File: PatternMatching\AllLowerCamelCaseMatcher.cs
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Project: src\src\Workspaces\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces)
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// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PatternMatching;
internal partial class PatternMatcher
    /// <summary>
    /// Encapsulated matches responsible for matching an all lowercase pattern against
    /// a candidate using CamelCase matching. i.e. this code is responsible for finding the
    /// match between "cofipro" and "CodeFixProvider". 
    /// </summary>
    private readonly struct AllLowerCamelCaseMatcher(
        bool includeMatchedSpans,
        string candidate,
        string patternChunkText,
        TextInfo textInfo)
        private readonly TextInfo _textInfo = textInfo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns null if no match was found, 1 if a contiguous match was found, 2 if a 
        /// match as found that starts at the beginning of the candidate, and 3 if a contiguous
        /// match was found that starts at the beginning of the candidate.
        /// </summary>
        public PatternMatchKind? TryMatch(
            in TemporaryArray<TextSpan> candidateHumps, out ImmutableArray<TextSpan> matchedSpans)
            // We have something like cofipro and we want to match CodeFixProvider.  
            // Note that this is incredibly ambiguous.  We'd also want this to match 
            // CorporateOfficePartsRoom So, for example, if we were to consume the "co" 
            // as matching "Corporate", then "f" wouldn't match any camel hump.  So we
            // basically have to branch out and try all options at every character
            // in the pattern chunk.
            var result = TryMatch(
               patternIndex: 0, candidateHumpIndex: 0, contiguous: null, candidateHumps);
            if (result == null)
                matchedSpans = [];
                return null;
            matchedSpans = includeMatchedSpans && result.Value.MatchedSpansInReverse != null
                ? new NormalizedTextSpanCollection(result.Value.MatchedSpansInReverse).ToImmutableArray()
                : [];
            return GetKind(result.Value, candidateHumps);
        private static PatternMatchKind GetKind(CamelCaseResult result, in TemporaryArray<TextSpan> candidateHumps)
            => GetCamelCaseKind(result, candidateHumps);
        private CamelCaseResult? TryMatch(
            int patternIndex, int candidateHumpIndex, bool? contiguous, in TemporaryArray<TextSpan> candidateHumps)
            if (patternIndex == patternChunkText.Length)
                // We hit the end.  So we were able to match against this candidate.
                // We are contiguous if our contiguous tracker was not set to false.
                var matchedSpansInReverse = includeMatchedSpans ? ArrayBuilder<TextSpan>.GetInstance() : null;
                return new CamelCaseResult(
                    fromStart: false,
                    contiguous: contiguous != false,
                    matchCount: 0,
                    matchedSpansInReverse: matchedSpansInReverse);
            var bestResult = (CamelCaseResult?)null;
            // Look for a hump in the candidate that matches the current letter we're on.
            var patternCharacter = patternChunkText[patternIndex];
            for (int humpIndex = candidateHumpIndex, n = candidateHumps.Count; humpIndex < n; humpIndex++)
                // If we've been contiguous, but we jumped past a hump, then we're no longer contiguous.
                if (contiguous.HasValue && contiguous.Value)
                    contiguous = humpIndex == candidateHumpIndex;
                var candidateHump = candidateHumps[humpIndex];
                if (ToLower(candidate[candidateHump.Start], _textInfo) == patternCharacter)
                    // Found a hump in the candidate string that matches the current pattern
                    // character we're on.  i.e. we matched the c in cofipro against the C in 
                    // CodeFixProvider.
                    // Now, for each subsequent character, we need to both try to consume it
                    // as part of the current hump, or see if it should match the next hump.
                    // Note, if the candidate is something like CodeFixProvider and our pattern
                    // is cofipro, and we've matched the 'f' against the 'F', then the max of
                    // the pattern we'll want to consume is "fip" against "Fix".  We don't want
                    // consume parts of the pattern once we reach the next hump.
                    // We matched something.  If this was our first match, consider ourselves
                    // contiguous.
                    var localContiguous = contiguous == null ? true : contiguous.Value;
                    var result = TryConsumePatternOrMatchNextHump(
                        patternIndex, humpIndex, localContiguous, candidateHumps);
                    if (result == null)
                    if (UpdateBestResultIfBetter(result.Value, ref bestResult, matchSpanToAdd: null, candidateHumps))
                        // We found the best result so far.  We can stop immediately.
            return bestResult;
        private static char ToLower(char v, TextInfo textInfo)
            return IsAscii(v)
                ? ToLowerAsciiInvariant(v)
                : textInfo.ToLower(v);
        private static bool IsAscii(char v)
            => v < 0x80;
        private static char ToLowerAsciiInvariant(char c)
            => c is >= 'A' and <= 'Z'
                ? (char)(c | 0x20)
                : c;
        private CamelCaseResult? TryConsumePatternOrMatchNextHump(
            int patternIndex, int humpIndex, bool contiguous, in TemporaryArray<TextSpan> candidateHumps)
            var bestResult = (CamelCaseResult?)null;
            var candidateHump = candidateHumps[humpIndex];
            var maxPatternHumpLength = patternChunkText.Length - patternIndex;
            var maxCandidateHumpLength = candidateHump.Length;
            var maxHumpMatchLength = Math.Min(maxPatternHumpLength, maxCandidateHumpLength);
            for (var possibleHumpMatchLength = 1; possibleHumpMatchLength <= maxHumpMatchLength; possibleHumpMatchLength++)
                if (!LowercaseSubstringsMatch(
                        candidate, candidateHump.Start,
                        patternChunkText, patternIndex, possibleHumpMatchLength))
                    // Stop trying to consume once the pattern contents no longer matches
                    // against the current candidate hump.
                // The pattern substring 'f' has matched against 'F', or 'fi' has matched
                // against 'Fi'.  recurse and let the rest of the pattern match the remainder
                // of the candidate.
                var resultOpt = TryMatch(
                    patternIndex + possibleHumpMatchLength, humpIndex + 1, contiguous, candidateHumps);
                if (resultOpt == null)
                    // Didn't match.  Try the next longer pattern chunk.
                var result = resultOpt.Value;
                // If this is our first hump add a 'from start' bonus.
                if (humpIndex == 0)
                    result = result.WithFromStart(true);
                // This is the span of the hump of the candidate we matched.
                var matchSpanToAdd = new TextSpan(candidateHump.Start, possibleHumpMatchLength);
                if (UpdateBestResultIfBetter(result, ref bestResult, matchSpanToAdd, candidateHumps))
                    // We found the best result so far.  We can stop immediately.
            return bestResult;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the currently stored 'best result' if the current result is better.
        /// Returns 'true' if no further work is required and we can break early, or 
        /// 'false' if we need to keep on going.
        /// If 'weight' is better than 'bestWeight' and matchSpanToAdd is not null, then
        /// matchSpanToAdd will be added to matchedSpansInReverse.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool UpdateBestResultIfBetter(
            CamelCaseResult result, ref CamelCaseResult? bestResult, TextSpan? matchSpanToAdd, in TemporaryArray<TextSpan> candidateHumps)
            if (matchSpanToAdd != null)
                result = result.WithAddedMatchedSpan(matchSpanToAdd.Value);
            if (!IsBetter(result, bestResult, candidateHumps))
                // Even though we matched this current candidate hump we failed to match
                // the remainder of the pattern.  Continue to the next candidate hump
                // to see if our pattern character will match it and potentially succeed.
                // We need to keep going.
                return false;
            // This was result was better than whatever previous best result we had was.
            // Free and overwrite the existing best results, and keep going.
            bestResult = result;
            // We found a path that allowed us to match everything contiguously
            // from the beginning.  This is the best match possible.  So we can
            // just break out now and return this result.
            return GetKind(result, candidateHumps) == PatternMatchKind.CamelCaseExact;
        private static bool IsBetter(CamelCaseResult result, CamelCaseResult? currentBestResult, in TemporaryArray<TextSpan> candidateHumps)
            if (currentBestResult == null)
                // We have no current best.  So this result is the best.
                return true;
            return GetKind(result, candidateHumps) < GetKind(currentBestResult.Value, candidateHumps);
        private bool LowercaseSubstringsMatch(
            string s1, int start1, string s2, int start2, int length)
            var textInfo = _textInfo;
            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
                if (ToLower(s1[start1 + i], textInfo) != ToLower(s2[start2 + i], textInfo))
                    return false;
            return true;