17 writes to Min
Microsoft.ML.Core.Tests (1)
UnitTests\TestEntryPoints.cs (1)
4530new [] { new TextLoader.Range() { Min = 0, VariableEnd=true, ForceVector=true} })
Microsoft.ML.Data (8)
DataLoadSave\Text\TextLoader.cs (5)
278Min = index; 294Min = min; 366if (!int.TryParse(str, out Min)) 380Min = 0; 382else if (!int.TryParse(str.Substring(0, ich), out Min))
DataLoadSave\Text\TextSaver.cs (3)
513range = new TextLoader.Range { Min = minValue, Max = minValue + vectorType.Size - 1, ForceVector = true }; 515range = new TextLoader.Range { Min = minValue, VariableEnd = true }; 517range = new TextLoader.Range { Min = minValue };
Microsoft.ML.PerformanceTests (5)
KMeansAndLogisticRegressionBench.cs (2)
28new TextLoader.Range() { Min = 1, Max = 8 }, 32new TextLoader.Range() { Min = 9, Max = 14 },
RffTransform.cs (1)
37new TextLoader.Column("Features", DataKind.Single, new[] {new TextLoader.Range() {Min = 0, Max = 63}})
StochasticDualCoordinateAscentClassifierBench.cs (2)
93new TextLoader.Column("Label", DataKind.Single, new[] { new TextLoader.Range() { Min = 0, Max = 0 } }), 94new TextLoader.Column("SentimentText", DataKind.String, new[] { new TextLoader.Range() { Min = 1, Max = 1 } })
Microsoft.ML.Tests (3)
Transformers\NormalizerTests.cs (3)
45new TextLoader.Column("float0", DataKind.Single, new[]{ new TextLoader.Range { Min = 1, VariableEnd = true } }), 114new TextLoader.Column("float0", DataKind.Single, new[]{ new TextLoader.Range { Min = 1, VariableEnd = true } }) 233new TextLoader.Column("float0", DataKind.Single, new[]{ new TextLoader.Range { Min = 1, VariableEnd = true } })
19 references to Min
Microsoft.ML.AutoML.Tests (3)
ColumnInferenceTests.cs (3)
36Assert.False(col.Source.Length > 1 || col.Source[0].Min != col.Source[0].Max); 62var labelCol = result.TextLoaderOptions.Columns.First(c => c.Source[0].Min == 14 && c.Source[0].Max == 14); 72var labelCol = result.TextLoaderOptions.Columns.First(c => c.Source[0].Min == DatasetUtil.IrisDatasetLabelColIndex &&
Microsoft.ML.CodeGenerator (3)
Utils.cs (3)
268int range = (column.Source[0].Max - column.Source[0].Min).Value; 292result.Add($"[ColumnName(\"{columnName}\"),LoadColumn({column.Source[0].Min}, {column.Source[0].Max}) VectorType({(range + 1)})]"); 297result.Add($"[ColumnName(\"{columnName}\"), LoadColumn({column.Source[0].Min})]");
Microsoft.ML.Data (13)
DataLoadSave\Database\DatabaseLoader.cs (1)
337var dbRange = new Range(range.Min, range.Max.Value);
DataLoadSave\Text\TextLoader.cs (12)
242var sortedRanges = Source.OrderBy(x => x.Min).ToList(); 244if (first.Min < 0 || first.Min > first.Max) 250if (cur.Min > cur.Max) 256if (cur.Min <= prev.Max) 368Max = Min; 408if (Min < 0) 410sb.Append(Min); 413if (Max != Min || ForceVector || AllOther) 800int min = range.Min; 801ch.CheckUserArg(0 <= min && min < SrcLim - 1, nameof(range.Min)); 815throw ch.ExceptUserArg(nameof(range.Min), "Column #{0} not found in the dataset (it only has {1} columns)", min, inputSize);