// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.Model;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed
public class SetupTargetFeedConfigV3 : SetupTargetFeedConfigBase
private readonly TargetChannelConfig _targetChannelConfig;
private IBuildEngine BuildEngine { get; }
private string StablePackagesFeed { get; set; }
private string StableSymbolsFeed { get; set; }
private SymbolTargetType SymbolTargetType { get; }
private ImmutableList<string> FilesToExclude { get; }
private bool Flatten { get; }
public TaskLoggingHelper Log { get; }
public string AzureDevOpsOrg => "dnceng";
public SetupTargetFeedConfigV3(
TargetChannelConfig targetChannelConfig,
bool isInternalBuild,
bool isStableBuild,
string repositoryName,
string commitSha,
bool publishInstallersAndChecksums,
ITaskItem[] feedKeys,
ITaskItem[] feedSasUris,
ITaskItem[] feedOverrides,
List<string> latestLinkShortUrlPrefixes,
IBuildEngine buildEngine,
SymbolTargetType symbolTargetType,
string stablePackagesFeed = null,
string stableSymbolsFeed = null,
ImmutableList<string> filesToExclude = null,
bool flatten = true,
TaskLoggingHelper log = null)
: base(isInternalBuild, isStableBuild, repositoryName, commitSha, publishInstallersAndChecksums, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, latestLinkShortUrlPrefixes, null)
_targetChannelConfig = targetChannelConfig;
BuildEngine = buildEngine;
StableSymbolsFeed = stableSymbolsFeed;
StablePackagesFeed = stablePackagesFeed;
SymbolTargetType = symbolTargetType;
FilesToExclude = filesToExclude ?? ImmutableList<string>.Empty;
Flatten = flatten;
FeedKeys = feedKeys.ToImmutableDictionary(i => i.ItemSpec, i => i.GetMetadata("Key"));
FeedSasUris = feedSasUris.ToImmutableDictionary(i => i.ItemSpec, i => ConvertFromBase64(i.GetMetadata("Base64Uri")));
FeedOverrides = feedOverrides.ToImmutableDictionary(i => i.ItemSpec, i => i.GetMetadata("Replacement"));
AzureDevOpsFeedsKey = FeedKeys.TryGetValue("https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng", out string key) ? key : null;
Log = log;
private static string ConvertFromBase64(string value)
if (value == null)
return null;
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(value));
public ImmutableDictionary<string, string> FeedOverrides { get; set; }
public ImmutableDictionary<string, string> FeedSasUris { get; set; }
public ImmutableDictionary<string, string> FeedKeys { get; set; }
public override List<TargetFeedConfig> Setup()
return Feeds().Distinct().ToList();
private IEnumerable<TargetFeedConfig> Feeds()
// If the build is stable, we need to create two new feeds (if not provided)
// that can contain stable packages. These packages cannot be pushed to the normal
// feeds specified in the feed config because it would mean pushing the same package more than once
// to the same feed on successive builds, which is not allowed.
if (IsStableBuild)
yield return new TargetFeedConfig(
assetSelection: AssetSelection.ShippingOnly,
symbolTargetType: SymbolTargetType,
isolated: true,
@internal: IsInternalBuild,
filenamesToExclude: FilesToExclude,
flatten: Flatten);
yield return new TargetFeedConfig(
symbolTargetType: SymbolTargetType,
isolated: true,
@internal: IsInternalBuild,
filenamesToExclude: FilesToExclude,
flatten: Flatten);
foreach (var spec in _targetChannelConfig.TargetFeeds)
foreach (var type in spec.ContentTypes)
if (!PublishInstallersAndChecksums)
if (PublishingConstants.InstallersAndChecksums.Contains(type))
// If dealing with a stable build, the package feed targeted for shipping packages and symbols
// should be skipped, as it is added above.
if (IsStableBuild && ((type is TargetFeedContentType.Package && spec.Assets == AssetSelection.ShippingOnly) || type is TargetFeedContentType.Symbols))
var oldFeed = spec.FeedUrl;
var feed = GetFeedOverride(oldFeed);
if (type is TargetFeedContentType.Package &&
spec.Assets == AssetSelection.NonShippingOnly &&
FeedOverrides.TryGetValue("transport-packages", out string newFeed))
feed = newFeed;
else if (type is TargetFeedContentType.Package &&
spec.Assets == AssetSelection.ShippingOnly &&
FeedOverrides.TryGetValue("shipping-packages", out newFeed))
feed = newFeed;
var key = GetFeedKey(feed);
var sasUri = GetFeedSasUri(feed);
var feedType = feed.StartsWith("https://pkgs.dev.azure.com")
? FeedType.AzDoNugetFeed : FeedType.AzureStorageContainer;
// If no SAS is specified, then the default azure credential will be used.
if (feedType == FeedType.AzDoNugetFeed && string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
Log?.LogError($"No key found for {feed}, unable to publish to it.");
yield return new TargetFeedConfig(
sasUri ?? key,
filenamesToExclude: FilesToExclude,
flatten: Flatten
/// <summary>
/// Create the stable symbol packages feed if one is not already explicitly provided
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="Exception">Throws if the feed cannot be created</exception>
private void CreateStableSymbolsFeedIfNeeded()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(StableSymbolsFeed))
var symbolsFeedTask = new CreateAzureDevOpsFeed()
BuildEngine = BuildEngine,
AzureDevOpsOrg = AzureDevOpsOrg,
AzureDevOpsProject = IsInternalBuild ? "internal" : "public",
AzureDevOpsPersonalAccessToken = AzureDevOpsFeedsKey,
RepositoryName = RepositoryName,
CommitSha = CommitSha,
ContentIdentifier = "sym"
if (!symbolsFeedTask.Execute())
throw new Exception($"Problems creating an AzureDevOps (symbols) feed for repository '{RepositoryName}' and commit '{CommitSha}'.");
StableSymbolsFeed = symbolsFeedTask.TargetFeedURL;
/// <summary>
/// Create the stable packages feed if one is not already explicitly provided
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="Exception">Throws if the feed cannot be created</exception>
private void CreateStablePackagesFeedIfNeeded()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(StablePackagesFeed))
var packagesFeedTask = new CreateAzureDevOpsFeed()
BuildEngine = BuildEngine,
AzureDevOpsOrg = AzureDevOpsOrg,
AzureDevOpsProject = IsInternalBuild ? "internal" : "public",
AzureDevOpsPersonalAccessToken = AzureDevOpsFeedsKey,
RepositoryName = RepositoryName,
CommitSha = CommitSha
if (!packagesFeedTask.Execute())
throw new Exception($"Problems creating an AzureDevOps feed for repository '{RepositoryName}' and commit '{CommitSha}'.");
StablePackagesFeed = packagesFeedTask.TargetFeedURL;
private string GetFeedOverride(string feed)
foreach (var prefix in FeedOverrides.Keys.OrderByDescending(f => f.Length))
if (feed.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return FeedOverrides[prefix];
return feed;
private string GetFeedSasUri(string feed)
foreach (var prefix in FeedSasUris.Keys.OrderByDescending(f => f.Length))
if (feed.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return FeedSasUris[prefix];
return null;
private string GetFeedKey(string feed)
foreach (var prefix in FeedKeys.Keys.OrderByDescending(f => f.Length))
if (feed.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return FeedKeys[prefix];
return null;