3 writes to _count
Microsoft.ML.Data (3)
DataLoadSave\Text\TextLoaderParser.cs (3)
352_count = 0; 375_count++; 403_count = _size;
26 references to _count
Microsoft.ML.Data (26)
DataLoadSave\Text\TextLoaderParser.cs (26)
335Contracts.Assert(0 <= _count); 336Contracts.Assert(_count <= _size); 337Contracts.Assert(_count <= _values.Length); 339if (_count < _size) 343Contracts.Assert(_count <= _size / 2); 344Contracts.Assert(_count <= _indices.Length); 364if (_count < _size) 366if (_count < _size / 2) 369if (_values.Length <= _count) 370Array.Resize(ref _values, 2 * _count); 371if (_indices.Length <= _count) 372Array.Resize(ref _indices, 2 * _count); 373_values[_count] = tmp; 374_indices[_count] = index; 383Array.Clear(_values, _count, _size - _count); 386if (_values.Length > _count) 387Array.Clear(_values, _count, _values.Length - _count); 390for (int ii = _count; --ii >= 0;) 408Contracts.Assert(_count == _size); 419if (_count == 0) 425var editor = VBufferEditor.Create(ref dst, _size, _count); 426_values.AsSpan(0, _count).CopyTo(editor.Values); 427if (_count == _size) 433_indices.AsSpan(0, _count).CopyTo(editor.Indices);