// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Serialization;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Storage;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindSymbols;
internal sealed partial class SymbolTreeInfo
private static readonly ObjectPool<MultiDictionary<string, INamespaceOrTypeSymbol>> s_symbolMapPool = new(() => []);
private static MultiDictionary<string, INamespaceOrTypeSymbol> AllocateSymbolMap()
=> s_symbolMapPool.Allocate();
private static void FreeSymbolMap(MultiDictionary<string, INamespaceOrTypeSymbol> symbolMap)
private static string GetSourceKeySuffix(Project project)
=> "_Source_" + project.FilePath;
public static Task<SymbolTreeInfo> GetInfoForSourceAssemblyAsync(
Project project, Checksum checksum, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var solution = project.Solution;
return LoadOrCreateAsync(
createAsync: checksum => CreateSourceSymbolTreeInfoAsync(project, checksum, cancellationToken),
keySuffix: GetSourceKeySuffix(project),
/// <summary>
/// Loads any info we have for this project from our persistence store. Will succeed regardless of the
/// checksum of the <paramref name="project"/>. Should only be used by clients that are ok with potentially
/// stale data.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<SymbolTreeInfo?> LoadAnyInfoForSourceAssemblyAsync(
Project project, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return await LoadAsync(
checksum: await GetSourceSymbolsChecksumAsync(project, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false),
checksumMustMatch: false,
/// <summary>
/// Cache of project to the checksum for it so that we don't have to expensively recompute
/// this each time we get a project.
/// </summary>
private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<ProjectState, AsyncLazy<Checksum>> s_projectToSourceChecksum = new();
public static Task<Checksum> GetSourceSymbolsChecksumAsync(Project project, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var lazy = s_projectToSourceChecksum.GetValue(
static p => AsyncLazy.Create(
static (p, c) => ComputeSourceSymbolsChecksumAsync(p, c),
arg: p));
return lazy.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken);
private static async Task<Checksum> ComputeSourceSymbolsChecksumAsync(ProjectState projectState, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// The SymbolTree for source is built from the source-symbols from the project's compilation's
// assembly. Specifically, we only get the name, kind and parent/child relationship of all the
// child symbols. So we want to be able to reuse the index as long as none of these have
// changed. The only thing that can make those source-symbols change in that manner are if
// the text of any document changes, or if options for the project change. So we build our
// checksum out of that data.
var serializer = projectState.LanguageServices.SolutionServices.GetService<ISerializerService>();
var projectStateChecksums = await projectState.GetStateChecksumsAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Order the documents by FilePath. Default ordering in the RemoteWorkspace is
// to be ordered by Guid (which is not consistent across VS sessions).
var textChecksumsTasks = projectState.DocumentStates.States.Values.OrderBy(state => state.FilePath, StringComparer.Ordinal).Select(async state =>
var documentStateChecksum = await state.GetStateChecksumsAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return documentStateChecksum.Text;
var compilationOptionsChecksum = projectStateChecksums.CompilationOptions;
var parseOptionsChecksum = projectStateChecksums.ParseOptions;
var textChecksums = await Task.WhenAll(textChecksumsTasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<Checksum>.GetInstance(out var allChecksums);
// Include serialization format version in our checksum. That way if the
// version ever changes, all persisted data won't match the current checksum
// we expect, and we'll recompute things.
return Checksum.Create(allChecksums);
internal static async ValueTask<SymbolTreeInfo> CreateSourceSymbolTreeInfoAsync(
Project project, Checksum checksum, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var compilation = await project.GetCompilationAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var assembly = compilation?.Assembly;
if (assembly == null)
return CreateEmpty(checksum);
var symbolMap = AllocateSymbolMap();
// generate nodes for the global namespace and all descendants
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<BuilderNode>.GetInstance(out var unsortedBuilderNodes);
var globalNamespaceName = assembly.GlobalNamespace.Name;
symbolMap.Add(globalNamespaceName, assembly.GlobalNamespace);
GenerateSourceNodes(globalNamespaceName, RootNodeParentIndex, symbolMap[globalNamespaceName], unsortedBuilderNodes);
return CreateSymbolTreeInfo(
inheritanceMap: [],
receiverTypeNameToExtensionMethodMap: null);
private static void GenerateSourceNodes(
string name,
int parentIndex,
MultiDictionary<string, INamespaceOrTypeSymbol>.ValueSet symbolsWithSameName,
ArrayBuilder<BuilderNode> list)
// Add the node for this name, and record which parent it points at. And keep track of the index of the
// node we just added.
var node = new BuilderNode(name, parentIndex);
var nodeIndex = list.Count;
var symbolMap = AllocateSymbolMap();
using var _ = PooledHashSet<string>.GetInstance(out var seenNames);
// Walk the symbols with this name, and add all their child namespaces and types, grouping them together
// based on their name. There may be multiple (for example, Action<T1>, Action<T1, T2>, etc.)
foreach (var symbol in symbolsWithSameName)
AddChildNamespacesAndTypes(symbol, symbolMap);
// Now, go through all those groups and make the single mapping from their name to the builder-node we
// just created above, and recurse into their children as well.
foreach (var (childName, childSymbols) in symbolMap)
GenerateSourceNodes(childName, nodeIndex, childSymbols, list);
// The above loops only create nodes for namespaces and types. we also want nodes for members as well.
// However, we do not want to force the symbols for those members to be created just to get the names.
// So walk through the symbols again, and for the named-types grab all the member-names contained
// therein. If we didn't already see that child name when recursing above, then make a builder-node for
// it that points to the builder-node we just created above.
foreach (var symbol in symbolsWithSameName)
if (symbol is INamedTypeSymbol namedType)
foreach (var childMemberName in namedType.MemberNames)
if (seenNames.Add(childMemberName))
list.Add(new BuilderNode(childMemberName, nodeIndex));
private static void AddChildNamespacesAndTypes(INamespaceOrTypeSymbol symbol, MultiDictionary<string, INamespaceOrTypeSymbol> symbolMap)
if (symbol is INamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol)
foreach (var childNamespaceOrType in namespaceSymbol.GetMembers())
symbolMap.Add(childNamespaceOrType.Name, childNamespaceOrType);
else if (symbol is INamedTypeSymbol namedTypeSymbol)
// for named-types, we only need to recurse into child types. Call GetTypeMembers instead of GetMembers
// so we do not cause all child symbols to be created.
foreach (var childType in namedTypeSymbol.GetTypeMembers())
symbolMap.Add(childType.Name, childType);