// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Log;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.TestHooks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SQLite.Interop;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SQLite.v2.Interop;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Storage;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Threading;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SQLite.v2;
using static SQLitePersistentStorageConstants;
/// <summary>
/// Implementation of an <see cref="IPersistentStorage"/> backed by SQLite.
/// </summary>
internal sealed partial class SQLitePersistentStorage : AbstractPersistentStorage
private const string LockFile = "db.lock";
private readonly CancellationTokenSource _shutdownTokenSource = new();
private readonly string _solutionDirectory;
// We pool connections to the DB so that we don't have to take the hit of
// reconnecting. The connections also cache the prepared statements used
// to get/set data from the db. A connection is safe to use by one thread
// at a time, but is not safe for simultaneous use by multiple threads.
private readonly object _connectionGate = new();
private readonly Stack<SqlConnection> _connectionsPool = new();
private readonly Action _flushInMemoryDataToDisk;
/// <summary>
/// Lock file that ensures only one database is made per process per solution.
/// </summary>
public readonly IDisposable DatabaseOwnership;
/// <summary>
/// For testing purposes. Allows us to test what happens when we fail to acquire the db lock file.
/// </summary>
private readonly IPersistentStorageFaultInjector? _faultInjector;
// Accessors that allow us to retrieve/store data into specific DB tables. The
// core Accessor type has logic that we to share across all reading/writing, while
// the derived types contain only enough logic to specify how to read/write from
// their respective tables.
private readonly SolutionAccessor _solutionAccessor;
private readonly ProjectAccessor _projectAccessor;
private readonly DocumentAccessor _documentAccessor;
// cached query strings
private readonly string _insert_into_string_table_values_0 = $"insert into {StringInfoTableName}({DataColumnName}) values (?)";
private readonly string _select_star_from_string_table_where_0_limit_one = $"select * from {StringInfoTableName} where ({DataColumnName} = ?) limit 1";
private readonly string _select_star_from_string_table = $"select * from {StringInfoTableName}";
/// <summary>
/// Use a <see cref="ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair"/> to simulate a reader-writer lock.
/// Read operations are performed on the <see cref="ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair.ConcurrentScheduler"/>
/// and writes are performed on the <see cref="ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair.ExclusiveScheduler"/>.
/// We use this as a condition of using the in-memory shared-cache sqlite DB. This DB
/// doesn't busy-wait when attempts are made to lock the tables in it, which can lead to
/// deadlocks. Specifically, consider two threads doing the following:
/// Thread A starts a transaction that starts as a reader, and later attempts to perform a
/// write. Thread B is a writer (either started that way, or started as a reader and
/// promoted to a writer first). B holds a RESERVED lock, waiting for readers to clear so it
/// can start writing. A holds a SHARED lock (it's a reader) and tries to acquire RESERVED
/// lock (so it can start writing). The only way to make progress in this situation is for
/// one of the transactions to roll back. No amount of waiting will help, so when SQLite
/// detects this situation, it doesn't honor the busy timeout.
/// To prevent this scenario, we control our access to the db explicitly with operations that
/// can concurrently read, and operations that exclusively write.
/// All code that reads or writes from the db should go through this.
/// </summary>
private ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair Scheduler { get; } = new();
private SQLitePersistentStorage(
SolutionKey solutionKey,
string workingFolderPath,
string databaseFile,
IAsynchronousOperationListener asyncListener,
IPersistentStorageFaultInjector? faultInjector,
IDisposable databaseOwnership)
: base(solutionKey, workingFolderPath, databaseFile)
_solutionDirectory = PathUtilities.GetDirectoryName(solutionKey.FilePath);
_solutionAccessor = new SolutionAccessor(this);
_projectAccessor = new ProjectAccessor(this);
_documentAccessor = new DocumentAccessor(this);
_faultInjector = faultInjector;
DatabaseOwnership = databaseOwnership;
// Create a delay to batch up requests to flush. We'll won't flush more than every FlushAllDelayMS.
_flushInMemoryDataToDisk = FlushInMemoryDataToDisk;
_flushQueue = new AsyncBatchingWorkQueue(
public static SQLitePersistentStorage? TryCreate(
SolutionKey solutionKey,
string workingFolderPath,
string databaseFile,
IAsynchronousOperationListener asyncListener,
IPersistentStorageFaultInjector? faultInjector)
var databaseOwnership = TryGetDatabaseOwnership(databaseFile);
if (databaseOwnership is null)
return null;
var storage = new SQLitePersistentStorage(
solutionKey, workingFolderPath, databaseFile, asyncListener, faultInjector, databaseOwnership);
return storage;
/// <summary>
/// Returns null in the case where an IO exception prevented us from being able to acquire
/// the db lock file.
/// </summary>
private static IDisposable? TryGetDatabaseOwnership(string databaseFilePath)
return IOUtilities.PerformIO<IDisposable?>(() =>
// make sure directory exist first.
var directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(databaseFilePath);
return File.Open(
Path.Combine(directoryName, LockFile),
FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
}, defaultValue: null);
static void EnsureDirectory(string databaseFilePath)
var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(databaseFilePath);
if (Directory.Exists(directory))
private void DisableStorage(SqlException exception)
Logger.Log(FunctionId.SQLite_StorageDisabled, GetLogMessage(exception));
public static KeyValueLogMessage GetLogMessage(SqlException exception)
=> KeyValueLogMessage.Create(d =>
d["Result"] = exception.Result.ToString();
d["Message"] = exception.Message;
private void Initialize()
// This is our startup path. No other code can be running. So it's safe for us to access a connection that can
// talk to the db without having to be on the reader/writer scheduler queue.
using var _ = GetPooledConnection(checkScheduler: false, out var connection);
// Ensure the database has tables for the types we care about.
// Enable write-ahead logging to increase write performance by reducing amount of disk writes,
// by combining writes at checkpoint, salong with using sequential-only writes to populate the log.
// Also, WAL allows for relaxed ("normal") "synchronous" mode, see below.
connection.ExecuteCommand("pragma journal_mode=wal", throwOnError: false);
// Set "synchronous" mode to "normal" instead of default "full" to reduce the amount of buffer flushing syscalls,
// significantly reducing both the blocked time and the amount of context switches.
// When coupled with WAL, this (according to https://sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_synchronous and
// https://www.sqlite.org/wal.html#performance_considerations) is unlikely to significantly affect durability,
// while significantly increasing performance, because buffer flushing is done for each checkpoint, instead of each
// transaction. While some writes can be lost, they are never reordered, and higher layers will recover from that.
connection.ExecuteCommand("pragma synchronous=normal", throwOnError: false);
// First, create all string tables in the main on-disk db. These tables
// don't need to be in the write-cache as all string looks go to/from the
// main db. This isn't a perf problem as we write the strings in bulk,
// so there's no need for a write caching layer. This also keeps consistency
// totally clear as there's only one source of truth.
$@"create table if not exists {StringInfoTableName}(
""{StringDataIdColumnName}"" integer primary key autoincrement not null,
""{DataColumnName}"" varchar)");
// Ensure that the string-info table's 'Value' column is defined to be 'unique'.
// We don't allow duplicate strings in this table.
$@"create unique index if not exists ""{StringInfoTableName}_{DataColumnName}"" on {StringInfoTableName}(""{DataColumnName}"")");
// Now make sure we have the individual tables for the solution/project/document info.
// We put this in both our persistent table and our in-memory table so that they have
// the same shape.
EnsureTables(connection, Database.Main);
EnsureTables(connection, Database.WriteCache);
// Bulk load all the existing string/id pairs in the DB at once. In a solution like roslyn, there are
// roughly 20k of these strings. Doing it as 20k individual reads adds more than a second of work time
// reading in all the data. This allows for a single query that can efficiently have the DB just stream the
// pages from disk and bulk read those in the cursor the query uses.
void EnsureTables(SqlConnection connection, Database database)
_solutionAccessor.CreateTable(connection, database);
_projectAccessor.CreateTable(connection, database);
_documentAccessor.CreateTable(connection, database);