20 instantiations of KeyCount
Microsoft.ML.AutoML.Tests (2)
AutoFitTests.cs (2)
700new TextLoader.Column(userIdColumnName, DataKind.UInt32, new [] { new TextLoader.Range(1) }, new KeyCount(20)), 701new TextLoader.Column(itemIdColumnName, DataKind.UInt32, new [] { new TextLoader.Range(2) }, new KeyCount(40)),
Microsoft.ML.Data (7)
Data\SchemaDefinition.cs (1)
44KeyCount = new KeyCount(count);
DataLoadSave\Text\TextSaver.cs (1)
505keyCount = new KeyCount(key.Count);
Transforms\TypeConverting.cs (1)
287keyCount = new KeyCount(count);
Transforms\ValueMapping.cs (3)
536valueColumn.KeyCount = new KeyCount(keyMax + 1); 538valueColumn.KeyCount = new KeyCount(); 542valueColumn.KeyCount = new KeyCount();
Utilities\TypeParsingUtils.cs (1)
105var res = new KeyCount();
Microsoft.ML.TensorFlow.Tests (3)
TensorflowTests.cs (3)
657new TextLoader.Column("Label", DataKind.UInt32 , new [] { new TextLoader.Range(0) }, new KeyCount(10)), 789new TextLoader.Column("Label", DataKind.UInt32, new []{ new TextLoader.Range(0) }, new KeyCount(10)), 882new TextLoader.Column("Label", DataKind.UInt32 , new [] { new TextLoader.Range(0) }, new KeyCount(10)),
Microsoft.ML.Tests (8)
OnnxConversionTest.cs (1)
1039}, new KeyCount(10))
TrainerEstimators\MatrixFactorizationTests.cs (2)
165new TextLoader.Column(matrixColumnIndexColumnName, DataKind.UInt32, new [] { new TextLoader.Range(1) }, new KeyCount(20)), 166new TextLoader.Column(matrixRowIndexColumnName, DataKind.UInt32, new [] { new TextLoader.Range(2) }, new KeyCount(40)),
Transformers\ConvertTests.cs (1)
401DataKind.UInt64, "key", new KeyCount(4)) }).Fit(dataView);
Transformers\FeatureSelectionTests.cs (3)
149new TextLoader.Column("Label", DataKind.UInt32, new[]{ new TextLoader.Range(0) }, new KeyCount(3)), 171new TextLoader.Column("Label", DataKind.UInt32, new[] { new TextLoader.Range(0) }, new KeyCount(3)), 209new TextLoader.Column("Label", DataKind.UInt32, new[]{ new TextLoader.Range(0) }, new KeyCount(3)),
Transformers\KeyToValueTests.cs (1)
33new TextLoader.Column("BareKey", DataKind.UInt32, new[] { new TextLoader.Range(0) }, new KeyCount(6))
26 references to KeyCount
Microsoft.ML.Data (25)
Data\SchemaDefinition.cs (1)
50internal KeyCount KeyCount { get; }
DataLoadSave\Database\DatabaseLoader.cs (3)
216public Column(string name, DbType dbType, Range[] source, KeyCount keyCount = null) 249public KeyCount KeyCount; 683private static KeyDataViewType ConstructKeyType(DbType dbType, KeyCount keyCount)
DataLoadSave\Text\TextLoader.cs (3)
80public Column(string name, DataKind dataKind, Range[] source, KeyCount keyCount = null) 92private Column(string name, InternalDataKind kind, Range[] source, KeyCount keyCount = null) 137public KeyCount KeyCount;
DataLoadSave\Text\TextSaver.cs (1)
501KeyCount keyCount = null;
Transforms\TypeConverting.cs (12)
65public KeyCount KeyCount; 139public KeyCount KeyCount; 192internal TypeConvertingTransformer(IHostEnvironment env, string outputColumnName, DataKind outputKind, string inputColumnName = null, KeyCount outputKeyCount = null) 267KeyCount keyCount = null; 307KeyCount keyCount = null; 312keyCount = KeyCount.Parse(item.Range); 320keyCount = KeyCount.Parse(options.Range); 353internal static bool GetNewType(IExceptionContext ectx, DataViewType srcType, InternalDataKind kind, KeyCount keyCount, out PrimitiveDataViewType itemType) 412private static bool CanConvertToType(IExceptionContext ectx, DataViewType srcType, InternalDataKind kind, KeyCount keyCount, 561public readonly KeyCount OutputKeyCount; 570public ColumnOptions(string name, DataKind outputKind, string inputColumnName, KeyCount outputKeyCount = null) 585public ColumnOptions(string name, Type type, string inputColumnName, KeyCount outputKeyCount = null)
Utilities\TypeParsingUtils.cs (5)
27public static bool TryParseDataKind(string str, out InternalDataKind dataKind, out KeyCount keyCount) 38keyCount = KeyCount.Parse(str.Substring(ich + 1, str.Length - ich - 2)); 55public static KeyDataViewType ConstructKeyType(InternalDataKind? type, KeyCount keyCount) 101internal static KeyCount Parse(string str) 105var res = new KeyCount();
Microsoft.ML.Parquet (1)
PartitionedFileLoader.cs (1)
122if (kindStr != null && TypeParsingUtils.TryParseDataKind(kindStr, out InternalDataKind parsedKind, out var keyCount))