Implemented interface member:
Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.ILog.LogError(System.String, params System.Object[])
21 references to LogError
Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Installers (21)
src\BuildFPMToolPreReqs.cs (2)
86Log.LogError("Exception while updating the changelog file: " + e.Message); 109Log.LogError("Exception while updating the copyright file: " + e.Message);
src\CreateWixCommandPackageDropBase.cs (5)
158Log.LogError($"Wix source file extension {wixSrcFileExtension} is not supported."); 195Log.LogError($"Failed to open the wixobj file '{wixObjFilePath}'"); 254Log.LogError($"No fields in row ('{xpath}') of document '{doc.BaseUri}'"); 335Log.LogError($"Could not locate a file within {row}"); 339Log.LogError($"Could not locate file {oldPath}. Please ensure the file exists and/or pass AdditionalBasePaths for non-rooted file paths.");
src\ExecWithRetries.cs (2)
80Log.LogError("Child Exec task failed to execute."); 94Log.LogError(message);
src\GenerateCurrentVersion.cs (5)
80Log.LogError("The seed date '{0}' is not valid. Please specify a date in the short format.({1})", SeedDate, DateFormat); 89Log.LogError("The date '{0}' is not valid. Please pass in a date after {1}.", SeedDate, ComparisonDate); 105Log.LogError("The OfficialBuildId doesn't follow the expected({0}.rr) format: '{1}'", dateFormat, match.Groups[1].Value); 113Log.LogError("Error: Invalid OfficialBuildId was passed: '{0}'", buildId); 133Log.LogError("The comparison date '{0}' is not valid. Please specify a date in the short format.({1})", comparisonDate, DateFormat);
src\GenerateJsonObjectString.cs (1)
139Log.LogError($"Item '{item.ItemSpec}' has no String or Object value.");
src\GenerateMsiVersion.cs (3)
46Log.LogError("Either BuildNumber or BuildNumberMajor and BuildNumberMinor are required parameters."); 51Log.LogError("You must specify either BuildNumber or BuildNumberMajor and BuildNumberMinor, you cannot specify both parameters."); 56Log.LogError("If you specify a BuildNumberMajor, you must also specify the BuildNumberMinor.");
src\StabilizeWixFileId.cs (3)
63Log.LogError($"{nameof(FileElementToStabilize)} {file.ItemSpec} has null/empty ReplacementId metadata."); 78Log.LogError( 89Log.LogError($"Match has no Id attribute: {matchingFileElements[0]}");