File: Training\OptimizationAlgorithms\AcceleratedGradientDescent.cs
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Project: src\src\Microsoft.ML.FastTree\Microsoft.ML.FastTree.csproj (Microsoft.ML.FastTree)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Trainers.FastTree
    //Accelerated gradient descent score tracker
    internal class AcceleratedGradientDescent : GradientDescent
        internal AcceleratedGradientDescent(InternalTreeEnsemble ensemble, Dataset trainData, double[] initTrainScores, IGradientAdjuster gradientWrapper)
            : base(ensemble, trainData, initTrainScores, gradientWrapper)
            UseFastTrainingScoresUpdate = false;
        protected override ScoreTracker ConstructScoreTracker(string name, Dataset set, double[] initScores)
            return new AgdScoreTracker(name, set, initScores);
        internal override InternalRegressionTree TrainingIteration(IChannel ch, bool[] activeFeatures)
            Contracts.CheckValue(ch, nameof(ch));
            AgdScoreTracker trainingScores = TrainingScores as AgdScoreTracker;
            //First Let's make XK=YK as we want to fit YK and LineSearch YK
            // and call base class that uses fits XK (in our case will fir YK thanks to the swap)
            var xk = trainingScores.XK;
            trainingScores.XK = trainingScores.YK;
            trainingScores.YK = null;
            //Invoke standard gradient descent on YK rather than XK(Scores)
            InternalRegressionTree tree = base.TrainingIteration(ch, activeFeatures);
            //Reverse the XK/YK swap
            trainingScores.YK = trainingScores.XK;
            trainingScores.XK = xk;
            if (tree == null)
                return null; // No tree was actually learned. Give up.
            // ... and update the training scores that we omitted from update
            // in AcceleratedGradientDescent.UpdateScores
            // Here we could use faster way of computing train scores taking advantage of scores precomputed by LineSearch
            // But that would make the code here even more difficult/complex
            trainingScores.AddScores(tree, TreeLearner.Partitioning, 1.0);
            //Now rescale all previous trees based on ratio of new_desired_tree_scale/previous_tree_scale
            for (int t = 0; t < Ensemble.NumTrees - 1; t++)
                Ensemble.GetTreeAt(t).ScaleOutputsBy(AgdScoreTracker.TreeMultiplier(t, Ensemble.NumTrees) / AgdScoreTracker.TreeMultiplier(t, Ensemble.NumTrees - 1));
            return tree;
        internal override void UpdateScores(ScoreTracker t, InternalRegressionTree tree)
            if (t != TrainingScores)
                base.UpdateScores(t, tree);
        public override void FinalizeLearning(int bestIteration)
            if (bestIteration != Ensemble.NumTrees)
                // Restore multiplier for each tree as it was set during bestIteration
                for (int t = 0; t < bestIteration; t++)
                    Ensemble.GetTreeAt(t).ScaleOutputsBy(AgdScoreTracker.TreeMultiplier(t, bestIteration) / AgdScoreTracker.TreeMultiplier(t, Ensemble.NumTrees));