File: src\common\LatestLinksManager.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed\Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.csproj (Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.Model;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Deployment.Tasks.Links;
using Microsoft.DotNet.VersionTools.BuildManifest;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed
    public class LatestLinksManager
        private TaskLoggingHelper _logger { get; }
        private AkaMSLinkManager _linkManager { get; } = null;
        private string _akaMSOwners { get; }
        private string _akaMSCreatedBy { get; }
        private string _akaMSGroupOwner { get; }
        private static HashSet<string> AccountsWithCdns { get; } = new()
            "", "",
        public LatestLinksManager(
            string akaMSClientId,
            string akaMSClientSecret,
            string akaMSTenant,
            string akaMSGroupOwner,
            string akaMSCreatedBy,
            string akaMsOwners,
            TaskLoggingHelper logger)
            _logger = logger;
            _akaMSGroupOwner = akaMSGroupOwner;
            _akaMSCreatedBy = akaMSCreatedBy;
            _akaMSOwners = akaMsOwners;
            _linkManager = new AkaMSLinkManager(akaMSClientId, akaMSClientSecret, akaMSTenant, _logger);
        public LatestLinksManager(
            string akaMSClientId,
            X509Certificate2 certificate,
            string akaMSTenant,
            string akaMSGroupOwner,
            string akaMSCreatedBy,
            string akaMsOwners,
            TaskLoggingHelper logger)
            _logger = logger;
            _akaMSGroupOwner = akaMSGroupOwner;
            _akaMSCreatedBy = akaMSCreatedBy;
            _akaMSOwners = akaMsOwners;
            _linkManager = new AkaMSLinkManager(akaMSClientId, certificate, akaMSTenant, _logger);
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task CreateOrUpdateLatestLinksAsync(
            HashSet<string> assetsToPublish,
            TargetFeedConfig feedConfig,
            int expectedSuffixLength)
            // The link manager should only be used if there are actually links that could
            // be created.
            if (!feedConfig.LatestLinkShortUrlPrefixes.Any())
                throw new ArgumentException("No link prefixes specified.");
            string feedBaseUrl = feedConfig.SafeTargetURL;
            if (expectedSuffixLength != 0)
                // Strip away the feed expected suffix (index.json)
                feedBaseUrl = feedBaseUrl.Substring(0, feedBaseUrl.Length - expectedSuffixLength);
            if (!feedBaseUrl.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                feedBaseUrl += "/";
            if (AccountsWithCdns.Any(account => feedBaseUrl.Contains(account)))
                // The storage accounts are in a single datacenter in the US and thus download 
                // times can be painful elsewhere. The CDN helps with this therefore we point the target 
                // of the links to the CDN.
                feedBaseUrl = feedBaseUrl.Replace("", "");
            _logger.LogMessage(MessageImportance.High, "\nThe following links for blobs will be created:");
            IEnumerable<AkaMSLink> linksToCreate = assetsToPublish
                .Where(asset => !feedConfig.FilenamesToExclude.Contains(Path.GetFileName(asset)))
                .Select(asset =>
                        // blob path.
                        string actualTargetUrl = feedBaseUrl + asset;
                        List<AkaMSLink> newLinks = new List<AkaMSLink>();
                        foreach (string shortUrlPrefix in feedConfig.LatestLinkShortUrlPrefixes)
                            newLinks.Add(GetAkaMSLinkForAsset(shortUrlPrefix, feedBaseUrl, asset, feedConfig.Flatten));
                        return newLinks;
                .SelectMany(links => links)
            await _linkManager.CreateOrUpdateLinksAsync(linksToCreate, _akaMSOwners, _akaMSCreatedBy, _akaMSGroupOwner, true);
        /// <sunnary>
        ///     Create the link info
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shortUrlPrefix"> short url prefix</param>
        /// <param name="feedBaseUrl">Base feed url for the asset</param>
        /// <param name="asset">Asset</param>
        /// <param name="flatten">If we should only use the filename when creating the link</param>
        /// <returns>The AkaMSLink object for the asset</returns>
        public AkaMSLink GetAkaMSLinkForAsset(string shortUrlPrefix, string feedBaseUrl, string asset, bool flatten)
            // blob path.
            string actualTargetUrl = feedBaseUrl + asset;
            AkaMSLink newLink = new AkaMSLink
                ShortUrl = GetLatestShortUrlForBlob(shortUrlPrefix, asset, flatten),
                TargetUrl = actualTargetUrl
            _logger.LogMessage(MessageImportance.High, $"  {Path.GetFileName(asset)}");
            _logger.LogMessage(MessageImportance.High, $"{newLink.ShortUrl} -> {newLink.TargetUrl}");
            return newLink;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get the short url for a blob.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="latestLinkShortUrlPrefix"> short url prefix</param>
        /// <param name="asset">Asset</param>
        /// <param name="flatten">If we should only use the filename when creating the link</param>
        /// <returns>Short url prefix for the blob.</returns>
        public string GetLatestShortUrlForBlob(string latestLinkShortUrlPrefix, string asset, bool flatten)
            string blobIdWithoutVersions = VersionIdentifier.RemoveVersions(asset);
            if (flatten)
                blobIdWithoutVersions = Path.GetFileName(blobIdWithoutVersions);
            return Path.Combine(latestLinkShortUrlPrefix, blobIdWithoutVersions).Replace("\\", "/");