File: ReassignedVariable\AbstractReassignedVariableService.cs
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Project: src\src\Workspaces\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ReassignedVariable;
internal abstract class AbstractReassignedVariableService<
    : IReassignedVariableService
    where TParameterSyntax : SyntaxNode
    where TVariableSyntax : SyntaxNode
    where TSingleVariableDesignationSyntax : SyntaxNode
    where TIdentifierNameSyntax : SyntaxNode
    protected abstract SyntaxNode GetParentScope(SyntaxNode localDeclaration);
    protected abstract SyntaxNode GetMemberBlock(SyntaxNode methodOrPropertyDeclaration);
    protected abstract bool HasInitializer(SyntaxNode variable);
    protected abstract SyntaxToken GetIdentifierOfVariable(TVariableSyntax variable);
    protected abstract SyntaxToken GetIdentifierOfSingleVariableDesignation(TSingleVariableDesignationSyntax variable);
    public async Task<ImmutableArray<TextSpan>> GetLocationsAsync(
        Document document, ImmutableArray<TextSpan> spans, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var semanticFacts = document.GetRequiredLanguageService<ISemanticFactsService>();
        var syntaxFacts = document.GetRequiredLanguageService<ISyntaxFactsService>();
        var compilation = await document.Project.GetRequiredCompilationAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        var root = await document.GetRequiredSyntaxRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        using var _1 = PooledDictionary<ISymbol, bool>.GetInstance(out var symbolToIsReassigned);
        using var _2 = ArrayBuilder<TextSpan>.GetInstance(out var result);
        using var _3 = PooledDictionary<SyntaxTree, SemanticModel>.GetInstance(out var syntaxTreeToModel);
        var semanticModel = GetSemanticModel(root.SyntaxTree);
        foreach (var span in spans)
            Recurse(span, semanticModel);
        return result.ToImmutableAndClear();
        void Recurse(TextSpan span, SemanticModel semanticModel)
            using var _ = ArrayBuilder<SyntaxNode>.GetInstance(out var stack);
            // Walk through all the nodes in the provided span.  Directly analyze local or parameter declaration.  And
            // also analyze any identifiers which might be reference to locals or parameters.  Note that we might hit
            // locals/parameters without any references in the span, or references that don't have the declarations in 
            // the span
            // Use a stack so we don't blow out the stack with recursion.
            while (stack.Count > 0)
                var current = stack.Last();
                if (current.Span.IntersectsWith(span))
                    ProcessNode(semanticModel, current);
                    foreach (var child in current.ChildNodesAndTokens())
                        if (child.AsNode(out var childNode))
        SemanticModel GetSemanticModel(SyntaxTree syntaxTree)
            if (!syntaxTreeToModel.TryGetValue(syntaxTree, out var model))
#pragma warning disable RSEXPERIMENTAL001 // sym-shipped usage of experimental API
                model = compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree, SemanticModelOptions.DisableNullableAnalysis);
#pragma warning restore RSEXPERIMENTAL001
                syntaxTreeToModel.Add(syntaxTree, model);
            return model;
        void ProcessNode(SemanticModel semanticModel, SyntaxNode node)
            switch (node)
                case TIdentifierNameSyntax identifier:
                    ProcessIdentifier(semanticModel, identifier);
                case TParameterSyntax parameter:
                    ProcessParameter(semanticModel, parameter);
                case TVariableSyntax variable:
                    ProcessVariable(semanticModel, variable);
                case TSingleVariableDesignationSyntax designation:
                    ProcessSingleVariableDesignation(semanticModel, designation);
        void ProcessIdentifier(SemanticModel semanticModel, TIdentifierNameSyntax identifier)
            // Don't bother even looking at identifiers that aren't standalone (i.e. they're not on the left of some
            // expression).  These could not refer to locals or fields.
            if (syntaxFacts.GetStandaloneExpression(identifier) != identifier)
            var symbol = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(identifier, cancellationToken).Symbol;
            if (IsSymbolReassigned(semanticModel, symbol))
        void ProcessParameter(SemanticModel semanticModel, TParameterSyntax parameterSyntax)
            var parameter = semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(parameterSyntax, cancellationToken) as IParameterSymbol;
            if (IsSymbolReassigned(semanticModel, parameter))
        void ProcessVariable(SemanticModel semanticModel, TVariableSyntax variable)
            var local = semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(variable, cancellationToken) as ILocalSymbol;
            if (IsSymbolReassigned(semanticModel, local))
        void ProcessSingleVariableDesignation(SemanticModel semanticModel, TSingleVariableDesignationSyntax designation)
            var local = semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(designation, cancellationToken) as ILocalSymbol;
            if (IsSymbolReassigned(semanticModel, local))
        bool IsSymbolReassigned(SemanticModel semanticModel, [NotNullWhen(true)] ISymbol? symbol)
            // Note: we don't need to test range variables, as they are never reassignable.
            if (symbol is not IParameterSymbol and not ILocalSymbol)
                return false;
            if (!symbolToIsReassigned.TryGetValue(symbol, out var reassignedResult))
                reassignedResult = symbol switch
                    IParameterSymbol parameter => ComputeParameterIsAssigned(semanticModel, parameter),
                    ILocalSymbol local => ComputeLocalIsAssigned(semanticModel, local),
                    _ => throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable(),
                symbolToIsReassigned[symbol] = reassignedResult;
            return reassignedResult;
        bool ComputeParameterIsAssigned(SemanticModel semanticModel, IParameterSymbol parameter)
            if (!TryGetParameterLocation(semanticModel, parameter, out var parameterLocation))
                return false;
            var methodOrProperty = parameter.ContainingSymbol;
            // If we're on an accessor parameter. Map up to the matching parameter for the property/indexer.
            if (methodOrProperty is IMethodSymbol { MethodKind: MethodKind.PropertyGet or MethodKind.PropertySet } method)
                methodOrProperty = method.AssociatedSymbol as IPropertySymbol;
            if (methodOrProperty is not IMethodSymbol and not IPropertySymbol)
                return false;
            if (methodOrProperty.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.Length == 0)
                return false;
            if (parameter.IsPrimaryConstructor(cancellationToken))
                // A primary constructor parameter is analyzed across all parts of the type declaration it is
                // created in.
                var containingType = methodOrProperty.ContainingType;
                foreach (var group in containingType.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.GroupBy(r => r.SyntaxTree))
                    var otherSemanticModel = GetSemanticModel(group.Key);
                    foreach (var syntaxReference in group)
                        var declaration = syntaxReference.GetSyntax(cancellationToken);
                        // All parameters (except for 'out' parameters), come in definitely assigned.
                        if (AnalyzePotentialMatches(
                                symbolIsDefinitelyAssigned: parameter.RefKind != RefKind.Out,
                            return true;
                return false;
                // Be resilient to cases where the parameter might have multiple locations.  This
                // should not normally happen, but we want to be resilient in case it occurs in
                // error scenarios.
                var methodOrPropertyDeclaration = methodOrProperty.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.First().GetSyntax(cancellationToken);
                if (methodOrPropertyDeclaration.SyntaxTree != semanticModel.SyntaxTree)
                    return false;
                // All parameters (except for 'out' parameters), come in definitely assigned.
                return AnalyzePotentialMatches(
                    symbolIsDefinitelyAssigned: parameter.RefKind != RefKind.Out,
        bool TryGetParameterLocation(SemanticModel semanticModel, IParameterSymbol parameter, out TextSpan location)
            // Be resilient to cases where the parameter might have multiple locations.  This
            // should not normally happen, but we want to be resilient in case it occurs in
            // error scenarios.
            if (parameter.Locations.Length > 0)
                var parameterLocation = parameter.Locations[0];
                if (parameterLocation.SourceTree == semanticModel.SyntaxTree)
                    location = parameterLocation.SourceSpan;
                    return true;
            else if (parameter.ContainingSymbol.Name == WellKnownMemberNames.TopLevelStatementsEntryPointMethodName)
                // If this is a parameter of the top-level-main function, then the entire span of the compilation
                // unit is what we need to examine.
                location = default;
                return true;
            location = default;
            return false;
        bool ComputeLocalIsAssigned(SemanticModel semanticModel, ILocalSymbol local)
            if (local.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.Length == 0)
                return false;
            var localDeclaration = local.DeclaringSyntaxReferences
                .Select(r => r.GetSyntax(cancellationToken))
                .Where(s => s.SyntaxTree == semanticModel.SyntaxTree)
            if (localDeclaration == null)
                FatalError.ReportAndCatch(new InvalidOperationException("Local did not come from same file that we were analyzing?"));
                return false;
            // A local is definitely assigned during analysis if it had an initializer.
            return AnalyzePotentialMatches(
                symbolIsDefinitelyAssigned: HasInitializer(localDeclaration),
        bool AnalyzePotentialMatches(
            SemanticModel semanticModel,
            ISymbol localOrParameter,
            TextSpan localOrParameterDeclarationSpan,
            bool symbolIsDefinitelyAssigned,
            SyntaxNode parentScope)
            // Now, walk the scope, looking for all usages of the local.  See if any are a reassignment.
            using var _ = ArrayBuilder<SyntaxNode>.GetInstance(out var stack);
            while (stack.Count != 0)
                var current = stack.Last();
                foreach (var child in current.ChildNodesAndTokens())
                    if (child.AsNode(out var childNode))
                // Ignore any nodes before the decl.
                if (current.SpanStart <= localOrParameterDeclarationSpan.Start)
                // Only examine identifiers.
                if (current is not TIdentifierNameSyntax id)
                // Ignore identifiers that don't match the local name.
                var idToken = syntaxFacts.GetIdentifierOfSimpleName(id);
                if (!syntaxFacts.StringComparer.Equals(idToken.ValueText, localOrParameter.Name))
                // Ignore identifiers that bind to another symbol.
                var symbol = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(id, cancellationToken).Symbol;
                if (!AreEquivalent(localOrParameter, symbol))
                // Ok, we have a reference to the local.  See if it was assigned on entry.  If not, we don't care
                // about this reference. As an assignment here doesn't mean it was reassigned.
                // If we can statically tell it was definitely assigned, skip the more expensive dataflow check.
                if (!symbolIsDefinitelyAssigned)
                    var dataFlow = semanticModel.AnalyzeDataFlow(id);
                    if (!DefinitelyAssignedOnEntry(dataFlow, localOrParameter))
                // This was a variable that was already assigned prior to this location.  See if this location is
                // considered a write.
                if (semanticFacts.IsWrittenTo(semanticModel, id, cancellationToken))
                    return true;
            return false;
        bool AreEquivalent(ISymbol localOrParameter, ISymbol? symbol)
            if (symbol == null)
                return false;
            if (localOrParameter.Equals(symbol))
                return true;
            if (localOrParameter.Kind != symbol.Kind)
                return false;
            // Special case for property parameters.  When we bind to references, we'll bind to the parameters on
            // the accessor methods.  We need to map these back to the property parameter to see if we have a hit.
            if (localOrParameter is IParameterSymbol { ContainingSymbol: IPropertySymbol property } parameter)
                var getParameter = property.GetMethod?.Parameters[parameter.Ordinal];
                var setParameter = property.SetMethod?.Parameters[parameter.Ordinal];
                return Equals(getParameter, symbol) || Equals(setParameter, symbol);
            return false;
        bool DefinitelyAssignedOnEntry(DataFlowAnalysis? analysis, ISymbol? localOrParameter)
            if (analysis == null)
                return false;
            if (localOrParameter == null)
                return false;
            if (analysis.DefinitelyAssignedOnEntry.Contains(localOrParameter))
                return true;
            // Special case for property parameters.  When we bind to references, we'll bind to the parameters on
            // the accessor methods.  We need to map these back to the property parameter to see if we have a hit.
            if (localOrParameter is IParameterSymbol { ContainingSymbol: IPropertySymbol property } parameter)
                var getParameter = property.GetMethod?.Parameters[parameter.Ordinal];
                var setParameter = property.SetMethod?.Parameters[parameter.Ordinal];
                return DefinitelyAssignedOnEntry(analysis, getParameter) ||
                       DefinitelyAssignedOnEntry(analysis, setParameter);
            return false;