// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
internal partial struct SymbolKey
private sealed class EventSymbolKey : AbstractSymbolKey<IEventSymbol>
public static readonly EventSymbolKey Instance = new();
public sealed override void Create(IEventSymbol symbol, SymbolKeyWriter visitor)
visitor.WriteBoolean(symbol.PartialDefinitionPart is not null);
protected sealed override SymbolKeyResolution Resolve(
SymbolKeyReader reader, IEventSymbol? contextualSymbol, out string? failureReason)
var metadataName = reader.ReadString();
var containingTypeResolution = reader.ReadSymbolKey(contextualSymbol?.ContainingType, out var containingTypeFailureReason);
var isPartialImplementationPart = reader.ReadBoolean();
if (containingTypeFailureReason != null)
failureReason = $"({nameof(EventSymbolKey)} {nameof(containingTypeResolution)} failed -> {containingTypeFailureReason})";
return default;
using var events = GetMembersOfNamedType<IEventSymbol>(containingTypeResolution, metadataName);
if (isPartialImplementationPart)
for (var i = 0; i < events.Builder.Count; i++)
var candidate = events.Builder[i];
events.Builder[i] = candidate.PartialImplementationPart ?? candidate;
return CreateResolution(events, $"({nameof(EventSymbolKey)} '{metadataName}' not found)", out failureReason);