File: TreeEnsemble\TreeEnsembleCombiner.cs
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Project: src\src\Microsoft.ML.FastTree\Microsoft.ML.FastTree.csproj (Microsoft.ML.FastTree)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Calibrators;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.Trainers.FastTree;
[assembly: LoadableClass(typeof(TreeEnsembleCombiner), null, typeof(SignatureModelCombiner), "Fast Tree Model Combiner", "FastTreeCombiner")]
namespace Microsoft.ML.Trainers.FastTree
    internal sealed class TreeEnsembleCombiner : IModelCombiner
        private readonly IHost _host;
        private readonly PredictionKind _kind;
        public TreeEnsembleCombiner(IHostEnvironment env, PredictionKind kind)
            _host = env.Register("TreeEnsembleCombiner");
            switch (kind)
                case PredictionKind.BinaryClassification:
                case PredictionKind.Regression:
                case PredictionKind.Ranking:
                    _kind = kind;
                    throw _host.ExceptUserArg(nameof(kind), $"Tree ensembles can be either of type {nameof(PredictionKind.BinaryClassification)}, " +
                        $"{nameof(PredictionKind.Regression)} or {nameof(PredictionKind.Ranking)}");
        IPredictor IModelCombiner.CombineModels(IEnumerable<IPredictor> models)
            _host.CheckValue(models, nameof(models));
            var ensemble = new InternalTreeEnsemble();
            int modelCount = 0;
            int featureCount = -1;
            bool binaryClassifier = false;
            foreach (var model in models)
                var predictor = model;
                _host.CheckValue(predictor, nameof(models), "One of the models is null");
                var calibrated = predictor as IWeaklyTypedCalibratedModelParameters;
                double paramA = 1;
                if (calibrated != null)
                    _host.Check(calibrated.WeaklyTypedCalibrator is PlattCalibrator,
                        "Combining FastTree models can only be done when the models are calibrated with Platt calibrator");
                predictor = calibrated.WeaklyTypedSubModel;
                paramA = -((PlattCalibrator)calibrated.WeaklyTypedCalibrator).Slope;
                var tree = predictor as TreeEnsembleModelParameters;
                if (tree == null)
                    throw _host.Except("Model is not a tree ensemble");
                foreach (var t in tree.TrainedEnsemble.Trees)
                    var bytes = new byte[t.SizeInBytes()];
                    int position = 0;
                    t.ToByteArray(bytes, ref position);
                    position = 0;
                    var tNew = new InternalRegressionTree(bytes, ref position);
                    if (paramA != 1)
                        for (int i = 0; i < tNew.NumLeaves; i++)
                            tNew.SetOutput(i, tNew.LeafValues[i] * paramA);
                if (modelCount == 1)
                    binaryClassifier = calibrated != null;
                    featureCount = tree.InputType.GetValueCount();
                    _host.Check((calibrated != null) == binaryClassifier, "Ensemble contains both calibrated and uncalibrated models");
                    _host.Check(featureCount == tree.InputType.GetValueCount(), "Found models with different number of features");
            var scale = 1 / (double)modelCount;
            foreach (var t in ensemble.Trees)
                for (int i = 0; i < t.NumLeaves; i++)
                    t.SetOutput(i, t.LeafValues[i] * scale);
            switch (_kind)
                case PredictionKind.BinaryClassification:
                    if (!binaryClassifier)
                        return new FastTreeBinaryModelParameters(_host, ensemble, featureCount, null);
                    var cali = new PlattCalibrator(_host, -1, 0);
                    var fastTreeModel = new FastTreeBinaryModelParameters(_host, ensemble, featureCount, null);
                    return new FeatureWeightsCalibratedModelParameters<FastTreeBinaryModelParameters, PlattCalibrator>(_host, fastTreeModel, cali);
                case PredictionKind.Regression:
                    return new FastTreeRegressionModelParameters(_host, ensemble, featureCount, null);
                case PredictionKind.Ranking:
                    return new FastTreeRankingModelParameters(_host, ensemble, featureCount, null);
                    throw _host.ExceptNotSupp();