File: Marshalling\MarshallerHelpers.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Runtime.InteropServices\gen\Microsoft.Interop.SourceGeneration\Microsoft.Interop.SourceGeneration.csproj (Microsoft.Interop.SourceGeneration)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using static Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxFactory;
using static Microsoft.Interop.SyntaxFactoryExtensions;
namespace Microsoft.Interop
    public static class MarshallerHelpers
        public static readonly TypeSyntax SystemIntPtrType = TypeSyntaxes.System_IntPtr;
        public static RefKind GetRefKindForByValueContentsKind(this ByValueContentsMarshalKind byValue)
            return byValue switch
                ByValueContentsMarshalKind.Default => RefKind.None,
                ByValueContentsMarshalKind.In => RefKind.In,
                ByValueContentsMarshalKind.InOut => RefKind.Ref,
                ByValueContentsMarshalKind.Out => RefKind.Out,
                _ => throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(byValue))
        public static TypeSyntax GetCompatibleGenericTypeParameterSyntax(this TypeSyntax type)
            TypeSyntax spanElementTypeSyntax = type;
            if (spanElementTypeSyntax is PointerTypeSyntax)
                // Pointers cannot be passed to generics, so use IntPtr for this case.
                spanElementTypeSyntax = TypeSyntaxes.System_IntPtr;
            return spanElementTypeSyntax;
        /// <summary>
        /// <c>Marshal.SetLastSystemError(<paramref name="errorCode"/>);</c>
        /// </summary>
        public static StatementSyntax CreateClearLastSystemErrorStatement(int errorCode) =>
                Argument(LiteralExpression(SyntaxKind.NumericLiteralExpression, Literal(errorCode))));
        /// <summary>
        /// <code><paramref name="lastErrorIdentifier"/> = Marshal.GetLastSystemError();</code>
        /// </summary>
        public static StatementSyntax CreateGetLastSystemErrorStatement(string lastErrorIdentifier) =>
            AssignmentStatement(IdentifierName(lastErrorIdentifier), MethodInvocation(TypeSyntaxes.System_Runtime_InteropServices_Marshal, IdentifierName("GetLastSystemError")));
        /// <summary>
        /// <code>Marshal.SetLastPInvokeError(<paramref name="lastErrorIdentifier"/>);</code>
        /// </summary>
        public static StatementSyntax CreateSetLastPInvokeErrorStatement(string lastErrorIdentifier) =>
            MethodInvocationStatement(TypeSyntaxes.System_Runtime_InteropServices_Marshal, IdentifierName("SetLastPInvokeError"), Argument(IdentifierName(lastErrorIdentifier)));
        public static string GetMarshallerIdentifier(TypePositionInfo info, StubIdentifierContext context)
            return context.GetAdditionalIdentifier(info, "marshaller");
        public static string GetManagedSpanIdentifier(TypePositionInfo info, StubIdentifierContext context)
            return context.GetAdditionalIdentifier(info, "managedSpan");
        public static string GetNativeSpanIdentifier(TypePositionInfo info, StubIdentifierContext context)
            return context.GetAdditionalIdentifier(info, "nativeSpan");
        public static string GetNumElementsIdentifier(TypePositionInfo info, StubIdentifierContext context)
            return context.GetAdditionalIdentifier(info, "numElements");
        public static string GetLastIndexMarshalledIdentifier(TypePositionInfo info, StubIdentifierContext context)
            return context.GetAdditionalIdentifier(info, "lastIndexMarshalled");
        public static string GetIndexerIdentifier(int i)
            return $"__i{i}";
        public static ExpressionSyntax GetIndexedManagedElementExpression(TypePositionInfo info, StubCodeContext codeContext, StubIdentifierContext context)
            ExpressionSyntax indexedManagedElement = IdentifierName(context.GetIdentifiers(info).managed);
            for (int i = 0; i < codeContext.ElementIndirectionLevel; i++)
                indexedManagedElement = ElementAccessExpression(indexedManagedElement)
            return indexedManagedElement;
        internal static bool CanUseCallerAllocatedBuffer(TypePositionInfo info, StubCodeContext context)
            return context.SingleFrameSpansNativeContext && (!info.IsByRef || info.RefKind == RefKind.In || info.RefKind == RefKind.RefReadOnlyParameter);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a topologically sorted collection of elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of element.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="elements">The initial collection of elements.</param>
        /// <param name="keyFn">A function to create a key for the element.</param>
        /// <param name="getDependentIndicesFn">A function to resolve the dependencies of a given item in the <paramref name="elements"/> collection as index values that would be returned by <paramref name="keyFn"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>A topologically sorted collection of the elemens of the <paramref name="elements"/> collection.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The graph of <paramref name="elements"/> nodes and the edges produced by <paramref name="getDependentIndicesFn"/> has cycles.</exception>
        public static IEnumerable<T> GetTopologicallySortedElements<T, U>(
            ICollection<T> elements,
            Func<T, U> keyFn,
            Func<T, IEnumerable<U>> getDependentIndicesFn)
            Dictionary<U, int> elementIndexToEdgeMapNodeId = new(elements.Count);
            List<T> nodeIdToElement = new(elements.Count);
            EdgeMap edgeMap = new(elements.Count);
            int nextEdgeMapIndex = 0;
            foreach (T element in elements)
                elementIndexToEdgeMapNodeId.Add(keyFn(element), nextEdgeMapIndex++);
            foreach (T element in elements)
                U elementIndex = keyFn(element);
                foreach (U dependentElementIndex in getDependentIndicesFn(element))
                    // Add an edge from the node for dependentElementIndex-> the node for elementIndex
                    // This way, elements that have no dependencies have no edges pointing to them.
                    edgeMap[elementIndexToEdgeMapNodeId[elementIndex], elementIndexToEdgeMapNodeId[dependentElementIndex]] = true;
            // Now that we have initialized our map of edges and we have our list of nodes,
            // we'll use Khan's algorithm to calculate a topological sort of the elements.
            // Algorithm adapted from A. B. Kahn. 1962. Topological sorting of large networks. Commun. ACM 5, 11 (Nov. 1962), 558-562. DOI:
            // L is the sorted list
            List<T> L = new(elements.Count);
            // S is the set of elements with no incoming edges (no dependencies on it)
            List<T> S = new(elements.Count);
            // Initialize S
            for (int node = 0; node < nodeIdToElement.Count; node++)
                if (!edgeMap.AnyIncomingEdge(node))
            while (S.Count != 0)
                // Remove element from S
                T element = S[S.Count - 1];
                S.RemoveAt(S.Count - 1);
                // Add element to L
                int n = elementIndexToEdgeMapNodeId[keyFn(element)];
                // For each node m that n points to
                for (int m = 0; m < edgeMap.NodeCount; m++)
                    if (!edgeMap[m, n])
                    // Remove the edge from n to m
                    edgeMap[m, n] = false;
                    // If m does not have any incoming edges, add to S
                    if (!edgeMap.AnyIncomingEdge(m))
            // If we have edges left, then we have a cycle.
            if (edgeMap.AnyEdges)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GraphHasCycles);
            // If we make it here, we have a topologically sorted list.
            return L;
        private struct EdgeMap
            private readonly bool[] _edgeMap;
            public EdgeMap(int numNodes)
                NodeCount = numNodes;
                _edgeMap = new bool[NodeCount * NodeCount];
            /// <summary>
            /// EdgeMap contains a map of boolean values denoting if an edge exists
            /// If edgeMap[X][Y] is true, that means that there exists an edge Y -> X
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="to">The node the edge points to.</param>
            /// <param name="from">The node the edge start at.</param>
            /// <returns>If there exists an edge that starts at <paramref name="from"/> and ends at <paramref name="to"/></returns>
            public bool this[int to, int from]
                get => _edgeMap[to * NodeCount + from];
                set => _edgeMap[to * NodeCount + from] = value;
            public bool AnyEdges => Array.IndexOf(_edgeMap, true) != -1;
            public int NodeCount { get; }
            public bool AnyIncomingEdge(int to)
                return Array.IndexOf(_edgeMap, true, to * NodeCount, NodeCount) != -1;
        // private static readonly InvocationExpressionSyntax SkipInitInvocation =
        public static StatementSyntax SkipInitOrDefaultInit(TypePositionInfo info, StubIdentifierContext context)
            if (info.ManagedType is not PointerTypeInfo
                && info.ManagedType is not ValueTypeInfo { IsByRefLike: true }
                && context.CodeEmitOptions.SkipInit)
                // Use the Unsafe.SkipInit<T> API when available and
                // managed type is usable as a generic parameter.
                return ExpressionStatement(
                    MethodInvocation(TypeSyntaxes.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_Unsafe, IdentifierName("SkipInit"),
                // Assign out params to default
                return AssignmentStatement(
                    LiteralExpression(SyntaxKind.DefaultLiteralExpression, Token(SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword)));
        public static StatementSyntax DefaultInit(TypePositionInfo info, StubIdentifierContext context)
            // Assign out params to default
            return AssignmentStatement(
                LiteralExpression(SyntaxKind.DefaultLiteralExpression, Token(SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the marshalling direction for a given <see cref="TypePositionInfo"/> in a given <see cref="StubCodeContext"/>.
        /// For example, an out parameter is marshalled in the <see cref="MarshalDirection.UnmanagedToManaged"/> direction in a <see cref="MarshalDirection.ManagedToUnmanaged"/> stub,
        /// but from <see cref="MarshalDirection.ManagedToUnmanaged"/> in a <see cref="MarshalDirection.UnmanagedToManaged"/> stub.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">The info for an element.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The context for the stub.</param>
        /// <returns>The direction the element is marshalled.</returns>
        public static MarshalDirection GetMarshalDirection(TypePositionInfo info, StubCodeContext context)
            if (context.Direction is not (MarshalDirection.ManagedToUnmanaged or MarshalDirection.UnmanagedToManaged))
                throw new ArgumentException("Stub context direction must not be bidirectional.");
            if (context.Direction == MarshalDirection.ManagedToUnmanaged)
                if (info.IsManagedReturnPosition)
                    return MarshalDirection.UnmanagedToManaged;
                if (!info.IsByRef)
                    return MarshalDirection.ManagedToUnmanaged;
                switch (info.RefKind)
                    case RefKind.In:
                    case RefKind.RefReadOnlyParameter:
                        return MarshalDirection.ManagedToUnmanaged;
                    case RefKind.Ref:
                        return MarshalDirection.Bidirectional;
                    case RefKind.Out:
                        return MarshalDirection.UnmanagedToManaged;
                throw new UnreachableException("An element is either a return value or passed by value or by ref.");
            if (info.IsNativeReturnPosition)
                return MarshalDirection.ManagedToUnmanaged;
            if (!info.IsByRef)
                return MarshalDirection.UnmanagedToManaged;
            switch (info.RefKind)
                case RefKind.In:
                case RefKind.RefReadOnlyParameter:
                    return MarshalDirection.UnmanagedToManaged;
                case RefKind.Ref:
                    return MarshalDirection.Bidirectional;
                case RefKind.Out:
                    return MarshalDirection.ManagedToUnmanaged;
            throw new UnreachableException("An element is either a return value or passed by value or by ref.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns which stage cleanup should be performed for the parameter.
        /// </summary>
        public static StubIdentifierContext.Stage GetCleanupStage(TypePositionInfo info, StubCodeContext context)
            // Unmanaged to managed doesn't properly handle lifetimes right now and will default to the original behavior.
            // Failures will only occur when marshalling fails, and would only cause leaks, not double frees.
            // See for more details
            if (context.Direction is MarshalDirection.UnmanagedToManaged)
                return StubIdentifierContext.Stage.CleanupCallerAllocated;
            return GetMarshalDirection(info, context) switch
                MarshalDirection.UnmanagedToManaged => StubIdentifierContext.Stage.CleanupCalleeAllocated,
                MarshalDirection.ManagedToUnmanaged => StubIdentifierContext.Stage.CleanupCallerAllocated,
                MarshalDirection.Bidirectional => StubIdentifierContext.Stage.CleanupCallerAllocated,
                _ => throw new UnreachableException()
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensure that the count of a collection is available at call time if the parameter is not an out parameter.
        /// It only looks at an indirection level of 0 (the size of the outer array), so there are some holes in
        /// analysis if the parameter is a multidimensional array, but that case seems very unlikely to be hit.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ValidateCountInfoAvailableAtCall(MarshalDirection stubDirection, TypePositionInfo info, GeneratorDiagnosticsBag generatorDiagnostics, IMethodSymbol symbol, DiagnosticDescriptor outParamDescriptor, DiagnosticDescriptor returnValueDescriptor)
            // In managed to unmanaged stubs, we can always just get the length of managed object
            // We only really need to be concerned about unmanaged to managed stubs
            if (stubDirection is MarshalDirection.ManagedToUnmanaged)
            if (!(info.RefKind is RefKind.Out
                    || info.ManagedIndex is TypePositionInfo.ReturnIndex)
                && info.MarshallingAttributeInfo is NativeLinearCollectionMarshallingInfo collectionMarshallingInfo
                && collectionMarshallingInfo.ElementCountInfo is CountElementCountInfo countInfo)
                if (countInfo.ElementInfo.IsByRef && countInfo.ElementInfo.RefKind is RefKind.Out)
                    Location location = TypePositionInfo.GetLocation(info, symbol);
                else if (countInfo.ElementInfo.ManagedIndex is TypePositionInfo.ReturnIndex)
                    Location location = TypePositionInfo.GetLocation(info, symbol);
                // If the parameter is multidimensional and a higher indirection level parameter is ByValue [Out], then we should warn.
        public static SyntaxTokenList GetManagedParameterModifiers(TypePositionInfo typeInfo)
            SyntaxTokenList tokens = TokenList();
            // "out" parameters are implicitly scoped, so we can't put the "scoped" keyword on them.
            // All other cases of explicit parameters are only scoped when the "scoped" keyword is present.
            // When the "scoped" keyword is present, it must be present on all declarations.
            if (typeInfo.ScopedKind != ScopedKind.None && typeInfo.RefKind != RefKind.Out)
                tokens = tokens.Add(Token(SyntaxKind.ScopedKeyword));
            if (typeInfo.IsByRef)
                switch (typeInfo.RefKind)
                    case RefKind.In:
                        tokens = tokens.Add(Token(SyntaxKind.InKeyword));
                    case RefKind.Ref:
                        tokens = tokens.Add(Token(SyntaxKind.RefKeyword));
                    case RefKind.Out:
                        tokens = tokens.Add(Token(SyntaxKind.OutKeyword));
                    case RefKind.RefReadOnlyParameter:
                        tokens = tokens.Add(Token(SyntaxKind.RefKeyword));
                        tokens = tokens.Add(Token(SyntaxKind.ReadOnlyKeyword));
                        throw new NotImplementedException($"Support for some RefKind: {typeInfo.RefKind}");
            if (typeInfo.IsExplicitThis)
                tokens = tokens.Add(Token(SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword));
            return tokens;
        public static SyntaxToken GetManagedArgumentRefKindKeyword(TypePositionInfo typeInfo)
            return typeInfo.RefKind switch
                RefKind.None => default,
                RefKind.In => Token(SyntaxKind.InKeyword),
                RefKind.Ref => Token(SyntaxKind.RefKeyword),
                RefKind.Out => Token(SyntaxKind.OutKeyword),
                RefKind.RefReadOnlyParameter => Token(SyntaxKind.InKeyword),
                _ => throw new NotImplementedException($"Support for some RefKind: {typeInfo.RefKind}")
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute if the provided element is the return element for the stub that is being generated (not any inner call).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">The element information</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the element is in the return position for this stub; otherwise, false.</returns>
        public static bool IsInStubReturnPosition(TypePositionInfo info, MarshalDirection direction)
            return direction switch
                MarshalDirection.ManagedToUnmanaged => info.IsManagedReturnPosition,
                MarshalDirection.UnmanagedToManaged => info.IsNativeReturnPosition,
                _ => throw new ArgumentException("Cannot determine the return position of a bidirectional stub", nameof(direction)),
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute if the provided element is the return element for the invocation in the stub.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">The element information</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the element is in the return position for the invocation; otherwise, false.</returns>
        public static bool IsInInvocationReturnPosition(TypePositionInfo info, MarshalDirection direction)
            return direction switch
                MarshalDirection.ManagedToUnmanaged => info.IsNativeReturnPosition,
                MarshalDirection.UnmanagedToManaged => info.IsManagedReturnPosition,
                _ => throw new ArgumentException("Cannot determine the return position of a bidirectional stub", nameof(direction)),