// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SignTool
internal readonly struct ExplicitCertificateKey : IEquatable<ExplicitCertificateKey>
public readonly string FileName;
public readonly string PublicKeyToken;
public readonly string TargetFramework;
public readonly string CollisionPriorityId;
public ExplicitCertificateKey(string fileName, string publicKeyToken = null, string targetFramework = null, string collisionPriorityId = null)
Debug.Assert(fileName != null);
FileName = fileName;
PublicKeyToken = publicKeyToken ?? "";
TargetFramework = targetFramework ?? "";
CollisionPriorityId = collisionPriorityId ?? "";
public override bool Equals(object obj)
=> obj is ExplicitCertificateKey key && Equals(key);
public override int GetHashCode()
=> Hash.Combine(Hash.Combine(FileName.GetHashCode(), PublicKeyToken.GetHashCode()), TargetFramework.GetHashCode());
bool IEquatable<ExplicitCertificateKey>.Equals(ExplicitCertificateKey other)
=> FileName == other.FileName &&
CollisionPriorityId == other.CollisionPriorityId &&
string.Equals(PublicKeyToken, other.PublicKeyToken, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
TargetFramework == other.TargetFramework;
public static bool operator ==(ExplicitCertificateKey key1, ExplicitCertificateKey key2)
=> key1.Equals(key2);
public static bool operator !=(ExplicitCertificateKey key1, ExplicitCertificateKey key2)
=> !(key1 == key2);