File: Storage\SQLite\Interop\NativeMethods.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Workspaces\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using SQLitePCL;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SQLite.Interop;
[SuppressMessage("Style", "IDE1006:Naming Styles", Justification = "Name chosen to match SQLitePCL.raw")]
internal static class NativeMethods
    public static SafeSqliteHandle sqlite3_open_v2(string filename, int flags, string? vfs, out Result result)
        result = (Result)raw.sqlite3_open_v2(filename, out var wrapper, flags, vfs);
        if (result != Result.OK)
            wrapper = null;
            // Always return a non-null handle to match default P/Invoke marshaling behavior. SafeHandle.IsInvalid
            // will be true when the handle is not usable, but the handle instance can be disposed either way.
            return new SafeSqliteHandle(wrapper);
    public static SafeSqliteStatementHandle sqlite3_prepare_v2(SafeSqliteHandle db, string sql, out Result result)
        using var _ = db.Lease();
        result = (Result)raw.sqlite3_prepare_v2(db.DangerousGetWrapper(), sql, out var wrapper);
        if (result != (int)Result.OK)
            wrapper = null;
            // Always return a non-null handle to match default P/Invoke marshaling behavior. SafeHandle.IsInvalid
            // will be true when the handle is not usable, but the handle instance can be disposed either way.
            return new SafeSqliteStatementHandle(db, wrapper);
    public static SafeSqliteBlobHandle sqlite3_blob_open(SafeSqliteHandle db, utf8z sdb, utf8z table, utf8z col, long rowid, int flags, out Result result)
        using var _ = db.Lease();
        result = (Result)raw.sqlite3_blob_open(db.DangerousGetWrapper(), sdb, table, col, rowid, flags, out var wrapper);
        if (result != (int)Result.OK)
            wrapper = null;
            // Always return a non-null handle to match default P/Invoke marshaling behavior. SafeHandle.IsInvalid
            // will be true when the handle is not usable, but the handle instance can be disposed either way.
            return new SafeSqliteBlobHandle(db, wrapper);
    public static string sqlite3_errmsg(SafeSqliteHandle db)
        using var _ = db.Lease();
        return raw.sqlite3_errmsg(db.DangerousGetWrapper()).utf8_to_string();
    public static string sqlite3_errstr(int rc)
        return raw.sqlite3_errstr(rc).utf8_to_string();
    public static int sqlite3_extended_errcode(SafeSqliteHandle db)
        using var _ = db.Lease();
        return raw.sqlite3_extended_errcode(db.DangerousGetWrapper());
    public static Result sqlite3_busy_timeout(SafeSqliteHandle db, int ms)
        using var _ = db.Lease();
        return (Result)raw.sqlite3_busy_timeout(db.DangerousGetWrapper(), ms);
    public static long sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(SafeSqliteHandle db)
        using var _ = db.Lease();
        return raw.sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db.DangerousGetWrapper());
    public static int sqlite3_blob_bytes(SafeSqliteBlobHandle blob)
        using var _ = blob.Lease();
        return raw.sqlite3_blob_bytes(blob.DangerousGetWrapper());
    public static Result sqlite3_blob_read(SafeSqliteBlobHandle blob, Span<byte> bytes, int offset)
        using var _ = blob.Lease();
        return (Result)raw.sqlite3_blob_read(blob.DangerousGetWrapper(), bytes, offset);
    public static Result sqlite3_reset(SafeSqliteStatementHandle stmt)
        using var _ = stmt.Lease();
        return (Result)raw.sqlite3_reset(stmt.DangerousGetWrapper());
    public static Result sqlite3_step(SafeSqliteStatementHandle stmt)
        using var _ = stmt.Lease();
        return (Result)raw.sqlite3_step(stmt.DangerousGetWrapper());
    public static Result sqlite3_bind_text(SafeSqliteStatementHandle stmt, int index, string val)
        using var _ = stmt.Lease();
        return (Result)raw.sqlite3_bind_text(stmt.DangerousGetWrapper(), index, val);
    /// <summary>
    /// <paramref name="val"><see cref="Encoding.UTF8"/> encoded bytes of a text value.  Span
    /// should not be NUL-terminated.</paramref>
    /// </summary>
    public static Result sqlite3_bind_text(SafeSqliteStatementHandle stmt, int index, ReadOnlySpan<byte> val)
        using var _ = stmt.Lease();
        return (Result)raw.sqlite3_bind_text(stmt.DangerousGetWrapper(), index, val);
    public static Result sqlite3_bind_int64(SafeSqliteStatementHandle stmt, int index, long val)
        using var _ = stmt.Lease();
        return (Result)raw.sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt.DangerousGetWrapper(), index, val);
    public static Result sqlite3_bind_blob(SafeSqliteStatementHandle stmt, int index, ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes)
        using var _ = stmt.Lease();
        return (Result)raw.sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt.DangerousGetWrapper(), index, bytes);
    public static int sqlite3_column_int(SafeSqliteStatementHandle stmt, int index)
        using var _ = stmt.Lease();
        return raw.sqlite3_column_int(stmt.DangerousGetWrapper(), index);
    public static long sqlite3_column_int64(SafeSqliteStatementHandle stmt, int index)
        using var _ = stmt.Lease();
        return raw.sqlite3_column_int64(stmt.DangerousGetWrapper(), index);
    public static string sqlite3_column_text(SafeSqliteStatementHandle stmt, int index)
        using var _ = stmt.Lease();
        return raw.sqlite3_column_text(stmt.DangerousGetWrapper(), index).utf8_to_string();
    public static int sqlite3_clear_bindings(SafeSqliteStatementHandle stmt)
        using var _ = stmt.Lease();
        return raw.sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt.DangerousGetWrapper());