File: OpenTelemetryConsts.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Libraries\Microsoft.Extensions.AI\Microsoft.Extensions.AI.csproj (Microsoft.Extensions.AI)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
#pragma warning disable CA1716 // Identifiers should not match keywords
#pragma warning disable S4041 // Type names should not match namespaces
/// <summary>Provides constants used by various telemetry services.</summary>
internal static class OpenTelemetryConsts
    public const string DefaultSourceName = "Experimental.Microsoft.Extensions.AI";
    public const string SecondsUnit = "s";
    public const string TokensUnit = "token";
    public static class Event
        public const string Name = "";
    public static class Error
        public const string Type = "error.type";
    public static class GenAI
        public const string Choice = "gen_ai.choice";
        public const string SystemName = "gen_ai.system";
        public const string Chat = "chat";
        public const string Embeddings = "embeddings";
        public static class Assistant
            public const string Message = "gen_ai.assistant.message";
        public static class Client
            public static class OperationDuration
                public const string Description = "Measures the duration of a GenAI operation";
                public const string Name = "gen_ai.client.operation.duration";
                public static readonly double[] ExplicitBucketBoundaries = [0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16, 0.32, 0.64, 1.28, 2.56, 5.12, 10.24, 20.48, 40.96, 81.92];
            public static class TokenUsage
                public const string Description = "Measures number of input and output tokens used";
                public const string Name = "gen_ai.client.token.usage";
                public static readonly int[] ExplicitBucketBoundaries = [1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 1_024, 4_096, 16_384, 65_536, 262_144, 1_048_576, 4_194_304, 16_777_216, 67_108_864];
        public static class Operation
            public const string Name = "";
        public static class Request
            public const string EmbeddingDimensions = "gen_ai.request.embedding.dimensions";
            public const string FrequencyPenalty = "gen_ai.request.frequency_penalty";
            public const string Model = "gen_ai.request.model";
            public const string MaxTokens = "gen_ai.request.max_tokens";
            public const string PresencePenalty = "gen_ai.request.presence_penalty";
            public const string Seed = "gen_ai.request.seed";
            public const string StopSequences = "gen_ai.request.stop_sequences";
            public const string Temperature = "gen_ai.request.temperature";
            public const string TopK = "gen_ai.request.top_k";
            public const string TopP = "gen_ai.request.top_p";
            public static string PerProvider(string providerName, string parameterName) => $"gen_ai.{providerName}.request.{parameterName}";
        public static class Response
            public const string FinishReasons = "gen_ai.response.finish_reasons";
            public const string Id = "";
            public const string InputTokens = "gen_ai.response.input_tokens";
            public const string Model = "gen_ai.response.model";
            public const string OutputTokens = "gen_ai.response.output_tokens";
            public static string PerProvider(string providerName, string parameterName) => $"gen_ai.{providerName}.response.{parameterName}";
        public static class System
            public const string Message = "gen_ai.system.message";
        public static class Token
            public const string Type = "gen_ai.token.type";
        public static class Tool
            public const string Message = "gen_ai.tool.message";
        public static class User
            public const string Message = "gen_ai.user.message";
    public static class Server
        public const string Address = "server.address";
        public const string Port = "server.port";