// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml.XPath;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Installers
public abstract class CreateWixCommandPackageDropBase : BuildTask
private const int _fieldsArtifactId = 0;
private const int _fieldsArtifactPath1 = 6;
private const int _fieldsArtifactPath2 = 1;
private const int _fieldsArtifactPath3 = 2;
private const int _fieldsArtifactPath6 = 5;
private readonly string _packageExtension = ".wixpack.zip";
public bool NoLogo { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Additional set of base paths that are used for resolving paths.
/// </summary>
public ITaskItem[] AdditionalBasePaths { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Localization files
/// </summary>
public ITaskItem[] Loc { get; set; }
public string InstallerFile { get; set; }
public ITaskItem[] WixExtensions { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// folder to place wixpackage output file
/// </summary>
public string OutputFolder { get; set; }
public ITaskItem[] WixSrcFiles { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// path of wixpackage file
/// </summary>
public string OutputFile { get; set; }
protected abstract void ProcessToolSpecificCommandLineParameters(string packageDropOutputFolder, StringBuilder commandString);
protected void ProcessWixCommand(string packageDropOutputFolder, string toolExecutable, string originalCommand)
if (!Directory.Exists(packageDropOutputFolder))
CreateCommandFile(toolExecutable, originalCommand, packageDropOutputFolder);
OutputFile = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, $"{Path.GetFileName(InstallerFile)}{_packageExtension}");
ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(packageDropOutputFolder, OutputFile);
private void CreateCommandFile(string toolExecutable, string originalCommand, string packageDropOutputFolder)
string commandFilename = Path.Combine(packageDropOutputFolder, $"create.cmd");
StringBuilder commandString = new StringBuilder();
commandString.AppendLine("@echo off");
commandString.AppendLine("set outputfolder=%1");
commandString.AppendLine("if \"%outputfolder%\" NEQ \"\" (");
commandString.AppendLine(" if \"%outputfolder:~-1%\" NEQ \"\\\" ( ");
commandString.AppendLine(" set outputfolder=%outputfolder%\\");
commandString.AppendLine(" )");
if (originalCommand != null)
commandString.AppendLine($"REM Original command");
commandString.AppendLine($"REM {originalCommand }");
commandString.AppendLine("REM Modified command");
commandString.Append($" -out %outputfolder%{Path.GetFileName(InstallerFile)}");
if (NoLogo)
commandString.Append(" -nologo");
if (Loc != null)
foreach (var locItem in Loc)
commandString.Append($" -loc {Path.GetFileName(locItem.ItemSpec)}");
if (WixExtensions != null)
foreach (var wixExtension in WixExtensions)
commandString.Append($" -ext {wixExtension.ItemSpec}");
if (WixSrcFiles != null)
foreach (var wixSrcFile in WixSrcFiles)
commandString.Append($" {Path.GetFileName(wixSrcFile.ItemSpec)}");
ProcessToolSpecificCommandLineParameters(packageDropOutputFolder, commandString);
File.WriteAllText(commandFilename, commandString.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Process each of the wix src files
/// </summary>
/// <param name="packageDropOutputFolder">Drop folder to place artifacts</param>
private void ProcessWixSrcFiles(string packageDropOutputFolder)
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
nsmgr.AddNamespace("wix", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/objects");
foreach (var wixSrcFile in WixSrcFiles)
// copy the file to outputPath
string newWixSrcFilePath = Path.Combine(packageDropOutputFolder, Path.GetFileName(wixSrcFile.ItemSpec));
File.Copy(wixSrcFile.ItemSpec, newWixSrcFilePath, true);
string wixSrcFileExtension = Path.GetExtension(wixSrcFile.ItemSpec);
// These files are typically .wixobj. Occasionally we have a wixlib as input, which
// is created using light and is a binary file. When doing post-build signing,
// it's replaced in the inputs to the light command after being reconstructed from
// its own light command drop.
if (wixSrcFileExtension == ".wixlib")
else if (wixSrcFileExtension != ".wixobj")
Log.LogError($"Wix source file extension {wixSrcFileExtension} is not supported.");
ProcessWixObj(newWixSrcFilePath, packageDropOutputFolder, nsmgr);
/// <summary>
/// Process the .wxl files and copy to the local drop folder
/// </summary>
/// <param name="packageDropOutputFolder">Drop location for wxl files</param>
private void ProcessLocFiles(string packageDropOutputFolder)
if (Loc != null)
foreach (var locItem in Loc)
var destinationPath = Path.Combine(packageDropOutputFolder, Path.GetFileName(locItem.ItemSpec));
File.Copy(locItem.ItemSpec, destinationPath, true);
/// <summary>
/// Process a .wixobj file that is an input to the light/lit command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wixObjFilePath">Path to the wixobj file in its new drop location</param>
/// <param name="packageDropOutputFolder">Output light/lit command drop folder</param>
/// <param name="nsmgr">xml namespace manager</param>
private void ProcessWixObj(string wixObjFilePath, string packageDropOutputFolder, XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr)
Log.LogMessage(LogImportance.Normal, $"Creating modified wixobj file '{wixObjFilePath}'...");
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(wixObjFilePath);
if (doc == null)
Log.LogError($"Failed to open the wixobj file '{wixObjFilePath}'");
// process fragment - WixFile elements
// path in field 7
string xpath = "//wix:wixObject/wix:section[@type='fragment']/wix:table[@name='WixFile']/wix:row";
ProcessXPath(doc, xpath, packageDropOutputFolder, nsmgr, _fieldsArtifactPath1);
// process product - WixFile elements
// path in field 7
xpath = "//wix:wixObject/wix:section[@type='product']/wix:table[@name='WixFile']/wix:row";
ProcessXPath(doc, xpath, packageDropOutputFolder, nsmgr, _fieldsArtifactPath1);
// process fragment - Binary elements
// path in field 2
xpath = "//wix:wixObject/wix:section[@type='fragment']/wix:table[@name='Binary']/wix:row";
ProcessXPath(doc, xpath, packageDropOutputFolder, nsmgr, _fieldsArtifactPath2);
// process product - Icon elements
// path in field 2
xpath = "//wix:wixObject/wix:section[@type='product']/wix:table[@name='Icon']/wix:row";
ProcessXPath(doc, xpath, packageDropOutputFolder, nsmgr, _fieldsArtifactPath2);
// process product - WixVariable elements
// path in field 2
xpath = "//wix:wixObject/wix:section[@type='product']/wix:table[@name='WixVariable']/wix:row";
ProcessXPath(doc, xpath, packageDropOutputFolder, nsmgr, _fieldsArtifactPath2);
// Bundle specific items.
// path in fields 3 and 6
xpath = "//wix:wixObject/wix:section[@type='bundle']/wix:table[@name='Payload']/wix:row";
ProcessXPath(doc, xpath, packageDropOutputFolder, nsmgr, _fieldsArtifactPath3, _fieldsArtifactPath6);
// process WixVariable data
// path in field 2
xpath = "//wix:wixObject/wix:section[@type='bundle']/wix:table[@name='WixVariable']/wix:row";
ProcessXPath(doc, xpath, packageDropOutputFolder, nsmgr, _fieldsArtifactPath2);
// process Payload, in fragment section, data
// path in fields 3 and 6
xpath = "//wix:wixObject/wix:section[@type='fragment']/wix:table[@name='Payload']/wix:row";
ProcessXPath(doc, xpath, packageDropOutputFolder, nsmgr, _fieldsArtifactPath3, _fieldsArtifactPath6);
private void ProcessXPath(XDocument doc, string xpath, string outputPath, XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr, int pathField1, int pathField2 = 0)
IEnumerable<XElement> iels = doc.XPathSelectElements(xpath, nsmgr);
if (iels != null && iels.Count() > 0)
foreach (XElement row in iels)
IEnumerable<XElement> fields = row.XPathSelectElements("wix:field", nsmgr);
if (fields == null || fields.Count() == 0)
Log.LogError($"No fields in row ('{xpath}') of document '{doc.BaseUri}'");
int count = 0;
string id = null;
string oldPath = null;
string newRelativePath = null;
bool foundArtifact = false;
bool isVariableOrUriRef = false;
foreach (XElement field in fields)
if (count == _fieldsArtifactId)
id = field.Value;
else if (count == pathField1)
oldPath = field.Value;
// Potentially make oldPath the absolute if it's not, using the additional base
// paths. It's possible that the path is a variable or URI. In this case,
// we can ignore it.
if (oldPath.StartsWith("!(") || oldPath.StartsWith("https"))
isVariableOrUriRef = true;
else if (!Path.IsPathRooted(oldPath))
if (AdditionalBasePaths == null)
// Break here, will log an error below.
foreach (var additionalBasePath in AdditionalBasePaths)
var possiblePath = Path.Combine(additionalBasePath.ItemSpec, oldPath);
if (File.Exists(possiblePath))
oldPath = possiblePath;
foundArtifact = true;
else if (File.Exists(oldPath))
foundArtifact = true;
newRelativePath = Path.Combine(id, Path.GetFileName(oldPath));
field.Value = newRelativePath;
else if (pathField2 != 0 && count == pathField2)
field.Value = newRelativePath;
if (!isVariableOrUriRef)
if (foundArtifact)
string newFolder = Path.Combine(outputPath, id);
if (!Directory.Exists(newFolder))
File.Copy(oldPath, Path.Combine(outputPath, newRelativePath), true);
else if (oldPath == null)
Log.LogError($"Could not locate a file within {row}");
Log.LogError($"Could not locate file {oldPath}. Please ensure the file exists and/or pass AdditionalBasePaths for non-rooted file paths.");