// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
namespace Microsoft.Interop
/// <summary>
/// Type used to pass on default marshalling details.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This type used to pass default marshalling details to the various marshalling info parsers.
/// Since it contains a <see cref="INamedTypeSymbol"/>, it should not be used as a field on any types
/// derived from <see cref="MarshallingInfo"/>. See remarks on <see cref="MarshallingInfo"/>.
/// </remarks>
public sealed record DefaultMarshallingInfo(
CharEncoding CharEncoding,
INamedTypeSymbol? StringMarshallingCustomType
// The following types are modeled to fit with the current prospective spec
// for C# vNext discriminated unions. Once discriminated unions are released,
// these should be updated to be implemented as a discriminated union.
/// <summary>
/// Base type for marshalling information
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Types derived from this are used to represent the stub information calculated from the semantic model.
/// To support incremental generation, they must not include any types derived from <see cref="ISymbol"/>.
/// </remarks>
public abstract record MarshallingInfo
protected MarshallingInfo()
{ }
public virtual IEnumerable<TypePositionInfo> ElementDependencies => [];
/// <summary>
/// No marshalling information exists for the type.
/// </summary>
public sealed record NoMarshallingInfo : MarshallingInfo
public static readonly MarshallingInfo Instance = new NoMarshallingInfo();
private NoMarshallingInfo() { }
/// <summary>
/// Character encoding enumeration.
/// </summary>
public enum CharEncoding
/// <summary>
/// Details that are required when scenario supports strings.
/// </summary>
public record MarshallingInfoStringSupport(
CharEncoding CharEncoding
) : MarshallingInfo;
/// <summary>
/// The provided type was determined to be an "unmanaged" type that can be passed as-is to native code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="IsStrictlyBlittable">Indicates if the type is blittable as defined by the built-in .NET marshallers.</param>
public sealed record UnmanagedBlittableMarshallingInfo(
bool IsStrictlyBlittable
) : MarshallingInfo;
public abstract record CountInfo
private protected CountInfo() { }
public sealed record NoCountInfo : CountInfo
public static readonly NoCountInfo Instance = new NoCountInfo();
private NoCountInfo() { }
public sealed record ConstSizeCountInfo(int Size) : CountInfo;
public sealed record CountElementCountInfo(TypePositionInfo ElementInfo) : CountInfo
public const string ReturnValueElementName = "return-value";
public sealed record SizeAndParamIndexInfo(int ConstSize, TypePositionInfo? ParamAtIndex) : CountInfo
public const int UnspecifiedConstSize = -1;
public const TypePositionInfo UnspecifiedParam = null;
public static readonly SizeAndParamIndexInfo Unspecified = new(UnspecifiedConstSize, UnspecifiedParam);
/// <summary>
/// Custom type marshalling via MarshalUsingAttribute or NativeMarshallingAttribute
/// </summary>
public record NativeMarshallingAttributeInfo(
ManagedTypeInfo EntryPointType,
CustomTypeMarshallers Marshallers) : MarshallingInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Custom type marshalling via MarshalUsingAttribute or NativeMarshallingAttribute for a linear collection
/// </summary>
public sealed record NativeLinearCollectionMarshallingInfo(
ManagedTypeInfo EntryPointType,
CustomTypeMarshallers Marshallers,
CountInfo ElementCountInfo,
ManagedTypeInfo PlaceholderTypeParameter) : NativeMarshallingAttributeInfo(
public override IEnumerable<TypePositionInfo> ElementDependencies
return field ??= GetElementDependencies().ToImmutableArray();
IEnumerable<TypePositionInfo> GetElementDependencies()
if (ElementCountInfo is CountElementCountInfo { ElementInfo: TypePositionInfo nestedCountElement })
// Do not include dependent elements with no managed or native index.
// These values are dummy values that are inserted earlier to avoid emitting extra diagnostics.
if (nestedCountElement.ManagedIndex != TypePositionInfo.UnsetIndex || nestedCountElement.NativeIndex != TypePositionInfo.UnsetIndex)
yield return nestedCountElement;
foreach (KeyValuePair<MarshalMode, CustomTypeMarshallerData> mode in Marshallers.Modes)
foreach (TypePositionInfo nestedElement in mode.Value.CollectionElementMarshallingInfo.ElementDependencies)
if (nestedElement.ManagedIndex != TypePositionInfo.UnsetIndex || nestedElement.NativeIndex != TypePositionInfo.UnsetIndex)
yield return nestedElement;
/// <summary>
/// Marshal an exception based on the same rules as the built-in COM system based on the unmanaged type of the native return marshaller.
/// </summary>
public sealed record ComExceptionMarshalling : MarshallingInfo
internal static MarshallingInfo CreateSpecificMarshallingInfo(ManagedTypeInfo unmanagedReturnType)
return (unmanagedReturnType as SpecialTypeInfo)?.SpecialType switch
SpecialType.System_Void => CreateWellKnownComExceptionMarshallingData(TypeNames.ExceptionAsVoidMarshaller, unmanagedReturnType),
SpecialType.System_Int32 => CreateWellKnownComExceptionMarshallingData($"{TypeNames.ExceptionAsHResultMarshaller}<int>", unmanagedReturnType),
SpecialType.System_UInt32 => CreateWellKnownComExceptionMarshallingData($"{TypeNames.ExceptionAsHResultMarshaller}<uint>", unmanagedReturnType),
SpecialType.System_Single => CreateWellKnownComExceptionMarshallingData($"{TypeNames.ExceptionAsNaNMarshaller}<float>", unmanagedReturnType),
SpecialType.System_Double => CreateWellKnownComExceptionMarshallingData($"{TypeNames.ExceptionAsNaNMarshaller}<double>", unmanagedReturnType),
_ => CreateWellKnownComExceptionMarshallingData($"{TypeNames.ExceptionAsDefaultMarshaller}<{MarshallerHelpers.GetCompatibleGenericTypeParameterSyntax(SyntaxFactory.ParseTypeName(unmanagedReturnType.FullTypeName))}>", unmanagedReturnType),
static NativeMarshallingAttributeInfo CreateWellKnownComExceptionMarshallingData(string marshallerName, ManagedTypeInfo unmanagedType)
ManagedTypeInfo marshallerTypeInfo = new ReferenceTypeInfo(TypeNames.GlobalAlias + marshallerName, marshallerName);
return new NativeMarshallingAttributeInfo(marshallerTypeInfo,
new CustomTypeMarshallers(ImmutableDictionary<MarshalMode, CustomTypeMarshallerData>.Empty.Add(
new CustomTypeMarshallerData(
HasState: false,
IsStrictlyBlittable: true,
BufferElementType: null,
CollectionElementType: null,
CollectionElementMarshallingInfo: null