File: PatternMatching\PatternMatcher.cs
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Project: src\src\Workspaces\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PatternMatching;
/// <summary>
/// The pattern matcher is not thread-safe.  Do not use the pattern matcher across mutiple threads concurrently.  It
/// also keeps an internal cache of data for speeding up operations.  As such, it should be disposed when done to
/// release the cached data back. and release the matcher appropriately once you no longer need it. Also, while the
/// pattern matcher is culture aware, it uses the culture specified in the constructor.
/// </summary>
internal abstract partial class PatternMatcher : IDisposable
    private static readonly char[] s_dotCharacterArray = ['.'];
    public const int NoBonus = 0;
    public const int CamelCaseContiguousBonus = 1;
    public const int CamelCaseMatchesFromStartBonus = 2;
    public const int CamelCaseMaxWeight = CamelCaseContiguousBonus + CamelCaseMatchesFromStartBonus;
    private readonly bool _includeMatchedSpans;
    private readonly bool _allowFuzzyMatching;
    // PERF: Cache the culture's compareInfo to avoid the overhead of asking for them repeatedly in inner loops
    private readonly CompareInfo _compareInfo;
    private readonly TextInfo _textInfo;
    private bool _invalidPattern;
    /// <summary>
    /// Construct a new PatternMatcher using the specified culture.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="culture">The culture to use for string searching and comparison.</param>
    /// <param name="includeMatchedSpans">Whether or not the matching parts of the candidate should be supplied in results.</param>
    /// <param name="allowFuzzyMatching">Whether or not close matches should count as matches.</param>
    protected PatternMatcher(
        bool includeMatchedSpans,
        CultureInfo? culture,
        bool allowFuzzyMatching = false)
        culture ??= CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
        _compareInfo = culture.CompareInfo;
        _textInfo = culture.TextInfo;
        _includeMatchedSpans = includeMatchedSpans;
        _allowFuzzyMatching = allowFuzzyMatching;
    public virtual void Dispose()
    public static PatternMatcher CreatePatternMatcher(
        string pattern,
        CultureInfo? culture = null,
        bool includeMatchedSpans = false,
        bool allowFuzzyMatching = false)
        return new SimplePatternMatcher(pattern, culture, includeMatchedSpans, allowFuzzyMatching);
    public static PatternMatcher CreateContainerPatternMatcher(
        string[] patternParts,
        char[] containerSplitCharacters,
        bool includeMatchedSpans = false,
        CultureInfo? culture = null,
        bool allowFuzzyMatching = false)
        return new ContainerPatternMatcher(
            patternParts, containerSplitCharacters, includeMatchedSpans, culture, allowFuzzyMatching);
    public static PatternMatcher CreateDotSeparatedContainerMatcher(
        string pattern,
        bool includeMatchedSpans = false,
        CultureInfo? culture = null,
        bool allowFuzzyMatching = false)
        return CreateContainerPatternMatcher(
            pattern.Split(s_dotCharacterArray, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries),
            s_dotCharacterArray, includeMatchedSpans, culture, allowFuzzyMatching);
    internal static (string name, string? containerOpt) GetNameAndContainer(string pattern)
        var dotIndex = pattern.LastIndexOf('.');
        var containsDots = dotIndex >= 0;
        return containsDots
            ? (name: pattern[(dotIndex + 1)..], containerOpt: pattern[..dotIndex])
            : (name: pattern, containerOpt: null);
    public abstract bool AddMatches(string? candidate, ref TemporaryArray<PatternMatch> matches);
    private bool SkipMatch([NotNullWhen(false)] string? candidate)
        => _invalidPattern || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(candidate);
    private static bool ContainsUpperCaseLetter(string pattern)
        // Expansion of "foreach(char ch in pattern)" to avoid a CharEnumerator allocation
        for (var i = 0; i < pattern.Length; i++)
            if (char.IsUpper(pattern[i]))
                return true;
        return false;
    private PatternMatch? MatchPatternChunk(
        string candidate,
        ref TextChunk patternChunk,
        bool punctuationStripped,
        bool fuzzyMatch)
        return fuzzyMatch
            ? FuzzyMatchPatternChunk(candidate, ref patternChunk, punctuationStripped)
            : NonFuzzyMatchPatternChunk(candidate, patternChunk, punctuationStripped);
    private static PatternMatch? FuzzyMatchPatternChunk(
        string candidate,
        ref TextChunk patternChunk,
        bool punctuationStripped)
        if (patternChunk.SimilarityChecker.AreSimilar(candidate))
            return new PatternMatch(
                PatternMatchKind.Fuzzy, punctuationStripped, isCaseSensitive: false, matchedSpan: null);
        return null;
    private PatternMatch? NonFuzzyMatchPatternChunk(
        string candidate,
        in TextChunk patternChunk,
        bool punctuationStripped)
        var candidateLength = candidate.Length;
        var caseInsensitiveIndex = _compareInfo.IndexOf(candidate, patternChunk.Text, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase);
        if (caseInsensitiveIndex == 0)
            // We found the pattern at the start of the candidate.  This is either an exact or
            // prefix match. 
            if (patternChunk.Text.Length == candidateLength)
                // Lengths were the same, this is either a case insensitive or sensitive exact match.
                return new PatternMatch(
                    PatternMatchKind.Exact, punctuationStripped, isCaseSensitive: candidate == patternChunk.Text,
                    matchedSpan: GetMatchedSpan(0, candidateLength));
                // Lengths were the same, this is either a case insensitive or sensitive prefix match.
                return new PatternMatch(
                    PatternMatchKind.Prefix, punctuationStripped, isCaseSensitive: _compareInfo.IsPrefix(candidate, patternChunk.Text),
                    matchedSpan: GetMatchedSpan(0, patternChunk.Text.Length));
        using var candidateHumps = TemporaryArray<TextSpan>.Empty;
        var patternIsLowercase = patternChunk.IsLowercase;
        if (caseInsensitiveIndex > 0)
            // We found the pattern somewhere in the candidate.  This could be a substring match.
            // However, we don't want to be overaggressive in returning just any substring results.
            // So do a few more checks to make sure this is a good result.
            if (!patternIsLowercase)
                // Pattern contained uppercase letters.  This is a strong indication from the
                // user that they expect the same letters to be uppercase in the result.  As 
                // such, only return this if we can find this pattern exactly in the candidate.
                var caseSensitiveIndex = _compareInfo.IndexOf(candidate, patternChunk.Text, CompareOptions.None);
                if (caseSensitiveIndex > 0)
                    if (char.IsUpper(candidate[caseInsensitiveIndex]))
                        return new PatternMatch(
                            PatternMatchKind.StartOfWordSubstring, punctuationStripped, isCaseSensitive: true,
                            matchedSpan: GetMatchedSpan(caseInsensitiveIndex, patternChunk.Text.Length));
                        return new PatternMatch(
                            PatternMatchKind.NonLowercaseSubstring, punctuationStripped, isCaseSensitive: true,
                            matchedSpan: GetMatchedSpan(caseSensitiveIndex, patternChunk.Text.Length));
                // Pattern was all lowercase.  This can lead to lots of hits.  For example, "bin" in
                // "CombineUnits".  Instead, we want it to match "Operator[|Bin|]ary" first rather than
                // Com[|bin|]eUnits
                // If the lowercase search string matched what looks to be the start of a word then that's a
                // reasonable hit. This is equivalent to 'bin' matching 'Operator[|Bin|]ary'
                if (char.IsUpper(candidate[caseInsensitiveIndex]))
                    return new PatternMatch(PatternMatchKind.StartOfWordSubstring, punctuationStripped,
                        isCaseSensitive: false,
                        matchedSpan: GetMatchedSpan(caseInsensitiveIndex, patternChunk.Text.Length));
                // Now do the more expensive check to see if we're at the start of a word.  This is to catch
                // word matches like CombineBinary.  We want to find the hit against '[|Bin|]ary' not
                // 'Com[|bin|]e'
                StringBreaker.AddWordParts(candidate, ref candidateHumps.AsRef());
                for (int i = 0, n = candidateHumps.Count; i < n; i++)
                    var hump = TextSpan.FromBounds(candidateHumps[i].Start, candidateLength);
                    if (PartStartsWith(candidate, hump, patternChunk.Text, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
                        return new PatternMatch(PatternMatchKind.StartOfWordSubstring, punctuationStripped,
                            isCaseSensitive: PartStartsWith(candidate, hump, patternChunk.Text, CompareOptions.None),
                            matchedSpan: GetMatchedSpan(hump.Start, patternChunk.Text.Length));
        // Didn't have an exact/prefix match, or a high enough quality substring match.
        // See if we can find a camel case match.
        if (candidateHumps.Count == 0)
            StringBreaker.AddWordParts(candidate, ref candidateHumps.AsRef());
        // Didn't have an exact/prefix match, or a high enough quality substring match.
        // See if we can find a camel case match.  
        var match = TryCamelCaseMatch(candidate, patternChunk, punctuationStripped, patternIsLowercase, candidateHumps);
        if (match != null)
            return match;
        // If pattern was all lowercase, we allow it to match an all lowercase section of the candidate.  But
        // only after we've tried all other forms first.  This is the weakest of all matches.  For example, if
        // user types 'bin' we want to match 'OperatorBinary' (start of word) or 'BinaryInformationNode' (camel
        // humps) before matching 'Combine'.
        // We only do this for strings longer than three characters to avoid too many false positives when the
        // user has only barely started writing a word.
        if (patternIsLowercase && caseInsensitiveIndex > 0 && patternChunk.Text.Length >= 3)
            var caseSensitiveIndex = _compareInfo.IndexOf(candidate, patternChunk.Text, CompareOptions.None);
            if (caseSensitiveIndex > 0)
                return new PatternMatch(
                    PatternMatchKind.LowercaseSubstring, punctuationStripped, isCaseSensitive: true,
                    matchedSpan: GetMatchedSpan(caseSensitiveIndex, patternChunk.Text.Length));
        return null;
    private TextSpan? GetMatchedSpan(int start, int length)
        => _includeMatchedSpans ? new TextSpan(start, length) : null;
    private static bool ContainsSpaceOrAsterisk(string text)
        for (var i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
            var ch = text[i];
            if (ch is ' ' or '*')
                return true;
        return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Internal helper for MatchPatternInternal
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// PERF: Designed to minimize allocations in common cases.
    /// If there's no match, then null is returned.
    /// If there's a single match, or the caller only wants the first match, then it is returned (as a Nullable)
    /// If there are multiple matches, and the caller wants them all, then a List is allocated.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="candidate">The word being tested.</param>
    /// <param name="segment">The segment of the pattern to check against the candidate.</param>
    /// <param name="matches">The result array to place the matches in.</param>
    /// <param name="fuzzyMatch">If a fuzzy match should be performed</param>
    /// <returns>If there's only one match, then the return value is that match. Otherwise it is null.</returns>
    private bool MatchPatternSegment(
        string candidate,
        ref PatternSegment segment,
        ref TemporaryArray<PatternMatch> matches,
        bool fuzzyMatch)
        if (fuzzyMatch && !_allowFuzzyMatching)
            return false;
        // First check if the segment matches as is.  This is also useful if the segment contains
        // characters we would normally strip when splitting into parts that we also may want to
        // match in the candidate.  For example if the segment is "@int" and the candidate is
        // "@int", then that will show up as an exact match here.
        // Note: if the segment contains a space or an asterisk then we must assume that it's a
        // multi-word segment.
        if (!ContainsSpaceOrAsterisk(segment.TotalTextChunk.Text))
            var match = MatchPatternChunk(
                candidate, ref segment.TotalTextChunk, punctuationStripped: false, fuzzyMatch: fuzzyMatch);
            if (match != null)
                return true;
        // The logic for pattern matching is now as follows:
        // 1) Break the segment passed in into words.  Breaking is rather simple and a
        //    good way to think about it that if gives you all the individual alphanumeric words
        //    of the pattern.
        // 2) For each word try to match the word against the candidate value.
        // 3) Matching logic is outlined in NonFuzzyMatchPatternChunk. It's not repeated here to
        //    prevent having multiple places to keep up to date.
        // Only if all words have some sort of match is the pattern considered matched.
        // Special case a simple pattern (alpha-numeric with no spaces).  This is the common
        // case and we want to prevent unnecessary overhead.
        var subWordTextChunks = segment.SubWordTextChunks;
        if (subWordTextChunks.Length == 1)
            var result = MatchPatternChunk(
                candidate, ref subWordTextChunks[0], punctuationStripped: true, fuzzyMatch: fuzzyMatch);
            if (result == null)
                return false;
            return true;
            using var tempMatches = TemporaryArray<PatternMatch>.Empty;
            for (int i = 0, n = subWordTextChunks.Length; i < n; i++)
                // Try to match the candidate with this word
                var result = MatchPatternChunk(
                    candidate, ref subWordTextChunks[i], punctuationStripped: true, fuzzyMatch: fuzzyMatch);
                if (result == null)
                    return false;
            return tempMatches.Count > 0;
    private static bool IsWordChar(char ch)
        => char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || ch == '_';
    /// <summary>
    /// Do the two 'parts' match? i.e. Does the candidate part start with the pattern part?
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="candidate">The candidate text</param>
    /// <param name="candidatePart">The span within the <paramref name="candidate"/> text</param>
    /// <param name="pattern">The pattern text</param>
    /// <param name="patternPart">The span within the <paramref name="pattern"/> text</param>
    /// <param name="compareOptions">Options for doing the comparison (case sensitive or not)</param>
    /// <returns>True if the span identified by <paramref name="candidatePart"/> within <paramref name="candidate"/> starts with
    /// the span identified by <paramref name="patternPart"/> within <paramref name="pattern"/>.</returns>
    private bool PartStartsWith(string candidate, TextSpan candidatePart, string pattern, TextSpan patternPart, CompareOptions compareOptions)
        if (patternPart.Length > candidatePart.Length)
            // Pattern part is longer than the candidate part. There can never be a match.
            return false;
        return _compareInfo.Compare(
            candidate, candidatePart.Start, patternPart.Length,
            pattern, patternPart.Start, patternPart.Length, compareOptions) == 0;
    /// <summary>
    /// Does the given part start with the given pattern?
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="candidate">The candidate text</param>
    /// <param name="candidatePart">The span within the <paramref name="candidate"/> text</param>
    /// <param name="pattern">The pattern text</param>
    /// <param name="compareOptions">Options for doing the comparison (case sensitive or not)</param>
    /// <returns>True if the span identified by <paramref name="candidatePart"/> within <paramref name="candidate"/> starts with <paramref name="pattern"/></returns>
    private bool PartStartsWith(string candidate, TextSpan candidatePart, string pattern, CompareOptions compareOptions)
        => PartStartsWith(candidate, candidatePart, pattern, new TextSpan(0, pattern.Length), compareOptions);
    private PatternMatch? TryCamelCaseMatch(
        string candidate,
        in TextChunk patternChunk,
        bool punctuationStripped,
        bool isLowercase,
        in TemporaryArray<TextSpan> candidateHumps)
        if (isLowercase)
            //   e) If the word was entirely lowercase, then attempt a special lower cased camel cased 
            //      match.  i.e. cofipro would match CodeFixProvider.
            var camelCaseKind = TryAllLowerCamelCaseMatch(
                candidate, candidateHumps, patternChunk, out var matchedSpans);
            if (camelCaseKind.HasValue)
                return new PatternMatch(
                    camelCaseKind.Value, punctuationStripped, isCaseSensitive: false,
                    matchedSpans: matchedSpans);
            //   f) If the word was not entirely lowercase, then attempt a normal camel cased match.
            //      i.e. CoFiPro would match CodeFixProvider, but CofiPro would not.  
            if (patternChunk.PatternHumps.Count > 0)
                // PERF: This can be called thousands of times per completion session with only a handful of matches found.
                // Checking for case insensitive initially reduces the TryUpperCaseCamelCaseMatch call count to 1 for the
                // non-matching candidates, but increases the call count to 2 for the much less frequent matching candidates.
                var camelCaseKindIgnoreCase = TryUpperCaseCamelCaseMatch(candidate, candidateHumps, patternChunk, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase, out var matchedSpansIgnoreCase);
                if (camelCaseKindIgnoreCase.HasValue)
                    var camelCaseKind = TryUpperCaseCamelCaseMatch(candidate, candidateHumps, patternChunk, CompareOptions.None, out var matchedSpans);
                    if (camelCaseKind.HasValue)
                        return new PatternMatch(
                            camelCaseKind.Value, punctuationStripped, isCaseSensitive: true,
                            matchedSpans: matchedSpans);
                    return new PatternMatch(
                        camelCaseKindIgnoreCase.Value, punctuationStripped, isCaseSensitive: false,
                        matchedSpans: matchedSpansIgnoreCase);
        return null;
    private PatternMatchKind? TryAllLowerCamelCaseMatch(
        string candidate,
        in TemporaryArray<TextSpan> candidateHumps,
        in TextChunk patternChunk,
        out ImmutableArray<TextSpan> matchedSpans)
        var matcher = new AllLowerCamelCaseMatcher(_includeMatchedSpans, candidate, patternChunk.Text, _textInfo);
        return matcher.TryMatch(candidateHumps, out matchedSpans);
    private PatternMatchKind? TryUpperCaseCamelCaseMatch(
        string candidate,
        in TemporaryArray<TextSpan> candidateHumps,
        in TextChunk patternChunk,
        CompareOptions compareOption,
        out ImmutableArray<TextSpan> matchedSpans)
        ref readonly var patternHumps = ref patternChunk.PatternHumps;
        // Note: we may have more pattern parts than candidate parts.  This is because multiple
        // pattern parts may match a candidate part.  For example "SiUI" against "SimpleUI".
        // We'll have 3 pattern parts Si/U/I against two candidate parts Simple/UI.  However, U
        // and I will both match in UI. 
        var currentCandidateHump = 0;
        var currentPatternHump = 0;
        int? firstMatch = null;
        bool? contiguous = null;
        var patternHumpCount = patternHumps.Count;
        var candidateHumpCount = candidateHumps.Count;
        using var matchSpans = TemporaryArray<TextSpan>.Empty;
        while (true)
            // Let's consider our termination cases
            if (currentPatternHump == patternHumpCount)
                var matchCount = matchSpans.Count;
                matchedSpans = _includeMatchedSpans
                    ? new NormalizedTextSpanCollection(matchSpans.ToImmutableAndClear()).ToImmutableArray()
                    : [];
                var camelCaseResult = new CamelCaseResult(firstMatch == 0, contiguous.Value, matchCount, null);
                return GetCamelCaseKind(camelCaseResult, candidateHumps);
            else if (currentCandidateHump == candidateHumpCount)
                // No match, since we still have more of the pattern to hit
                matchedSpans = [];
                return null;
            var candidateHump = candidateHumps[currentCandidateHump];
            var gotOneMatchThisCandidate = false;
            // Consider the case of matching SiUI against SimpleUIElement. The candidate parts
            // will be Simple/UI/Element, and the pattern parts will be Si/U/I.  We'll match 'Si'
            // against 'Simple' first.  Then we'll match 'U' against 'UI'. However, we want to
            // still keep matching pattern parts against that candidate part. 
            for (; currentPatternHump < patternHumpCount; currentPatternHump++)
                var patternChunkCharacterSpan = patternHumps[currentPatternHump];
                if (gotOneMatchThisCandidate)
                    // We've already gotten one pattern part match in this candidate.  We will
                    // only continue trying to consume pattern parts if the last part and this
                    // part are both upper case.  
                    if (!char.IsUpper(patternChunk.Text[patternHumps[currentPatternHump - 1].Start]) ||
                if (!PartStartsWith(candidate, candidateHump, patternChunk.Text, patternChunkCharacterSpan, compareOption))
                matchSpans.Add(new TextSpan(candidateHump.Start, patternChunkCharacterSpan.Length));
                gotOneMatchThisCandidate = true;
                firstMatch ??= currentCandidateHump;
                // If we were contiguous, then keep that value.  If we weren't, then keep that
                // value.  If we don't know, then set the value to 'true' as an initial match is
                // obviously contiguous.
                contiguous ??= true;
                candidateHump = new TextSpan(candidateHump.Start + patternChunkCharacterSpan.Length, candidateHump.Length - patternChunkCharacterSpan.Length);
            // Check if we matched anything at all.  If we didn't, then we need to unset the
            // contiguous bit if we currently had it set.
            // If we haven't set the bit yet, then that means we haven't matched anything so
            // far, and we don't want to change that.
            if (!gotOneMatchThisCandidate && contiguous.HasValue)
                contiguous = false;
            // Move onto the next candidate.