1 instantiation of SafeHandleLease
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces (1)
Shared\Extensions\SafeHandleExtensions.cs (1)
36return new SafeHandleLease(handle);
25 references to SafeHandleLease
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces (25)
Shared\Extensions\SafeHandleExtensions.cs (2)
24/// <returns>A <see cref="SafeHandleLease"/>, which must be disposed to release the resource.</returns> 26public static SafeHandleLease Lease(this SafeHandle handle)
Storage\SQLite\Interop\NativeMethods.cs (18)
39using var _ = db.Lease(); 62using var _ = db.Lease(); 85using var _ = db.Lease(); 96using var _ = db.Lease(); 102using var _ = db.Lease(); 108using var _ = db.Lease(); 114using var _ = blob.Lease(); 120using var _ = blob.Lease(); 126using var _ = stmt.Lease(); 132using var _ = stmt.Lease(); 138using var _ = stmt.Lease(); 148using var _ = stmt.Lease(); 154using var _ = stmt.Lease(); 160using var _ = stmt.Lease(); 166using var _ = stmt.Lease(); 172using var _ = stmt.Lease(); 178using var _ = stmt.Lease(); 184using var _ = stmt.Lease();
Storage\SQLite\Interop\SafeSqliteBlobHandle.cs (2)
15private readonly SafeHandleLease _lease; 16private readonly SafeHandleLease _sqliteLease;
Storage\SQLite\Interop\SafeSqliteHandle.cs (1)
15private readonly SafeHandleLease _lease;
Storage\SQLite\Interop\SafeSqliteStatementHandle.cs (2)
15private readonly SafeHandleLease _lease; 16private readonly SafeHandleLease _sqliteLease;