// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Azure;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.Model
/// <summary>
/// Hold properties of a target feed endpoint.
/// </summary>
public class TargetFeedConfig
/// <summary>
/// Returns the TargetURL stripped of SAS token so it can be used for logging purposes.
/// </summary>
public string SafeTargetURL => new UriBuilder(TargetURL) {Query = "", Fragment = ""}.Uri.AbsoluteUri;
public TargetFeedContentType ContentType { get; }
public string TargetURL { get; }
public FeedType Type { get; }
public string Token { get; }
public AssetSelection AssetSelection { get; }
/// <summary>
/// If true, the feed is treated as 'isolated', meaning nuget packages pushed
/// to it may be stable.
/// </summary>
public bool Isolated { get; }
/// <summary>
/// If true, the feed is treated as 'internal', meaning artifacts from an internal build
/// can be published here.
/// </summary>
public bool Internal { get; }
/// <summary>
/// If true, the items on the feed can be overwritten. This is only
/// valid for azure blob storage feeds.
/// </summary>
public bool AllowOverwrite { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Prefix of aka.ms links that should be generated for blobs.
/// Not applicable to packages
/// Generates a link the blob, stripping away any version information in the file or blob path.
/// E.g.
/// [LatestLinkShortUrlPrefixes]/aspnetcore/Runtime/dotnet-hosting-win.exe -> aspnetcore/Runtime/3.1.0-preview2.19511.6/dotnet-hosting-3.1.0-preview2.19511.6-win.exe
/// </summary>
public ImmutableList<string> LatestLinkShortUrlPrefixes { get; }
public SymbolPublishVisibility SymbolPublishVisibility { get; }
public ImmutableList<Regex> AkaMSCreateLinkPatterns { get; }
public ImmutableList<Regex> AkaMSDoNotCreateLinkPatterns { get; }
public bool Flatten { get; }
public TargetFeedConfig(TargetFeedContentType contentType,
string targetURL,
FeedType type,
string token,
ImmutableList<string> latestLinkShortUrlPrefixes = null,
ImmutableList<Regex> akaMSCreateLinkPatterns = null,
ImmutableList<Regex> akaMSDoNotCreateLinkPatterns = null,
AssetSelection assetSelection = AssetSelection.All,
bool isolated = false,
bool @internal = false,
bool allowOverwrite = false,
SymbolPublishVisibility symbolPublishVisibility = SymbolPublishVisibility.None,
bool flatten = true)
ContentType = contentType;
TargetURL = targetURL;
Type = type;
Token = token;
AssetSelection = assetSelection;
Isolated = isolated;
Internal = @internal;
AllowOverwrite = allowOverwrite;
LatestLinkShortUrlPrefixes = latestLinkShortUrlPrefixes ?? ImmutableList<string>.Empty;
AkaMSCreateLinkPatterns = akaMSCreateLinkPatterns ?? ImmutableList<Regex>.Empty;
AkaMSDoNotCreateLinkPatterns = akaMSDoNotCreateLinkPatterns ?? ImmutableList<Regex>.Empty;
SymbolPublishVisibility = symbolPublishVisibility;
Flatten = flatten;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is TargetFeedConfig other &&
(ContentType == other.ContentType) &&
((TargetURL is null && other.TargetURL is null) || TargetURL.Equals(other.TargetURL, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) &&
(Type == other.Type) &&
((Token is null && other.Token is null) || (Token != null && Token.Equals(other.Token))) &&
LatestLinkShortUrlPrefixes.SequenceEqual(other.LatestLinkShortUrlPrefixes) &&
(AssetSelection == other.AssetSelection) &&
(Isolated == other.Isolated) &&
(Internal == other.Internal) &&
(AllowOverwrite == other.AllowOverwrite) &&
(Flatten == other.Flatten) &&
// Basically all of the time the akams patterns will use the default and be ref-equal
(AkaMSCreateLinkPatterns == other.AkaMSCreateLinkPatterns ||
(AkaMSCreateLinkPatterns.Select(p => p.ToString()).SequenceEqual(other.AkaMSCreateLinkPatterns.Select(p => p.ToString())))) &&
(AkaMSDoNotCreateLinkPatterns == other.AkaMSDoNotCreateLinkPatterns ||
(AkaMSDoNotCreateLinkPatterns.Select(p => p.ToString()).SequenceEqual(other.AkaMSDoNotCreateLinkPatterns.Select(p => p.ToString()))));
public override int GetHashCode()
return (ContentType,
string.Join(" ", LatestLinkShortUrlPrefixes),
string.Join(" ", AkaMSCreateLinkPatterns.Select(s => s.ToString())),
string.Join(" ", AkaMSDoNotCreateLinkPatterns.Select(s => s.ToString())),
public override string ToString()
$"\n Content-type: '{ContentType}' " +
$"\n Feed-type: '{Type}' " +
$"\n AssetSelection: '{AssetSelection}' " +
$"\n Isolated? '{Isolated}' " +
$"\n Internal? '{Internal}' " +
$"\n AllowOverwrite? '{AllowOverwrite}' " +
$"\n ShortUrlPrefix: \n\t{string.Join("\n\t", LatestLinkShortUrlPrefixes)}" +
$"\n AkaMSCreateLinkPatterns: \n\t{string.Join("\n\t", AkaMSCreateLinkPatterns.Select(s => s.ToString()))}" +
$"\n AkaMSDoNotCreateLinkPatterns: \n\t{string.Join("\n\t", AkaMSDoNotCreateLinkPatterns.Select(s => s.ToString()))}" +
$"\n TargetURL: '{SafeTargetURL}'" +
$"\n Flatten: '{Flatten}'";
public enum TargetFeedContentType
None = 0,
Package = 1,
Symbols = 2,
Checksum = 4,
OSX = 8,
Deb = 16,
Rpm = 32,
Node = 64,
BinaryLayout = 128,
Installer = 256,
Maven = 512,
VSIX = 1024,
Badge = 2048,
Other = 4096
public enum SymbolPublishVisibility
None = 0,
Internal = 1,
Public = 2
/// <summary>
/// Whether the target feed URL points to an AzDO feed or a storage container
/// </summary>
public enum FeedType
/// <summary>
/// Which assets from the category should be
/// added to the feed.
/// </summary>
public enum AssetSelection