File: src\Workspaces\SharedUtilitiesAndExtensions\Workspace\Core\Extensions\SyntaxGeneratorExtensions_CreateGetHashCodeMethod.cs
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Project: src\src\Workspaces\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editing;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
internal static partial class SyntaxGeneratorExtensions
    private const string GetHashCodeName = nameof(object.GetHashCode);
    public static ImmutableArray<SyntaxNode> GetGetHashCodeComponents(
        this SyntaxGenerator factory,
        SyntaxGeneratorInternal generatorInternal,
        Compilation compilation,
        INamedTypeSymbol? containingType,
        ImmutableArray<ISymbol> members,
        bool justMemberReference)
        var result = ArrayBuilder<SyntaxNode>.GetInstance();
        if (containingType != null && GetBaseGetHashCodeMethod(containingType) != null)
                factory.MemberAccessExpression(factory.BaseExpression(), GetHashCodeName)));
        foreach (var member in members)
            result.Add(GetMemberForGetHashCode(factory, generatorInternal, compilation, member, justMemberReference));
        return result.ToImmutableAndFree();
    public static ImmutableArray<SyntaxNode> CreateGetHashCodeStatementsUsingSystemHashCode(
        this SyntaxGenerator factory, SyntaxGeneratorInternal generatorInternal,
        INamedTypeSymbol hashCodeType, ImmutableArray<SyntaxNode> memberReferences)
        if (memberReferences.Length <= 8)
            var statement = factory.ReturnStatement(
                    factory.MemberAccessExpression(factory.TypeExpression(hashCodeType), "Combine"),
            return [statement];
        const string hashName = "hash";
        var statements = ArrayBuilder<SyntaxNode>.GetInstance();
            hashCodeType, hashName, factory.ObjectCreationExpression(hashCodeType)));
        var localReference = factory.IdentifierName(hashName);
        foreach (var member in memberReferences)
                    factory.MemberAccessExpression(localReference, "Add"),
                factory.MemberAccessExpression(localReference, "ToHashCode"))));
        return statements.ToImmutableAndFree();
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates an override of <see cref="object.GetHashCode()"/> similar to the one
    /// generated for anonymous types.
    /// </summary>
    public static ImmutableArray<SyntaxNode> CreateGetHashCodeMethodStatements(
        this SyntaxGenerator factory,
        SyntaxGeneratorInternal generatorInternal,
        Compilation compilation,
        INamedTypeSymbol containingType,
        ImmutableArray<ISymbol> members,
        bool useInt64)
        var components = GetGetHashCodeComponents(
            factory, generatorInternal, compilation, containingType, members, justMemberReference: false);
        if (components.Length == 0)
            return [factory.ReturnStatement(factory.LiteralExpression(0))];
        const int hashFactor = -1521134295;
        var initHash = 0;
        var baseHashCode = GetBaseGetHashCodeMethod(containingType);
        if (baseHashCode != null)
            initHash = initHash * hashFactor + Hash.GetFNVHashCode(baseHashCode.Name);
        foreach (var symbol in members)
            initHash = initHash * hashFactor + Hash.GetFNVHashCode(symbol.Name);
        if (components.Length == 1 && !useInt64)
            // If there's just one value to hash, then we can compute and directly
            // return it.  i.e.  The full computation is:
            //      return initHash * hashfactor + ...
            // But as we know the values of initHash and hashFactor we can just compute
            // is here and directly inject the result value, producing:
            //      return someHash + this.S1.GetHashCode();    // or
            var multiplyResult = initHash * hashFactor;
            return [factory.ReturnStatement(
                    CreateLiteralExpression(factory, multiplyResult),
        var statements = ArrayBuilder<SyntaxNode>.GetInstance();
        // initialize the initial hashCode:
        //      var hashCode = initialHashCode;
        const string HashCodeName = "hashCode";
            ? factory.SimpleLocalDeclarationStatement(generatorInternal, compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32), HashCodeName, CreateLiteralExpression(factory, initHash))
            : factory.LocalDeclarationStatement(compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int64), HashCodeName, CreateLiteralExpression(factory, initHash)));
        var hashCodeNameExpression = factory.IdentifierName(HashCodeName);
        // -1521134295
        var permuteValue = CreateLiteralExpression(factory, hashFactor);
        foreach (var component in components)
            // hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + this.S.GetHashCode();
            var rightSide =
                    factory.MultiplyExpression(hashCodeNameExpression, permuteValue),
            if (useInt64)
                rightSide = factory.InvocationExpression(
                    factory.MemberAccessExpression(rightSide, GetHashCodeName));
                factory.AssignmentStatement(hashCodeNameExpression, rightSide)));
        // And finally, the "return hashCode;" statement.
            ? factory.ReturnStatement(hashCodeNameExpression)
            : factory.ReturnStatement(
        return statements.ToImmutableAndFree();
    /// <summary>
    /// In VB it's more idiomatic to write things like <c>Dim t = TryCast(obj, SomeType)</c>
    /// instead of <c>Dim t As SomeType = TryCast(obj, SomeType)</c>, so we just elide the type
    /// from the decl.  For C# we don't want to do this though.  We want to always include the
    /// type and let the simplifier decide if it should be <c>var</c> or not.
    /// </summary>
    private static SyntaxNode SimpleLocalDeclarationStatement(
        this SyntaxGenerator generator, SyntaxGeneratorInternal generatorInternal, INamedTypeSymbol namedTypeSymbol,
        string name, SyntaxNode initializer)
        return generatorInternal.RequiresLocalDeclarationType()
            ? generator.LocalDeclarationStatement(namedTypeSymbol, name, initializer)
            : generator.LocalDeclarationStatement(name, initializer);
    private static SyntaxNode CreateLiteralExpression(SyntaxGenerator factory, int value)
        => value < 0
            ? factory.NegateExpression(factory.LiteralExpression(-value))
            : factory.LiteralExpression(value);
    public static IMethodSymbol? GetBaseGetHashCodeMethod(INamedTypeSymbol containingType)
        if (containingType.IsValueType)
            // Don't want to produce base.GetHashCode for a value type.  The point with value
            // types is to produce a good, fast, hash ourselves, avoiding the built in slow
            // one in System.ValueType.
            return null;
        // Check if any of our base types override GetHashCode.  If so, first check with them.
        var existingMethods =
            from baseType in containingType.GetBaseTypes()
            from method in baseType.GetMembers(GetHashCodeName).OfType<IMethodSymbol>()
            where method.IsOverride &&
                  method.DeclaredAccessibility == Accessibility.Public &&
                  !method.IsStatic &&
                  method.Parameters.Length == 0 &&
                  method.ReturnType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Int32 &&
            select method;
        return existingMethods.FirstOrDefault();
    private static SyntaxNode GetMemberForGetHashCode(
        SyntaxGenerator factory,
        SyntaxGeneratorInternal generatorInternal,
        Compilation compilation,
        ISymbol member,
        bool justMemberReference)
        var getHashCodeNameExpression = factory.IdentifierName(GetHashCodeName);
        var thisSymbol = factory.MemberAccessExpression(factory.ThisExpression(),
        // Caller only wanted the reference to the member, nothing else added.
        if (justMemberReference)
            return thisSymbol;
        if (member.GetSymbolType()?.IsValueType ?? false)
            // There is no reason to generate the bulkier syntax of EqualityComparer<>.Default.GetHashCode for value
            // types. No null check is necessary, and there's no performance advantage on .NET Core for using
            // EqualityComparer.GetHashCode instead of calling GetHashCode directly. On .NET Framework, using
            // EqualityComparer.GetHashCode on value types actually performs more poorly.
            return factory.InvocationExpression(
                factory.MemberAccessExpression(thisSymbol, nameof(object.GetHashCode)));
            return factory.InvocationExpression(
                    GetDefaultEqualityComparer(factory, generatorInternal, compilation, GetType(compilation, member)),