// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.ProjectSystem;
internal class ProjectSystemProjectOptionsProcessor : IDisposable
private readonly ProjectSystemProject _project;
private readonly SolutionServices _workspaceServices;
private readonly ICommandLineParserService _commandLineParserService;
private readonly ITemporaryStorageServiceInternal _temporaryStorageService;
/// <summary>
/// Gate to guard all mutable fields in this class.
/// The lock hierarchy means you are allowed to call out of this class and into <see cref="_project"/> while holding the lock.
/// </summary>
private readonly object _gate = new();
/// <summary>
/// A hashed checksum of the last command line we were set to. We use this
/// as a low cost (in terms of memory) way to determine if the command line
/// actually changes and we need to make any downstream updates.
/// </summary>
private Checksum? _commandLineChecksum;
/// <summary>
/// To save space in the managed heap, we dump the entire command-line string to our
/// temp-storage-service. This is helpful as compiler command-lines can grow extremely large
/// (especially in cases with many references).
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Note: this will be null in the case that the command line is an empty array.</remarks>
private ITemporaryStorageStreamHandle? _commandLineStorageHandle;
private CommandLineArguments _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine;
private string? _explicitRuleSetFilePath;
private IReferenceCountedDisposable<ICacheEntry<string, IRuleSetFile>>? _ruleSetFile = null;
public ProjectSystemProjectOptionsProcessor(
ProjectSystemProject project,
SolutionServices workspaceServices)
_project = project ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(project));
_workspaceServices = workspaceServices;
_commandLineParserService = workspaceServices.GetLanguageServices(project.Language).GetRequiredService<ICommandLineParserService>();
_temporaryStorageService = workspaceServices.GetRequiredService<ITemporaryStorageServiceInternal>();
// Set up _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine to a default. No lock taken since we're in
// the constructor so nothing can race.
// Silence NRT warning. This will be initialized by the call below to ReparseCommandLineIfChanged_NoLock.
_commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine = null!;
ReparseCommandLineIfChanged_NoLock(arguments: []);
/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the command line was updated.</returns>
private bool ReparseCommandLineIfChanged_NoLock(ImmutableArray<string> arguments)
var checksum = Checksum.Create(arguments);
if (_commandLineChecksum == checksum)
return false;
_commandLineChecksum = checksum;
// Dispose the existing stored command-line and then persist the new one so we can
// recover it later. Only bother persisting things if we have a non-empty string.
_commandLineStorageHandle = null;
if (!arguments.IsEmpty)
using var stream = SerializableBytes.CreateWritableStream();
using var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
foreach (var value in arguments)
_commandLineStorageHandle = _temporaryStorageService.WriteToTemporaryStorage(stream, CancellationToken.None);
return true;
public void SetCommandLine(string commandLine)
if (commandLine == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commandLine));
var arguments = CommandLineParser.SplitCommandLineIntoArguments(commandLine, removeHashComments: false);
SetCommandLine([.. arguments]);
public void SetCommandLine(ImmutableArray<string> arguments)
lock (_gate)
// If we actually got a new command line, then update the project options, otherwise
// we don't need to do anything.
if (ReparseCommandLineIfChanged_NoLock(arguments))
public string? ExplicitRuleSetFilePath
get => _explicitRuleSetFilePath;
lock (_gate)
if (_explicitRuleSetFilePath == value)
_explicitRuleSetFilePath = value;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the active path to the rule set file that is being used by this project, or null if there isn't a rule set file.
/// </summary>
public string? EffectiveRuleSetFilePath
// We take a lock when reading this because we might be in the middle of processing a file update on another
// thread.
lock (_gate)
return _ruleSetFile?.Target.Value.FilePath;
private void DisposeOfRuleSetFile_NoLock()
if (_ruleSetFile != null)
_ruleSetFile.Target.Value.UpdatedOnDisk -= RuleSetFile_UpdatedOnDisk;
_ruleSetFile = null;
private void ReparseCommandLine_NoLock(ImmutableArray<string> arguments)
_commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine = _commandLineParserService.Parse(arguments, Path.GetDirectoryName(_project.FilePath), isInteractive: false, sdkDirectory: null);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the parsed command line arguments for the arguments set with <see cref="SetCommandLine(ImmutableArray{string})"/>.
/// </summary>
public CommandLineArguments GetParsedCommandLineArguments()
// Since this is just reading a single reference field, there's no reason to take a lock.
return _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine;
private void UpdateProjectOptions_NoLock()
var effectiveRuleSetPath = ExplicitRuleSetFilePath ?? _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.RuleSetPath;
if (_ruleSetFile?.Target.Value.FilePath != effectiveRuleSetPath)
// We're changing in some way. Be careful: this might mean the path is switching to or from null, so either side so far
// could be changed.
if (effectiveRuleSetPath != null)
// Ruleset service is not required across all our platforms
_ruleSetFile = _workspaceServices.GetService<IRuleSetManager>()?.GetOrCreateRuleSet(effectiveRuleSetPath);
if (_ruleSetFile != null)
_ruleSetFile.Target.Value.UpdatedOnDisk += RuleSetFile_UpdatedOnDisk;
var compilationOptions = _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.CompilationOptions
.WithConcurrentBuild(concurrent: false)
.WithXmlReferenceResolver(new XmlFileResolver(_commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.BaseDirectory))
.WithStrongNameProvider(new DesktopStrongNameProvider([.. _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.KeyFileSearchPaths.WhereNotNull()], Path.GetTempPath()));
// Override the default documentation mode.
var documentationMode = _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.DocumentationPath != null ? DocumentationMode.Diagnose : DocumentationMode.Parse;
var parseOptions = _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.ParseOptions
// We've computed what the base values should be; we now give an opportunity for any host-specific settings to be computed
// before we apply them
compilationOptions = ComputeCompilationOptionsWithHostValues(compilationOptions, _ruleSetFile?.Target.Value);
parseOptions = ComputeParseOptionsWithHostValues(parseOptions);
// For managed projects, AssemblyName has to be non-null, but the command line we get might be a partial command line
// and not contain the existing value. Only update if we have one.
_project.AssemblyName = _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.CompilationName ?? _project.AssemblyName;
_project.CompilationOptions = compilationOptions;
var fullOutputFilePath = (_commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.OutputDirectory != null && _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.OutputFileName != null)
? Path.Combine(_commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.OutputDirectory, _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.OutputFileName)
: _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.OutputFileName;
_project.CompilationOutputAssemblyFilePath = fullOutputFilePath ?? _project.CompilationOutputAssemblyFilePath;
_project.GeneratedFilesOutputDirectory = _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.GeneratedFilesOutputDirectory;
_project.ParseOptions = parseOptions;
_project.ChecksumAlgorithm = _commandLineArgumentsForCommandLine.ChecksumAlgorithm;
private void RuleSetFile_UpdatedOnDisk(object? sender, EventArgs e)
lock (_gate)
// This event might have gotten fired "late" if the file change was already in flight. We can see if this is still our current file;
// it won't be if this is disposed or was already changed to a different file. We hard-cast sender to an IRuleSetFile because if it's
// something else that means our comparison below is definitely broken.
if (_ruleSetFile?.Target.Value != (IRuleSetFile)sender)
// The IRuleSetFile held by _ruleSetFile is now out of date. We'll dispose our old one first so as to let go of any old cached values.
// Then, we must reparse: in the case where the command line we have from the project system includes a /ruleset, the computation of the
// effective values was potentially done by the act of parsing the command line. Even though the command line didn't change textually,
// the effective result did. Then we call UpdateProjectOptions_NoLock to reapply any values; that will also re-acquire the new ruleset
// includes in the IDE so we can be watching for changes again.
var commandLine = _commandLineStorageHandle == null
? []
: EnumerateLines(_commandLineStorageHandle).ToImmutableArray();
static IEnumerable<string> EnumerateLines(
ITemporaryStorageStreamHandle storageHandle)
using var stream = storageHandle.ReadFromTemporaryStorage();
using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
while (reader.ReadLine() is string line)
yield return line;
/// <summary>
/// Overridden by derived classes to provide a hook to modify a <see cref="CompilationOptions"/> with any host-provided values that didn't come from
/// the command line string.
/// </summary>
protected virtual CompilationOptions ComputeCompilationOptionsWithHostValues(CompilationOptions compilationOptions, IRuleSetFile? ruleSetFile)
=> compilationOptions;
/// <summary>
/// Override by derived classes to provide a hook to modify a <see cref="ParseOptions"/> with any host-provided values that didn't come from
/// the command line string.
/// </summary>
protected virtual ParseOptions ComputeParseOptionsWithHostValues(ParseOptions parseOptions)
=> parseOptions;
/// <summary>
/// Called by a derived class to notify that we need to update the settings in the project system for something that will be provided
/// by either <see cref="ComputeCompilationOptionsWithHostValues(CompilationOptions, IRuleSetFile)"/> or <see cref="ComputeParseOptionsWithHostValues(ParseOptions)"/>.
/// </summary>
protected void UpdateProjectForNewHostValues()
lock (_gate)
public void Dispose()
lock (_gate)