop.Value.FeatureCount, out indicesGcHandle, out indicesStartIndex);
indicesGcHandle = null;
indicesStartIndex = 0;
// Load values here.
_instValues.GiveArrayOfSize(prop.Value.FeatureCount, out valuesGcHandle, out valuesStartIndex);
return true;
public void Dispose()
private TPredictor TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, LinearModelParameters predictor, int weightSetCount)
int numFeatures = data.Schema.Feature.Value.Type.GetVectorSize();
var cursorFactory = new FloatLabelCursor.Factory(data, CursOpt.Label | CursOpt.Features);
int numThreads = _options.NumberOfThreads ?? Environment.ProcessorCount;
ch.CheckUserArg(numThreads > 0, nameof(_options.NumberOfThreads),
"The number of threads must be either null or a positive integer.");
var positiveInstanceWeight = _options.PositiveInstanceWeight;
VBuffer<float> weights = default;
float bias = 0.0f;
if (predictor != null)
((IHaveFeatureWeights)predictor).GetFeatureWeights(ref weights);
VBufferUtils.Densify(ref weights);
bias = predictor.Bias;
weights = VBufferUtils.CreateDense<float>(numFeatures);
var weightsEditor = VBufferEditor.CreateFromBuffer(ref weights);
// Reference: Parasail. SymSGD.
bool tuneLR = _options.LearningRate == null;
var lr = _options.LearningRate ?? 1.0f;
bool tuneNumLocIter = (_options.UpdateFrequency == null);
var numLocIter = _options.UpdateFrequency ?? 1;
var l2Const = _options.L2Regularization;
var piw = _options.PositiveInstanceWeight;
// This is state of the learner that is shared with the native code.
State state = new State();
GCHandle stateGCHandle = default;
stateGCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(state, GCHandleType.Pinned);
state.TotalInstancesProcessed = 0;
using (InputDataManager inputDataManager = new InputDataManager(this, cursorFactory, ch))
bool shouldInitialize = true;
using (var pch = Host.StartProgressChannel("Preprocessing"))
int iter = 0;
if (inputDataManager.IsFullyLoaded)
ch.Info("Data fully loaded into memory.");
using (var pch = Host.StartProgressChannel("Training"))
if (inputDataManager.IsFullyLoaded)
pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader(new[] { "iterations" }),
entry => entry.SetProgress(0, state.PassIteration, _options.NumberOfIterations));
// If fully loaded, call the SymSGDNative and do not come back until learned for all iterations.
Native.LearnAll(inputDataManager, tuneLR, ref lr, l2Const, piw, weightsEditor.Values, ref bias, numFeatures,
_options.NumberOfIterations, numThreads, tuneNumLocIter, ref numLocIter, _options.Tolerance, _options.Shuffle, shouldInitialize,
stateGCHandle, ch.Info);
shouldInitialize = false;
pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader(new[] { "iterations" }),
entry => entry.SetProgress(0, iter, _options.NumberOfIterations));
// Since we loaded data in batch sizes, multiple passes over the loaded data is feasible.
int numPassesForABatch = inputDataManager.Count / 10000;
while (iter < _options.NumberOfIterations)
// We want to train on the final passes thoroughly (without learning on the same batch multiple times)
// This is for fine tuning the AUC. Experimentally, we found that 1 or 2 passes is enough
int numFinalPassesToTrainThoroughly = 2;
// We also do not want to learn for more passes than what the user asked
int numPassesForThisBatch = Math.Min(numPassesForABatch, _options.NumberOfIterations - iter - numFinalPassesToTrainThoroughly);
// If all of this leaves us with 0 passes, then set numPassesForThisBatch to 1
numPassesForThisBatch = Math.Max(1, numPassesForThisBatch);
state.PassIteration = iter;
Native.LearnAll(inputDataManager, tuneLR, ref lr, l2Const, piw, weightsEditor.Values, ref bias, numFeatures,
numPassesForThisBatch, numThreads, tuneNumLocIter, ref numLocIter, _options.Tolerance, _options.Shuffle, shouldInitialize,
stateGCHandle, ch.Info);
shouldInitialize = false;
// Check if we are done with going through the data
if (inputDataManager.FinishedTheLoad)
iter += numPassesForThisBatch;
// Check if more passes are left
if (iter < _options.NumberOfIterations)
inputDataManager.RestartLoading(_options.Shuffle, Host);
// If more passes are left, load as much as possible
if (iter < _options.NumberOfIterations)
// Maps back the dense features that are mislocated
if (numThreads > 1)
Native.MapBackWeightVector(weightsEditor.Values, stateGCHandle);
if (stateGCHandle.IsAllocated)
return CreatePredictor(weights, bias);
private void CheckLabel(RoleMappedData examples, out int weightSetCount)
weightSetCount = 1;
private long AcceleratedMemoryBudgetBytes => _options.MemorySize * 1024 * 1024;
private long UsedMemory { get; set; }
private static unsafe class Native
//To triger the loading of MKL library since SymSGD native library depends on it.
static Native() => ErrorMessage(0);
internal const string NativePath = "SymSgdNative";
internal const string MklPath = "MklImports";
public delegate void ChannelCallBack(string message);
[DllImport(NativePath), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
private static extern void LearnAll(int totalNumInstances, int* instSizes, int** instIndices,
float** instValues, float* labels, bool tuneLR, ref float lr, float l2Const, float piw, float* weightVector, ref float bias,
int numFeatres, int numPasses, int numThreads, bool tuneNumLocIter, ref int numLocIter, float tolerance, bool needShuffle, bool shouldInitialize,
State* state, ChannelCallBack info);
/// <summary>
/// This method puts all of the buffered instances in array of pointers to pass it to SymSGDNative.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inputDataManager">The buffered data</param>
/// <param name="tuneLR">Specifies if SymSGD should tune alpha automatically</param>
/// <param name="lr">Initial learning rate</param>
/// <param name="l2Const"></param>
/// <param name="piw"></param>
/// <param name="weightVector">The storage for the weight vector</param>
/// <param name="bias">bias</param>
/// <param name="numFeatres">Number of features</param>
/// <param name="numPasses">Number of passes</param>
/// <param name="numThreads">Number of threads</param>
/// <param name="tuneNumLocIter">Specifies if SymSGD should tune numLocIter automatically</param>
/// <param name="numLocIter">Number of thread local iterations of SGD before combining with the global model</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">Tolerance for the amount of decrease in the total loss in consecutive passes</param>
/// <param name="needShuffle">Specifies if data needs to be shuffled</param>
/// <param name="shouldInitialize">Specifies if this is the first time to run SymSGD</param>
/// <param name="stateGCHandle"></param>
/// <param name="info"></param>
public static void LearnAll(InputDataManager inputDataManager, bool tuneLR,
ref float lr, float l2Const, float piw, Span<float> weightVector, ref float bias, int numFeatres, int numPasses,
int numThreads, bool tuneNumLocIter, ref int numLocIter, float tolerance, bool needShuffle, bool shouldInitialize, GCHandle stateGCHandle, ChannelCallBack info)
int totalNumInstances = inputDataManager.Count;
// Each instance has a pointer to indices array and a pointer to values array
int*[] arrayIndicesPointers = new int*[totalNumInstances];
float*[] arrayValuesPointers = new float*[totalNumInstances];
// Labels of the instances
float[] instLabels = new float[totalNumInstances];
// Sizes of each inst
int[] instSizes = new int[totalNumInstances];
int instanceIndex = 0;
// Going through the buffer to set the properties and the pointers
while (inputDataManager.GiveNextInstance(out InstanceProperties? prop, out GCHandle? indicesGcHandle, out int indicesStartIndex, out GCHandle? valuesGcHandle, out int valuesStartIndex))
if (prop.Value.IsDense)
arrayIndicesPointers[instanceIndex] = null;
int* pIndicesArray = (int*)indicesGcHandle.Value.AddrOfPinnedObject();
arrayIndicesPointers[instanceIndex] = &pIndicesArray[indicesStartIndex];
float* pValuesArray = (float*)valuesGcHandle.Value.AddrOfPinnedObject();
arrayValuesPointers[instanceIndex] = &pValuesArray[valuesStartIndex];
instLabels[instanceIndex] = prop.Value.Label;
instSizes[instanceIndex] = prop.Value.FeatureCount;
fixed (float* pweightVector = &weightVector[0])
fixed (int** pIndicesPointer = &arrayIndicesPointers[0])
fixed (float** pValuesPointer = &arrayValuesPointers[0])
fixed (int* pInstSizes = &instSizes[0])
fixed (float* pInstLabels = &instLabels[0])
LearnAll(totalNumInstances, pInstSizes, pIndicesPointer, pValuesPointer, pInstLabels, tuneLR, ref lr, l2Const, piw,
pweightVector, ref bias, numFeatres, numPasses, numThreads, tuneNumLocIter, ref numLocIter, tolerance, needShuffle,
shouldInitialize, (State*)stateGCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), info);
[DllImport(NativePath), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
private static extern void MapBackWeightVector(float* weightVector, State* state);
/// <summary>
/// Maps back the dense feature to the correct position
/// </summary>
/// <param name="weightVector">The weight vector</param>
/// <param name="stateGCHandle"></param>
public static void MapBackWeightVector(Span<float> weightVector, GCHandle stateGCHandle)
fixed (float* pweightVector = &weightVector[0])
MapBackWeightVector(pweightVector, (State*)stateGCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject());
[DllImport(NativePath), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
private static extern void DeallocateSequentially(State* state);
public static void DeallocateSequentially(GCHandle stateGCHandle)
// See: https://software.intel.com/en-us/node/521990
[DllImport(MklPath, EntryPoint = "DftiErrorMessage", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Auto), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
private static extern IntPtr ErrorMessage(int status);
/// <summary>
/// This is the state of a SymSGD learner that is shared between the managed and native code.
/// </summary>
internal unsafe struct State
#pragma warning disable 649 // never assigned
public readonly int NumLearners;
public int TotalInstancesProcessed;
public readonly void* Learners;
public readonly void* FreqFeatUnorderedMap;
public readonly int* FreqFeatDirectMap;
public readonly int NumFrequentFeatures;
public int PassIteration;
public readonly float WeightScaling;
#pragma warning restore 649 // never assigned