// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Recommendations;
internal abstract partial class AbstractRecommendationService<TSyntaxContext, TAnonymousFunctionSyntax>
protected abstract class AbstractRecommendationServiceRunner
protected readonly TSyntaxContext _context;
protected readonly bool _filterOutOfScopeLocals;
protected readonly CancellationToken _cancellationToken;
private readonly StringComparer _stringComparerForLanguage;
public AbstractRecommendationServiceRunner(
TSyntaxContext context,
bool filterOutOfScopeLocals,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_context = context;
_stringComparerForLanguage = _context.GetLanguageService<ISyntaxFactsService>().StringComparer;
_filterOutOfScopeLocals = filterOutOfScopeLocals;
_cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
public abstract RecommendedSymbols GetRecommendedSymbols();
protected abstract int GetLambdaParameterCount(TAnonymousFunctionSyntax lambdaSyntax);
public abstract bool TryGetExplicitTypeOfLambdaParameter(SyntaxNode lambdaSyntax, int ordinalInLambda, [NotNullWhen(returnValue: true)] out ITypeSymbol explicitLambdaParameterType);
// This code is to help give intellisense in the following case:
// query.Include(a => a.SomeProperty).ThenInclude(a => a.
// where there are more than one overloads of ThenInclude accepting different types of parameters.
private ImmutableArray<ISymbol> GetMemberSymbolsForParameter(IParameterSymbol parameter, int position, bool useBaseReferenceAccessibility, bool unwrapNullable, bool isForDereference)
var symbols = TryGetMemberSymbolsForLambdaParameter(parameter, position, unwrapNullable, isForDereference);
return symbols.IsDefault
? GetMemberSymbols(parameter.Type, position, excludeInstance: false, useBaseReferenceAccessibility, unwrapNullable, isForDereference)
: symbols;
private ImmutableArray<ISymbol> TryGetMemberSymbolsForLambdaParameter(
IParameterSymbol parameter,
int position,
bool unwrapNullable,
bool isForDereference)
// Use normal lookup path for this/base parameters.
if (parameter.IsThis)
return default;
// Starting from a. in the example, looking for a => a.
if (parameter.ContainingSymbol is not IMethodSymbol { MethodKind: MethodKind.AnonymousFunction } owningMethod)
return default;
// Cannot proceed without DeclaringSyntaxReferences.
// We expect that there is a single DeclaringSyntaxReferences in the scenario.
// If anything changes on the compiler side, the approach should be revised.
if (owningMethod.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.Length != 1)
return default;
var syntaxFactsService = _context.GetLanguageService<ISyntaxFactsService>();
// Check that a => a. belongs to an invocation.
// Find its' ordinal in the invocation, e.g. ThenInclude(a => a.Something, a=> a.
if (owningMethod.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.Single().GetSyntax(_cancellationToken) is not TAnonymousFunctionSyntax lambdaSyntax)
return default;
if (!(syntaxFactsService.IsArgument(lambdaSyntax.Parent) &&
return default;
var invocationExpression = lambdaSyntax.Parent.Parent.Parent;
var arguments = syntaxFactsService.GetArgumentsOfInvocationExpression(invocationExpression);
var argumentName = syntaxFactsService.GetNameForArgument(lambdaSyntax.Parent);
var ordinalInInvocation = arguments.IndexOf(lambdaSyntax.Parent);
var expressionOfInvocationExpression = syntaxFactsService.GetExpressionOfInvocationExpression(invocationExpression);
var parameterTypeSymbols = ImmutableArray<ITypeSymbol>.Empty;
if (TryGetExplicitTypeOfLambdaParameter(lambdaSyntax, parameter.Ordinal, out var explicitLambdaParameterType))
parameterTypeSymbols = [explicitLambdaParameterType];
// Get all members potentially matching the invocation expression.
// We filter them out based on ordinality later.
var candidateSymbols = _context.SemanticModel.GetMemberGroup(expressionOfInvocationExpression, _cancellationToken);
// parameter.Ordinal is the ordinal within (a,b,c) => b.
// For candidate symbols of (a,b,c) => b., get types of all possible b.
// First try to find delegates whose parameter count matches what the user provided. However, if that
// finds nothing, fall back to accepting any potential delegates. We don't want the punish the user if
// they provide the wrong number while in the middle of working with their code.
var lambdaParameterCount = this.GetLambdaParameterCount(lambdaSyntax);
parameterTypeSymbols = GetTypeSymbols(candidateSymbols, argumentName, ordinalInInvocation, parameter.Ordinal, lambdaParameterCount);
if (parameterTypeSymbols.IsEmpty)
parameterTypeSymbols = GetTypeSymbols(candidateSymbols, argumentName, ordinalInInvocation, parameter.Ordinal, lambdaParameterCount: -1);
// The parameterTypeSymbols may include type parameters, and we want their substituted types if available.
parameterTypeSymbols = SubstituteTypeParameters(parameterTypeSymbols, invocationExpression);
// For each type of b., return all suitable members. Also, ensure we consider the actual type of the
// parameter the compiler inferred as it may have made a completely suitable inference for it.
// (Only add the actual type if it's not already in the set, otherwise the type and all of its members will be considered twice.)
if (!parameterTypeSymbols.Contains(parameter.Type, SymbolEqualityComparer.Default))
parameterTypeSymbols = parameterTypeSymbols.Concat(parameter.Type);
return parameterTypeSymbols
.SelectManyAsArray(parameterTypeSymbol =>
GetMemberSymbols(parameterTypeSymbol, position, excludeInstance: false, useBaseReferenceAccessibility: false, unwrapNullable, isForDereference));
private ImmutableArray<ITypeSymbol> SubstituteTypeParameters(ImmutableArray<ITypeSymbol> parameterTypeSymbols, SyntaxNode invocationExpression)
if (!parameterTypeSymbols.Any(static t => t.IsKind(SymbolKind.TypeParameter)))
return parameterTypeSymbols;
var invocationSymbols = _context.SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(invocationExpression).GetAllSymbols();
if (invocationSymbols.Length == 0)
return parameterTypeSymbols;
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<ITypeSymbol>.GetInstance(out var concreteTypes);
foreach (var invocationSymbol in invocationSymbols)
var typeParameters = invocationSymbol.GetTypeParameters();
var typeArguments = invocationSymbol.GetTypeArguments();
foreach (var parameterTypeSymbol in parameterTypeSymbols)
if (parameterTypeSymbol.IsKind<ITypeParameterSymbol>(SymbolKind.TypeParameter, out var typeParameter))
// The typeParameter could be from the containing type, so it may not be
// present in this method's list of typeParameters.
var index = typeParameters.IndexOf(typeParameter);
var concreteType = typeArguments.ElementAtOrDefault(index);
// If we couldn't find the concrete type, still consider the typeParameter
// as is to provide members of any types it is constrained to (including object)
concreteTypes.Add(concreteType ?? typeParameter);
return concreteTypes.ToImmutableAndClear();
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get a type of its' <paramref name="ordinalInLambda"/> lambda parameter of <paramref name="ordinalInInvocation"/> argument for each candidate symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="candidateSymbols">symbols corresponding to <see cref="Expression{Func}"/> or <see cref="Func{some_args, TResult}"/>
/// Here, some_args can be multi-variables lambdas as well, e.g. f((a,b) => a+b, (a,b,c)=>a*b*c.Length)
/// </param>
/// <param name="ordinalInInvocation">ordinal of the arguments of function: (a,b) or (a,b,c) in the example above</param>
/// <param name="ordinalInLambda">ordinal of the lambda parameters, e.g. a, b or c.</param>
private ImmutableArray<ITypeSymbol> GetTypeSymbols(
ImmutableArray<ISymbol> candidateSymbols,
string argumentName,
int ordinalInInvocation,
int ordinalInLambda,
int lambdaParameterCount)
var expressionSymbol = _context.SemanticModel.Compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(typeof(Expression<>).FullName);
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<ITypeSymbol>.GetInstance(out var builder);
foreach (var candidateSymbol in candidateSymbols)
if (candidateSymbol is IMethodSymbol method)
if (!TryGetMatchingParameterTypeForArgument(method, argumentName, ordinalInInvocation, out var type))
// If type is <see cref="Expression{TDelegate}"/>, ignore <see cref="Expression"/> and use TDelegate.
// Ignore this check if expressionSymbol is null, e.g. semantic model is broken or incomplete or if the framework does not contain <see cref="Expression"/>.
if (expressionSymbol != null &&
type is INamedTypeSymbol expressionSymbolNamedTypeCandidate &&
var allTypeArguments = type.GetAllTypeArguments();
if (allTypeArguments.Length != 1)
type = allTypeArguments[0];
if (type.IsDelegateType())
var methods = type.GetMembers(WellKnownMemberNames.DelegateInvokeName);
if (methods.Length != 1)
var parameters = methods[0].GetParameters();
if (parameters.Length <= ordinalInLambda)
if (lambdaParameterCount >= 0 && parameters.Length != lambdaParameterCount)
return builder.ToImmutableAndClear();
private bool TryGetMatchingParameterTypeForArgument(IMethodSymbol method, string argumentName, int ordinalInInvocation, out ITypeSymbol parameterType)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(argumentName))
parameterType = method.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => _stringComparerForLanguage.Equals(p.Name, argumentName))?.Type;
return parameterType != null;
// We don't know the argument name, so have to find the parameter based on position
if (method.IsParams() && (ordinalInInvocation >= method.Parameters.Length - 1))
if (method.Parameters.LastOrDefault()?.Type is IArrayTypeSymbol arrayType)
parameterType = arrayType.ElementType;
return true;
parameterType = null;
return false;
if (ordinalInInvocation < method.Parameters.Length)
parameterType = method.Parameters[ordinalInInvocation].Type;
return true;
parameterType = null;
return false;
protected ImmutableArray<ISymbol> GetSymbolsForNamespaceDeclarationNameContext<TNamespaceDeclarationSyntax>()
where TNamespaceDeclarationSyntax : SyntaxNode
var declarationSyntax = _context.TargetToken.GetAncestor<TNamespaceDeclarationSyntax>();
if (declarationSyntax == null)
return [];
var semanticModel = _context.SemanticModel;
var containingNamespaceSymbol = semanticModel.Compilation.GetCompilationNamespace(
semanticModel.GetEnclosingNamespace(declarationSyntax.SpanStart, _cancellationToken));
var symbols = semanticModel.LookupNamespacesAndTypes(declarationSyntax.SpanStart, containingNamespaceSymbol)
.WhereAsArray(recommendationSymbol => IsNonIntersectingNamespace(recommendationSymbol, declarationSyntax));
return symbols;
protected ImmutableArray<ISymbol> GetSymbolsForEnumBaseList(INamespaceOrTypeSymbol container)
var semanticModel = _context.SemanticModel;
var systemNamespace = container is not (null or INamespaceSymbol { IsGlobalNamespace: true })
? null
: semanticModel.LookupNamespacesAndTypes(_context.Position, semanticModel.Compilation.GlobalNamespace, nameof(System))
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<ISymbol>.GetInstance(out var builder);
if (systemNamespace is not null)
var aliases = semanticModel.LookupSymbols(_context.Position, container).OfType<IAliasSymbol>().Where(a => systemNamespace.Equals(a.Target));
AddSpecialTypeSymbolAndItsAliases(nameof(Byte), SpecialType.System_Byte);
AddSpecialTypeSymbolAndItsAliases(nameof(SByte), SpecialType.System_SByte);
AddSpecialTypeSymbolAndItsAliases(nameof(Int16), SpecialType.System_Int16);
AddSpecialTypeSymbolAndItsAliases(nameof(UInt16), SpecialType.System_UInt16);
AddSpecialTypeSymbolAndItsAliases(nameof(Int32), SpecialType.System_Int32);
AddSpecialTypeSymbolAndItsAliases(nameof(UInt32), SpecialType.System_UInt32);
AddSpecialTypeSymbolAndItsAliases(nameof(Int64), SpecialType.System_Int64);
AddSpecialTypeSymbolAndItsAliases(nameof(UInt64), SpecialType.System_UInt64);
return builder.ToImmutableAndClear();
void AddSpecialTypeSymbolAndItsAliases(string name, SpecialType specialType)
var specialTypeSymbol = _context.SemanticModel
.LookupNamespacesAndTypes(_context.Position, container, name)
.FirstOrDefault(s => s is INamedTypeSymbol namedType && namedType.SpecialType == specialType);
specialTypeSymbol ??= _context.SemanticModel.Compilation.GetSpecialType(specialType);
var aliases = _context.SemanticModel.LookupSymbols(_context.Position, container).OfType<IAliasSymbol>().Where(a => specialTypeSymbol.Equals(a.Target));
protected static bool IsNonIntersectingNamespace(ISymbol recommendationSymbol, SyntaxNode declarationSyntax)
// Apart from filtering out non-namespace symbols, this also filters out the symbol
// currently being declared. For example...
// namespace X$$
// ...X won't show in the completion list (unless it is also declared elsewhere).
// In addition, in VB, it will filter out Bar from the sample below...
// Namespace Goo.$$
// Namespace Bar
// End Namespace
// End Namespace
// ...unless, again, it's also declared elsewhere.
return recommendationSymbol is INamespaceSymbol &&
static (candidateLocation, declarationSyntax) => !(declarationSyntax.SyntaxTree == candidateLocation.SourceTree &&
declarationSyntax.Span.IntersectsWith(candidateLocation.SourceSpan)), declarationSyntax);
protected ImmutableArray<ISymbol> GetMemberSymbols(
ISymbol container,
int position,
bool excludeInstance,
bool useBaseReferenceAccessibility,
bool unwrapNullable,
bool isForDereference)
// For a normal parameter, we have a specialized codepath we use to ensure we properly get lambda parameter
// information that the compiler may fail to give.
if (container is IParameterSymbol parameter)
return GetMemberSymbolsForParameter(parameter, position, useBaseReferenceAccessibility, unwrapNullable, isForDereference);
if (isForDereference && container is IPointerTypeSymbol pointerType)
container = pointerType.PointedAtType;
if (container is not INamespaceOrTypeSymbol namespaceOrType)
return [];
if (unwrapNullable && namespaceOrType is ITypeSymbol typeSymbol)
namespaceOrType = typeSymbol.RemoveNullableIfPresent();
return useBaseReferenceAccessibility
? _context.SemanticModel.LookupBaseMembers(position)
: LookupSymbolsInContainer(namespaceOrType, position, excludeInstance);
protected ImmutableArray<ISymbol> LookupSymbolsInContainer(
INamespaceOrTypeSymbol container, int position, bool excludeInstance)
if (excludeInstance)
return _context.SemanticModel.LookupStaticMembers(position, container);
var containerMembers = SuppressDefaultTupleElements(
_context.SemanticModel.LookupSymbols(position, container, includeReducedExtensionMethods: true));
if (container is not ITypeSymbol containerType)
return containerMembers;
// Compiler will return reduced extension methods in the case it can't determine if constraints match.
// Attempt to filter out cases we have strong confidence will never succeed.
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<ISymbol>.GetInstance(containerMembers.Length, out var result);
foreach (var member in containerMembers)
if (member.IsReducedExtension())
// Get the original extension method and see if it extends a type parameter that itself has any
// base-type or base-interface constraints. If so, confirm that the type we're on derives from or
// implements that constraint types. Note that we do this looking at the uninstantiated forms as
// there's no way to tell if the instantiations match as the signature may not have enough
// information provided to answer that question accurately.
var originalMember = member.GetOriginalUnreducedDefinition();
if (originalMember is IMethodSymbol { Parameters: [{ Type: ITypeParameterSymbol parameterType }, ..] })
if (!MatchesConstraints(containerType.OriginalDefinition, parameterType.ConstraintTypes))
return result.ToImmutableAndClear();
static bool MatchesConstraints(ITypeSymbol originalContainerType, ImmutableArray<ITypeSymbol> constraintTypes)
// If there are no constraint types, then this type parameter was unconstrained, so could match anything.
if (constraintTypes.IsEmpty)
return true;
// Now check that the type we're calling on matched at least one of the constraints that were specified.
foreach (var constraintType in constraintTypes)
if (MatchesConstraint(originalContainerType, constraintType.OriginalDefinition))
return true;
return false;
static bool MatchesConstraint(ITypeSymbol originalContainerType, ITypeSymbol originalConstraintType)
// If the type we're dotting off of *is* the constraint type, then this is def a match and we can proceed.
if (SymbolEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(originalContainerType, originalConstraintType))
return true;
if (originalConstraintType.TypeKind == TypeKind.TypeParameter)
// If it's a type parameter constrained on another type parameter, then just assume for now that
// it's a match. We could attempt to walk through these in the future, but for now this is complex
// enough that we'll just allow it.
return true;
else if (originalConstraintType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Interface)
if (originalContainerType is ITypeParameterSymbol typeParameterContainer)
// If the container type is a type parameter, we attempt to match all the interfaces from its constraint types.
foreach (var constraintType in typeParameterContainer.ConstraintTypes)
foreach (var constraintTypeInterface in constraintType.GetAllInterfacesIncludingThis())
if (SymbolEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(constraintTypeInterface.OriginalDefinition, originalConstraintType))
return true;
// If the constraint is an interface then see if that interface appears in the interface inheritance
// hierarchy of the type we're dotting off of.
foreach (var interfaceType in originalContainerType.AllInterfaces)
if (SymbolEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(interfaceType.OriginalDefinition, originalConstraintType))
return true;
else if (originalConstraintType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Class)
if (originalContainerType is ITypeParameterSymbol typeParameterContainer)
// If the container type is a type parameter, we iterate through all the type's constrained types.
foreach (var constrainedType in typeParameterContainer.ConstraintTypes)
if (MatchesAnyBaseTypes(constrainedType, originalConstraintType))
return true;
// If the constraint is an interface then see if that interface appears in the base type inheritance
// hierarchy of the type we're dotting off of.
if (MatchesAnyBaseTypes(originalContainerType.BaseType, originalConstraintType))
return true;
// If we somehow have a constraint that isn't a type parameter, or class, or interface, then we
// really don't know what's going on. Just presume that this constraint would match and show the
// completion item. We can revisit this choice if this turns out to be an issue.
return true;
// For anything else, we don't consider this a match. This can be adjusted in the future if need be.
return false;
static bool MatchesAnyBaseTypes(ITypeSymbol source, ITypeSymbol matched)
for (var current = source; current != null; current = current.BaseType)
if (SymbolEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(current.OriginalDefinition, matched))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// If container is a tuple type, any of its tuple element which has a friendly name will cause the suppression
/// of the corresponding default name (ItemN). In that case, Rest is also removed.
/// </summary>
protected static ImmutableArray<ISymbol> SuppressDefaultTupleElements(INamespaceOrTypeSymbol container, ImmutableArray<ISymbol> symbols)
=> container is not INamedTypeSymbol { IsTupleType: true } namedType
? symbols
: [.. symbols.Where(s => s is not IFieldSymbol), .. namedType.TupleElements];