File: Embeddings\OpenTelemetryEmbeddingGenerator.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Libraries\Microsoft.Extensions.AI\Microsoft.Extensions.AI.csproj (Microsoft.Extensions.AI)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.Metrics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Shared.Diagnostics;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
/// <summary>Represents a delegating embedding generator that implements the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions for Generative AI systems.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This class provides an implementation of the Semantic Conventions for Generative AI systems v1.31, defined at <see href="" />.
/// The specification is still experimental and subject to change; as such, the telemetry output by this client is also subject to change.
/// </remarks>
/// <typeparam name="TInput">The type of input used to produce embeddings.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TEmbedding">The type of embedding generated.</typeparam>
public sealed class OpenTelemetryEmbeddingGenerator<TInput, TEmbedding> : DelegatingEmbeddingGenerator<TInput, TEmbedding>
    where TEmbedding : Embedding
    private readonly ActivitySource _activitySource;
    private readonly Meter _meter;
    private readonly Histogram<int> _tokenUsageHistogram;
    private readonly Histogram<double> _operationDurationHistogram;
    private readonly string? _system;
    private readonly string? _modelId;
    private readonly string? _modelProvider;
    private readonly string? _endpointAddress;
    private readonly int _endpointPort;
    private readonly int? _dimensions;
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OpenTelemetryEmbeddingGenerator{TInput, TEmbedding}"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="innerGenerator">The underlying <see cref="IEmbeddingGenerator{TInput, TEmbedding}"/>, which is the next stage of the pipeline.</param>
    /// <param name="logger">The <see cref="ILogger"/> to use for emitting events.</param>
    /// <param name="sourceName">An optional source name that will be used on the telemetry data.</param>
#pragma warning disable IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter; it exists for future use and consistency with OpenTelemetryChatClient
    public OpenTelemetryEmbeddingGenerator(IEmbeddingGenerator<TInput, TEmbedding> innerGenerator, ILogger? logger = null, string? sourceName = null)
#pragma warning restore IDE0060
        : base(innerGenerator)
        Debug.Assert(innerGenerator is not null, "Should have been validated by the base ctor.");
        if (innerGenerator!.GetService<EmbeddingGeneratorMetadata>() is EmbeddingGeneratorMetadata metadata)
            _system = metadata.ProviderName;
            _modelId = metadata.ModelId;
            _modelProvider = metadata.ProviderName;
            _endpointAddress = metadata.ProviderUri?.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
            _endpointPort = metadata.ProviderUri?.Port ?? 0;
            _dimensions = metadata.Dimensions;
        string name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceName) ? OpenTelemetryConsts.DefaultSourceName : sourceName!;
        _activitySource = new(name);
        _meter = new(name);
        _tokenUsageHistogram = _meter.CreateHistogram<int>(
            advice: new() { HistogramBucketBoundaries = OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Client.TokenUsage.ExplicitBucketBoundaries });
        _operationDurationHistogram = _meter.CreateHistogram<double>(
            advice: new() { HistogramBucketBoundaries = OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Client.OperationDuration.ExplicitBucketBoundaries });
    /// <inheritdoc/>
    public override object? GetService(Type serviceType, object? serviceKey = null) =>
        serviceType == typeof(ActivitySource) ? _activitySource :
        base.GetService(serviceType, serviceKey);
    /// <inheritdoc/>
    public override async Task<GeneratedEmbeddings<TEmbedding>> GenerateAsync(IEnumerable<TInput> values, EmbeddingGenerationOptions? options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        _ = Throw.IfNull(values);
        using Activity? activity = CreateAndConfigureActivity(options);
        Stopwatch? stopwatch = _operationDurationHistogram.Enabled ? Stopwatch.StartNew() : null;
        string? requestModelId = options?.ModelId ?? _modelId;
        GeneratedEmbeddings<TEmbedding>? response = null;
        Exception? error = null;
            response = await base.GenerateAsync(values, options, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        catch (Exception ex)
            error = ex;
            TraceResponse(activity, requestModelId, response, error, stopwatch);
        return response;
    /// <inheritdoc/>
    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing)
    /// <summary>Creates an activity for an embedding generation request, or returns null if not enabled.</summary>
    private Activity? CreateAndConfigureActivity(EmbeddingGenerationOptions? options)
        Activity? activity = null;
        if (_activitySource.HasListeners())
            string? modelId = options?.ModelId ?? _modelId;
            activity = _activitySource.StartActivity(
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelId) ? OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Embeddings : $"{OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Embeddings} {modelId}",
                    new(OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Operation.Name, OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Embeddings),
                    new(OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Request.Model, modelId),
                    new(OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.SystemName, _modelProvider),
            if (activity is not null)
                if (_endpointAddress is not null)
                    _ = activity
                        .AddTag(OpenTelemetryConsts.Server.Address, _endpointAddress)
                        .AddTag(OpenTelemetryConsts.Server.Port, _endpointPort);
                if (_dimensions is int dimensions)
                    _ = activity.AddTag(OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Request.EmbeddingDimensions, dimensions);
                if (options is not null &&
                    _system is not null)
                    // Log all additional request options as per-provider tags. This is non-normative, but it covers cases where
                    // there's a per-provider specification in a best-effort manner (e.g. gen_ai.openai.request.service_tier),
                    // and more generally cases where there's additional useful information to be logged.
                    if (options.AdditionalProperties is { } props)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object?> prop in props)
                            _ = activity.AddTag(
                                OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Request.PerProvider(_system, JsonNamingPolicy.SnakeCaseLower.ConvertName(prop.Key)),
        return activity;
    /// <summary>Adds embedding generation response information to the activity.</summary>
    private void TraceResponse(
        Activity? activity,
        string? requestModelId,
        GeneratedEmbeddings<TEmbedding>? embeddings,
        Exception? error,
        Stopwatch? stopwatch)
        int? inputTokens = null;
        string? responseModelId = null;
        if (embeddings is not null)
            responseModelId = embeddings.FirstOrDefault()?.ModelId;
            if (embeddings.Usage?.InputTokenCount is long i)
                inputTokens = inputTokens.GetValueOrDefault() + (int)i;
        if (_operationDurationHistogram.Enabled && stopwatch is not null)
            TagList tags = default;
            AddMetricTags(ref tags, requestModelId, responseModelId);
            if (error is not null)
                tags.Add(OpenTelemetryConsts.Error.Type, error.GetType().FullName);
            _operationDurationHistogram.Record(stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, tags);
        if (_tokenUsageHistogram.Enabled && inputTokens.HasValue)
            TagList tags = default;
            tags.Add(OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Token.Type, "input");
            AddMetricTags(ref tags, requestModelId, responseModelId);
        if (activity is not null)
            if (error is not null)
                _ = activity
                    .AddTag(OpenTelemetryConsts.Error.Type, error.GetType().FullName)
                    .SetStatus(ActivityStatusCode.Error, error.Message);
            if (inputTokens.HasValue)
                _ = activity.AddTag(OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Response.InputTokens, inputTokens);
            if (responseModelId is not null)
                _ = activity.AddTag(OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Response.Model, responseModelId);
            // Log all additional response properties as per-provider tags. This is non-normative, but it covers cases where
            // there's a per-provider specification in a best-effort manner (e.g. gen_ai.openai.response.system_fingerprint),
            // and more generally cases where there's additional useful information to be logged.
            if (_system is not null &&
                embeddings?.AdditionalProperties is { } props)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object?> prop in props)
                    _ = activity.AddTag(
                        OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Response.PerProvider(_system, JsonNamingPolicy.SnakeCaseLower.ConvertName(prop.Key)),
    private void AddMetricTags(ref TagList tags, string? requestModelId, string? responseModelId)
        tags.Add(OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Operation.Name, OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Embeddings);
        if (requestModelId is not null)
            tags.Add(OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Request.Model, requestModelId);
        tags.Add(OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.SystemName, _modelProvider);
        if (_endpointAddress is string endpointAddress)
            tags.Add(OpenTelemetryConsts.Server.Address, endpointAddress);
            tags.Add(OpenTelemetryConsts.Server.Port, _endpointPort);
        // Assume all of the embeddings in the same batch used the same model
        if (responseModelId is not null)
            tags.Add(OpenTelemetryConsts.GenAI.Response.Model, responseModelId);