// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
#pragma warning disable S1067 // Expressions should not be too complex
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
/// <summary>
/// Provides options for configuring the behavior of <see cref="AIJsonUtilities"/> JSON schema creation functionality.
/// </summary>
public sealed class AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions : IEquatable<AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions>
/// <summary>
/// Gets the default options instance.
/// </summary>
public static AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions Default { get; } = new AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions();
/// <summary>
/// Gets a callback that is invoked for every schema that is generated within the type graph.
/// </summary>
public Func<AIJsonSchemaCreateContext, JsonNode, JsonNode>? TransformSchemaNode { get; init; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether to include the type keyword in inferred schemas for .NET enums.
/// </summary>
public bool IncludeTypeInEnumSchemas { get; init; } = true;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether to generate schemas with the additionalProperties set to false for .NET objects.
/// </summary>
public bool DisallowAdditionalProperties { get; init; } = true;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether to include the $schema keyword in inferred schemas.
/// </summary>
public bool IncludeSchemaKeyword { get; init; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether to mark all properties as required in the schema.
/// </summary>
public bool RequireAllProperties { get; init; } = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public bool Equals(AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions? other)
return other is not null &&
TransformSchemaNode == other.TransformSchemaNode &&
IncludeTypeInEnumSchemas == other.IncludeTypeInEnumSchemas &&
DisallowAdditionalProperties == other.DisallowAdditionalProperties &&
IncludeSchemaKeyword == other.IncludeSchemaKeyword &&
RequireAllProperties == other.RequireAllProperties;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is AIJsonSchemaCreateOptions other && Equals(other);
/// <inheritdoc />
public override int GetHashCode() => (TransformSchemaNode, IncludeTypeInEnumSchemas, DisallowAdditionalProperties, IncludeSchemaKeyword, RequireAllProperties).GetHashCode();