// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.CommandLine;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.EntryPoints;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.CpuMath;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Internallearn;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Numeric;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.Trainers;
[assembly: LoadableClass(KMeansTrainer.Summary, typeof(KMeansTrainer), typeof(KMeansTrainer.Options),
new[] { typeof(SignatureClusteringTrainer), typeof(SignatureTrainer) },
KMeansTrainer.ShortName, "KMeans")]
[assembly: LoadableClass(typeof(void), typeof(KMeansTrainer), null, typeof(SignatureEntryPointModule), "KMeans")]
namespace Microsoft.ML.Trainers
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="IEstimator{TTransformer}"/> for training a KMeans clusterer
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <format type="text/markdown"><)
/// or [Kmeans(Options)](xref:Microsoft.ML.KMeansClusteringExtensions.KMeans(Microsoft.ML.ClusteringCatalog.ClusteringTrainers,Microsoft.ML.Trainers.KMeansTrainer.Options)).
/// [!include[io](~/../docs/samples/docs/api-reference/io-columns-clustering.md)]
/// ### Trainer Characteristics
/// | | |
/// | -- | -- |
/// | Machine learning task | Clustering |
/// | Is normalization required? | Yes |
/// | Is caching required? | Yes |
/// | Required NuGet in addition to Microsoft.ML | None |
/// | Exportable to ONNX | Yes |
/// ### Training Algorithm Details
/// [K-means](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering) is a popular clustering algorithm.
/// With K-means, the data is clustered into a specified number of clusters in order to minimize the within-cluster sum of squared distances.
/// This implementation follows the [Yinyang K-means method](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/ding15.pdf).
/// For choosing the initial cluster centeroids, one of three options can be used:
/// - Random initialization. This might lead to potentially bad approximations of the optimal clustering.
/// - The K-means++ method. This is an [improved initialization algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means%2b%2b#Improved_initialization_algorithm)
/// introduced [here](http://ilpubs.stanford.edu:8090/778/1/2006-13.pdf) by Ding et al., that guarantees to find
/// a solution that is $O(log K)$ competitive to the optimal K-means solution.
/// - The K-means|| method. This method was introduced [here](https://theory.stanford.edu/~sergei/papers/vldb12-kmpar.pdf) by Bahmani et al., and uses
/// a parallel method that drastically reduces the number of passes needed to obtain a good initialization.
/// K-means|| is the default initialization method. The other methods can be specified in the [Options](xref:Microsoft.ML.Trainers.KMeansTrainer.Options)
/// when creating the trainer using
/// [KMeansTrainer(Options)](xref:Microsoft.ML.KMeansClusteringExtensions.KMeans(Microsoft.ML.ClusteringCatalog.ClusteringTrainers,Microsoft.ML.Trainers.KMeansTrainer.Options)).
/// ### Scoring Function
/// The output Score column contains the square of the $L_2$-norm distance (i.e., [Euclidean distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance)) of the given input vector $\textbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^n$ to each cluster's centroid.
/// Assume that the centriod of the $c$-th cluster is $\textbf{m}_c \in \mathbb{R}^n$.
/// The $c$-th value at the Score column would be $d_c = || \textbf{x} - \textbf{m}\_c ||\_2^2$.
/// The predicted label is the index with the smallest value in a $K$ dimensional vector $[d\_{0}, \dots, d\_{K-1}]$, where $K$ is the number of clusters.
/// For more information on K-means, and K-means++ see:
/// [K-means](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering)
/// [K-means++](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means%2b%2b)
/// Check the See Also section for links to usage examples.
/// ]]>
/// </format>
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Microsoft.ML.Trainers.KMeansTrainer" />
public class KMeansTrainer : TrainerEstimatorBase<ClusteringPredictionTransformer<KMeansModelParameters>, KMeansModelParameters>
internal const string LoadNameValue = "KMeansPlusPlus";
internal const string UserNameValue = "KMeans++ Clustering";
internal const string ShortName = "KM";
internal const string Summary = "K-means is a popular clustering algorithm. With K-means, the data is clustered into a specified "
+ "number of clusters in order to minimize the within-cluster sum of squares. K-means++ improves upon K-means by using a better "
+ "method for choosing the initial cluster centers.";
public enum InitializationAlgorithm
KMeansPlusPlus = 0,
Random = 1,
KMeansYinyang = 2
internal static class Defaults
/// <value>The number of clusters.</value>
public const int NumberOfClusters = 5;
/// <summary>
/// Options for the <see cref="KMeansTrainer"/> as used in [KMeansTrainer(Options)](xref:Microsoft.ML.KMeansClusteringExtensions.KMeans(Microsoft.ML.ClusteringCatalog.ClusteringTrainers,Microsoft.ML.Trainers.KMeansTrainer.Options)).
/// </summary>
public sealed class Options : UnsupervisedTrainerInputBaseWithWeight
/// <summary>
/// The number of clusters.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The number of clusters", SortOrder = 50, Name = "K")]
[TGUI(SuggestedSweeps = "5,10,20,40")]
[TlcModule.SweepableDiscreteParam("K", new object[] { 5, 10, 20, 40 })]
public int NumberOfClusters = Defaults.NumberOfClusters;
/// <summary>
/// Cluster initialization algorithm.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Cluster initialization algorithm", ShortName = "init")]
public InitializationAlgorithm InitializationAlgorithm = InitializationAlgorithm.KMeansYinyang;
/// <summary>
/// Tolerance parameter for trainer convergence. Low = slower, more accurate.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Tolerance parameter for trainer convergence. Low = slower, more accurate",
Name = "OptTol", ShortName = "ot")]
[TGUI(Label = "Optimization Tolerance", Description = "Threshold for trainer convergence")]
public float OptimizationTolerance = (float)1e-7;
/// <summary>
/// Maximum number of iterations.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Maximum number of iterations.", ShortName = "maxiter, NumberOfIterations")]
[TGUI(Label = "Max Number of Iterations")]
public int MaximumNumberOfIterations = 1000;
/// <summary>
/// Memory budget (in MBs) to use for KMeans acceleration.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Memory budget (in MBs) to use for KMeans acceleration",
Name = "AccelMemBudgetMb", ShortName = "accelMemBudgetMb")]
[TGUI(Label = "Memory Budget (in MBs) for KMeans Acceleration")]
public int AccelerationMemoryBudgetMb = 4 * 1024; // by default, use at most 4 GB
/// <summary>
/// Degree of lock-free parallelism. Defaults to automatic. Determinism not guaranteed.
/// </summary>
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Degree of lock-free parallelism. Defaults to automatic. Determinism not guaranteed.", ShortName = "nt,t,threads", SortOrder = 50)]
[TGUI(Label = "Number of threads")]
public int? NumberOfThreads;
private readonly int _k;
private readonly int _maxIterations; // max number of iterations to train
private readonly float _convergenceThreshold; // convergence thresholds
private readonly long _accelMemBudgetMb;
private readonly InitializationAlgorithm _initAlgorithm;
private readonly int _numThreads;
private readonly string _featureColumn;
public override TrainerInfo Info { get; }
private protected override PredictionKind PredictionKind => PredictionKind.Clustering;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="KMeansTrainer"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="env">The <see cref="IHostEnvironment"/> to use.</param>
/// <param name="options">The advanced options of the algorithm.</param>
internal KMeansTrainer(IHostEnvironment env, Options options)
: base(Contracts.CheckRef(env, nameof(env)).Register(LoadNameValue), TrainerUtils.MakeR4VecFeature(options.FeatureColumnName), default, TrainerUtils.MakeR4ScalarWeightColumn(options.ExampleWeightColumnName))
Host.CheckValue(options, nameof(options));
Host.CheckUserArg(options.NumberOfClusters > 0, nameof(options.NumberOfClusters), "Must be positive");
_featureColumn = options.FeatureColumnName;
_k = options.NumberOfClusters;
Host.CheckUserArg(options.MaximumNumberOfIterations > 0, nameof(options.MaximumNumberOfIterations), "Must be positive");
_maxIterations = options.MaximumNumberOfIterations;
Host.CheckUserArg(options.OptimizationTolerance > 0, nameof(options.OptimizationTolerance), "Tolerance must be positive");
_convergenceThreshold = options.OptimizationTolerance;
Host.CheckUserArg(options.AccelerationMemoryBudgetMb > 0, nameof(options.AccelerationMemoryBudgetMb), "Must be positive");
_accelMemBudgetMb = options.AccelerationMemoryBudgetMb;
_initAlgorithm = options.InitializationAlgorithm;
Host.CheckUserArg(!options.NumberOfThreads.HasValue || options.NumberOfThreads > 0, nameof(options.NumberOfThreads),
"Must be either null or a positive integer.");
_numThreads = ComputeNumThreads(options.NumberOfThreads);
Info = new TrainerInfo();
private protected override KMeansModelParameters TrainModelCore(TrainContext context)
Host.CheckValue(context, nameof(context));
var data = context.TrainingSet;
data.CheckFeatureFloatVector(out int dimensionality);
Contracts.Assert(dimensionality > 0);
using (var ch = Host.Start("Training"))
return TrainCore(ch, data, dimensionality);
private KMeansModelParameters TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, int dimensionality)
// REVIEW: In high-dimensionality cases this is less than ideal and we should consider
// using sparse buffers for the centroids.
// The coordinates of the final centroids at the end of the training. During training
// it holds the centroids of the previous iteration.
var centroids = new VBuffer<float>[_k];
for (int i = 0; i < _k; i++)
centroids[i] = VBufferUtils.CreateDense<float>(dimensionality);
ch.Info("Initializing centroids");
long missingFeatureCount;
long totalTrainingInstances;
CursOpt cursorOpt = CursOpt.Id | CursOpt.Features;
if (data.Schema.Weight.HasValue)
cursorOpt |= CursOpt.Weight;
var cursorFactory = new FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory(data, cursorOpt);
// REVIEW: It would be nice to extract these out into subcomponents in the future. We should
// revisit and even consider breaking these all into individual KMeans-flavored trainers, they
// all produce a valid set of output centroids with various trade-offs in runtime (with perhaps
// random initialization creating a set that's not terribly useful.) They could also be extended to
// pay attention to their incoming set of centroids and incrementally train.
if (_initAlgorithm == InitializationAlgorithm.KMeansPlusPlus)
KMeansPlusPlusInit.Initialize(Host, _numThreads, ch, cursorFactory, _k, dimensionality,
centroids, out missingFeatureCount, out totalTrainingInstances);
else if (_initAlgorithm == InitializationAlgorithm.Random)
KMeansRandomInit.Initialize(Host, _numThreads, ch, cursorFactory, _k,
centroids, out missingFeatureCount, out totalTrainingInstances);
// Defaulting to KMeans|| initialization.
KMeansBarBarInitialization.Initialize(Host, _numThreads, ch, cursorFactory, _k, dimensionality,
centroids, _accelMemBudgetMb, out missingFeatureCount, out totalTrainingInstances);
ch.Info("Centroids initialized, starting main trainer");
Host, _numThreads, ch, cursorFactory, totalTrainingInstances, _k, dimensionality, _maxIterations,
_accelMemBudgetMb, _convergenceThreshold, centroids);
ch.Info("Model trained successfully on {0} instances", totalTrainingInstances);
if (missingFeatureCount > 0)
"{0} instances with missing features detected and ignored. Consider using MissingHandler.",
return new KMeansModelParameters(Host, _k, centroids, copyIn: true);
private static int ComputeNumThreads(int? argNumThreads)
// REVIEW: For small data sets it would be nice to clamp down on concurrency, it
// isn't going to get us a performance improvement.
int maxThreads = Environment.ProcessorCount / 2;
// If we specified a number of threads that's fine, but it must be below maxThreads.
if (argNumThreads.HasValue)
maxThreads = Math.Min(maxThreads, argNumThreads.Value);
return Math.Max(1, maxThreads);
[TlcModule.EntryPoint(Name = "Trainers.KMeansPlusPlusClusterer",
Desc = Summary,
UserName = UserNameValue,
ShortName = ShortName)]
internal static CommonOutputs.ClusteringOutput TrainKMeans(IHostEnvironment env, Options input)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
var host = env.Register("TrainKMeans");
host.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
EntryPointUtils.CheckInputArgs(host, input);
return TrainerEntryPointsUtils.Train<Options, CommonOutputs.ClusteringOutput>(host, input,
() => new KMeansTrainer(host, input),
getWeight: () => TrainerEntryPointsUtils.FindColumn(host, input.TrainingData.Schema, input.ExampleWeightColumnName));
private protected override SchemaShape.Column[] GetOutputColumnsCore(SchemaShape inputSchema)
return new[]
new SchemaShape.Column(DefaultColumnNames.Score,
new SchemaShape(AnnotationUtils.GetTrainerOutputAnnotation())),
new SchemaShape.Column(DefaultColumnNames.PredictedLabel,
new SchemaShape(AnnotationUtils.GetTrainerOutputAnnotation()))
private protected override ClusteringPredictionTransformer<KMeansModelParameters> MakeTransformer(KMeansModelParameters model, DataViewSchema trainSchema)
=> new ClusteringPredictionTransformer<KMeansModelParameters>(Host, model, trainSchema, _featureColumn);
internal static class KMeansPlusPlusInit
private const float Epsilon = (float)1e-15;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize starting centroids via KMeans++ algorithm. This algorithm will always run single-threaded,
/// regardless of the value of <paramref name="numThreads" />.
/// </summary>
public static void Initialize(
IHost host, int numThreads, IChannel ch, FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory cursorFactory,
int k, int dimensionality, VBuffer<float>[] centroids,
out long missingFeatureCount, out long totalTrainingInstances, bool showWarning = true)
missingFeatureCount = 0;
totalTrainingInstances = 0;
var stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
const int checkIterations = 5;
float[] centroidL2s = new float[k];
// Need two vbuffers - one for the features of the current row, and one for the features of
// the "candidate row".
var candidate = default(VBuffer<float>);
using (var pCh = host.StartProgressChannel("KMeansPlusPlusInitialize"))
int i = 0;
pCh.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader("centroids"), (e) => e.SetProgress(0, i, k));
for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
// Print a message to user if the anticipated time for initializing is more than an hour.
if (i == checkIterations)
var elapsedHours = stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalHours;
var expectedHours = elapsedHours * k * (k - 1) / (checkIterations * (checkIterations - 1));
if (expectedHours > 1 && showWarning)
ch.Warning("Expected time to initialize all {0} clusters is {1:0} minutes. "
+ "You can use init=KMeansParallel to switch to faster initialization.",
k, expectedHours * 60);
// initializing i-th centroid
Double cumulativeWeight = 0; // sum of weights accumulated so far
float? cachedCandidateL2 = null;
bool haveCandidate = false;
// on all iterations except 0's, we calculate L2 norm of every instance and cache the current candidate's
using (var cursor = cursorFactory.Create())
while (cursor.MoveNext())
float probabilityWeight;
float l2 = 0;
if (i == 0)
// This check is only performed once, at the first pass of initialization
if (dimensionality != cursor.Features.Length)
throw ch.Except(
"Dimensionality doesn't match, expected {0}, got {1}",
probabilityWeight = 1;
l2 = VectorUtils.NormSquared(cursor.Features);
probabilityWeight = float.PositiveInfinity;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
var distance = -2 * VectorUtils.DotProduct(in cursor.Features, in centroids[j])
+ l2 + centroidL2s[j];
probabilityWeight = Math.Min(probabilityWeight, distance);
if (probabilityWeight > 0)
probabilityWeight *= cursor.Weight;
// as a result of numerical error, we could get negative distance, do not decrease the sum
cumulativeWeight += probabilityWeight;
if (probabilityWeight > Epsilon &&
host.Rand.NextSingle() < probabilityWeight / cumulativeWeight)
// again, numerical error may cause selection of the same candidate twice, so ensure that the distance is non-trivially positive
Utils.Swap(ref cursor.Features, ref candidate);
haveCandidate = true;
if (i > 0)
cachedCandidateL2 = l2;
if (i == 0)
totalTrainingInstances = cursor.KeptRowCount;
missingFeatureCount = cursor.BadFeaturesRowCount;
// persist the candidate as a new centroid
if (!haveCandidate)
throw ch.Except(
"Not enough distinct instances to populate {0} clusters (only found {1} distinct instances)", k, i);
candidate.CopyToDense(ref centroids[i]);
centroidL2s[i] = cachedCandidateL2 ?? VectorUtils.NormSquared(candidate);
/// <summary>
/// An instance of this class is used by SharedStates in YinYangTrainer
/// and KMeansBarBarInitialization. It effectively bounds MaxInstancesToAccelerate and
/// initializes RowIndexGetter.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class KMeansAcceleratedRowMap
// Retrieves the row's index for per-instance data. If the
// row is not assigned an index (it occurred after 'maxInstancesToAccelerate')
// or we are not accelerating then this returns -1.
public readonly KMeansUtils.RowIndexGetter RowIndexGetter;
public readonly bool IsAccelerated;
public readonly int MaxInstancesToAccelerate;
// When using parallel row cursors, there is no fixed, stable index for
// each row. Instead the RowCursor provides a stable ID across multiple
// cursorings. We map those IDs into an index to poke into the per instance
// structures.
private readonly HashArray<DataViewRowId> _parallelIndexLookup;
public KMeansAcceleratedRowMap(FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory factory, IChannel ch,
long baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate, long totalTrainingInstances, bool isParallel)
Contracts.Assert(totalTrainingInstances > 0);
Contracts.Assert(baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate >= 0);
// MaxInstancesToAccelerate is bound by the .Net array size limitation for now.
if (baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate > Utils.ArrayMaxSize)
baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate = Utils.ArrayMaxSize;
if (baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate > totalTrainingInstances)
baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate = totalTrainingInstances;
else if (baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate > 0)
ch.Info("Accelerating the first {0} instances", baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate);
if (baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate == 0)
RowIndexGetter = (FeatureFloatVectorCursor cur) => -1;
MaxInstancesToAccelerate = (int)baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate;
IsAccelerated = true;
if (!isParallel)
RowIndexGetter = (FeatureFloatVectorCursor cur) => cur.Row.Position < baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate ? (int)cur.Row.Position : -1;
_parallelIndexLookup = BuildParallelIndexLookup(factory);
RowIndexGetter = (FeatureFloatVectorCursor cur) =>
int idx;
// Sets idx to -1 on failure to find.
_parallelIndexLookup.TryGetIndex(cur.Id, out idx);
return idx;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the parallel index lookup HashArray using a sequential RowCursor. We
/// preinitialize the HashArray so we can perform lock-free lookup operations during
/// the primary KMeans pass.
/// </summary>
private HashArray<DataViewRowId> BuildParallelIndexLookup(FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory factory)
HashArray<DataViewRowId> lookup = new HashArray<DataViewRowId>();
int n = 0;
using (var cursor = factory.Create())
while (cursor.MoveNext() && n < MaxInstancesToAccelerate)
Contracts.Check(lookup.Count == n);
return lookup;
internal static class KMeansBarBarInitialization
/// <summary>
/// Data for optimizing KMeans|| initialization. Very similar to SharedState class
/// For every instance, there is a space for the best weight and best cluster computed.
/// In this class, new clusters mean the clusters that were added to the cluster set
/// in the previous round of KMeans|| and old clusters are the rest of them (the ones
/// that were added in the rounds before the previous one).
/// In every round of KMeans||, numSamplesPerRound new clusters are added to the set of clusters.
/// There are 'numRounds' number of rounds. We compute and store the distance of each new
/// cluster from every round to all of the previous clusters and use it
/// to avoid unnecessary computation by applying the triangle inequality.
/// </summary>
private sealed class SharedState
private readonly KMeansAcceleratedRowMap _acceleratedRowMap;
public KMeansUtils.RowIndexGetter RowIndexGetter { get { return _acceleratedRowMap.RowIndexGetter; } }
// _bestCluster holds the index of the closest cluster for an instance.
// Note that this array is only allocated for MaxInstancesToAccelerate elements.
private readonly int[] _bestCluster;
// _bestWeight holds the weight of instance x to _bestCluster[x] where weight(x) = dist(x, _bestCluster[x])^2 - norm(x)^2.
// Note that this array is only allocated for MaxInstancesToAccelerate elements.
private readonly float[] _bestWeight;
// The distance of each newly added cluster from the previous round to every old cluster
// the first dimension of this array is the size of numSamplesPerRound
// and the second dimension is the size of numRounds * numSamplesPerRound.
// _clusterDistances[i][j] = dist(cluster[i+clusterPrevCount], cluster[j])
// where clusterPrevCount-1 is the last index of the old clusters
// and new clusters are stored in cluster[cPrevIdx..clusterCount-1] where
// clusterCount-1 is the last index of the clusters.
private readonly float[,] _clusterDistances;
public SharedState(FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory factory, IChannel ch, long baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate,
long clusterBytes, bool isParallel, int numRounds, int numSamplesPerRound, long totalTrainingInstances)
Contracts.Assert(numRounds > 0);
Contracts.Assert(numSamplesPerRound > 0);
Contracts.Assert(totalTrainingInstances > 0);
_acceleratedRowMap = new KMeansAcceleratedRowMap(factory, ch, baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate, totalTrainingInstances, isParallel);
Contracts.Assert(_acceleratedRowMap.MaxInstancesToAccelerate >= 0,
"MaxInstancesToAccelerate cannot be negative as KMeansAcceleratedRowMap sets it to 0 when baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate is negative");
// If maxInstanceToAccelerate is positive, it means that there was enough room to fully allocate clusterDistances
// and allocate _bestCluster and _bestWeight as much as possible.
if (_acceleratedRowMap.MaxInstancesToAccelerate > 0)
_clusterDistances = new float[numSamplesPerRound, numRounds * numSamplesPerRound];
_bestCluster = new int[_acceleratedRowMap.MaxInstancesToAccelerate];
_bestWeight = new float[_acceleratedRowMap.MaxInstancesToAccelerate];
for (int i = 0; i < _acceleratedRowMap.MaxInstancesToAccelerate; i++)
_bestCluster[i] = -1;
_bestWeight[i] = float.MaxValue;
ch.Info("There was not enough room to store distances of clusters from each other for acceleration of KMeans|| initialization. A memory efficient approach is used instead.");
public int GetBestCluster(int idx)
return _bestCluster[idx];
public float GetBestWeight(int idx)
return _bestWeight[idx];
/// <summary>
/// When assigning an accelerated row to a cluster, we store away the weight
/// to its closest cluster, as well as the identity of the new
/// closest cluster. Note that bestWeight can be negative since it is
/// corresponding to the weight of a distance which does not have
/// the L2 norm of the point itself.
/// </summary>
public void SetInstanceCluster(int n, float bestWeight, int bestCluster)
Contracts.Assert(0 <= n && n < _acceleratedRowMap.MaxInstancesToAccelerate);
Contracts.Assert(0 <= bestCluster && bestCluster < _clusterDistances.GetLength(1), "bestCluster must be between 0..clusterCount-1");
// Update best cluster and best weight accordingly.
_bestCluster[n] = bestCluster;
_bestWeight[n] = bestWeight;
/// <summary>
/// Computes and stores the distance of a new cluster to an old cluster
/// <paramref name="newClusterFeatures"/> must be between 0..numSamplesPerRound-1.
/// </summary>
public void SetClusterDistance(int newClusterIdxWithinSample, in VBuffer<float> newClusterFeatures, float newClusterL2,
int oldClusterIdx, in VBuffer<float> oldClusterFeatures, float oldClusterL2)
if (_clusterDistances != null)
Contracts.Assert(newClusterL2 >= 0);
Contracts.Assert(0 <= newClusterIdxWithinSample && newClusterIdxWithinSample < _clusterDistances.GetLength(0), "newClusterIdxWithinSample must be between 0..numSamplesPerRound-1");
Contracts.Assert(0 <= oldClusterIdx && oldClusterIdx < _clusterDistances.GetLength(1));
_clusterDistances[newClusterIdxWithinSample, oldClusterIdx] =
MathUtils.Sqrt(newClusterL2 - 2 * VectorUtils.DotProduct(in newClusterFeatures, in oldClusterFeatures) + oldClusterL2);
/// <summary>
/// This function is the key to use triangle inequality. Given an instance x distance to the best
/// old cluster, cOld, and distance of a new cluster, cNew, to cOld, this function evaluates whether
/// the distance computation of dist(x,cNew) can be avoided.
/// </summary>
public bool CanWeightComputationBeAvoided(float instanceDistanceToBestOldCluster, int bestOldCluster, int newClusterIdxWithinSample)
Contracts.Assert(instanceDistanceToBestOldCluster >= 0);
Contracts.Assert(0 <= newClusterIdxWithinSample && newClusterIdxWithinSample < _clusterDistances.GetLength(0),
"newClusterIdxWithinSample must be between 0..numSamplesPerRound-1");
Contracts.Assert((_clusterDistances == null) || (bestOldCluster == -1 ||
(0 <= bestOldCluster && bestOldCluster < _clusterDistances.GetLength(1))),
"bestOldCluster must be -1 (not set/not enough room) or between 0..clusterCount-1");
// Only use this if the memory was allocated for _clusterDistances and bestOldCluster index is valid.
if (_clusterDistances != null && bestOldCluster != -1)
// This is dist(cNew,cOld).
float distanceBetweenOldAndNewClusters = _clusterDistances[newClusterIdxWithinSample, bestOldCluster];
// Use triangle inequality to evaluate whether weight computation can be avoided
// dist(x,cNew) + dist(x,cOld) > dist(cOld,cNew) =>
// dist(x,cNew) > dist(cOld,cNew) - dist(x,cOld) =>
// If dist(cOld,cNew) - dist(x,cOld) > dist(x,cOld), then dist(x,cNew) > dist(x,cOld). Therefore it is
// not necessary to compute dist(x,cNew).
if (distanceBetweenOldAndNewClusters - instanceDistanceToBestOldCluster > instanceDistanceToBestOldCluster)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// This function finds the best cluster and the best weight for an instance using
/// smart triangle inequality to avoid unnecessary weight computations.
/// Note that <paramref name="needToStoreWeight"/> is used to avoid the storing the new cluster in
/// final round. After the final round, best cluster information will be ignored.
/// </summary>
private static void FindBestCluster(in VBuffer<float> point, int pointRowIndex, SharedState initializationState,
int clusterCount, int clusterPrevCount, VBuffer<float>[] clusters, float[] clustersL2s, bool needRealDistanceSquared, bool needToStoreWeight,
out float minDistanceSquared, out int bestCluster)
Contracts.Assert(clusterCount > 0);
Contracts.Assert(0 <= clusterPrevCount && clusterPrevCount < clusterCount);
bestCluster = -1;
if (pointRowIndex != -1) // if the space was available for cur in initializationState.
// pointNorm is necessary for using triangle inequality.
float pointNorm = VectorUtils.NormSquared(in point);
// We have cached distance information for this point.
bestCluster = initializationState.GetBestCluster(pointRowIndex);
float bestWeight = initializationState.GetBestWeight(pointRowIndex);
// This is used by CanWeightComputationBeAvoided function in order to shortcut weight computation.
int bestOldCluster = bestCluster;
float pointDistanceSquared = pointNorm + bestWeight;
// Make pointDistanceSquared zero if it is negative, which it can be due to floating point instability.
// Do this before taking the square root.
pointDistanceSquared = (pointDistanceSquared >= 0.0f) ? pointDistanceSquared : 0.0f;
float pointDistance = MathUtils.Sqrt(pointDistanceSquared);
// bestCluster is the best cluster from 0 to cPrevIdx-1 and bestWeight is the corresponding weight.
// So, this loop only needs to process clusters from cPrevIdx.
for (int j = clusterPrevCount; j < clusterCount; j++)
if (initializationState.CanWeightComputationBeAvoided(pointDistance, bestOldCluster, j - clusterPrevCount))
// Lets check if our invariant actually holds
Contracts.Assert(-2 * VectorUtils.DotProduct(in point, in clusters[j]) + clustersL2s[j] > bestWeight);
float weight = -2 * VectorUtils.DotProduct(in point, in clusters[j]) + clustersL2s[j];
if (bestWeight >= weight)
bestWeight = weight;
bestCluster = j;
if (needToStoreWeight && bestCluster != bestOldCluster)
initializationState.SetInstanceCluster(pointRowIndex, bestWeight, bestCluster);
if (needRealDistanceSquared)
minDistanceSquared = bestWeight + pointNorm;
minDistanceSquared = bestWeight;
// We did not cache any information about this point.
// So, we need to go over all clusters to find the best cluster.
int discardSecondBestCluster;
float discardSecondBestWeight;
KMeansUtils.FindBestCluster(in point, clusters, clustersL2s, clusterCount, needRealDistanceSquared,
out minDistanceSquared, out bestCluster, out discardSecondBestWeight, out discardSecondBestCluster);
/// <summary>
/// This method computes the memory requirement for _clusterDistances in SharedState (clusterBytes) and
/// the maximum number of instances whose weight to the closest cluster can be memorized in order to avoid
/// recomputation later.
/// </summary>
private static void ComputeAccelerationMemoryRequirement(long accelMemBudgetMb, int numSamplesPerRound, int numRounds, bool isParallel,
out long maxInstancesToAccelerate, out long clusterBytes)
// Compute the memory requirement for _clusterDistances.
clusterBytes = sizeof(float)
* numSamplesPerRound // for each newly added cluster
* numRounds * numSamplesPerRound; // for older cluster
// Second, figure out how many instances can be accelerated.
int bytesPerInstance =
sizeof(int) // for bestCluster
+ sizeof(float) // for bestWeight
+ (isParallel ? sizeof(int) + 16 : 0); // for parallel rowCursor index lookup HashArray storage (16 bytes for RowId, 4 bytes for internal 'next' index)
maxInstancesToAccelerate = Math.Max(0, (accelMemBudgetMb * 1024 * 1024 - clusterBytes) / bytesPerInstance);
/// <summary>
/// KMeans|| Implementation, see https://theory.stanford.edu/~sergei/papers/vldb12-kmpar.pdf
/// This algorithm will require:
/// - (k * overSampleFactor * rounds * dimensionality * 4) bytes for the final sampled clusters.
/// - (k * overSampleFactor * numThreads * dimensionality * 4) bytes for the per-round sampling.
/// Uses memory in initializationState to cache distances and avoids unnecessary distance computations
/// akin to YinYang-KMeans paper.
/// Everywhere in this function, weight of an instance x from a cluster c means weight(x,c) = dist(x,c)^2-norm(x)^2.
/// We store weight in most cases to avoid unnecessary computation of norm(x).
/// </summary>
public static void Initialize(IHost host, int numThreads, IChannel ch, FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory cursorFactory,
int k, int dimensionality, VBuffer<float>[] centroids, long accelMemBudgetMb,
out long missingFeatureCount, out long totalTrainingInstances)
Contracts.CheckValue(host, nameof(host));
host.CheckValue(ch, nameof(ch));
ch.CheckValue(cursorFactory, nameof(cursorFactory));
ch.CheckValue(centroids, nameof(centroids));
ch.CheckUserArg(numThreads > 0, nameof(KMeansTrainer.Options.NumberOfThreads), "Must be positive");
ch.CheckUserArg(k > 0, nameof(KMeansTrainer.Options.NumberOfClusters), "Must be positive");
ch.CheckParam(dimensionality > 0, nameof(dimensionality), "Must be positive");
ch.CheckUserArg(accelMemBudgetMb >= 0, nameof(KMeansTrainer.Options.AccelerationMemoryBudgetMb), "Must be non-negative");
int numRounds;
int numSamplesPerRound;
// If k is less than 60, we haven't reached the threshold where the coefficients in
// the time complexity between KM|| and KM++ balance out to favor KM||. In this case
// we push the number of rounds to k - 1 (we choose a single point before beginning
// any round), and only take a single point per round. This effectively reduces KM|| to
// KM++. This implementation is sill however advantageous as it uses parallel reservoir sampling
// to parallelize each step.
if (k < 60)
numRounds = k - 1;
numSamplesPerRound = 1;
// From the paper, 5 rounds and l=2k is shown to achieve good results for real-world datasets
// with large k values.
numRounds = 5;
int overSampleFactor = 2;
numSamplesPerRound = overSampleFactor * k;
int totalSamples = numSamplesPerRound * numRounds + 1;
using (var pCh = host.StartProgressChannel(" KMeansBarBarInitialization.Initialize"))
// KMeansParallel performs 'rounds' iterations through the dataset, an initialization
// round to choose the first centroid, and a final iteration to weight the chosen centroids.
// From a time-to-completion POV all these rounds take about the same amount of time.
int logicalExternalRounds = 0;
pCh.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader("rounds"), (e) => e.SetProgress(0, logicalExternalRounds, numRounds + 2));
// The final chosen points, to be approximately clustered to determine starting
// centroids.
VBuffer<float>[] clusters = new VBuffer<float>[totalSamples];
// L2s, kept for distance trick.
float[] clustersL2s = new float[totalSamples];
int clusterCount = 0;
int clusterPrevCount = -1;
SharedState initializationState;
// First choose a single point to form the first cluster block using a random
// sample.
Heap<KMeansUtils.WeightedPoint>[] buffer = null;
var rowStats = KMeansUtils.ParallelWeightedReservoirSample(host, numThreads, 1, cursorFactory,
(in VBuffer<float> point, int pointIndex) => (float)1.0, (FeatureFloatVectorCursor cur) => -1,
ref clusters, ref buffer);
totalTrainingInstances = rowStats.TotalTrainingInstances;
missingFeatureCount = rowStats.MissingFeatureCount;
bool isParallel = numThreads > 1;
long maxInstancesToAccelerate;
long clusterBytes;
ComputeAccelerationMemoryRequirement(accelMemBudgetMb, numSamplesPerRound, numRounds, isParallel, out maxInstancesToAccelerate, out clusterBytes);
initializationState = new SharedState(cursorFactory, ch,
maxInstancesToAccelerate, clusterBytes, isParallel, numRounds, numSamplesPerRound, totalTrainingInstances);
VBufferUtils.Densify(ref clusters[clusterCount]);
clustersL2s[clusterCount] = VectorUtils.NormSquared(clusters[clusterCount]);
clusterPrevCount = clusterCount;
ch.Assert(clusterCount - clusterPrevCount <= numSamplesPerRound);
pCh.Checkpoint(logicalExternalRounds, numRounds + 2);
// Next we iterate through the dataset 'rounds' times, each time we choose
// instances probabilistically, weighting them with a likelihood proportional
// to their distance from their best cluster. For each round, this gives us
// a new set of 'numSamplesPerRound' instances which are very likely to be as
// far from our current total running set of instances as possible.
VBuffer<float>[] roundSamples = new VBuffer<float>[numSamplesPerRound];
KMeansUtils.WeightFunc weightFn = (in VBuffer<float> point, int pointRowIndex) =>
float distanceSquared;
int discardBestCluster;
FindBestCluster(in point, pointRowIndex, initializationState, clusterCount, clusterPrevCount, clusters,
clustersL2s, true, true, out distanceSquared, out discardBestCluster);
return (distanceSquared >= 0.0f) ? distanceSquared : 0.0f;
for (int r = 0; r < numRounds; r++)
// Iterate through the dataset, sampling 'numSamplesPerFound' data rows using
// the weighted probability distribution.
KMeansUtils.ParallelWeightedReservoirSample(host, numThreads, numSamplesPerRound, cursorFactory, weightFn,
(FeatureFloatVectorCursor cur) => initializationState.RowIndexGetter(cur), ref roundSamples, ref buffer);
clusterPrevCount = clusterCount;
for (int i = 0; i < numSamplesPerRound; i++)
Utils.Swap(ref roundSamples[i], ref clusters[clusterCount]);
VBufferUtils.Densify(ref clusters[clusterCount]);
clustersL2s[clusterCount] = VectorUtils.NormSquared(clusters[clusterCount]);
for (int j = 0; j < clusterPrevCount; j++)
initializationState.SetClusterDistance(i, in clusters[clusterCount], clustersL2s[clusterCount], j, in clusters[j], clustersL2s[j]);
ch.Assert(clusterCount - clusterPrevCount <= numSamplesPerRound);
pCh.Checkpoint(logicalExternalRounds, numRounds + 2);
ch.Assert(clusterCount == clusters.Length);
// Finally, we do one last pass through the dataset, finding for
// each instance the closest chosen cluster instance and summing these into buckets to be used
// to weight each one of our candidate chosen clusters.
float[][] weightBuffer = null;
float[] totalWeights = null;
KMeansUtils.ParallelMapReduce<float[], float[]>(
numThreads, host, cursorFactory, initializationState.RowIndexGetter,
(ref float[] weights) => weights = new float[totalSamples],
(ref VBuffer<float> point, int pointRowIndex, float[] weights, Random rand) =>
int bestCluster;
float discardBestWeight;
FindBestCluster(in point, pointRowIndex, initializationState, clusterCount, clusterPrevCount, clusters,
clustersL2s, false, false, out discardBestWeight, out bestCluster);
int debugBestCluster = KMeansUtils.FindBestCluster(in point, clusters, clustersL2s);
ch.Assert(bestCluster == debugBestCluster);
(float[][] workStateWeights, Random rand, ref float[] weights) =>
weights = new float[totalSamples];
for (int i = 0; i < workStateWeights.Length; i++)
CpuMathUtils.Add(workStateWeights[i], weights, totalSamples);
ref weightBuffer, ref totalWeights);
// This is running the original code to make sure that the new code matches the semantic of the original code.
float[] debugTotalWeights = null;
float[][] debugWeightBuffer = null;
KMeansUtils.ParallelMapReduce<float[], float[]>(
numThreads, host, cursorFactory, (FeatureFloatVectorCursor cur) => -1,
(ref float[] weights) => weights = new float[totalSamples],
(ref VBuffer<float> point, int discard, float[] weights, Random rand) => weights[KMeansUtils.FindBestCluster(in point, clusters, clustersL2s)]++,
(float[][] workStateWeights, Random rand, ref float[] weights) =>
weights = new float[totalSamples];
for (int i = 0; i < workStateWeights.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < workStateWeights[i].Length; j++)
weights[j] += workStateWeights[i][j];
ref debugWeightBuffer, ref debugTotalWeights);
for (int i = 0; i < totalWeights.Length; i++)
ch.Assert(totalWeights[i] == debugTotalWeights[i]);
ch.Assert(totalWeights.Length == clusters.Length);
// If we sampled exactly the right number of points then we can
// copy them directly to the output centroids.
if (clusters.Length == k)
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
clusters[i].CopyTo(ref centroids[i]);
// Otherwise, using our much smaller set of possible cluster centroids, go ahead
// and invoke the standard PlusPlus initialization routine to reduce this
// set down into k clusters.
ArrayDataViewBuilder arrDv = new ArrayDataViewBuilder(host);
arrDv.AddColumn(DefaultColumnNames.Features, NumberDataViewType.Single, clusters);
arrDv.AddColumn(DefaultColumnNames.Weight, NumberDataViewType.Single, totalWeights);
var subDataViewCursorFactory = new FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory(
new RoleMappedData(arrDv.GetDataView(), null, DefaultColumnNames.Features, weight: DefaultColumnNames.Weight), CursOpt.Weight | CursOpt.Features);
long discard1;
long discard2;
KMeansPlusPlusInit.Initialize(host, numThreads, ch, subDataViewCursorFactory, k, dimensionality, centroids, out discard1, out discard2, false);
internal static class KMeansRandomInit
/// <summary>
/// Initialize starting centroids via reservoir sampling.
/// </summary>
public static void Initialize(
IHost host, int numThreads, IChannel ch, FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory cursorFactory,
int k, VBuffer<float>[] centroids,
out long missingFeatureCount, out long totalTrainingInstances)
using (var pCh = host.StartProgressChannel("KMeansRandomInitialize"))
Heap<KMeansUtils.WeightedPoint>[] buffer = null;
VBuffer<float>[] outCentroids = null;
var rowStats = KMeansUtils.ParallelWeightedReservoirSample(host, numThreads, k, cursorFactory,
(in VBuffer<float> point, int pointRowIndex) => 1f, (FeatureFloatVectorCursor cur) => -1,
ref outCentroids, ref buffer);
missingFeatureCount = rowStats.MissingFeatureCount;
totalTrainingInstances = rowStats.TotalTrainingInstances;
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
Utils.Swap(ref centroids[i], ref outCentroids[i]);
internal static class KMeansLloydsYinYangTrain
private abstract class WorkChunkStateBase
protected readonly int K;
protected readonly long MaxInstancesToAccelerate;
// Standard KMeans per-cluster data.
protected readonly VBuffer<float>[] Centroids;
protected readonly long[] ClusterSizes;
// YinYang per-cluster data.
// cached sum of the first maxInstancesToAccelerate instances assigned to cluster i for 0 <= i < _k
protected readonly VBuffer<float>[] CachedSum;
public VBuffer<float>[] CachedSumDebug { get { return CachedSum; } }
protected double PreviousAverageScore;
protected double AverageScore;
// Number of entries in AverageScore calculation.
private long _n;
// Debug/Progress stats.
protected long GloballyFiltered;
protected long NumChanged;
protected long NumUnchangedMissed;
public static void Initialize(
long maxInstancesToAccelerate, int k, int dimensionality, int numThreads,
out ReducedWorkChunkState reducedState, out WorkChunkState[] workChunkArr)
if (numThreads == 1)
workChunkArr = new WorkChunkState[0];
workChunkArr = new WorkChunkState[numThreads];
for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)
workChunkArr[i] = new WorkChunkState(maxInstancesToAccelerate, k, dimensionality);
reducedState = new ReducedWorkChunkState(maxInstancesToAccelerate, k, dimensionality);
protected WorkChunkStateBase(long maxInstancesToAccelerate, int k, int dimensionality)
Centroids = new VBuffer<float>[k];
for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
Centroids[j] = VBufferUtils.CreateDense<float>(dimensionality);
ClusterSizes = new long[k];
if (maxInstancesToAccelerate > 0)
CachedSum = new VBuffer<float>[k];
for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
CachedSum[j] = VBufferUtils.CreateDense<float>(dimensionality);
K = k;
MaxInstancesToAccelerate = maxInstancesToAccelerate;
public void Clear(bool keepCachedSums = false)
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++)
VBufferUtils.Clear(ref Centroids[i]);
NumChanged = 0;
NumUnchangedMissed = 0;
GloballyFiltered = 0;
_n = 0;
PreviousAverageScore = AverageScore;
AverageScore = 0;
Array.Clear(ClusterSizes, 0, K);
if (!keepCachedSums)
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++)
VBufferUtils.Clear(ref CachedSum[i]);
public void KeepYinYangAssignment(int bestCluster)
// this instance does not change clusters in this iteration
// also, this instance does not account for average score calculation
// REVIEW: This seems wrong. We're accumulating the globally-filtered rows into
// the count that we use to find the average score for this iteration, yet we don't
// accumulate their distance. Removing this will lead to the case where N will be
// zero (all points filtered) and will cause a div-zero NaN score. It seems that we
// should remove this line, and special case N = 0 when we average the distance score,
// otherwise we'll continue to report a smaller epsilon and terminate earlier than we
// otherwise would have.
public void UpdateClusterAssignment(bool firstIteration, in VBuffer<float> features, int cluster, int previousCluster, float distance)
if (firstIteration)
VectorUtils.Add(in features, ref CachedSum[cluster]);
else if (previousCluster != cluster)
// update the cachedSum as the instance moves from (previous) bestCluster[n] to cluster
VectorUtils.Add(in features, ref CachedSum[cluster]);
// There doesnt seem to be a Subtract function that does a -= b, so doing a += (-1 * b)
VectorUtils.AddMult(in features, -1, ref CachedSum[previousCluster]);
UpdateClusterAssignmentMetrics(cluster, distance);
public void UpdateClusterAssignment(in VBuffer<float> features, int cluster, float distance)
VectorUtils.Add(in features, ref Centroids[cluster]);
UpdateClusterAssignmentMetrics(cluster, distance);
private void UpdateClusterAssignmentMetrics(int cluster, float distance)
AverageScore += distance;
/// <summary>
/// Reduces the array of work chunks into this chunk, coalescing the
/// results from multiple worker threads partitioned over a parallel cursor set and
/// clearing their values to prepare them for the next iteration.
/// </summary>
public static void Reduce(WorkChunkState[] workChunkArr, ReducedWorkChunkState reducedState)
for (int i = 0; i < workChunkArr.Length; i++)
reducedState.AverageScore += workChunkArr[i].AverageScore;
reducedState._n += workChunkArr[i]._n;
reducedState.GloballyFiltered += workChunkArr[i].GloballyFiltered;
reducedState.NumChanged += workChunkArr[i].NumChanged;
reducedState.NumUnchangedMissed += workChunkArr[i].NumUnchangedMissed;
for (int j = 0; j < reducedState.ClusterSizes.Length; j++)
reducedState.ClusterSizes[j] += workChunkArr[i].ClusterSizes[j];
VectorUtils.Add(in workChunkArr[i].CachedSum[j], ref reducedState.CachedSum[j]);
VectorUtils.Add(in workChunkArr[i].Centroids[j], ref reducedState.Centroids[j]);
workChunkArr[i].Clear(keepCachedSums: false);
reducedState.AverageScore /= reducedState._n;
protected virtual int Foo { get; }
private sealed class WorkChunkState
: WorkChunkStateBase
public WorkChunkState(long maxInstancesToAccelerate, int k, int dimensionality)
: base(maxInstancesToAccelerate, k, dimensionality)
private sealed class ReducedWorkChunkState
: WorkChunkStateBase
public double AverageScoreDelta => Math.Abs(PreviousAverageScore - AverageScore);
public ReducedWorkChunkState(long maxInstancesToAccelerate, int k, int dimensionality)
: base(maxInstancesToAccelerate, k, dimensionality)
AverageScore = double.PositiveInfinity;
/// <summary>
/// Updates all the passed in variables with the results of the most recent iteration
/// of cluster assignment. It is assumed that centroids will contain the previous results
/// of this call.
/// </summary>
public void UpdateClusters(VBuffer<float>[] centroids, float[] centroidL2s, float[] deltas, ref float deltaMax)
bool isAccelerated = MaxInstancesToAccelerate > 0;
deltaMax = 0;
// calculate new centroids
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++)
if (isAccelerated)
VectorUtils.Add(in CachedSum[i], ref Centroids[i]);
if (ClusterSizes[i] > 1)
VectorUtils.ScaleBy(ref Centroids[i], (float)(1.0 / ClusterSizes[i]));
if (isAccelerated)
float clusterDelta = MathUtils.Sqrt(VectorUtils.L2DistSquared(in Centroids[i], in centroids[i]));
deltas[i] = clusterDelta;
if (deltaMax < clusterDelta)
deltaMax = clusterDelta;
centroidL2s[i] = VectorUtils.NormSquared(Centroids[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++)
Utils.Swap(ref centroids[i], ref Centroids[i]);
public void ReportProgress(IProgressChannel pch, int iteration, int maxIterations)
pch.Checkpoint(AverageScore, NumChanged, NumUnchangedMissed + GloballyFiltered,
GloballyFiltered, iteration, maxIterations);
private sealed class SharedState
private readonly KMeansAcceleratedRowMap _acceleratedRowMap;
public int MaxInstancesToAccelerate => _acceleratedRowMap.MaxInstancesToAccelerate;
public bool IsAccelerated => _acceleratedRowMap.IsAccelerated;
public KMeansUtils.RowIndexGetter RowIndexGetter => _acceleratedRowMap.RowIndexGetter;
public int Iteration;
// YinYang data.
// the distance between the old and the new center for each cluster
public readonly float[] Delta;
// max value of delta[i] for 0 <= i < _k
public float DeltaMax;
// Per instance structures
public int GetBestCluster(int idx)
return _bestCluster[idx];
// closest cluster for an instance
private readonly int[] _bestCluster;
// upper bound on the distance of an instance to its bestCluster
private readonly float[] _upperBound;
// lower bound on the distance of an instance to every cluster other than its bestCluster
private readonly float[] _lowerBound;
public SharedState(FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory factory, IChannel ch, long baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate, int k,
bool isParallel, long totalTrainingInstances)
ch.Assert(k > 0);
ch.Assert(totalTrainingInstances > 0);
_acceleratedRowMap = new KMeansAcceleratedRowMap(factory, ch, baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate, totalTrainingInstances, isParallel);
ch.Assert(MaxInstancesToAccelerate >= 0,
"MaxInstancesToAccelerate cannot be negative as KMeansAcceleratedRowMap sets it to 0 when baseMaxInstancesToAccelerate is negative");
if (MaxInstancesToAccelerate > 0)
// allocate data structures
Delta = new float[k];
_bestCluster = new int[MaxInstancesToAccelerate];
_upperBound = new float[MaxInstancesToAccelerate];
_lowerBound = new float[MaxInstancesToAccelerate];
/// <summary>
/// When assigning an accelerated row to a cluster, we store away the distance
/// to its closer and second closed cluster, as well as the identity of the new
/// closest cluster. This method returns the last known closest cluster.
/// </summary>
public int SetYinYangCluster(int n, in VBuffer<float> features, float minDistance, int minCluster, float secMinDistance)
if (n == -1)
return -1;
// update upper and lower bound
// updates have to be true distances to use triangular inequality
float instanceNormSquared = VectorUtils.NormSquared(in features);
_upperBound[n] = MathUtils.Sqrt(instanceNormSquared + minDistance);
_lowerBound[n] = MathUtils.Sqrt(instanceNormSquared + secMinDistance);
int previousCluster = _bestCluster[n];
_bestCluster[n] = minCluster;
return previousCluster;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the known YinYang bounds for the given row using the centroid position
/// deltas from the previous iteration.
/// </summary>
public void UpdateYinYangBounds(int n)
Contracts.Assert(n != -1);
_upperBound[n] += Delta[_bestCluster[n]];
_lowerBound[n] -= DeltaMax;
/// <summary>
/// Determines if the triangle distance inequality still applies to the given row,
/// allowing us to avoid per-cluster distance computation.
/// </summary>
public bool IsYinYangGloballyBound(int n)
return _upperBound[n] < _lowerBound[n];
public void AssertValidYinYangBounds(int n, in VBuffer<float> features, VBuffer<float>[] centroids)
// Assert that the global filter is indeed doing the right thing
float bestDistance = MathUtils.Sqrt(VectorUtils.L2DistSquared(in features, in centroids[_bestCluster[n]]));
Contracts.Assert(KMeansLloydsYinYangTrain.AlmostLeq(bestDistance, _upperBound[n]));
for (int j = 0; j < centroids.Length; j++)
if (j == _bestCluster[n])
float distance = MathUtils.Sqrt(VectorUtils.L2DistSquared(in features, in centroids[j]));
Contracts.Assert(AlmostLeq(_lowerBound[n], distance));
public static void Train(IHost host, int numThreads, IChannel ch, FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory cursorFactory,
long totalTrainingInstances, int k, int dimensionality, int maxIterations,
long accelMemBudgetInMb, float convergenceThreshold, VBuffer<float>[] centroids)
SharedState state;
WorkChunkState[] workState;
ReducedWorkChunkState reducedState;
Initialize(ch, cursorFactory, totalTrainingInstances, numThreads, k, dimensionality, accelMemBudgetInMb,
out state, out workState, out reducedState);
float[] centroidL2s = new float[k];
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
centroidL2s[i] = VectorUtils.NormSquared(in centroids[i]);
using (var pch = host.StartProgressChannel("KMeansTrain"))
pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader(
new[] { "Average Score", "# of Examples with Reassigned Cluster",
"# of Examples with Same Cluster", "Globally Filtered" },
new[] { "iterations" }),
(e) => e.SetProgress(0, state.Iteration, maxIterations));
bool isConverged = false;
while (!isConverged && state.Iteration < maxIterations)
// assign instances to clusters and calculate total score
reducedState.Clear(keepCachedSums: true);
if (numThreads > 1)
// Build parallel cursor set and run....
var set = cursorFactory.CreateSet(numThreads);
Action[] ops = new Action[set.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < ops.Length; i++)
int chunkId = i;
ops[i] = new Action(() =>
using (var cursor = set[chunkId])
ProcessChunk(cursor, state, workState[chunkId], k, centroids, centroidL2s);
Parallel.Invoke(new ParallelOptions()
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = numThreads
}, ops);
using (var cursor = cursorFactory.Create())
ProcessChunk(cursor, state, reducedState, k, centroids, centroidL2s);
WorkChunkState.Reduce(workState, reducedState);
reducedState.ReportProgress(pch, state.Iteration, maxIterations);
if (state.IsAccelerated)
// Assert that cachedSum[i] is equal to the sum of the first maxInstancesToAccelerate instances assigned to cluster i
var cachedSumCopy = new VBuffer<float>[k];
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
cachedSumCopy[i] = VBufferUtils.CreateDense<float>(dimensionality);
using (var cursor = cursorFactory.Create())
int numCounted = 0;
while (cursor.MoveNext() && numCounted < state.MaxInstancesToAccelerate)
int id = state.RowIndexGetter(cursor);
if (id != -1)
VectorUtils.Add(in cursor.Features, ref cachedSumCopy[state.GetBestCluster(id)]);
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
var reducedStateCacheValues = reducedState.CachedSumDebug[i].GetValues();
var cachedSumCopyValues = cachedSumCopy[i].GetValues();
for (int j = 0; j < dimensionality; j++)
Contracts.Assert(AlmostEq(reducedStateCacheValues[j], cachedSumCopyValues[j]));
reducedState.UpdateClusters(centroids, centroidL2s, state.Delta, ref state.DeltaMax);
isConverged = reducedState.AverageScoreDelta < convergenceThreshold;
if (state.Iteration % 100 == 0)
private static void Initialize(
IChannel ch, FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory factory, long totalTrainingInstances,
int numThreads, int k, int dimensionality, long accelMemBudgetMb,
out SharedState state,
out WorkChunkState[] perThreadWorkState, out ReducedWorkChunkState reducedWorkState)
// In the case of a single thread, we use a single WorkChunkState instance
// and skip the reduce step, in the case of a parallel implementation we use
// the last WorkChunkState to reduce the per-thread chunks into a single
// result prior to the KMeans update step.
int neededPerThreadWorkStates = numThreads == 1 ? 0 : numThreads;
// Accelerating KMeans requires the following data structures.
// The algorithm is based on the YinYang KMeans algorithm [ICML'15], https://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/default.aspx?id=252149
// These data structures are allocated only as allowed by the _accelMemBudgetMb parameter
// if _accelMemBudgetMb is zero, then the algorithm below reduces to the original KMeans++ implementation
int bytesPerCluster =
sizeof(float) + // for delta
sizeof(float) * dimensionality * (neededPerThreadWorkStates + 1); // for cachedSum
int bytesPerInstance =
sizeof(int) + // for bestCluster
sizeof(float) + // for upperBound
sizeof(float) + // for lowerBound
(numThreads > 1 ? sizeof(int) + 16 : 0); // for parallel rowCursor index lookup HashArray storage (16 bytes for RowId, 4 bytes for internal 'next' index)
long maxInstancesToAccelerate = Math.Max(0, (accelMemBudgetMb * 1024 * 1024 - bytesPerCluster * k) / bytesPerInstance);
state = new SharedState(factory, ch, maxInstancesToAccelerate, k, numThreads > 1, totalTrainingInstances);
WorkChunkState.Initialize(maxInstancesToAccelerate, k, dimensionality, numThreads,
out reducedWorkState, out perThreadWorkState);
/// <summary>
/// Performs the 'update' step of KMeans. This method is passed a WorkChunkState. In the parallel version
/// this chunk will be one of _numThreads chunks and the RowCursor will be part of a RowCursorSet. In the
/// unthreaded version, this chunk will be the final chunk and hold state for the entire data set.
/// </summary>
private static void ProcessChunk(FeatureFloatVectorCursor cursor, SharedState state, WorkChunkStateBase chunkState, int k, VBuffer<float>[] centroids, float[] centroidL2s)
while (cursor.MoveNext())
int n = state.RowIndexGetter(cursor);
bool firstIteration = state.Iteration == 0;
// We cannot accelerate the first iteration. In other iterations, we can only accelerate the first maxInstancesToAccelerate
if (!firstIteration && n != -1)
if (state.IsYinYangGloballyBound(n))
state.AssertValidYinYangBounds(n, in cursor.Features, centroids);
float minDistance;
float secMinDistance;
int cluster;
int secCluster;
KMeansUtils.FindBestCluster(in cursor.Features, centroids, centroidL2s, k, false, out minDistance, out cluster, out secMinDistance, out secCluster);
if (n == -1)
chunkState.UpdateClusterAssignment(in cursor.Features, cluster, minDistance);
int prevCluster = state.SetYinYangCluster(n, in cursor.Features, minDistance, cluster, secMinDistance);
chunkState.UpdateClusterAssignment(firstIteration, in cursor.Features, cluster, prevCluster, minDistance);
private const Double FloatingPointErrorThreshold = 0.1F;
private static bool AlmostEq(float af, float bf)
Double a = (Double)af;
Double b = (Double)bf;
// First check if a and b are close together
if (Math.Abs(a - b) < FloatingPointErrorThreshold)
return true;
// Else, it could simply mean that a and b are large, so check for relative error
// Note: a and b being large means that we are not dividing by a small number below
// Also, dividing by the larger number ensures that there is no division by zero problem
Double relativeError;
if (Math.Abs(a) > Math.Abs(b))
relativeError = Math.Abs((a - b) / a);
relativeError = Math.Abs((a - b) / b);
if (relativeError < FloatingPointErrorThreshold)
return true;
return false;
private static bool AlmostLeq(float a, float b)
if (AlmostEq(a, b))
return true;
return ((Double)a - (Double)b) < 0;
internal static class KMeansUtils
public struct WeightedPoint
public double Weight;
public VBuffer<float> Point;
public struct RowStats
public long MissingFeatureCount;
public long TotalTrainingInstances;
public delegate float WeightFunc(in VBuffer<float> point, int pointRowIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Performs a multithreaded version of weighted reservoir sampling, returning
/// an array of numSamples, where each sample has been selected from the
/// data set with a probability of numSamples/N * weight/(sum(weight)). Buffer
/// is sized to the number of threads plus one and stores the minheaps needed to
/// perform the per-thread reservoir samples.
/// This method assumes that the numSamples is much smaller than the full dataset as
/// it expects to be able to sample numSamples * numThreads.
/// This is based on the 'A-Res' algorithm in 'Weighted Random Sampling', 2005; Efraimidis, Spirakis:
/// https://utopia.duth.gr/~pefraimi/research/data/2007EncOfAlg.pdf
/// </summary>
public static RowStats ParallelWeightedReservoirSample(
IHost host, int numThreads,
int numSamples, FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory factory,
WeightFunc weightFn,
RowIndexGetter rowIndexGetter,
ref VBuffer<float>[] dst,
ref Heap<WeightedPoint>[] buffer)
host.Assert(numSamples > 0);
host.Assert(numThreads > 0);
Heap<WeightedPoint> outHeap = null;
var rowStats = ParallelMapReduce<Heap<WeightedPoint>, Heap<WeightedPoint>>(
numThreads, host, factory, rowIndexGetter,
(ref Heap<WeightedPoint> heap) =>
if (heap == null)
heap = new Heap<WeightedPoint>((x, y) => x.Weight > y.Weight, numSamples);
(ref VBuffer<float> point, int pointRowIndex, Heap<WeightedPoint> heap, Random rand) =>
// We use distance as a proxy for 'is the same point'. By excluding
// all points that lie within a very small distance of our current set of
// centroids we force the algorithm to explore more broadly and avoid creating a
// set of centroids containing the same, or very close to the same, point
// more than once.
float sameClusterEpsilon = (float)1e-15;
float weight = weightFn(in point, pointRowIndex);
// If numeric instability has forced it to zero, then we bound it to epsilon to
// keep the key valid and avoid NaN, (although the math does tend to work out regardless:
// 1 / 0 => Inf, base ^ Inf => 0, when |base| < 1)
if (weight == 0)
weight = float.Epsilon;
if (weight <= sameClusterEpsilon)
double key = Math.Log(rand.NextDouble()) / weight;
// If we are less than all of the samples in the heap and the heap
// is full already, early return.
if (heap.Count == numSamples && key <= heap.Top.Weight)
WeightedPoint wRow;
if (heap.Count == numSamples)
wRow = heap.Pop();
wRow = new WeightedPoint();
wRow.Weight = key;
Utils.Swap(ref wRow.Point, ref point);
(Heap<WeightedPoint>[] heaps, Random rand, ref Heap<WeightedPoint> finalHeap) =>
host.Assert(finalHeap == null);
finalHeap = new Heap<WeightedPoint>((x, y) => x.Weight > y.Weight, numSamples);
for (int i = 0; i < heaps.Length; i++)
host.Assert(heaps[i].Count <= numSamples, "heaps[i].Count must not be greater than numSamples");
while (heaps[i].Count > 0)
var row = heaps[i].Pop();
if (finalHeap.Count < numSamples)
else if (row.Weight > finalHeap.Top.Weight)
}, ref buffer, ref outHeap);
if (outHeap.Count != numSamples)
throw host.Except("Failed to initialize clusters: too few examples");
// Keep in mind that the distribution of samples in dst will not be random. It will
// have the residual minHeap ordering.
Utils.EnsureSize(ref dst, numSamples);
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
var row = outHeap.Pop();
Utils.Swap(ref row.Point, ref dst[i]);
return rowStats;
public delegate void InitAction<TPartitionState>(ref TPartitionState val);
public delegate int RowIndexGetter(FeatureFloatVectorCursor cur);
public delegate void MapAction<TPartitionState>(ref VBuffer<float> point, int rowIndex, TPartitionState state, Random rand);
public delegate void ReduceAction<TPartitionState, TGlobalState>(TPartitionState[] intermediates, Random rand, ref TGlobalState result);
/// <summary>
/// Takes a data cursor and perform an in-memory parallel aggregation operation on it. This
/// helper wraps some of the behavior common to parallel operations over a <see cref="DataViewRowCursor"/> set,
/// including building the set, creating separate Random instances, and <see cref="DataViewRowCursor"/> disposal.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TPartitionState">The type that each parallel cursor will be expected to aggregate to.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TGlobalState">The type of the final output from combining each per-thread instance of TInterAgg.</typeparam>
/// <param name="numThreads"></param>
/// <param name="baseHost"></param>
/// <param name="factory"></param>
/// <param name="rowIndexGetter"></param>
/// <param name="initChunk">Initializes an instance of TInterAgg, or prepares/clears it if it is already allocated.</param>
/// <param name="mapper">Invoked for every row, should update TInterAgg using row cursor data.</param>
/// <param name="reducer">Invoked after all row cursors have completed, combines the entire array of TInterAgg instances into a final TAgg result.</param>
/// <param name="buffer">A reusable buffer array of TInterAgg.</param>
/// <param name="result">A reusable reference to the final result.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static RowStats ParallelMapReduce<TPartitionState, TGlobalState>(
int numThreads,
IHost baseHost,
FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory factory,
RowIndexGetter rowIndexGetter,
InitAction<TPartitionState> initChunk,
MapAction<TPartitionState> mapper,
ReduceAction<TPartitionState, TGlobalState> reducer,
ref TPartitionState[] buffer, ref TGlobalState result)
var set = factory.CreateSet(numThreads);
int numCursors = set.Length;
Action[] workArr = new Action[numCursors];
Utils.EnsureSize(ref buffer, numCursors, numCursors);
for (int i = 0; i < numCursors; i++)
int ii = i;
var cur = set[i];
initChunk(ref buffer[i]);
var innerWorkState = buffer[i];
Random rand = RandomUtils.Create(baseHost.Rand);
workArr[i] = () =>
using (cur)
while (cur.MoveNext())
mapper(ref cur.Features, rowIndexGetter(cur), innerWorkState, rand);
Parallel.Invoke(new ParallelOptions()
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = numThreads
}, workArr);
reducer(buffer, baseHost.Rand, ref result);
return new RowStats()
MissingFeatureCount = set.Select(cur => cur.BadFeaturesRowCount).Sum(),
TotalTrainingInstances = set.Select(cur => cur.KeptRowCount).Sum()
public static int FindBestCluster(in VBuffer<float> features, VBuffer<float>[] centroids, float[] centroidL2s)
float discard1;
float discard2;
int discard3;
int cluster;
FindBestCluster(in features, centroids, centroidL2s, centroids.Length, false, out discard1, out cluster, out discard2, out discard3);
return cluster;
public static int FindBestCluster(in VBuffer<float> features, VBuffer<float>[] centroids, float[] centroidL2s, int centroidCount, bool realWeight, out float minDistance)
float discard1;
int discard2;
int cluster;
FindBestCluster(in features, centroids, centroidL2s, centroidCount, realWeight, out minDistance, out cluster, out discard1, out discard2);
return cluster;
/// <summary>
/// Given a point and a set of centroids this method will determine the closest centroid
/// using L2 distance. It will return a value equivalent to that distance, the index of the
/// closest cluster, and a value equivalent to the distance to the second-nearest cluster.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="features"></param>
/// <param name="centroids"></param>
/// <param name="centroidL2s">The L2 norms of the centroids. Used for efficiency and expected to be computed up front.</param>
/// <param name="centroidCount">The number of centroids. Must be less than or equal to the length of the centroid array.</param>
/// <param name="needRealDistance">Whether to return a real L2 distance, or a value missing the L2 norm of <paramref name="features"/>.</param>
/// <param name="minDistance">The distance between <paramref name="features"/> and the nearest centroid in <paramref name="centroids" />.</param>
/// <param name="cluster">The index of the nearest centroid.</param>
/// <param name="secMinDistance">The second nearest distance, or PosInf if <paramref name="centroids" /> only contains a single point.</param>
/// <param name="secCluster">The index of the second nearest centroid, or -1 if <paramref name="centroids" /> only contains a single point.</param>
public static void FindBestCluster(
in VBuffer<float> features,
VBuffer<float>[] centroids, float[] centroidL2s, int centroidCount, bool needRealDistance,
out float minDistance, out int cluster, out float secMinDistance, out int secCluster)
Contracts.Assert(centroids.Length >= centroidCount && centroidL2s.Length >= centroidCount && centroidCount > 0);
Contracts.Assert(features.Length == centroids[0].Length);
minDistance = float.PositiveInfinity;
secMinDistance = float.PositiveInfinity;
cluster = 0; // currently assigned cluster to the instance
secCluster = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < centroidCount; j++)
// this is not a real distance, since we don't add L2 norm of the instance
// This won't affect minimum calculations, and total score will just be lowered by sum(L2 norms)
float distance = -2 * VectorUtils.DotProduct(in features, in centroids[j]) + centroidL2s[j];
if (distance <= minDistance)
// Note the equal to in the branch above. This is important when secMinDistance == minDistance
secMinDistance = minDistance;
secCluster = cluster;
minDistance = distance;
cluster = j;
else if (distance < secMinDistance)
secMinDistance = distance;
secCluster = j;
Contracts.Assert(centroidCount == 1 || (FloatUtils.IsFinite(secMinDistance) && secCluster >= 0));
Contracts.Assert(minDistance <= secMinDistance);
if (needRealDistance)
float l2 = VectorUtils.NormSquared(in features);
minDistance += l2;
if (secCluster != -1)
secMinDistance += l2;
/// <summary>
/// Checks that all coordinates of all centroids are finite, and throws otherwise
/// </summary>
public static void VerifyModelConsistency(VBuffer<float>[] centroids)
foreach (var centroid in centroids)
Contracts.Check(centroid.Items().Select(x => x.Value).All(FloatUtils.IsFinite), "Model training failed: non-finite coordinates are generated");