File: Storage\SQLite\v2\SQLitePersistentStorage.Accessor.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Workspaces\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SQLite.Interop;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SQLite.v2.Interop;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Storage;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SQLite.v2
    using static SQLitePersistentStorageConstants;
    internal partial class SQLitePersistentStorage
        /// <summary>
        /// Abstracts out access to specific tables in the DB.  This allows us to share overall
        /// logic around cancellation/pooling/error-handling/etc, while still hitting different
        /// db tables.
        /// </summary>
        private abstract class Accessor<TKey, TDatabaseKey>
            where TDatabaseKey : struct
            protected readonly SQLitePersistentStorage Storage;
            protected readonly Table Table;
            private readonly ImmutableArray<(string name, string type)> _primaryKeyColumns;
            private readonly ImmutableArray<(string name, string type)> _allColumns;
            // Cache the statement strings we want to execute per accessor.  This way we avoid allocating these strings
            // each time we execute a command.  We also cache the prepared statements (at the connection level) we make
            // for each of these strings.  That way we only incur the parsing cost once. After that, we can use the same
            // prepared statements and just bind the appropriate values it needs into it.
            // Names starting with numbers (like 0primarykey) indicates the `?`s in the sql string that will need to be
            // bound to runtime values appropriately when executed.
            private readonly string _delete_from_writecache_table;
            private readonly string _insert_or_replace_into_main_table_select_star_from_writecache_table;
            private readonly string _select_rowid_from_main_table_where_0primarykey;
            private readonly string _select_rowid_from_writecache_table_where_0primarykey;
            private readonly string _insert_or_replace_into_writecache_table_values_0primarykey_1checksum_2data;
            public Accessor(
                Table table,
                SQLitePersistentStorage storage,
                params (string name, string type)[] primaryKeysArray)
                Table = table;
                Storage = storage;
                _primaryKeyColumns = primaryKeysArray.ToImmutableArray().Add((DataNameIdColumnName, SQLiteIntegerType));
                _allColumns = _primaryKeyColumns.Add((ChecksumColumnName, SQLiteBlobType)).Add((DataColumnName, SQLiteBlobType));
                var writeCache = Database.WriteCache.GetName();
                _delete_from_writecache_table = $"delete from {writeCache}.{TableName};";
                _insert_or_replace_into_main_table_select_star_from_writecache_table =
                    $"insert or replace into {Database.Main.GetName()}.{TableName} select * from {writeCache}.{TableName};";
                _select_rowid_from_main_table_where_0primarykey = GetSelectRowIdQuery(Database.Main);
                _select_rowid_from_writecache_table_where_0primarykey = GetSelectRowIdQuery(Database.WriteCache);
                _insert_or_replace_into_writecache_table_values_0primarykey_1checksum_2data = $"""
                    insert or replace into {writeCache}.{TableName}
                    ({string.Join(",", _allColumns.Select(c =>}) values ({string.Join(",", _allColumns.Select(n => "?"))})
                string GetSelectRowIdQuery(Database database)
                    => $"""
                        select rowid from {database.GetName()}.{TableName} where
                        {string.Join(" and ", _primaryKeyColumns.Select(k => $"{} = ?"))}
                        limit 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets the internal sqlite db-id (effectively the row-id for the doc or proj table, or just the string-id
            /// for the solution table) for the provided caller key.  This db-id will be looked up and returned if a
            /// mapping already exists for it in the db.  Otherwise, a guaranteed unique id will be created for it and
            /// stored in the db for the future.  This allows all associated data to be cheaply associated with the 
            /// simple ID, avoiding lots of db bloat if we used the full <paramref name="key"/> in numerous places.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="allowWrite">Whether or not the caller owns the write lock and thus is ok with the DB id
            /// being generated and stored for this component key when it currently does not exist.  If <see
            /// langword="false"/> then failing to find the key will result in <see langword="false"/> being returned.
            /// </param>
            protected abstract TDatabaseKey? TryGetDatabaseKey(SqlConnection connection, TKey key, bool allowWrite);
            protected abstract void BindAccessorSpecificPrimaryKeyParameters(SqlStatement statement, TDatabaseKey databaseKey);
            private string TableName
                => this.Table switch
                    Table.Solution => SolutionDataTableName,
                    Table.Project => ProjectDataTableName,
                    Table.Document => DocumentDataTableName,
                    _ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(this.Table),
            public void CreateTable(SqlConnection connection, Database database)
                // This is only executed once per process, so we don't bother trying to cache this string.
                    create table if not exists {database.GetName()}.{this.TableName}(
                        {string.Join(",", _allColumns.Select(k => $"{} {k.type} not null"))},
                        primary key({string.Join(",", _primaryKeyColumns.Select(k =>})
            [PerformanceSensitive("", AllowCaptures = false)]
            public Task<bool> ChecksumMatchesAsync(TKey key, string name, Checksum checksum, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                => Storage.PerformReadAsync(
                    static t => t.self.ChecksumMatches(t.key,, t.checksum, t.cancellationToken),
                    (self: this, name, key, checksum, cancellationToken), cancellationToken);
            private bool ChecksumMatches(TKey key, string name, Checksum checksum, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var optional = ReadColumn(
                    static (self, connection, database, rowId) => self.ReadChecksum(connection, database, rowId),
                return optional.HasValue && checksum == optional.Value;
            [PerformanceSensitive("", AllowCaptures = false)]
            public Task<Stream?> ReadStreamAsync(TKey key, string name, Checksum? checksum, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                => Storage.PerformReadAsync(
                    static t => t.self.ReadStream(t.key,, t.checksum, t.cancellationToken),
                    (self: this, key, name, checksum, cancellationToken), cancellationToken);
            [PerformanceSensitive("", AllowCaptures = false)]
            private Stream? ReadStream(TKey key, string name, Checksum? checksum, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var optional = ReadColumn(
                    static (t, connection, database, rowId) => t.self.ReadDataBlob(connection, database, rowId, t.checksum),
                    (self: this, checksum),
                Contract.ThrowIfTrue(optional.HasValue && optional.Value == null);
                return optional.HasValue ? optional.Value : null;
            private Optional<T> ReadColumn<T, TData>(
                TKey key,
                string name,
                Func<TData, SqlConnection, Database, long, Optional<T>> readColumn,
                TData data,
                CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                // We're reading.  All current scenarios have this happening under the concurrent/read-only scheduler.
                // If this assert fires either a bug has been introduced, or there is a valid scenario for a writing
                // codepath to read a column and this assert should be adjusted.
                Contract.ThrowIfFalse(TaskScheduler.Current == this.Storage.Scheduler.ConcurrentScheduler);
                if (!Storage._shutdownTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                    using var _ = this.Storage.GetPooledConnection(out var connection);
                    // We're in the reading-only scheduler path, so we can't allow TryGetDatabaseId to write.  Note that
                    // this is ok, and actually provides the semantics we want.  Specifically, we can be trying to read
                    // data that either exists in the DB or not.  If it doesn't exist in the DB, then it's fine to fail
                    // to map from the key to a DB id (since there's nothing to lookup anyways).  And if it does exist
                    // in the db then finding the ID would succeed (without writing) and we could continue.
                    if (TryGetDatabaseKey(connection, key, allowWrite: false) is TDatabaseKey databaseKey &&
                        Storage.TryGetStringId(connection, name, allowWrite: false) is int dataNameId)
                            // First, try to see if there was a write to this key in our in-memory db.
                            // If it wasn't in the in-memory write-cache.  Check the full on-disk file.
                            var optional = ReadColumnHelper(connection, Database.WriteCache, databaseKey, dataNameId);
                            if (optional.HasValue)
                                return optional;
                            optional = ReadColumnHelper(connection, Database.Main, databaseKey, dataNameId);
                            if (optional.HasValue)
                                return optional;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                return default;
                Optional<T> ReadColumnHelper(SqlConnection connection, Database database, TDatabaseKey databaseKey, int dataNameID)
                    // Note: it's possible that someone may write to this row between when we get the row ID
                    // above and now.  That's fine.  We'll just read the new bytes that have been written to
                    // this location.  Note that only the data for a row in our system can change, the ID will
                    // always stay the same, and the data will always be valid for our ID.  So there is no
                    // safety issue here.
                    return TryGetActualRowIdFromDatabase(connection, database, databaseKey, dataNameID, out var writeCacheRowId)
                        ? readColumn(data, connection, database, writeCacheRowId)
                        : default;
            public Task<bool> WriteStreamAsync(TKey key, string name, Stream stream, Checksum? checksum, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                => Storage.PerformWriteAsync(
                    static t => t.self.WriteStream(t.key,,, t.checksum, t.cancellationToken),
                    (self: this, key, name, stream, checksum, cancellationToken), cancellationToken);
            private bool WriteStream(TKey key, string dataName, Stream stream, Checksum? checksum, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                // We're writing.  This better always be under the exclusive scheduler.
                Contract.ThrowIfFalse(TaskScheduler.Current == this.Storage.Scheduler.ExclusiveScheduler);
                if (!Storage._shutdownTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                    using var _ = this.Storage.GetPooledConnection(out var connection);
                    // Determine the appropriate data-id to store this stream at.  We already are running
                    // with an exclusive write lock on the DB, so it's safe for us to write the data id to 
                    // the db on this connection if we need to.
                    if (TryGetDatabaseKey(connection, key, allowWrite: true) is TDatabaseKey databaseKey &&
                        Storage.TryGetStringId(connection, dataName, allowWrite: true) is int dataNameId)
                        checksum ??= Checksum.Null;
                        Span<byte> checksumBytes = stackalloc byte[Checksum.HashSize];
                        var (dataBytes, dataLength, dataPooled) = GetBytes(stream);
                        // Write the information into the in-memory write-cache.  Later on a background task
                        // will move it from the in-memory cache to the on-disk db in a bulk transaction.
                            connection, databaseKey, dataNameId,
                            new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(dataBytes, 0, dataLength));
                        if (dataPooled)
                        return true;
                return false;
            private Optional<Stream> ReadDataBlob(
                SqlConnection connection, Database database, long rowId, Checksum? checksum)
                // Have to run the blob reading in a transaction.  This is necessary
                // for two reasons.  First, blob reading outside a transaction is not
                // safe to do with the sqlite API.  It may produce corrupt bits if
                // another thread is writing to the blob.  Second, if a checksum was
                // passed in, we need to validate that the checksums match.  This is
                // only safe if we are in a transaction and no-one else can race with
                // us.
                var (stream, exception) = connection.RunInTransaction(
                    static t =>
                        // If we were passed a checksum, make sure it matches what we have
                        // stored in the table already.  If they don't match, don't read
                        // out the data value at all.
                        if (t.checksum != null &&
                            !t.self.ChecksumsMatch_MustRunInTransaction(t.connection, t.database, t.rowId, t.checksum.Value))
                            return default;
                        return t.connection.ReadDataBlob_MustRunInTransaction(t.database, t.self.Table, t.rowId);
                    (self: this, connection, database, checksum, rowId),
                    throwOnSqlException: true);
                // we should never have gotten a SqlException while reading since we passed throwOnSqlException: true above.
                Contract.ThrowIfTrue(exception != null);
                return stream;
            private Optional<Checksum> ReadChecksum(
                SqlConnection connection, Database database, long rowId)
                // Have to run the checksum reading in a transaction.  This is necessary as blob reading outside a
                // transaction is not safe to do with the sqlite API.  It may produce corrupt bits if another thread is
                // writing to the blob.
                var (stream, exception) = connection.RunInTransaction(
                    static t => t.connection.ReadChecksum_MustRunInTransaction(t.database, t.self.Table, t.rowId),
                    (self: this, connection, database, rowId),
                    throwOnSqlException: true);
                // we should never have gotten a SqlException while reading since we passed throwOnSqlException: true above.
                Contract.ThrowIfTrue(exception != null);
                return stream;
            private bool ChecksumsMatch_MustRunInTransaction(SqlConnection connection, Database database, long rowId, Checksum checksum)
                var storedChecksum = connection.ReadChecksum_MustRunInTransaction(database, Table, rowId);
                return storedChecksum.HasValue && checksum == storedChecksum.Value;
            private void BindPrimaryKey(SqlStatement statement, TDatabaseKey databaseKey, int dataNameId)
                // This binds all but the dataNameId primary key parameter.
                BindAccessorSpecificPrimaryKeyParameters(statement, databaseKey);
                // The data name id parameter is the last in _primaryKeyColumns. So we pass _primaryKeyColumns.Length as
                // the parameter index as it is 1s based.
                statement.BindInt64Parameter(parameterIndex: _primaryKeyColumns.Length, dataNameId);
            private bool TryGetActualRowIdFromDatabase(SqlConnection connection, Database database, TDatabaseKey databaseKey, int dataNameId, out long rowId)
                // See
                // > In SQLite, table rows normally have a 64-bit signed integer ROWID which is
                // unique among all rows in the same table. (WITHOUT ROWID tables are the exception.)
                // You can access the ROWID of an SQLite table using one of the special column names
                // ROWID, _ROWID_, or OID. Except if you declare an ordinary table column to use one
                // of those special names, then the use of that name will refer to the declared column
                // not to the internal ROWID.
                using var resettableStatement = connection.GetResettableStatement(database == Database.WriteCache
                    ? _select_rowid_from_writecache_table_where_0primarykey
                    : _select_rowid_from_main_table_where_0primarykey);
                var statement = resettableStatement.Statement;
                BindPrimaryKey(statement, databaseKey, dataNameId);
                var stepResult = statement.Step();
                if (stepResult == Result.ROW)
                    rowId = statement.GetInt64At(columnIndex: 0);
                    return true;
                rowId = -1;
                return false;
            private void InsertOrReplaceBlobIntoWriteCache(
                SqlConnection connection,
                TDatabaseKey databaseKey,
                int dataNameId,
                ReadOnlySpan<byte> checksumBytes,
                ReadOnlySpan<byte> dataBytes)
                // We're writing.  This better always be under the exclusive scheduler.
                Contract.ThrowIfFalse(TaskScheduler.Current == this.Storage.Scheduler.ExclusiveScheduler);
                using (var resettableStatement = connection.GetResettableStatement(
                    var statement = resettableStatement.Statement;
                    // Binding indices are 1 based.
                    BindPrimaryKey(statement, databaseKey, dataNameId);
                    statement.BindBlobParameter(parameterIndex: _primaryKeyColumns.Length + 1, checksumBytes);
                    statement.BindBlobParameter(parameterIndex: _primaryKeyColumns.Length + 2, dataBytes);
                // Let the storage system know it should flush this information
                // to disk in the future.
            public void FlushInMemoryDataToDisk_MustRunInTransaction(SqlConnection connection)
                if (!connection.IsInTransaction)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Must flush tables within a transaction to ensure consistency");
                // Efficient call to sqlite to just fully copy all data from one table to the
                // other.  No need to actually do any reading/writing of the data ourselves.
                using (var statement = connection.GetResettableStatement(_insert_or_replace_into_main_table_select_star_from_writecache_table))
                // Now, just delete all the data from the write cache.
                using (var statement = connection.GetResettableStatement(_delete_from_writecache_table))