File: TrainerEstimators\MatrixFactorizationTests.cs
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Project: src\test\Microsoft.ML.Tests\Microsoft.ML.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.ML.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.CpuMath;
using Microsoft.ML.RunTests;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFramework.Attributes;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFrameworkCommon;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFrameworkCommon.Attributes;
using Microsoft.ML.Trainers;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Tests.TrainerEstimators
    public partial class TrainerEstimators : TestDataPipeBase
        public void MatrixFactorization_Estimator()
            string labelColumnName = "Label";
            string matrixColumnIndexColumnName = "Col";
            string matrixRowIndexColumnName = "Row";
            // This data contains three columns, Label, Col, and Row where Col and Row will be treated as the expected input names
            // of the trained matrix factorization model.
            var data = new TextLoader(Env, GetLoaderArgs(labelColumnName, matrixColumnIndexColumnName, matrixRowIndexColumnName))
                    .Load(new MultiFileSource(GetDataPath(TestDatasets.trivialMatrixFactorization.trainFilename)));
            // "invalidData" is not compatible to "data" because it contains columns Label, ColRenamed, and RowRenamed (no column is Col or Row).
            var invalidData = new TextLoader(Env, GetLoaderArgs(labelColumnName, matrixColumnIndexColumnName + "Renamed", matrixRowIndexColumnName + "Renamed"))
                    .Load(new MultiFileSource(GetDataPath(TestDatasets.trivialMatrixFactorization.testFilename)));
            var options = new MatrixFactorizationTrainer.Options
                MatrixColumnIndexColumnName = matrixColumnIndexColumnName,
                MatrixRowIndexColumnName = matrixRowIndexColumnName,
                LabelColumnName = labelColumnName,
                NumberOfIterations = 3,
                NumberOfThreads = 1,
                ApproximationRank = 4,
            var est = ML.Recommendation().Trainers.MatrixFactorization(options);
            TestEstimatorCore(est, data, invalidInput: invalidData);
        [Fact(Skip = "Temporarily skipping while Intel/AMD difference is resolved. Tracked in issue #5845")]
        public void MatrixFactorizationSimpleTrainAndPredict()
            var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 1);
            // Specific column names of the considered data set
            string labelColumnName = "Label";
            string userColumnName = "User";
            string itemColumnName = "Item";
            string scoreColumnName = "Score";
            // Create reader for both of training and test data sets
            var reader = new TextLoader(mlContext, GetLoaderArgs(labelColumnName, userColumnName, itemColumnName));
            // Read training data as an IDataView object
            var data = reader.Load(new MultiFileSource(GetDataPath(TestDatasets.trivialMatrixFactorization.trainFilename)));
            // Create a pipeline with a single operator.
            var options = new MatrixFactorizationTrainer.Options
                MatrixColumnIndexColumnName = userColumnName,
                MatrixRowIndexColumnName = itemColumnName,
                LabelColumnName = labelColumnName,
                NumberOfIterations = 3,
                NumberOfThreads = 1, // To eliminate randomness, # of threads must be 1.
                ApproximationRank = 7,
            var pipeline = mlContext.Recommendation().Trainers.MatrixFactorization(options);
            // Train a matrix factorization model.
            var model = pipeline.Fit(data);
            // Let's validate content of the model.
            Assert.Equal(model.Model.ApproximationRank, options.ApproximationRank);
            var leftMatrix = model.Model.LeftFactorMatrix;
            var rightMatrix = model.Model.RightFactorMatrix;
            Assert.Equal(leftMatrix.Count, model.Model.NumberOfRows * model.Model.ApproximationRank);
            Assert.Equal(rightMatrix.Count, model.Model.NumberOfColumns * model.Model.ApproximationRank);
            // MF produce different matrices on different platforms, so check their content on Windows.
            if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                if (RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture == Architecture.Arm64)
                    Assert.Equal(0.3041052520275116, leftMatrix[0], 0.0001);
                    Assert.Equal(0.309137582778931, leftMatrix[0], 0.0001);
                Assert.Equal(0.468956589698792, leftMatrix[leftMatrix.Count - 1], 0.0001);
                Assert.Equal(0.303486406803131, rightMatrix[0], 0.0001);
                Assert.Equal(0.503888845443726, rightMatrix[rightMatrix.Count - 1], 0.0001);
            // Read the test data set as an IDataView
            var testData = reader.Load(new MultiFileSource(GetDataPath(TestDatasets.trivialMatrixFactorization.testFilename)));
            // Apply the trained model to the test set
            var prediction = model.Transform(testData);
            // Get output schema and check its column names
            var outputSchema = model.GetOutputSchema(data.Schema);
            var expectedOutputNames = new string[] { labelColumnName, userColumnName, itemColumnName, scoreColumnName };
            foreach (var col in outputSchema)
                Assert.True(col.Name == expectedOutputNames[col.Index]);
            // Retrieve label column's index from the test IDataView
            testData.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex(labelColumnName, out int labelColumnId);
            // Retrieve score column's index from the IDataView produced by the trained model
            prediction.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex(scoreColumnName, out int scoreColumnId);
            // Compute prediction errors
            var metrices = mlContext.Recommendation().Evaluate(prediction, labelColumnName: labelColumnName, scoreColumnName: scoreColumnName);
            // Determine if the selected mean-squared error metric is reasonable on different platforms within the variation tolerance.
            // Windows and Mac tolerances are set at 1e-7, and Linux tolerance is set at 1e-5.
            // Here, each build OS has a different MSE baseline metric. While these metrics differ between builds, each build is expected to
            // produce the same metric. This is because of minor build differences and varying implementations of sub-functions, such as random
            // variables that are first obtained with the default random number generator in libMF C++ libraries.
            double windowsAndMacTolerance = Math.Pow(10, -7);
            double linuxTolerance = Math.Pow(10, -5);
            if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
                // Linux case
                double expectedLinuxMeanSquaredError = 0.6127260028273948; // Linux x86/x64 baseline
                Assert.InRange(metrices.MeanSquaredError, expectedLinuxMeanSquaredError - linuxTolerance, expectedLinuxMeanSquaredError + linuxTolerance);
            else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX))
                // Mac case
                double expectedMacMeanSquaredError = 0.616389336408704; // Mac baseline
                Assert.InRange(metrices.MeanSquaredError, expectedMacMeanSquaredError - windowsAndMacTolerance, expectedMacMeanSquaredError + windowsAndMacTolerance);
            else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                // Windows case
                double expectedWindowsMeanSquaredError = 0.600329985097577; // Windows baseline
                Assert.InRange(metrices.MeanSquaredError, expectedWindowsMeanSquaredError - windowsAndMacTolerance, expectedWindowsMeanSquaredError + windowsAndMacTolerance);
            var modelWithValidation = pipeline.Fit(data, testData);
        private TextLoader.Options GetLoaderArgs(string labelColumnName, string matrixColumnIndexColumnName, string matrixRowIndexColumnName)
            return new TextLoader.Options()
                Separator = "\t",
                HasHeader = true,
                Columns = new[]
                    new TextLoader.Column(labelColumnName, DataKind.Single, new [] { new TextLoader.Range(0) }),
                    new TextLoader.Column(matrixColumnIndexColumnName, DataKind.UInt32, new [] { new TextLoader.Range(1) }, new KeyCount(20)),
                    new TextLoader.Column(matrixRowIndexColumnName, DataKind.UInt32, new [] { new TextLoader.Range(2) }, new KeyCount(40)),
        // The following variables defines the shape of a matrix. Its shape is _synthesizedMatrixRowCount-by-_synthesizedMatrixColumnCount.
        // Because in ML.NET key type's minimal value is zero, the first row index is always zero in C# data structure (e.g., MatrixColumnIndex=0
        // and MatrixRowIndex=0 in MatrixElement below specifies the value at the upper-left corner in the training matrix). If user's row index
        // starts with 1, their row index 1 would be mapped to the 2nd row in matrix factorization module and their first row may contain no values.
        // This behavior is also true to column index.
        const int _synthesizedMatrixFirstColumnIndex = 1;
        const int _synthesizedMatrixFirstRowIndex = 1;
        const int _synthesizedMatrixColumnCount = 60;
        const int _synthesizedMatrixRowCount = 100;
        internal class MatrixElement
            // Matrix column index starts from 0 and is at most _synthesizedMatrixColumnCount + _synthesizedMatrixFirstColumnIndex.
            [KeyType(_synthesizedMatrixColumnCount + _synthesizedMatrixFirstColumnIndex)]
            public uint MatrixColumnIndex;
            // Matrix row index starts from 0 and is at most _synthesizedMatrixRowCount + _synthesizedMatrixRowCount.
            [KeyType(_synthesizedMatrixRowCount + _synthesizedMatrixRowCount)]
            public uint MatrixRowIndex;
            // The value at the MatrixColumnIndex-th column and the MatrixRowIndex-th row in the considered matrix.
            public float Value;
        internal class MatrixElementForScore
            [KeyType(_synthesizedMatrixColumnCount + _synthesizedMatrixFirstColumnIndex)]
            public uint MatrixColumnIndex;
            [KeyType(_synthesizedMatrixRowCount + _synthesizedMatrixRowCount)]
            public uint MatrixRowIndex;
            public float Score;
        public void MatrixFactorizationInMemoryData()
            // Create an in-memory matrix as a list of tuples (column index, row index, value).
            var dataMatrix = new List<MatrixElement>();
            for (uint i = _synthesizedMatrixFirstColumnIndex; i < _synthesizedMatrixFirstColumnIndex + _synthesizedMatrixColumnCount; ++i)
                for (uint j = _synthesizedMatrixFirstRowIndex; j < _synthesizedMatrixFirstRowIndex + _synthesizedMatrixRowCount; ++j)
                    dataMatrix.Add(new MatrixElement() { MatrixColumnIndex = i, MatrixRowIndex = j, Value = (i + j) % 5 });
            // Convert the in-memory matrix into an IDataView so that ML.NET components can consume it.
            var dataView = ML.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(dataMatrix);
            // Create a matrix factorization trainer which may consume "Value" as the training label, "MatrixColumnIndex" as the
            // matrix's column index, and "MatrixRowIndex" as the matrix's row index.
            var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 1);
            var options = new MatrixFactorizationTrainer.Options
                MatrixColumnIndexColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.MatrixColumnIndex),
                MatrixRowIndexColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.MatrixRowIndex),
                LabelColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.Value),
                NumberOfIterations = 10,
                NumberOfThreads = 1, // To eliminate randomness, # of threads must be 1.
                ApproximationRank = 32,
            var pipeline = mlContext.Recommendation().Trainers.MatrixFactorization(options);
            // Train a matrix factorization model.
            var model = pipeline.Fit(dataView);
            // Check if the expected types in the trained model are expected.
            Assert.True(model.MatrixColumnIndexColumnName == "MatrixColumnIndex");
            Assert.True(model.MatrixRowIndexColumnName == "MatrixRowIndex");
            Assert.True(model.MatrixColumnIndexColumnType is KeyDataViewType);
            Assert.True(model.MatrixRowIndexColumnType is KeyDataViewType);
            var matColKeyType = (KeyDataViewType)model.MatrixColumnIndexColumnType;
            Assert.True(matColKeyType.Count == _synthesizedMatrixColumnCount + _synthesizedMatrixFirstColumnIndex);
            var matRowKeyType = (KeyDataViewType)model.MatrixRowIndexColumnType;
            Assert.True(matRowKeyType.Count == _synthesizedMatrixRowCount + _synthesizedMatrixRowCount);
            // Apply the trained model to the training set
            var prediction = model.Transform(dataView);
            // Calculate regression matrices for the prediction result
            var metrics = mlContext.Recommendation().Evaluate(prediction, labelColumnName: nameof(MatrixElement.Value),
                scoreColumnName: nameof(MatrixElementForScore.Score));
            // Native test. Just check the pipeline runs.
            Assert.True(metrics.MeanSquaredError < 0.1);
            // Create two entries for making prediction. Of course, the prediction value, Score, is unknown so it's default.
            var testMatrix = new List<MatrixElementForScore>() {
                new MatrixElementForScore() { MatrixColumnIndex = 10, MatrixRowIndex = 7, Score = default },
                new MatrixElementForScore() { MatrixColumnIndex = 3, MatrixRowIndex = 6, Score = default } };
            // Again, convert the test data to a format supported by ML.NET.
            var testDataView = mlContext.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(testMatrix);
            // Feed the test data into the model and then iterate through all predictions.
            foreach (var pred in mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable<MatrixElementForScore>(model.Transform(testDataView), false))
                Assert.True(pred.Score != 0);
        internal class MatrixElementZeroBased256By256
            // Matrix column index starts from 0 and is at most _synthesizedMatrixColumnCount.
            public uint MatrixColumnIndex;
            // Matrix row index starts from 0 and is at most _synthesizedMatrixRowCount.
            public uint MatrixRowIndex;
            // The value at the MatrixColumnIndex-th column and the MatrixRowIndex-th row in the considered matrix.
            public float Value;
        internal class MatrixElementZeroBasedForScore256By256
            // Matrix column index starts from 0 and is at most _synthesizedMatrixColumnCount.
            public uint MatrixColumnIndex;
            // Matrix row index starts from 0 and is at most _synthesizedMatrixRowCount.
            public uint MatrixRowIndex;
            public float Score;
        internal class MatrixElementZeroBased
            // Matrix column index starts from 0 and is at most _synthesizedMatrixColumnCount.
            public uint MatrixColumnIndex;
            // Matrix row index starts from 0 and is at most _synthesizedMatrixRowCount.
            public uint MatrixRowIndex;
            // The value at the MatrixColumnIndex-th column and the MatrixRowIndex-th row in the considered matrix.
            public float Value;
        internal class MatrixElementZeroBasedForScore
            // Matrix column index starts from 0 and is at most _synthesizedMatrixColumnCount.
            public uint MatrixColumnIndex;
            // Matrix row index starts from 0 and is at most _synthesizedMatrixRowCount.
            public uint MatrixRowIndex;
            public float Score;
        public void MatrixFactorizationInMemoryDataZeroBaseIndex()
            // Create an in-memory matrix as a list of tuples (column index, row index, value).
            // Iterators i and j are column and row indexes, respectively.
            var dataMatrix = new List<MatrixElementZeroBased>();
            for (uint i = 0; i < _synthesizedMatrixColumnCount; ++i)
                for (uint j = 0; j < _synthesizedMatrixRowCount; ++j)
                    dataMatrix.Add(new MatrixElementZeroBased() { MatrixColumnIndex = i, MatrixRowIndex = j, Value = (i + j) % 5 });
            // Convert the in-memory matrix into an IDataView so that ML.NET components can consume it.
            var dataView = ML.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(dataMatrix);
            // Create a matrix factorization trainer which may consume "Value" as the training label, "MatrixColumnIndex" as the
            // matrix's column index, and "MatrixRowIndex" as the matrix's row index.
            var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 1);
            var options = new MatrixFactorizationTrainer.Options
                MatrixColumnIndexColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.MatrixColumnIndex),
                MatrixRowIndexColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.MatrixRowIndex),
                LabelColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.Value),
                NumberOfIterations = 100,
                NumberOfThreads = 1, // To eliminate randomness, # of threads must be 1.
                ApproximationRank = 32,
                LearningRate = 0.5,
            var pipeline = mlContext.Recommendation().Trainers.MatrixFactorization(options);
            // Train a matrix factorization model.
            var model = pipeline.Fit(dataView);
            // Check if the expected types in the trained model are expected.
            Assert.True(model.MatrixColumnIndexColumnName == nameof(MatrixElementZeroBased.MatrixColumnIndex));
            Assert.True(model.MatrixRowIndexColumnName == nameof(MatrixElementZeroBased.MatrixRowIndex));
            var matColKeyType = model.MatrixColumnIndexColumnType as KeyDataViewType;
            var matRowKeyType = model.MatrixRowIndexColumnType as KeyDataViewType;
            Assert.True(matColKeyType.Count == _synthesizedMatrixColumnCount);
            Assert.True(matRowKeyType.Count == _synthesizedMatrixRowCount);
            // Apply the trained model to the training set
            var prediction = model.Transform(dataView);
            // Calculate regression matrices for the prediction result. It's a global
            var metrics = mlContext.Recommendation().Evaluate(prediction, labelColumnName: "Value", scoreColumnName: "Score");
            // Make sure the prediction error is not too large.
            Assert.InRange(metrics.MeanSquaredError, 0, 0.1);
            foreach (var pred in mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable<MatrixElementZeroBasedForScore>(prediction, false))
                // Test data contains no out-of-range indexes (i.e., all indexes can be found in the training matrix),
                // so NaN should never happen.
            // Create out-of-range examples and make sure their predictions are all NaN
            var invalidTestMatrix = new List<MatrixElementZeroBasedForScore>()
                // An example with a matrix column index just greater than the maximum allowed value
                new MatrixElementZeroBasedForScore() { MatrixColumnIndex = _synthesizedMatrixFirstColumnIndex + _synthesizedMatrixColumnCount, MatrixRowIndex = _synthesizedMatrixFirstRowIndex, Score = default },
                // An example with a matrix row index just greater than the maximum allowed value
                new MatrixElementZeroBasedForScore() { MatrixColumnIndex = _synthesizedMatrixFirstColumnIndex, MatrixRowIndex = _synthesizedMatrixFirstRowIndex + _synthesizedMatrixRowCount, Score = default }
            // Convert the in-memory matrix into an IDataView so that ML.NET components can consume it.
            var invalidTestDataView = mlContext.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(invalidTestMatrix);
            // Apply the trained model to the examples with out-of-range indexes.
            var invalidPrediction = model.Transform(invalidTestDataView);
            foreach (var pred in mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable<MatrixElementZeroBasedForScore>(invalidPrediction, false))
                // The presence of out-of-range indexes may lead to NaN
        // The following ingredients are used to define a 3-by-2 one-class
        // matrix used in a test, OneClassMatrixFactorizationInMemoryDataZeroBaseIndex,
        // for one-class matrix factorization. One-class matrix means that all
        // the available elements in the training matrix are 1. Such a matrix
        // is common. Let's use online game store as an example. Assume that
        // user IDs are row indexes and game IDs are column indexes. By
        // encoding all users' purchase history as a matrix (i.e., if the value
        // at the u-th row and the v-th column is 1, then the u-th user owns
        // the v-th game), a one-class matrix gets created because all matrix
        // elements are 1. If you train a prediction model from that matrix
        // using standard collaborative filtering, all your predictions would
        // be 1! One-class matrix factorization assumes unspecified matrix
        // entries are all 0 (or a small constant value selected by the user)
        // so that the trained model can assign purchased items higher
        // scores than those not purchased.
        private const int _oneClassMatrixColumnCount = 2;
        private const int _oneClassMatrixRowCount = 3;
        private class OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased
            public uint MatrixColumnIndex;
            public uint MatrixRowIndex;
            public float Value;
        private class OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore
            public uint MatrixColumnIndex;
            public uint MatrixRowIndex;
            public float Value;
            public float Score;
        public void OneClassMatrixFactorizationInMemoryDataZeroBaseIndex()
            // Create an in-memory matrix as a list of tuples (column index, row index, value). For one-class matrix
            // factorization problem, unspecified matrix elements are all a constant provided by user. If that constant is 0.15,
            // the following list means a 3-by-2 training matrix with elements:
            //   (0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1), (0, 2, 1), (0, 1, 0.15), (1, 0, 0.15), (1, 2, 0.15).
            // because matrix elements at (0, 1), (1, 0), and (1, 2) are not specified. Below is a visualization of the training matrix.
            //   [1, ?]
            //   |?, 1| where ? will be set to 0.15 by user when creating the trainer.
            //   [1, ?]
            var dataMatrix = new List<OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased>();
            dataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased() { MatrixColumnIndex = 0, MatrixRowIndex = 0, Value = 1 });
            dataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased() { MatrixColumnIndex = 1, MatrixRowIndex = 1, Value = 1 });
            dataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased() { MatrixColumnIndex = 0, MatrixRowIndex = 2, Value = 1 });
            // Convert the in-memory matrix into an IDataView so that ML.NET components can consume it.
            var dataView = ML.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(dataMatrix);
            // Create a matrix factorization trainer which may consume "Value" as the training label, "MatrixColumnIndex" as the
            // matrix's column index, and "MatrixRowIndex" as the matrix's row index.
            var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 1);
            var options = new MatrixFactorizationTrainer.Options
                MatrixColumnIndexColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.MatrixColumnIndex),
                MatrixRowIndexColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.MatrixRowIndex),
                LabelColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.Value),
                LossFunction = MatrixFactorizationTrainer.LossFunctionType.SquareLossOneClass,
                NumberOfIterations = 100,
                NumberOfThreads = 1, // To eliminate randomness, # of threads must be 1.
                Lambda = 0.025, // Let's test non-default regularization coefficient.
                ApproximationRank = 16,
                Alpha = 0.01, // Importance coefficient of loss function over matrix elements not specified in the input matrix.
                C = 0.15, // Desired value for matrix elements not specified in the input matrix.
            var pipeline = mlContext.Recommendation().Trainers.MatrixFactorization(options);
            // Train a matrix factorization model.
            var model = pipeline.Fit(dataView);
            // Apply the trained model to the training set.
            var prediction = model.Transform(dataView);
            // Calculate regression matrices for the prediction result.
            var metrics = mlContext.Recommendation().Evaluate(prediction, labelColumnName: "Value", scoreColumnName: "Score");
            // Make sure the prediction error is not too large.
            Assert.InRange(metrics.MeanSquaredError, 0, 0.0016);
            // Create data for testing. Note that the 2nd element is not specified in the training data so it should
            // be close to the constant specified by s.C = 0.15. Comparing with the data structure used in training phase,
            // one extra float is added into OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore for storing the prediction result. Note
            // that the prediction engine may ignore Value and assign the predicted value to Score.
            var testDataMatrix = new List<OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore>();
            testDataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore() { MatrixColumnIndex = 0, MatrixRowIndex = 0, Value = 0, Score = 0 });
            testDataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore() { MatrixColumnIndex = 1, MatrixRowIndex = 2, Value = 0, Score = 0 });
            // Convert the in-memory matrix into an IDataView so that ML.NET components can consume it.
            var testDataView = ML.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(testDataMatrix);
            // Apply the trained model to the test data.
            var testPrediction = model.Transform(testDataView);
            var testResults = mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable<OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore>(testPrediction, false).ToList();
            // TODO TEST_STABILITY: We are seeing lower precision on non-Windows platforms
            int precision = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ? 5 : 3;
            // Positive example (i.e., examples can be found in dataMatrix) is close to 1.
            CompareNumbersWithTolerance(0.982391, testResults[0].Score, digitsOfPrecision: precision);
            // Negative example (i.e., examples can not be found in dataMatrix) is close to 0.15 (specified by s.C = 0.15 in the trainer).
            CompareNumbersWithTolerance(0.141411, testResults[1].Score, digitsOfPrecision: precision);
        public void MatrixFactorizationBackCompat()
            // This test is meant to check backwards compatibility after the change that removed Min and Contiguous from KeyType.
            // The model that we are loading in this test was generated using ML.Model.Save() on:
            //var dataMatrix = new List<OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased>();
            //dataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased() { MatrixColumnIndex = 0, MatrixRowIndex = 0, Value = 1 });
            //dataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased() { MatrixColumnIndex = 1, MatrixRowIndex = 1, Value = 1 });
            //dataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased() { MatrixColumnIndex = 0, MatrixRowIndex = 2, Value = 1 });
            //// Convert the in-memory matrix into an IDataView so that ML.NET components can consume it.
            //var dataView = ML.Data.ReadFromEnumerable(dataMatrix);
            //var pipeline = mlContext.Recommendation().Trainers.MatrixFactorization(
            //    nameof(OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased.MatrixColumnIndex),
            //    nameof(OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased.MatrixRowIndex),
            //    nameof(OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased.Value),
            //    advancedSettings: s =>
            //    {
            //        s.LossFunction = MatrixFactorizationTrainer.LossFunctionType.SquareLossOneClass;
            //        s.NumIterations = 100;
            //        s.NumThreads = 1; // To eliminate randomness, # of threads must be 1.
            //        // Let's test non-default regularization coefficient.
            //        s.Lambda = 0.025;
            //        s.K = 16;
            //        // Importance coefficient of loss function over matrix elements not specified in the input matrix.
            //        s.Alpha = 0.01;
            //        // Desired value for matrix elements not specified in the input matrix.
            //        s.C = 0.15;
            //    });
            // Train a matrix factorization model.
            //var model = pipeline.Fit(dataView);
            var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 1);
            // Test that we can load model after KeyType change (removed Min and Contiguous).
            var modelPath = GetDataPath("backcompat", "");
            ITransformer model;
            using (var ch = Env.Start("load"))
                using (var fs = File.OpenRead(modelPath))
                    model = ML.Model.Load(fs, out var schema);
                    // This model was saved without the input schema.
            // Create data for testing. Note that the 2nd element is not specified in the training data so it should
            // be close to the constant specified by s.C = 0.15. Comparing with the data structure used in training phase,
            // one extra float is added into OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore for storing the prediction result. Note
            // that the prediction engine may ignore Value and assign the predicted value to Score.
            var testDataMatrix = new List<OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore>();
            testDataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore() { MatrixColumnIndex = 0, MatrixRowIndex = 0, Value = 0, Score = 0 });
            testDataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore() { MatrixColumnIndex = 1, MatrixRowIndex = 2, Value = 0, Score = 0 });
            // Convert the in-memory matrix into an IDataView so that ML.NET components can consume it.
            var testDataView = ML.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(testDataMatrix);
            // Apply the trained model to the test data.
            var testPrediction = model.Transform(testDataView);
            var testResults = mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable<OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore>(testPrediction, false).ToList();
            // Positive example (i.e., examples can be found in dataMatrix) is close to 1.
            CompareNumbersWithTolerance(0.982391, testResults[0].Score, digitsOfPrecision: 5);
            // Negative example (i.e., examples can not be found in dataMatrix) is close to 0.15 (specified by s.C = 0.15 in the trainer).
            CompareNumbersWithTolerance(0.141411, testResults[1].Score, digitsOfPrecision: 5);
        public void OneClassMatrixFactorizationWithUnseenColumnAndRow()
            // Create an in-memory matrix as a list of tuples (column index, row index, value). For one-class matrix
            // factorization problem, unspecified matrix elements are all a constant provided by user. If that constant is 0.15,
            // the following list means a 3-by-2 training matrix with elements:
            //   (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 0.15), (1, 1, 0.15), (0, 2, 0.15), (1, 2, 0.15).
            // because matrix elements at (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 2), and (1, 2) are not specified. Below is a visualization of the training matrix.
            //   [1, ?]
            //   |1, ?| where ? will be set to 0.15 by user when creating the trainer.
            //   [?, ?]
            // Note that the second column and the third row are called unseen because they contain no training element (i.e., all its values are "?"s).
            var dataMatrix = new List<OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased>();
            dataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased() { MatrixColumnIndex = 0, MatrixRowIndex = 0, Value = 1 });
            dataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBased() { MatrixColumnIndex = 0, MatrixRowIndex = 1, Value = 1 });
            // Convert the in-memory matrix into an IDataView so that ML.NET components can consume it.
            var dataView = ML.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(dataMatrix);
            // Create a matrix factorization trainer which may consume "Value" as the training label, "MatrixColumnIndex" as the
            // matrix's column index, and "MatrixRowIndex" as the matrix's row index.
            var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 1);
            var options = new MatrixFactorizationTrainer.Options
                MatrixColumnIndexColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.MatrixColumnIndex),
                MatrixRowIndexColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.MatrixRowIndex),
                LabelColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.Value),
                LossFunction = MatrixFactorizationTrainer.LossFunctionType.SquareLossOneClass,
                NumberOfIterations = 100,
                NumberOfThreads = 1, // To eliminate randomness, # of threads must be 1.
                Lambda = 0.025, // Let's test non-default regularization coefficient.
                ApproximationRank = 16,
                Alpha = 0.01, // Importance coefficient of loss function over matrix elements not specified in the input matrix.
                C = 0.15, // Desired value for matrix elements not specified in the input matrix.
            var pipeline = mlContext.Recommendation().Trainers.MatrixFactorization(options);
            // Train a matrix factorization model.
            var model = pipeline.Fit(dataView);
            // Apply the trained model to the training set.
            var prediction = model.Transform(dataView);
            // Calculate regression matrices for the prediction result.
            var metrics = mlContext.Recommendation().Evaluate(prediction, labelColumnName: "Value", scoreColumnName: "Score");
            // Make sure the prediction error is not too large.
            Assert.InRange(metrics.MeanSquaredError, 0, 0.0016);
            // Create data for testing.
            var testDataMatrix = new List<OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore>();
            testDataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore() { MatrixColumnIndex = 0, MatrixRowIndex = 0, Value = 0, Score = 0 });
            testDataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore() { MatrixColumnIndex = 1, MatrixRowIndex = 0, Value = 0, Score = 0 });
            testDataMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore() { MatrixColumnIndex = 1, MatrixRowIndex = 2, Value = 0, Score = 0 });
            // Convert the in-memory matrix into an IDataView so that ML.NET components can consume it.
            var testDataView = ML.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(testDataMatrix);
            // Apply the trained model to the test data.
            var testPrediction = model.Transform(testDataView);
            var testResults = mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable<OneClassMatrixElementZeroBasedForScore>(testPrediction, false).ToList();
            // Positive example (i.e., examples can be found in dataMatrix) is close to 1.
            CompareNumbersWithTolerance(0.9823623, testResults[0].Score, digitsOfPrecision: 5);
            // Negative examples' scores (i.e., examples can not be found in dataMatrix) are closer
            // to 0.15 (specified by s.C = 0.15 in the trainer) than positive example's score.
            CompareNumbersWithTolerance(0.05511549, testResults[1].Score, digitsOfPrecision: 5);
            CompareNumbersWithTolerance(0.00316973357, testResults[2].Score, digitsOfPrecision: 5);
        public void OneClassMatrixFactorizationSample()
            // Create a new context for ML.NET operations. It can be used for exception tracking and logging,
            // as a catalog of available operations and as the source of randomness.
            var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 0);
            // Get a small in-memory dataset.
            GetOneClassMatrix(out List<OneClassMatrixElement> data, out List<OneClassMatrixElement> testData);
            // Convert the in-memory matrix into an IDataView so that ML.NET components can consume it.
            var dataView = mlContext.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(data);
            // Create a matrix factorization trainer which may consume "Value" as the training label, "MatrixColumnIndex" as the
            // matrix's column index, and "MatrixRowIndex" as the matrix's row index. Here nameof(...) is used to extract field
            // names' in MatrixElement class.
            var options = new MatrixFactorizationTrainer.Options
                MatrixColumnIndexColumnName = nameof(OneClassMatrixElement.MatrixColumnIndex),
                MatrixRowIndexColumnName = nameof(OneClassMatrixElement.MatrixRowIndex),
                LabelColumnName = nameof(OneClassMatrixElement.Value),
                NumberOfIterations = 20,
                NumberOfThreads = 8,
                ApproximationRank = 32,
                Alpha = 1,
                // The desired of unobserved values.
                C = 0.15,
                // To enable one-class matrix factorization, the following line is required.
                LossFunction = MatrixFactorizationTrainer.LossFunctionType.SquareLossOneClass
            var pipeline = mlContext.Recommendation().Trainers.MatrixFactorization(options);
            // Train a matrix factorization model.
            var model = pipeline.Fit(dataView);
            // Apply the trained model to the test set. Notice that training is a partial
            var prediction = model.Transform(mlContext.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(testData));
            var results = mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable<OneClassMatrixElement>(prediction, false).ToList();
            Assert.Equal(6000, results.Count);
            var firstElement = results.First();
            var lastElement = results.Last();
            Assert.Equal(1u, firstElement.MatrixColumnIndex);
            Assert.Equal(1u, firstElement.MatrixRowIndex);
            Assert.Equal(0.987113833, firstElement.Score, 0.001);
            Assert.Equal(1d, firstElement.Value, 0.001);
            Assert.Equal(60u, lastElement.MatrixColumnIndex);
            Assert.Equal(100u, lastElement.MatrixRowIndex);
            Assert.Equal(0.149993762, lastElement.Score, 0.001);
            Assert.Equal(0.15, lastElement.Value, 0.001);
            // Two columns with highest predicted score to the 2nd row (indexed by 1). If we view row index as user ID and column as game ID,
            // the following list contains the games recommended by the trained model. Note that sometime, you may want to exclude training
            // data from your predicted results because those games were already purchased.
            var topColumns = results.Where(element => element.MatrixRowIndex == 1).OrderByDescending(element => element.Score).Take(2);
            firstElement = topColumns.First();
            lastElement = topColumns.Last();
            Assert.Equal(1u, firstElement.MatrixColumnIndex);
            Assert.Equal(1u, firstElement.MatrixRowIndex);
            Assert.Equal(0.987113833, firstElement.Score, 0.001);
            Assert.Equal(1d, firstElement.Value, 0.001);
            Assert.Equal(11u, lastElement.MatrixColumnIndex);
            Assert.Equal(1u, lastElement.MatrixRowIndex);
            Assert.Equal(0.987113833, lastElement.Score, 0.001);
            Assert.Equal(1d, lastElement.Value, 0.001);
        // A data structure used to encode a single value in matrix
        private class OneClassMatrixElement
            // Matrix column index. Its allowed range is from 0 to _synthesizedMatrixColumnCount - 1.
            public uint MatrixColumnIndex { get; set; }
            // Matrix row index. Its allowed range is from 0 to _synthesizedMatrixRowCount - 1.
            public uint MatrixRowIndex { get; set; }
            // The value at the MatrixColumnIndex-th column and the MatrixRowIndex-th row.
            public float Value { get; set; }
            // The predicted value at the MatrixColumnIndex-th column and the MatrixRowIndex-th row.
            public float Score { get; set; }
        // Create an in-memory matrix as a list of tuples (column index, row index, value). Notice that one-class matrix
        // factorization handle scenarios where only positive signals (e.g., on Facebook, only likes are recorded and no dislike before)
        // can be observed so that all values are set to 1.
        private static void GetOneClassMatrix(out List<OneClassMatrixElement> observedMatrix, out List<OneClassMatrixElement> fullMatrix)
            // The matrix factorization model will be trained only using observedMatrix but we will see it can learn all information
            // carried in fullMatrix.
            observedMatrix = new List<OneClassMatrixElement>();
            fullMatrix = new List<OneClassMatrixElement>();
            for (uint i = 0; i < _synthesizedMatrixColumnCount; ++i)
                for (uint j = 0; j < _synthesizedMatrixRowCount; ++j)
                    if ((i + j) % 10 == 0)
                        // Set observed elements' values to 1 (means like).
                        observedMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElement() { MatrixColumnIndex = i, MatrixRowIndex = j, Value = 1, Score = 0 });
                        fullMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElement() { MatrixColumnIndex = i, MatrixRowIndex = j, Value = 1, Score = 0 });
                        // Set unobserved elements' values to 0.15, a value smaller than observed values (means dislike).
                        fullMatrix.Add(new OneClassMatrixElement() { MatrixColumnIndex = i, MatrixRowIndex = j, Value = 0.15f, Score = 0 });
        const int _matrixColumnCount = 256;
        const int _matrixRowCount = 256;
        public void InspectMatrixFactorizationModel()
            // Create an in-memory matrix as a list of tuples (column index, row index, value).
            // Iterators i and j are column and row indexes, respectively.
            var dataMatrix = new List<MatrixElementZeroBased256By256>();
            for (uint i = 0; i < _matrixColumnCount; ++i)
                for (uint j = 0; j < _matrixRowCount; ++j)
                    dataMatrix.Add(new MatrixElementZeroBased256By256() { MatrixColumnIndex = i, MatrixRowIndex = j, Value = (i + j) % 5 });
            // Convert the in-memory matrix into an IDataView so that ML.NET components can consume it.
            var dataView = ML.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(dataMatrix);
            // Create a matrix factorization trainer which may consume "Value" as the training label, "MatrixColumnIndex" as the
            // matrix's column index, and "MatrixRowIndex" as the matrix's row index.
            var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 1);
            var options = new MatrixFactorizationTrainer.Options
                MatrixColumnIndexColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.MatrixColumnIndex),
                MatrixRowIndexColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.MatrixRowIndex),
                LabelColumnName = nameof(MatrixElement.Value),
                NumberOfIterations = 100,
                NumberOfThreads = 1, // To eliminate randomness, # of threads must be 1.
                ApproximationRank = 64,
                LearningRate = 0.5,
            var pipeline = mlContext.Recommendation().Trainers.MatrixFactorization(options);
            // Train a matrix factorization model.
            var model = pipeline.Fit(dataView);
            // Check if the expected types in the trained model are expected.
            Assert.True(model.MatrixColumnIndexColumnName == nameof(MatrixElementZeroBased256By256.MatrixColumnIndex));
            Assert.True(model.MatrixRowIndexColumnName == nameof(MatrixElementZeroBased256By256.MatrixRowIndex));
            var matColKeyType = model.MatrixColumnIndexColumnType as KeyDataViewType;
            var matRowKeyType = model.MatrixRowIndexColumnType as KeyDataViewType;
            Assert.True(matColKeyType.Count == _matrixColumnCount);
            Assert.True(matRowKeyType.Count == _matrixRowCount);
            // Create a test set with assigning scores. It stands for the 2nd column of the training matrix.
            var testMatrix = new List<MatrixElementZeroBasedForScore256By256>();
            for (/* column index */ uint i = 1; i < 2; ++i)
                for (/* row index */ uint j = 0; j < _matrixRowCount; ++j)
                    testMatrix.Add(new MatrixElementZeroBasedForScore256By256() { MatrixColumnIndex = i, MatrixRowIndex = j, Score = 0 });
            // Load test set as IDataView.
            var testData = ML.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(testMatrix);
            // Apply the trained model to the training set
            var transformedTestData = model.Transform(testData);
            // Load back predictions on the 2nd column as IEnumerable<MatrixElementZeroBasedForScore>.
            var predictions = mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable<MatrixElementZeroBasedForScore256By256>(transformedTestData, false).ToList();
            // Inspect the trained model.
            int m = model.Model.NumberOfRows;
            int n = model.Model.NumberOfColumns;
            int k = model.Model.ApproximationRank;
            // The training matrix is approximated by leftFactorMatrix * rightFactorMatrix^T, where "^T" means matrix transpose.
            // Thus, to compute the approximation of the 2nd column, we only need the whole leftFactorMatrix and the 2nd row in rightFactorMatrix.
            // First copy the trained left factor matrix to an aligned for applying SSE code.
            var leftFactorMatrix = model.Model.LeftFactorMatrix;
            var leftFactorMatrixAligned = new AlignedArray(m * k, 64);
            for (int i = 0; i < leftFactorMatrix.Count; ++i)
                leftFactorMatrixAligned[i] = leftFactorMatrix[i];
            // Second copy the trained right factor row to a k-by-1 aligned vector for applying SSE code.
            var rightFactorVectorAligned = new AlignedArray(k, 64);
            for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
                rightFactorVectorAligned[i] = model.Model.RightFactorMatrix[1 * k + i]; // value at the i-th row and j-th column is indexed by i * k + j.
            // Prepare buffer to store result. The result will be a matrix-vector product, where the matrix is leftFactorMatrix
            // and the vector is the 2nd row of rightFactorMatrix.
            var valuesAtSecondColumn = new AlignedArray(m, 64);
            // Compute leftFactorMatrixAligned (m-by-k) * rightFactorVectorAligned (k-by-1).
            CpuMathUtils.MatrixTimesSource(false, leftFactorMatrixAligned, rightFactorVectorAligned, valuesAtSecondColumn, m);
            // Check if results computed by SSE code and MF predictor are the same.
            for (int i = 0; i < predictions.Count(); ++i)
                Assert.Equal((double)predictions[i].Score, (double)valuesAtSecondColumn[i], 0.001);