// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Reflection.PortableExecutable;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Microsoft.DotNet.StrongName;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SignTool
internal class Configuration
private readonly TaskLoggingHelper _log;
private readonly List<ItemToSign> _itemsToSign;
/// <summary>
/// This store content information for container files.
/// Key is the content hash of the file.
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<SignedFileContentKey, ZipData> _zipDataMap;
/// <summary>
/// Path to where container files will be extracted.
/// </summary>
private readonly string _pathToContainerUnpackingDirectory;
/// <summary>
/// This enable the overriding of the default certificate for a given file+token+target_framework.
/// It also contains a SignToolConstants.IgnoreFileCertificateSentinel flag in the certificate name in case the file does not need to be signed
/// for that
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<ExplicitCertificateKey, string> _fileSignInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Used to look for signing information when we have the PublicKeyToken of a file.
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<string, List<SignInfo>> _strongNameInfo;
/// <summary>
/// A list of all the binaries that MUST be signed. Also include containers that don't need
/// to be signed themselves but include files that must be signed.
/// </summary>
private readonly List<FileSignInfo> _filesToSign;
private List<WixPackInfo> _wixPacks;
/// <summary>
/// Mapping of ".ext" to certificate. Files that have an extension on this map
/// will be signed using the specified certificate. Input list might contain
/// duplicate entries
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<string, List<SignInfo>> _fileExtensionSignInfo;
private readonly Dictionary<SignedFileContentKey, FileSignInfo> _filesByContentKey;
/// <summary>
/// For each uniquely identified file keeps track of all containers where the file appeared.
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<SignedFileContentKey, HashSet<string>> _whichPackagesTheFileIsIn;
/// <summary>
/// Keeps track of all files that produced a given error code.
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<SigningToolErrorCode, HashSet<SignedFileContentKey>> _errors;
/// <summary>
/// This is a list of the friendly name of certificates that can be used to
/// sign already signed binaries.
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<string, List<AdditionalCertificateInformation>> _additionalCertificateInformation;
/// <summary>
/// Use the content hash in the path of the extracted file paths.
/// The default is to use a unique content id based on the number of items extracted.
/// </summary>
private readonly bool _useHashInExtractionPath;
/// <summary>
/// A list of files whose content needs to be overwritten by signed content from a different file.
/// Copy the content of file with full path specified in Key to file with full path specified in Value.
/// </summary>
internal List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> _filesToCopy;
/// <summary>
/// Maps file hashes to collision ids. We use this to determine whether we processed an asset already
/// and what collision id to use. We always choose the lower collision id in case of collisions.
/// </summary>
internal Dictionary<SignedFileContentKey, string> _hashToCollisionIdMap;
private Telemetry _telemetry;
private string _tarToolPath;
private string _pkgToolPath;
private string _snPath;
public Configuration(
string tempDir,
List<ItemToSign> itemsToSign,
Dictionary<string, List<SignInfo>> strongNameInfo,
Dictionary<ExplicitCertificateKey, string> fileSignInfo,
Dictionary<string, List<SignInfo>> extensionSignInfo,
Dictionary<string, List<AdditionalCertificateInformation>> additionalCertificateInformation,
string tarToolPath,
string pkgToolPath,
string snPath,
TaskLoggingHelper log,
bool useHashInExtractionPath = false,
Telemetry telemetry = null)
Debug.Assert(tempDir != null);
Debug.Assert(itemsToSign != null && !itemsToSign.Any(i => i == null));
Debug.Assert(strongNameInfo != null);
Debug.Assert(fileSignInfo != null);
_pathToContainerUnpackingDirectory = Path.Combine(tempDir, "ContainerSigning");
_useHashInExtractionPath = useHashInExtractionPath;
_log = log;
_strongNameInfo = strongNameInfo;
_fileSignInfo = fileSignInfo;
_fileExtensionSignInfo = extensionSignInfo;
_filesToSign = new List<FileSignInfo>();
_wixPacks = new List<WixPackInfo>();
_filesToCopy = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
_zipDataMap = new Dictionary<SignedFileContentKey, ZipData>();
_filesByContentKey = new Dictionary<SignedFileContentKey, FileSignInfo>();
_itemsToSign = itemsToSign;
_additionalCertificateInformation = additionalCertificateInformation == null ? new() : additionalCertificateInformation;
_whichPackagesTheFileIsIn = new Dictionary<SignedFileContentKey, HashSet<string>>();
_errors = new Dictionary<SigningToolErrorCode, HashSet<SignedFileContentKey>>();
_wixPacks = _itemsToSign.Where(w => WixPackInfo.IsWixPack(w.FullPath))?.Select(s => new WixPackInfo(s.FullPath)).ToList();
_hashToCollisionIdMap = new Dictionary<SignedFileContentKey, string>();
_telemetry = telemetry;
_tarToolPath = tarToolPath;
_pkgToolPath = pkgToolPath;
_snPath = snPath;
internal BatchSignInput GenerateListOfFiles()
Stopwatch gatherInfoTime = Stopwatch.StartNew();
foreach (var itemToSign in _itemsToSign)
var contentHash = ContentUtil.GetContentHash(itemToSign.FullPath);
var fileUniqueKey = new SignedFileContentKey(contentHash, Path.GetFileName(itemToSign.FullPath));
if (!_whichPackagesTheFileIsIn.TryGetValue(fileUniqueKey, out var packages))
packages = new HashSet<string>();
_whichPackagesTheFileIsIn[fileUniqueKey] = packages;
PathWithHash pathWithHash = new PathWithHash(itemToSign.FullPath, contentHash);
TrackFile(pathWithHash, null, itemToSign.CollisionPriorityId);
if (_telemetry != null)
_telemetry.AddMetric("Gather file info duration (s)", gatherInfoTime.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000);
if (_errors.Any())
// Iterate over each pair of <error code, unique file identity>.
// We can be sure here that the same file won't have the same error code twice.
foreach (var errorGroup in _errors)
switch (errorGroup.Key)
case SigningToolErrorCode.SIGN002:
_log.LogError("Could not determine certificate name for signable file(s):");
// For each file that had that error
foreach (var erroredFile in errorGroup.Value)
_log.LogError($"\tFile: {erroredFile.FileName}");
// Get a list of all containers where the file showed up
foreach (var containerName in _whichPackagesTheFileIsIn[erroredFile])
return new BatchSignInput(_filesToSign.ToImmutableArray(), _zipDataMap.ToImmutableDictionary(), _filesToCopy.ToImmutableArray());
private FileSignInfo TrackFile(PathWithHash file, PathWithHash parentContainer, string collisionPriorityId)
bool isNested = parentContainer != null;
_log.LogMessage($"Tracking file '{file.FullPath}' isNested={isNested}");
// If there's a wixpack in ItemsToSign which corresponds to this file, pass along the path of
// the wixpack so we can associate the wixpack with the item
var wixPack = _wixPacks.SingleOrDefault(w => w.Moniker.Equals(file.FileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
var fileSignInfo = ExtractSignInfo(file, parentContainer, collisionPriorityId, wixPack.FullPath);
if (_filesByContentKey.TryGetValue(fileSignInfo.FileContentKey, out var existingSignInfo))
// If we saw this file already we wouldn't call TrackFile unless this is a top-level file.
// Copy the signed content to the destination path.
_filesToCopy.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(existingSignInfo.FullPath, file.FullPath));
return fileSignInfo;
if (fileSignInfo.IsUnpackableContainer())
if (fileSignInfo.IsUnpackableWixContainer())
_log.LogMessage($"Trying to gather data for wix container {fileSignInfo.FullPath}");
if (TryBuildWixData(fileSignInfo, out var msiData))
_zipDataMap[fileSignInfo.FileContentKey] = msiData;
_log.LogError($"Failed to build wix data for {fileSignInfo.FullPath}");
if (TryBuildZipData(fileSignInfo, out var zipData))
_zipDataMap[fileSignInfo.FileContentKey] = zipData;
_log.LogError($"Failed to build zip data for {fileSignInfo.FullPath}");
_log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"Caching file {fileSignInfo.FileContentKey.FileName} {fileSignInfo.FileContentKey.StringHash}");
_filesByContentKey.Add(fileSignInfo.FileContentKey, fileSignInfo);
bool hasSignableParts = false;
if (fileSignInfo.IsUnpackableContainer())
// Only sign containers if the file itself is unsigned, or
// an item in the container is unsigned.
hasSignableParts = _zipDataMap[fileSignInfo.FileContentKey].NestedParts.Values.Any(b => b.FileSignInfo.SignInfo.ShouldSign || b.FileSignInfo.HasSignableParts);
// If the file has contents that need to be signed, then re-evaluate the signing info
fileSignInfo = fileSignInfo.WithSignableParts();
_filesByContentKey[fileSignInfo.FileContentKey] = fileSignInfo;
if (fileSignInfo.ShouldTrack)
// We never sign wixpacks
if (!WixPackInfo.IsWixPack(fileSignInfo.FileName))
return fileSignInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Determine the file signing info of this file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fullPath">Full path to the file</param>
/// <param name="collisionPriorityId">ID used to disambiguate file signing info for nested files.</param>
/// <param name="contentHash">Content hash of the file</param>
/// <param name="wixContentFilePath">If a wix container, the corresponding wix pack zip</param>
/// <param name="parentContainerPath">Path to the parent container. If this is a non-nested container, this should be null</param>
/// <param name="parentContainerHash">Hash of the parent container. If this is a non-nested container, this should be null</param>
/// <returns>File signing information for this file.</returns>
private FileSignInfo ExtractSignInfo(
PathWithHash file,
PathWithHash parentContainer,
string collisionPriorityId,
string wixContentFilePath)
var extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
string explicitCertificateName = null;
var fileSpec = string.Empty;
var isAlreadyAuthenticodeSigned = false;
var isAlreadyStrongNamed = false;
var matchedNameTokenFramework = false;
var matchedNameToken = false;
var matchedName = false;
PEInfo peInfo = null;
SignedFileContentKey signedFileContentKey = new SignedFileContentKey(file.ContentHash, file.FileName);
// First check for zero length files. These occasionally occur in python and
// cannot be signed.
if (file.ContentHash == ContentUtil.EmptyFileContentHash)
_log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"Ignoring zero length file: {file.FullPath}");
return new FileSignInfo(file, SignInfo.Ignore, wixContentFilePath: wixContentFilePath);
// handle multi-part extensions like ".symbols.nupkg" specified in FileExtensionSignInfo
if (_fileExtensionSignInfo != null)
extension = _fileExtensionSignInfo.OrderByDescending(o => o.Key.Length).FirstOrDefault(f => file.FileName.EndsWith(f.Key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Key ?? extension;
// Asset is nested asset part of a container. Try to get it from the visited assets first
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(collisionPriorityId) && parentContainer != null)
if (!_hashToCollisionIdMap.TryGetValue(signedFileContentKey, out collisionPriorityId))
Debug.Assert(parentContainer.FullPath != file.FullPath);
// Hash doesn't exist so we use the CollisionPriorityId from the parent container
SignedFileContentKey parentSignedFileContentKey =
new SignedFileContentKey(parentContainer.ContentHash, parentContainer.FileName);
collisionPriorityId = _hashToCollisionIdMap[parentSignedFileContentKey];
// Update the hash map
if (!_hashToCollisionIdMap.ContainsKey(signedFileContentKey))
_hashToCollisionIdMap.Add(signedFileContentKey, collisionPriorityId);
string existingCollisionId = _hashToCollisionIdMap[signedFileContentKey];
// If we find that there is an asset which already was processed which has a lower
// collision id, we use that and update the map so we give it precedence
if (string.Compare(collisionPriorityId, existingCollisionId) < 0)
_hashToCollisionIdMap[signedFileContentKey] = collisionPriorityId;
// Try to determine default certificate name by the extension of the file. Since there might be dupes
// we get the one which maps a collision id or the first of the returned ones in case there is no
// collision id
bool hasSignInfos = _fileExtensionSignInfo.TryGetValue(extension, out var signInfos);
SignInfo signInfo = SignInfo.Ignore;
bool hasSignInfo = false;
if (hasSignInfos)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(collisionPriorityId))
hasSignInfo = signInfos.Where(s => s.CollisionPriorityId == collisionPriorityId).Any();
signInfo = signInfos.Where(s => s.CollisionPriorityId == collisionPriorityId).FirstOrDefault();
hasSignInfo = true;
signInfo = signInfos.FirstOrDefault();
if (FileSignInfo.IsPEFile(file.FullPath))
isAlreadyAuthenticodeSigned = IsSigned(file, VerifySignatures.IsSignedPE(file.FullPath));
isAlreadyStrongNamed = IsStrongNameSigned(file);
peInfo = GetPEInfo(file.FullPath);
if (peInfo.IsManaged && _strongNameInfo.TryGetValue(peInfo.PublicKeyToken, out var pktBasedSignInfos))
// Get the default sign info based on the PKT, if applicable. Since there might be dupes
// we get the one which maps a collision id or the first of the returned ones in case there is no
// collision id
SignInfo pktBasedSignInfo = SignInfo.Ignore;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(collisionPriorityId))
pktBasedSignInfo = pktBasedSignInfos.Where(s => s.CollisionPriorityId == collisionPriorityId).FirstOrDefault();
pktBasedSignInfo = pktBasedSignInfos.FirstOrDefault();
// If crossgenned, we cannot strong name sign this binary.
// If the file is already strong name signed, then there is no need to re-sign it. The current signing infra
// does not support replacing the SN sig with a new one so if we got here, we can avoid strong name signing
// altogether.
if (peInfo.IsCrossgened)
signInfo = new SignInfo(pktBasedSignInfo.Certificate, collisionPriorityId: _hashToCollisionIdMap[signedFileContentKey]);
signInfo = pktBasedSignInfo.WithIsAlreadyStrongNamed(isAlreadyStrongNamed);
hasSignInfo = true;
// Check if we have more specific sign info:
matchedNameTokenFramework = _fileSignInfo.TryGetValue(
new ExplicitCertificateKey(file.FileName, peInfo.PublicKeyToken, peInfo.TargetFramework, _hashToCollisionIdMap[signedFileContentKey]),
out explicitCertificateName);
matchedNameToken = !matchedNameTokenFramework && _fileSignInfo.TryGetValue(
new ExplicitCertificateKey(file.FileName, peInfo.PublicKeyToken, collisionPriorityId: _hashToCollisionIdMap[signedFileContentKey]),
out explicitCertificateName);
fileSpec = matchedNameTokenFramework ? $" (PublicKeyToken = {peInfo.PublicKeyToken}, Framework = {peInfo.TargetFramework})" :
matchedNameToken ? $" (PublicKeyToken = {peInfo.PublicKeyToken})" : string.Empty;
else if (FileSignInfo.IsPkg(file.FullPath) || FileSignInfo.IsAppBundle(file.FullPath))
isAlreadyAuthenticodeSigned = IsSigned(file, VerifySignatures.IsSignedPkgOrAppBundle(_log, file.FullPath, _pkgToolPath));
else if (FileSignInfo.IsNupkg(file.FullPath))
isAlreadyAuthenticodeSigned = IsSigned(file, VerifySignatures.IsSignedNupkg(file.FullPath));
else if (FileSignInfo.IsWixInstaller(file.FullPath))
isAlreadyAuthenticodeSigned = IsSigned(file, VerifySignatures.IsWixSigned(file.FullPath));
else if (FileSignInfo.IsDeb(file.FullPath))
isAlreadyAuthenticodeSigned = IsSigned(file, VerifySignatures.IsSignedDeb(_log, file.FullPath));
else if (FileSignInfo.IsRpm(file.FullPath))
isAlreadyAuthenticodeSigned = IsSigned(file, VerifySignatures.IsSignedRpm(_log, file.FullPath));;
else if (FileSignInfo.IsPowerShellScript(file.FullPath))
isAlreadyAuthenticodeSigned = IsSigned(file, VerifySignatures.IsSignedPowershellFile(file.FullPath));
// We didn't find any specific information for PE files using PKT + TargetFramework
if (explicitCertificateName == null)
matchedName = _fileSignInfo.TryGetValue(new ExplicitCertificateKey(file.FileName,
collisionPriorityId: _hashToCollisionIdMap[signedFileContentKey]), out explicitCertificateName);
// If has overriding info, is it for ignoring the file?
if (SignToolConstants.IgnoreFileCertificateSentinel.Equals(explicitCertificateName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
_log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"File configured to not be signed: {file.FullPath}{fileSpec}");
return new FileSignInfo(file, SignInfo.Ignore);
// Do we have an explicit certificate after all?
if (explicitCertificateName != null)
signInfo = signInfo.WithCertificateName(explicitCertificateName, _hashToCollisionIdMap[signedFileContentKey]);
hasSignInfo = true;
if (hasSignInfo)
bool dualCertsAllowed = false;
string macSignOperation = null;
string macNotarizationAppName = null;
if (signInfo.Certificate != null && _additionalCertificateInformation.TryGetValue(signInfo.Certificate, out var additionalInfo))
var additionalCertInfo = additionalInfo.FirstOrDefault(a => string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.CollisionPriorityId) ||
a.CollisionPriorityId == _hashToCollisionIdMap[signedFileContentKey]);
if (additionalCertInfo != null)
dualCertsAllowed = additionalCertInfo.DualSigningAllowed;
macSignOperation = additionalCertInfo.MacSigningOperation;
macNotarizationAppName = additionalCertInfo.MacNotarizationAppName;
// If the file is already signed and we are not allowed to dual sign, and we are not doing a mac notarization operation,
// then we should not sign the file.
if (isAlreadyAuthenticodeSigned && !dualCertsAllowed && string.IsNullOrEmpty(macNotarizationAppName))
return new FileSignInfo(file, signInfo.WithIsAlreadySigned(isAlreadyAuthenticodeSigned), wixContentFilePath: wixContentFilePath);
// If the certificate indicates that the file has a split sign/notarize operation,
// then replace the certificate with the sign certificate and add the notarization operation.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(macNotarizationAppName))
signInfo = signInfo.WithCertificateName(macSignOperation, _hashToCollisionIdMap[signedFileContentKey]);
signInfo = signInfo.WithNotarization(macNotarizationAppName, _hashToCollisionIdMap[signedFileContentKey]);
if (signInfo.ShouldSign && peInfo != null)
bool isMicrosoftLibrary = IsMicrosoftLibrary(peInfo.Copyright);
bool isMicrosoftCertificate = !IsThirdPartyCertificate(signInfo.Certificate);
if (isMicrosoftLibrary != isMicrosoftCertificate)
string warning;
SigningToolErrorCode code;
if (isMicrosoftLibrary)
code = SigningToolErrorCode.SIGN001;
warning = $"Signing Microsoft library '{file.FullPath}' with 3rd party certificate '{signInfo.Certificate}'. The library is considered Microsoft library due to its copyright: '{peInfo.Copyright}'.";
code = SigningToolErrorCode.SIGN004;
warning = $"Signing 3rd party library '{file.FullPath}' with Microsoft certificate '{signInfo.Certificate}'. The library is considered 3rd party library due to its copyright: '{peInfo.Copyright}'.";
// https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/10293
// Turn the else into a warning (and hoist into the if above) after issue is complete.
if (peInfo.IsManaged)
LogWarning(code, warning);
_log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.High, $"{code.ToString()}: {warning}");
return new FileSignInfo(file, signInfo, (peInfo != null && peInfo.TargetFramework != "") ? peInfo.TargetFramework : null, wixContentFilePath: wixContentFilePath);
if (SignToolConstants.SignableExtensions.Contains(extension))
// Extract the relative path inside the package / otherwise just return the full path of the file
LogError(SigningToolErrorCode.SIGN002, signedFileContentKey);
_log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"Ignoring non-signable file: {file.FullPath}");
return new FileSignInfo(file, SignInfo.Ignore, wixContentFilePath: wixContentFilePath);
bool IsSigned(PathWithHash file, SigningStatus signingStatus)
switch (signingStatus)
case SigningStatus.Signed:
_log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"File '{file.FullPath}' is already signed.");
return true;
case SigningStatus.NotSigned:
_log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"File '{file.FullPath}' is not signed.");
return false;
case SigningStatus.Unknown:
_log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"File '{file.FullPath}' signing status is unknown, treating as unsigned.");
return false;
throw new Exception($"Unexpected signing status {signingStatus}");
bool IsStrongNameSigned(PathWithHash file)
bool isAlreadyStrongNamed = StrongNameHelper.IsSigned(file.FullPath, snPath: _snPath);
if (!isAlreadyStrongNamed)
_log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"PE file {file.FullPath} does not have a valid strong name signature.");
_log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"PE file {file.FullPath} has a valid strong name signature.");
return isAlreadyStrongNamed;
private void LogWarning(SigningToolErrorCode code, string message)
=> _log.LogWarning(subcategory: null, warningCode: code.ToString(), helpKeyword: null, file: null, lineNumber: 0, columnNumber: 0, endLineNumber: 0, endColumnNumber: 0, message: message);
private void LogError(SigningToolErrorCode code, SignedFileContentKey targetFile)
if (!_errors.TryGetValue(code, out var filesErrored))
filesErrored = new HashSet<SignedFileContentKey>();
_errors[code] = filesErrored;
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether a library is a Microsoft library based on copyright.
/// Copyright used for binary assets (assemblies and packages) built by Microsoft must be Microsoft copyright.
/// </summary>
private static bool IsMicrosoftLibrary(string copyright)
=> copyright != null && copyright.Contains("Microsoft");
private static bool IsThirdPartyCertificate(string name)
=> name.Equals("3PartyDual", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
name.Equals("3PartySHA2", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private static PEInfo GetPEInfo(string fullPath)
bool isManaged = ContentUtil.IsManaged(fullPath);
if (!isManaged)
return new PEInfo(isManaged, GetNativeLegalCopyright(fullPath));
bool isCrossgened = ContentUtil.IsCrossgened(fullPath);
string publicKeyToken = ContentUtil.GetPublicKeyToken(fullPath);
GetManagedTargetFrameworkAndCopyright(fullPath, out string targetFramework, out string copyright);
return new PEInfo(isManaged, isCrossgened, copyright, publicKeyToken, targetFramework);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the copyright info from the file version info resource structure.
/// This is used as a backup method, in cases of non-managed binaries as well as managed
/// binaries in some cases (crossgen)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filePath"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string GetNativeLegalCopyright(string filePath)
var fileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(filePath);
// Native assets have a space rather than an empty string if there is not a legal copyright available.
return fileVersionInfo.LegalCopyright?.Trim();
private static void GetManagedTargetFrameworkAndCopyright(string filePath, out string targetFramework, out string copyright)
targetFramework = string.Empty;
copyright = string.Empty;
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filePath))
using (var pereader = new PEReader(stream))
if (pereader.HasMetadata)
var metadataReader = pereader.GetMetadataReader();
var assemblyDef = metadataReader.GetAssemblyDefinition();
foreach (var attributeHandle in assemblyDef.GetCustomAttributes())
var attribute = metadataReader.GetCustomAttribute(attributeHandle);
if (QualifiedNameEquals(metadataReader, attribute, "System.Runtime.Versioning", "TargetFrameworkAttribute"))
targetFramework = new FrameworkName(GetTargetFrameworkAttributeValue(metadataReader, attribute)).FullName;
else if (QualifiedNameEquals(metadataReader, attribute, "System.Reflection", "AssemblyCopyrightAttribute"))
copyright = GetTargetFrameworkAttributeValue(metadataReader, attribute);
// If there is no copyright available, it's possible this was a r2r binary. Get the native info instead.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyright))
copyright = GetNativeLegalCopyright(filePath);
private static bool QualifiedNameEquals(MetadataReader reader, CustomAttribute attribute, string namespaceName, string typeName)
bool qualifiedNameEquals(StringHandle nameHandle, StringHandle namespaceHandle)
=> reader.StringComparer.Equals(nameHandle, typeName) && reader.StringComparer.Equals(namespaceHandle, namespaceName);
var ctorHandle = attribute.Constructor;
switch (ctorHandle.Kind)
case HandleKind.MemberReference:
var container = reader.GetMemberReference((MemberReferenceHandle)ctorHandle).Parent;
switch (container.Kind)
case HandleKind.TypeReference:
var containerRef = reader.GetTypeReference((TypeReferenceHandle)container);
return qualifiedNameEquals(containerRef.Name, containerRef.Namespace);
case HandleKind.TypeDefinition:
var containerDef = reader.GetTypeDefinition((TypeDefinitionHandle)container);
return qualifiedNameEquals(containerDef.Name, containerDef.Namespace);
return false;
case HandleKind.MethodDefinition:
var typeDef = reader.GetTypeDefinition(reader.GetMethodDefinition((MethodDefinitionHandle)ctorHandle).GetDeclaringType());
return qualifiedNameEquals(typeDef.Name, typeDef.Namespace);
return false;
private sealed class DummyCustomAttributeTypeProvider : ICustomAttributeTypeProvider<object>
public static readonly DummyCustomAttributeTypeProvider Instance = new DummyCustomAttributeTypeProvider();
public object GetPrimitiveType(PrimitiveTypeCode typeCode) => null;
public object GetSystemType() => null;
public object GetSZArrayType(object elementType) => null;
public object GetTypeFromDefinition(MetadataReader reader, TypeDefinitionHandle handle, byte rawTypeKind) => null;
public object GetTypeFromReference(MetadataReader reader, TypeReferenceHandle handle, byte rawTypeKind) => null;
public object GetTypeFromSerializedName(string name) => null;
public PrimitiveTypeCode GetUnderlyingEnumType(object type) => default;
public bool IsSystemType(object type) => false;
private static string GetTargetFrameworkAttributeValue(MetadataReader reader, CustomAttribute attribute)
var value = attribute.DecodeValue(DummyCustomAttributeTypeProvider.Instance);
return (value.FixedArguments.Length == 1) ? value.FixedArguments[0].Value as string : null;
/// <summary>
/// Build up the <see cref="ZipData"/> instance for a given zip container. This will also report any consistency
/// errors found when examining the zip archive.
/// </summary>
private bool TryBuildZipData(FileSignInfo zipFileSignInfo, out ZipData zipData, string alternativeArchivePath = null)
string archivePath = zipFileSignInfo.FullPath;
if (alternativeArchivePath != null)
archivePath = alternativeArchivePath;
Debug.Assert(Path.GetExtension(archivePath) == ".zip");
var nestedParts = new Dictionary<string, ZipPart>();
foreach (var (relativePath, contentStream, contentSize) in ZipData.ReadEntries(archivePath, _pathToContainerUnpackingDirectory, _tarToolPath, _pkgToolPath))
if (contentStream == null)
using var entryMemoryStream = new MemoryStream((int)contentSize);
entryMemoryStream.Position = 0;
ImmutableArray<byte> contentHash = ContentUtil.GetContentHash(entryMemoryStream);
var fileUniqueKey = new SignedFileContentKey(contentHash, Path.GetFileName(relativePath));
if (!_whichPackagesTheFileIsIn.TryGetValue(fileUniqueKey, out var packages))
packages = new HashSet<string>();
_whichPackagesTheFileIsIn[fileUniqueKey] = packages;
// if we already encountered file that has the same content we can reuse its signed version when repackaging the container.
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(relativePath);
if (!_filesByContentKey.TryGetValue(fileUniqueKey, out var fileSignInfo))
string extractPathRoot = _useHashInExtractionPath ? fileUniqueKey.StringHash : _filesByContentKey.Count().ToString();
string tempPath = Path.Combine(_pathToContainerUnpackingDirectory, extractPathRoot, relativePath);
_log.LogMessage($"Extracting file '{fileName}' from '{archivePath}' to '{tempPath}'.");
entryMemoryStream.Position = 0;
using (var tempFileStream = File.OpenWrite(tempPath))
_hashToCollisionIdMap.TryGetValue(fileUniqueKey, out string collisionPriorityId);
PathWithHash nestedFile = new PathWithHash(tempPath, contentHash);
fileSignInfo = TrackFile(nestedFile, zipFileSignInfo.File, collisionPriorityId);
if (fileSignInfo.ShouldTrack)
nestedParts.Add(relativePath, new ZipPart(relativePath, fileSignInfo));
zipData = new ZipData(zipFileSignInfo, nestedParts.ToImmutableDictionary());
return true;
catch (Exception e)
_log.LogErrorFromException(e, true);
zipData = null;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Build up the <see cref="ZipData"/> instance for a given zip container. This will also report any consistency
/// errors found when examining the zip archive.
/// </summary>
private bool TryBuildWixData(FileSignInfo msiFileSignInfo, out ZipData zipData)
// Treat msi as an archive where the filename is the name of the msi, but its contents are from the corresponding wixpack
return TryBuildZipData(msiFileSignInfo, out zipData, msiFileSignInfo.WixContentFilePath);