// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Text.Json.Schema;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using Microsoft.Shared.Diagnostics;
#pragma warning disable S1121 // Assignments should not be made from within sub-expressions
#pragma warning disable S107 // Methods should not have too many parameters
#pragma warning disable S1075 // URIs should not be hardcoded
#pragma warning disable SA1118 // Parameter should not span multiple lines
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
/// <summary>Provides a collection of utility methods for marshalling JSON data.</summary>
public static partial class AIJsonUtilities
/// <summary>The uri used when populating the $schema keyword in inferred schemas.</summary>
private const string SchemaKeywordUri = "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema";
/// <summary>Soft limit for how many items should be stored in the dictionaries in <see cref="_schemaCaches"/>.</summary>
private const int CacheSoftLimit = 4096;
/// <summary>Caches of generated schemas for each <see cref="JsonSerializerOptions"/> that's employed.</summary>
private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<JsonSerializerOptions, ConcurrentDictionary<SchemaGenerationKey, JsonElement>> _schemaCaches = new();
/// <summary>Gets a JSON schema accepting all values.</summary>
private static readonly JsonElement _trueJsonSchema = ParseJsonElement("true"u8);
/// <summary>Gets a JSON schema only accepting null values.</summary>
private static readonly JsonElement _nullJsonSchema = ParseJsonElement("""{"type":"null"}"""{"type":"null"}"""u8);
// List of keywords used by JsonSchemaExporter but explicitly disallowed by some AI vendors.
// cf. https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/structured-outputs#some-type-specific-keywords-are-not-yet-supported
private static readonly string[] _schemaKeywordsDisallowedByAIVendors = ["minLength", "maxLength", "pattern", "format"];
/// <summary>
/// Determines a JSON schema for the provided parameter metadata.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameterMetadata">The parameter metadata from which to infer the schema.</param>
/// <param name="functionMetadata">The containing function metadata.</param>
/// <param name="serializerOptions">The options used to extract the schema from the specified type.</param>
/// <param name="inferenceOptions">The options controlling schema inference.</param>
/// <returns>A JSON schema document encoded as a <see cref="JsonElement"/>.</returns>
public static JsonElement ResolveParameterJsonSchema(
AIFunctionParameterMetadata parameterMetadata,
AIFunctionMetadata functionMetadata,
JsonSerializerOptions? serializerOptions = null,
AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions? inferenceOptions = null)
_ = Throw.IfNull(parameterMetadata);
_ = Throw.IfNull(functionMetadata);
serializerOptions ??= functionMetadata.JsonSerializerOptions ?? DefaultOptions;
if (ReferenceEquals(serializerOptions, functionMetadata.JsonSerializerOptions) &&
parameterMetadata.Schema is JsonElement schema)
// If the resolved options matches that of the function metadata,
// we can just return the precomputed JSON schema value.
return schema;
return CreateParameterJsonSchema(
description: parameterMetadata.Description,
hasDefaultValue: parameterMetadata.HasDefaultValue,
defaultValue: parameterMetadata.DefaultValue,
/// <summary>
/// Creates a JSON schema for the provided parameter metadata.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">The type of the parameter.</param>
/// <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter.</param>
/// <param name="description">The description of the parameter.</param>
/// <param name="hasDefaultValue"><see langword="true"/> if the parameter is optional; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</param>
/// <param name="defaultValue">The default value of the optional parameter, if applicable.</param>
/// <param name="serializerOptions">The options used to extract the schema from the specified type.</param>
/// <param name="inferenceOptions">The options controlling schema inference.</param>
/// <returns>A JSON schema document encoded as a <see cref="JsonElement"/>.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Uses a cache keyed on the <paramref name="serializerOptions"/> to store schema result,
/// unless a <see cref="AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions.TransformSchemaNode" /> delegate has been specified.
/// </remarks>
public static JsonElement CreateParameterJsonSchema(
Type? type,
string parameterName,
string? description = null,
bool hasDefaultValue = false,
object? defaultValue = null,
JsonSerializerOptions? serializerOptions = null,
AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions? inferenceOptions = null)
_ = Throw.IfNull(parameterName);
serializerOptions ??= DefaultOptions;
inferenceOptions ??= AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions.Default;
SchemaGenerationKey key = new(
return GetJsonSchemaCached(serializerOptions, key);
/// <summary>Creates a JSON schema for the specified type.</summary>
/// <param name="type">The type for which to generate the schema.</param>
/// <param name="description">The description of the parameter.</param>
/// <param name="hasDefaultValue"><see langword="true"/> if the parameter is optional; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</param>
/// <param name="defaultValue">The default value of the optional parameter, if applicable.</param>
/// <param name="serializerOptions">The options used to extract the schema from the specified type.</param>
/// <param name="inferenceOptions">The options controlling schema inference.</param>
/// <returns>A <see cref="JsonElement"/> representing the schema.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Uses a cache keyed on the <paramref name="serializerOptions"/> to store schema result,
/// unless a <see cref="AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions.TransformSchemaNode" /> delegate has been specified.
/// </remarks>
public static JsonElement CreateJsonSchema(
Type? type,
string? description = null,
bool hasDefaultValue = false,
object? defaultValue = null,
JsonSerializerOptions? serializerOptions = null,
AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions? inferenceOptions = null)
serializerOptions ??= DefaultOptions;
inferenceOptions ??= AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions.Default;
SchemaGenerationKey key = new(
parameterName: null,
return GetJsonSchemaCached(serializerOptions, key);
private static JsonElement GetJsonSchemaCached(JsonSerializerOptions options, SchemaGenerationKey key)
ConcurrentDictionary<SchemaGenerationKey, JsonElement> cache = _schemaCaches.GetOrCreateValue(options);
if (key.TransformSchemaNode is not null || cache.Count >= CacheSoftLimit)
return GetJsonSchemaCore(options, key);
return cache.GetOrAdd(
key: key,
#if NET
valueFactory: static (key, options) => GetJsonSchemaCore(options, key),
factoryArgument: options);
valueFactory: key => GetJsonSchemaCore(options, key));
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("Trimming", "IL2026:Members annotated with 'RequiresUnreferencedCodeAttribute' require dynamic access",
Justification = "Pre STJ-9 schema extraction can fail with a runtime exception if certain reflection metadata have been trimmed. " +
"The exception message will guide users to turn off 'IlcTrimMetadata' which resolves all issues.")]
private static JsonElement GetJsonSchemaCore(JsonSerializerOptions options, SchemaGenerationKey key)
_ = Throw.IfNull(options);
if (key.Type is null)
// For parameters without a type generate a rudimentary schema with available metadata.
JsonObject? schemaObj = null;
if (key.IncludeSchemaKeyword)
(schemaObj = [])["$schema"] = SchemaKeywordUri;
if (key.Description is not null)
(schemaObj ??= [])["description"] = key.Description;
if (key.HasDefaultValue)
JsonNode? defaultValueNode = key.DefaultValue is { } defaultValue
? JsonSerializer.Serialize(defaultValue, options.GetTypeInfo(defaultValue.GetType()))
: null;
(schemaObj ??= [])["default"] = defaultValueNode;
return schemaObj is null
? _trueJsonSchema
: JsonSerializer.SerializeToElement(schemaObj, JsonContext.Default.JsonNode);
if (key.Type == typeof(void))
return _nullJsonSchema;
JsonSchemaExporterOptions exporterOptions = new()
TreatNullObliviousAsNonNullable = true,
TransformSchemaNode = TransformSchemaNode,
JsonNode node = options.GetJsonSchemaAsNode(key.Type, exporterOptions);
return JsonSerializer.SerializeToElement(node, JsonContext.Default.JsonNode);
JsonNode TransformSchemaNode(JsonSchemaExporterContext schemaExporterContext, JsonNode schema)
const string SchemaPropertyName = "$schema";
const string DescriptionPropertyName = "description";
const string NotPropertyName = "not";
const string TypePropertyName = "type";
const string PatternPropertyName = "pattern";
const string EnumPropertyName = "enum";
const string PropertiesPropertyName = "properties";
const string RequiredPropertyName = "required";
const string AdditionalPropertiesPropertyName = "additionalProperties";
const string DefaultPropertyName = "default";
const string RefPropertyName = "$ref";
AIJsonSchemaCreateContext ctx = new(schemaExporterContext);
if (ctx.GetCustomAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>() is { } attr)
ConvertSchemaToObject(ref schema).InsertAtStart(DescriptionPropertyName, (JsonNode)attr.Description);
if (schema is JsonObject objSchema)
// The resulting schema might be a $ref using a pointer to a different location in the document.
// As JSON pointer doesn't support relative paths, parameter schemas need to fix up such paths
// to accommodate the fact that they're being nested inside of a higher-level schema.
if (key.ParameterName is not null && objSchema.TryGetPropertyValue(RefPropertyName, out JsonNode? paramName))
// Fix up any $ref URIs to match the path from the root document.
string refUri = paramName!.GetValue<string>();
Debug.Assert(refUri is "#" || refUri.StartsWith("#/", StringComparison.Ordinal), $"Expected {nameof(refUri)} to be either # or start with #/, got {refUri}");
refUri = refUri == "#"
? $"#/{PropertiesPropertyName}/{key.ParameterName}"
: $"#/{PropertiesPropertyName}/{key.ParameterName}/{refUri.AsMemory("#/".Length)}";
objSchema[RefPropertyName] = (JsonNode)refUri;
// Include the type keyword in enum types
if (key.IncludeTypeInEnumSchemas && ctx.TypeInfo.Type.IsEnum && objSchema.ContainsKey(EnumPropertyName) && !objSchema.ContainsKey(TypePropertyName))
objSchema.InsertAtStart(TypePropertyName, "string");
// Disallow additional properties in object schemas
if (key.DisallowAdditionalProperties &&
objSchema.ContainsKey(PropertiesPropertyName) &&
objSchema.Add(AdditionalPropertiesPropertyName, (JsonNode)false);
// Mark all properties as required
if (key.RequireAllProperties &&
objSchema.TryGetPropertyValue(PropertiesPropertyName, out JsonNode? properties) &&
properties is JsonObject propertiesObj)
_ = objSchema.TryGetPropertyValue(RequiredPropertyName, out JsonNode? required);
if (required is not JsonArray { } requiredArray || requiredArray.Count != propertiesObj.Count)
requiredArray = [.. propertiesObj.Select(prop => (JsonNode)prop.Key)];
objSchema[RequiredPropertyName] = requiredArray;
// Filter potentially disallowed keywords.
foreach (string keyword in _schemaKeywordsDisallowedByAIVendors)
_ = objSchema.Remove(keyword);
// Some consumers of the JSON schema, including Ollama as of v0.3.13, don't understand
// schemas with "type": [...], and only understand "type" being a single value.
// STJ represents .NET integer types as ["string", "integer"], which will then lead to an error.
if (TypeIsIntegerWithStringNumberHandling(ctx, objSchema))
// We don't want to emit any array for "type". In this case we know it contains "integer"
// so reduce the type to that alone, assuming it's the most specific type.
// This makes schemas for Int32 (etc) work with Ollama.
JsonObject obj = ConvertSchemaToObject(ref schema);
obj[TypePropertyName] = "integer";
_ = obj.Remove(PatternPropertyName);
if (ctx.Path.IsEmpty)
// We are at the root-level schema node, update/append parameter-specific metadata
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key.Description))
JsonObject obj = ConvertSchemaToObject(ref schema);
JsonNode descriptionNode = (JsonNode)key.Description!;
int index = obj.IndexOf(DescriptionPropertyName);
if (index < 0)
// If there's no description property, insert it at the beginning of the doc.
obj.InsertAtStart(DescriptionPropertyName, (JsonNode)key.Description!);
// If there is a description property, just update it in-place.
obj[index] = (JsonNode)key.Description!;
if (key.HasDefaultValue)
JsonNode? defaultValue = JsonSerializer.Serialize(key.DefaultValue, options.GetTypeInfo(typeof(object)));
ConvertSchemaToObject(ref schema)[DefaultPropertyName] = defaultValue;
if (key.IncludeSchemaKeyword)
// The $schema property must be the first keyword in the object
ConvertSchemaToObject(ref schema).InsertAtStart(SchemaPropertyName, (JsonNode)SchemaKeywordUri);
// Finally, apply any user-defined transformations if specified.
if (key.TransformSchemaNode is { } transformer)
schema = transformer(ctx, schema);
return schema;
static JsonObject ConvertSchemaToObject(ref JsonNode schema)
JsonObject obj;
JsonValueKind kind = schema.GetValueKind();
switch (kind)
case JsonValueKind.Object:
return (JsonObject)schema;
case JsonValueKind.False:
schema = obj = new() { [NotPropertyName] = true };
return obj;
Debug.Assert(kind is JsonValueKind.True, $"Invalid schema type: {kind}");
schema = obj = [];
return obj;
private static bool TypeIsIntegerWithStringNumberHandling(AIJsonSchemaCreateContext ctx, JsonObject schema)
if (ctx.TypeInfo.NumberHandling is not JsonNumberHandling.Strict && schema["type"] is JsonArray typeArray)
int count = 0;
foreach (JsonNode? entry in typeArray)
if (entry?.GetValueKind() is JsonValueKind.String &&
entry.GetValue<string>() is "integer" or "string")
return count == typeArray.Count;
return false;
private static void InsertAtStart(this JsonObject jsonObject, string key, JsonNode value)
jsonObject.Insert(0, key, value);
var copiedEntries = jsonObject.ToArray();
jsonObject.Add(key, value);
foreach (var entry in copiedEntries)
jsonObject[entry.Key] = entry.Value;
private static int IndexOf(this JsonObject jsonObject, string key)
int i = 0;
foreach (var entry in jsonObject)
if (string.Equals(entry.Key, key, StringComparison.Ordinal))
return i;
return -1;
private static JsonElement ParseJsonElement(ReadOnlySpan<byte> utf8Json)
Utf8JsonReader reader = new(utf8Json);
return JsonElement.ParseValue(ref reader);
/// <summary>The equatable key used to look up cached schemas.</summary>
private readonly record struct SchemaGenerationKey
public SchemaGenerationKey(
Type? type,
string? parameterName,
string? description,
bool hasDefaultValue,
object? defaultValue,
AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions options)
Type = type;
ParameterName = parameterName;
Description = description;
HasDefaultValue = hasDefaultValue;
DefaultValue = defaultValue;
IncludeSchemaKeyword = options.IncludeSchemaKeyword;
DisallowAdditionalProperties = options.DisallowAdditionalProperties;
IncludeTypeInEnumSchemas = options.IncludeTypeInEnumSchemas;
RequireAllProperties = options.RequireAllProperties;
TransformSchemaNode = options.TransformSchemaNode;
public Type? Type { get; }
public string? ParameterName { get; }
public string? Description { get; }
public bool HasDefaultValue { get; }
public object? DefaultValue { get; }
public bool IncludeSchemaKeyword { get; }
public bool DisallowAdditionalProperties { get; }
public bool IncludeTypeInEnumSchemas { get; }
public bool RequireAllProperties { get; }
public Func<AIJsonSchemaCreateContext, JsonNode, JsonNode>? TransformSchemaNode { get; }