File: FindSymbols\SymbolTree\SymbolTreeInfo_Metadata.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Workspaces\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Reflection.Metadata.Ecma335;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Serialization;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Storage;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindSymbols;
internal partial class SymbolTreeInfo
    /// <summary>
    /// Cache the symbol tree infos for assembly symbols produced from a particular <see
    /// cref="PortableExecutableReference"/>. Generating symbol trees for metadata can be expensive (in large
    /// metadata cases).  And it's common for us to have many threads to want to search the same metadata
    /// simultaneously. As such, we use an AsyncLazy to compute the value that can be shared among all callers.
    /// <para>
    /// We store this keyed off of the <see cref="Checksum"/> produced by <see cref="GetMetadataChecksum"/>.  This
    /// ensures that 
    /// </para>
    /// </summary>
    private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<PortableExecutableReference, AsyncLazy<SymbolTreeInfo>> s_peReferenceToInfo = new();
    /// <summary>
    /// Similar to <see cref="s_peReferenceToInfo"/> except that this caches based on metadata id.  The primary
    /// difference here is that you can have the same MetadataId from two different <see
    /// cref="PortableExecutableReference"/>s, while having different checksums.  For example, if the aliases of a
    /// <see cref="PortableExecutableReference"/> are changed (see <see
    /// cref="PortableExecutableReference.WithAliases(IEnumerable{string})"/>, then it will have a different
    /// checksum, but same metadata ID.  As such, we can use this table to ensure we only do the expensive
    /// computation of the <see cref="SymbolTreeInfo"/> once per <see cref="MetadataId"/>, but we may then have to
    /// make a copy of it with a new <see cref="Checksum"/> if the checksums differ.
    /// </summary>
    private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<MetadataId, AsyncLazy<SymbolTreeInfo>> s_metadataIdToSymbolTreeInfo = new();
    private static string GetMetadataNameWithoutBackticks(MetadataReader reader, StringHandle name)
        var blobReader = reader.GetBlobReader(name);
        var backtickIndex = blobReader.IndexOf((byte)'`');
        if (backtickIndex == -1)
            return reader.GetString(name);
            return MetadataStringDecoder.DefaultUTF8.GetString(
                blobReader.CurrentPointer, backtickIndex);
    public static MetadataId? GetMetadataIdNoThrow(PortableExecutableReference reference)
            return reference.GetMetadataId();
        catch (Exception e) when (e is BadImageFormatException or IOException)
            return null;
    private static Metadata? GetMetadataNoThrow(PortableExecutableReference reference)
            return reference.GetMetadata();
        catch (Exception e) when (e is BadImageFormatException or IOException)
            return null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Produces a <see cref="SymbolTreeInfo"/> for a given <see cref="PortableExecutableReference"/>.
    /// Note:  will never return null;
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="checksum">Optional checksum for the <paramref name="reference"/> (produced by <see
    /// cref="GetMetadataChecksum"/>).  Can be provided if already computed.  If not provided it will be computed
    /// and used for the <see cref="SymbolTreeInfo"/>.</param>
    [PerformanceSensitive("", OftenCompletesSynchronously = true)]
    public static ValueTask<SymbolTreeInfo> GetInfoForMetadataReferenceAsync(
        Solution solution,
        PortableExecutableReference reference,
        Checksum? checksum,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        return GetInfoForMetadataReferenceAsync(
    /// <summary>
    /// Produces a <see cref="SymbolTreeInfo"/> for a given <see cref="PortableExecutableReference"/>.
    /// Note:  will never return null;
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="checksum">Optional checksum for the <paramref name="reference"/> (produced by <see
    /// cref="GetMetadataChecksum"/>).  Can be provided if already computed.  If not provided it will be computed
    /// and used for the <see cref="SymbolTreeInfo"/>.</param>
    [PerformanceSensitive("", OftenCompletesSynchronously = true)]
    public static async ValueTask<SymbolTreeInfo> GetInfoForMetadataReferenceAsync(
        SolutionServices solutionServices,
        SolutionKey solutionKey,
        PortableExecutableReference reference,
        Checksum? checksum,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        checksum ??= GetMetadataChecksum(solutionServices, reference, cancellationToken);
        if (s_peReferenceToInfo.TryGetValue(reference, out var infoTask))
            var info = await infoTask.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(info.Checksum != checksum, "How could the info stored for a particular PEReference now have a different checksum?");
            return info;
        return await GetInfoForMetadataReferenceSlowAsync(
            solutionServices, solutionKey, reference, checksum.Value, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        static async Task<SymbolTreeInfo> GetInfoForMetadataReferenceSlowAsync(
            SolutionServices services,
            SolutionKey solutionKey,
            PortableExecutableReference reference,
            Checksum checksum,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Important: this captured async lazy may live a long time *without* computing the final results. As
            // such, it is important that it not capture any large state.  For example, it should not hold onto a
            // Solution instance.
            // this is keyed per reference, so that have unique SymbolTreeInfo's per reference with their own
            // correct checksum.  Ensuring we only compute this once per *Metadata* instance though is handled below in 
            // CreateMetadataSymbolTreeInfoAsync
            var asyncLazy = s_peReferenceToInfo.GetValue(
                id => AsyncLazy.Create(static (arg, c) =>
                    CreateMetadataSymbolTreeInfoAsync(, arg.solutionKey, arg.reference, arg.checksum, c),
                    arg: (services, solutionKey, reference, checksum)));
            return await asyncLazy.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        static async Task<SymbolTreeInfo> CreateMetadataSymbolTreeInfoAsync(
            SolutionServices services,
            SolutionKey solutionKey,
            PortableExecutableReference reference,
            Checksum checksum,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var metadataId = GetMetadataIdNoThrow(reference);
            if (metadataId == null)
                return CreateEmpty(checksum);
            var asyncLazy = s_metadataIdToSymbolTreeInfo.GetValue(
                metadataId => AsyncLazy.Create(static (arg, cancellationToken) =>
                        createAsync: checksum => new ValueTask<SymbolTreeInfo>(new MetadataInfoCreator(checksum, GetMetadataNoThrow(arg.reference)).Create()),
                        keySuffix: GetMetadataKeySuffix(arg.reference),
                    arg: (services, solutionKey, checksum, reference)));
            var metadataIdSymbolTreeInfo = await asyncLazy.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            // we got the info that was originally computed against this particular metadata-id.  However, the same
            // ID could be reused across different PEReferences/checksums (for example, a PEReference whose aliases
            // were changed).  As such, if this doesn't correspond to the same checksum, make a copy of this tree
            // specific to the checksum we were asked for.
            return metadataIdSymbolTreeInfo.WithChecksum(checksum);
    public static async Task<SymbolTreeInfo?> TryGetCachedInfoForMetadataReferenceIgnoreChecksumAsync(PortableExecutableReference reference, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (!s_peReferenceToInfo.TryGetValue(reference, out var infoTask))
            return null;
        return await infoTask.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
    [PerformanceSensitive("", AllowCaptures = false)]
    public static Checksum GetMetadataChecksum(
        SolutionServices services, PortableExecutableReference reference, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // We can reuse the index for any given reference as long as it hasn't changed.
        // So our checksum is just the checksum for the PEReference itself.
        return ChecksumCache.GetOrCreate(reference, static (reference, tuple) =>
            var (services, cancellationToken) = tuple;
            var serializer = services.GetRequiredService<ISerializerService>();
            var checksum = serializer.CreateChecksum(reference, cancellationToken);
            // Include serialization format version in our checksum.  That way if the 
            // version ever changes, all persisted data won't match the current checksum
            // we expect, and we'll recompute things.
            return Checksum.Create(checksum, SerializationFormatChecksum);
        }, (services, cancellationToken));
    private static string GetMetadataKeySuffix(PortableExecutableReference reference)
        => "_Metadata_" + reference.FilePath;
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads any info we have for this reference from our persistence store.  Will succeed regardless of the
    /// checksum of the <paramref name="reference"/>.  Should only be used by clients that are ok with potentially
    /// stale data.
    /// </summary>
    public static Task<SymbolTreeInfo?> LoadAnyInfoForMetadataReferenceAsync(
        Solution solution,
        PortableExecutableReference reference,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        return LoadAsync(
            checksum: GetMetadataChecksum(solution.Services, reference, cancellationToken),
            checksumMustMatch: false,
            keySuffix: GetMetadataKeySuffix(reference),
    private struct MetadataInfoCreator(
        Checksum checksum, Metadata? metadata) : IDisposable
        private static readonly Predicate<string> s_isNotNullOrEmpty = s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s);
        private static readonly ObjectPool<List<string>> s_stringListPool = SharedPools.Default<List<string>>();
        private readonly OrderPreservingMultiDictionary<string, string> _inheritanceMap = OrderPreservingMultiDictionary<string, string>.GetInstance();
        private readonly OrderPreservingMultiDictionary<MetadataNode, MetadataNode> _parentToChildren = OrderPreservingMultiDictionary<MetadataNode, MetadataNode>.GetInstance();
        private readonly MetadataNode _rootNode = MetadataNode.Allocate(name: "");
        // The set of type definitions we've read out of the current metadata reader.
        private readonly List<MetadataDefinition> _allTypeDefinitions = [];
        // Map from node represents extension method to list of possible parameter type info.
        // We can have more than one if there's multiple methods with same name but different receiver type.
        // e.g.
        //      public static bool AnotherExtensionMethod1(this int x);
        //      public static bool AnotherExtensionMethod1(this bool x);
        private readonly MultiDictionary<MetadataNode, ParameterTypeInfo> _extensionMethodToParameterTypeInfo = [];
        private bool _containsExtensionsMethod = false;
        private static ImmutableArray<ModuleMetadata> GetModuleMetadata(Metadata? metadata)
                if (metadata is AssemblyMetadata assembly)
                    return assembly.GetModules();
                else if (metadata is ModuleMetadata module)
                    return [module];
            catch (BadImageFormatException)
                // Trying to get the modules of an assembly can throw.  For example, if 
                // there is an invalid public-key defined for the assembly.  See:
            return [];
        internal SymbolTreeInfo Create()
            foreach (var moduleMetadata in GetModuleMetadata(metadata))
                    var metadataReader = moduleMetadata.GetMetadataReader();
                    // First, walk all the symbols from metadata, populating the parentToChilren
                    // map accordingly.
                    // Now, once we populated the initial map, go and get all the inheritance 
                    // information for all the types in the metadata.  This may refer to 
                    // types that we haven't seen yet.  We'll add those types to the parentToChildren
                    // map accordingly.
                    // Clear the set of type definitions we read out of this piece of metadata.
                catch (BadImageFormatException)
                    // any operation off metadata can throw BadImageFormatException
            var receiverTypeNameToExtensionMethodMap = new MultiDictionary<string, ExtensionMethodInfo>();
            var unsortedNodes = GenerateUnsortedNodes(receiverTypeNameToExtensionMethodMap);
            return CreateSymbolTreeInfo(
                checksum, unsortedNodes, _inheritanceMap, receiverTypeNameToExtensionMethodMap);
        public readonly void Dispose()
            // Return all the metadata nodes back to the pool so that they can be
            // used for the next PEReference we read.
            foreach (var (_, children) in _parentToChildren)
                foreach (var child in children)
        private void GenerateMetadataNodes(MetadataReader metadataReader)
            var globalNamespace = metadataReader.GetNamespaceDefinitionRoot();
            var definitionMap = OrderPreservingMultiDictionary<string, MetadataDefinition>.GetInstance();
                LookupMetadataDefinitions(metadataReader, globalNamespace, definitionMap);
                foreach (var (name, definitions) in definitionMap)
                    GenerateMetadataNodes(metadataReader, _rootNode, name, definitions);
        private void GenerateMetadataNodes(
            MetadataReader metadataReader,
            MetadataNode parentNode,
            string nodeName,
            OrderPreservingMultiDictionary<string, MetadataDefinition>.ValueSet definitionsWithSameName)
            if (!UnicodeCharacterUtilities.IsValidIdentifier(nodeName))
            var childNode = MetadataNode.Allocate(nodeName);
            _parentToChildren.Add(parentNode, childNode);
            // Add all child members
            var definitionMap = OrderPreservingMultiDictionary<string, MetadataDefinition>.GetInstance();
                foreach (var definition in definitionsWithSameName)
                    if (definition.Kind == MetadataDefinitionKind.Member)
                        // We need to support having multiple methods with same name but different receiver type.
                        _extensionMethodToParameterTypeInfo.Add(childNode, definition.ReceiverTypeInfo);
                    LookupMetadataDefinitions(metadataReader, definition, definitionMap);
                foreach (var (name, definitions) in definitionMap)
                    GenerateMetadataNodes(metadataReader, childNode, name, definitions);
        private void LookupMetadataDefinitions(
            MetadataReader metadataReader,
            MetadataDefinition definition,
            OrderPreservingMultiDictionary<string, MetadataDefinition> definitionMap)
            switch (definition.Kind)
                case MetadataDefinitionKind.Namespace:
                    LookupMetadataDefinitions(metadataReader, definition.Namespace, definitionMap);
                case MetadataDefinitionKind.Type:
                    LookupMetadataDefinitions(metadataReader, definition.Type, definitionMap);
        private void LookupMetadataDefinitions(
            MetadataReader metadataReader,
            TypeDefinition typeDefinition,
            OrderPreservingMultiDictionary<string, MetadataDefinition> definitionMap)
            // Only bother looking for extension methods in static types.
            // Note this check means we would ignore extension methods declared in assemblies
            // compiled from VB code, since a module in VB is compiled into class with 
            // "sealed" attribute but not "abstract". 
            // Although this can be addressed by checking custom attributes,
            // we believe this is not a common scenario to warrant potential perf impact.
            if ((typeDefinition.Attributes & TypeAttributes.Abstract) != 0 &&
                (typeDefinition.Attributes & TypeAttributes.Sealed) != 0)
                foreach (var child in typeDefinition.GetMethods())
                    var method = metadataReader.GetMethodDefinition(child);
                    if ((method.Attributes & MethodAttributes.SpecialName) != 0 ||
                        (method.Attributes & MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName) != 0)
                    // SymbolTreeInfo is only searched for types and extension methods.
                    // So we don't want to pull in all methods here.  As a simple approximation
                    // we just pull in methods that have attributes on them.
                    if ((method.Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.Public &&
                        (method.Attributes & MethodAttributes.Static) != 0 &&
                        method.GetParameters().Count > 0 &&
                        method.GetCustomAttributes().Count > 0)
                        // Decode method signature to get the receiver type name (i.e. type name for the first parameter)
                        var blob = metadataReader.GetBlobReader(method.Signature);
                        var decoder = new SignatureDecoder<ParameterTypeInfo, object?>(ParameterTypeInfoProvider.Instance, metadataReader, genericContext: null);
                        var signature = decoder.DecodeMethodSignature(ref blob);
                        // It'd be good if we don't need to go through all parameters and make unnecessary allocations.
                        // However, this is not possible with meatadata reader API right now (although it's possible by copying code from meatadata reader implementaion)
                        if (signature.ParameterTypes.Length > 0)
                            _containsExtensionsMethod = true;
                            var firstParameterTypeInfo = signature.ParameterTypes[0];
                            var definition = new MetadataDefinition(MetadataDefinitionKind.Member, metadataReader.GetString(method.Name), firstParameterTypeInfo);
                            definitionMap.Add(definition.Name, definition);
            foreach (var child in typeDefinition.GetNestedTypes())
                var type = metadataReader.GetTypeDefinition(child);
                // We don't include internals from metadata assemblies.  It's less likely that
                // a project would have IVT to it and so it helps us save on memory.  It also
                // means we can avoid loading lots and lots of obfuscated code in the case the
                // dll was obfuscated.
                if (IsPublic(type.Attributes))
                    var definition = MetadataDefinition.Create(metadataReader, type);
                    definitionMap.Add(definition.Name, definition);
        private readonly void LookupMetadataDefinitions(
            MetadataReader metadataReader,
            NamespaceDefinition namespaceDefinition,
            OrderPreservingMultiDictionary<string, MetadataDefinition> definitionMap)
            foreach (var child in namespaceDefinition.NamespaceDefinitions)
                var definition = MetadataDefinition.Create(metadataReader, child);
                definitionMap.Add(definition.Name, definition);
            foreach (var child in namespaceDefinition.TypeDefinitions)
                var typeDefinition = metadataReader.GetTypeDefinition(child);
                if (IsPublic(typeDefinition.Attributes))
                    var definition = MetadataDefinition.Create(metadataReader, typeDefinition);
                    definitionMap.Add(definition.Name, definition);
        private static bool IsPublic(TypeAttributes attributes)
            var masked = attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask;
            return masked is TypeAttributes.Public or TypeAttributes.NestedPublic;
        private void PopulateInheritanceMap(MetadataReader metadataReader)
            foreach (var typeDefinition in _allTypeDefinitions)
                Debug.Assert(typeDefinition.Kind == MetadataDefinitionKind.Type);
                PopulateInheritance(metadataReader, typeDefinition);
        private void PopulateInheritance(
            MetadataReader metadataReader,
            MetadataDefinition metadataTypeDefinition)
            var derivedTypeDefinition = metadataTypeDefinition.Type;
            var interfaceImplHandles = derivedTypeDefinition.GetInterfaceImplementations();
            if (derivedTypeDefinition.BaseType.IsNil &&
                interfaceImplHandles.Count == 0)
            var derivedTypeSimpleName = metadataTypeDefinition.Name;
            PopulateInheritance(metadataReader, derivedTypeSimpleName, derivedTypeDefinition.BaseType);
            foreach (var interfaceImplHandle in interfaceImplHandles)
                if (!interfaceImplHandle.IsNil)
                    var interfaceImpl = metadataReader.GetInterfaceImplementation(interfaceImplHandle);
                    PopulateInheritance(metadataReader, derivedTypeSimpleName, interfaceImpl.Interface);
        private readonly void PopulateInheritance(
            MetadataReader metadataReader,
            string derivedTypeSimpleName,
            EntityHandle baseTypeOrInterfaceHandle)
            if (baseTypeOrInterfaceHandle.IsNil)
            var baseTypeNameParts = s_stringListPool.Allocate();
                AddBaseTypeNameParts(metadataReader, baseTypeOrInterfaceHandle, baseTypeNameParts);
                if (baseTypeNameParts.Count > 0 &&
                    var lastPart = baseTypeNameParts.Last();
                    if (!_inheritanceMap.Contains(lastPart, derivedTypeSimpleName))
                        _inheritanceMap.Add(baseTypeNameParts.Last(), derivedTypeSimpleName);
                    // The parent/child map may not know about this base-type yet (for example,
                    // if the base type is a reference to a type outside of this assembly).
                    // Add the base type to our map so we'll be able to resolve it later if 
                    // requested. 
        private static void AddBaseTypeNameParts(
            MetadataReader metadataReader,
            EntityHandle baseTypeOrInterfaceHandle,
            List<string> simpleNames)
            var typeDefOrRefHandle = GetTypeDefOrRefHandle(metadataReader, baseTypeOrInterfaceHandle);
            if (typeDefOrRefHandle.Kind == HandleKind.TypeDefinition)
                AddTypeDefinitionNameParts(metadataReader, (TypeDefinitionHandle)typeDefOrRefHandle, simpleNames);
            else if (typeDefOrRefHandle.Kind == HandleKind.TypeReference)
                AddTypeReferenceNameParts(metadataReader, (TypeReferenceHandle)typeDefOrRefHandle, simpleNames);
        private static void AddTypeDefinitionNameParts(
            MetadataReader metadataReader,
            TypeDefinitionHandle handle,
            List<string> simpleNames)
            var typeDefinition = metadataReader.GetTypeDefinition(handle);
            var declaringType = typeDefinition.GetDeclaringType();
            if (declaringType.IsNil)
                // Not a nested type, just add the containing namespace.
                AddNamespaceParts(metadataReader, typeDefinition.NamespaceDefinition, simpleNames);
                // We're a nested type, recurse and add the type we're declared in.
                // It will handle adding the namespace properly.
                AddTypeDefinitionNameParts(metadataReader, declaringType, simpleNames);
            // Now add the simple name of the type itself.
            simpleNames.Add(GetMetadataNameWithoutBackticks(metadataReader, typeDefinition.Name));
        private static void AddNamespaceParts(
            MetadataReader metadataReader,
            StringHandle namespaceHandle,
            List<string> simpleNames)
            var blobReader = metadataReader.GetBlobReader(namespaceHandle);
            while (true)
                var dotIndex = blobReader.IndexOf((byte)'.');
                    // Note: we won't get any string sharing as we're just using the 
                    // default string decoded.  However, that's ok.  We only produce
                    // these strings when we first read metadata.  Then we create and
                    // persist our own index.  In the future when we read in that index
                    // there's no way for us to share strings between us and the 
                    // compiler at that point.
                    if (dotIndex == -1)
                            blobReader.CurrentPointer, blobReader.RemainingBytes));
                            blobReader.CurrentPointer, dotIndex));
                        blobReader.Offset += dotIndex + 1;
        private static void AddNamespaceParts(
            MetadataReader metadataReader,
            NamespaceDefinitionHandle namespaceHandle,
            List<string> simpleNames)
            if (namespaceHandle.IsNil)
            var namespaceDefinition = metadataReader.GetNamespaceDefinition(namespaceHandle);
            AddNamespaceParts(metadataReader, namespaceDefinition.Parent, simpleNames);
        private static void AddTypeReferenceNameParts(
            MetadataReader metadataReader,
            TypeReferenceHandle handle,
            List<string> simpleNames)
            var typeReference = metadataReader.GetTypeReference(handle);
            AddNamespaceParts(metadataReader, typeReference.Namespace, simpleNames);
            simpleNames.Add(GetMetadataNameWithoutBackticks(metadataReader, typeReference.Name));
        private static EntityHandle GetTypeDefOrRefHandle(
            MetadataReader metadataReader,
            EntityHandle baseTypeOrInterfaceHandle)
            switch (baseTypeOrInterfaceHandle.Kind)
                case HandleKind.TypeDefinition:
                case HandleKind.TypeReference:
                    return baseTypeOrInterfaceHandle;
                case HandleKind.TypeSpecification:
                    return FirstEntityHandleProvider.Instance.GetTypeFromSpecification(
                        metadataReader, (TypeSpecificationHandle)baseTypeOrInterfaceHandle);
                    return default;
        private readonly void EnsureParentsAndChildren(List<string> simpleNames)
            var currentNode = _rootNode;
            foreach (var simpleName in simpleNames)
                var childNode = GetOrCreateChildNode(currentNode, simpleName);
                currentNode = childNode;
        private readonly MetadataNode GetOrCreateChildNode(
           MetadataNode currentNode, string simpleName)
            if (_parentToChildren.TryGetValue(currentNode, static (childNode, simpleName) => childNode.Name == simpleName, simpleName, out var childNode))
                // Found an existing child node.  Just return that and all 
                // future parts off of it.
                return childNode;
            // Couldn't find a child node with this name.  Make a new node for
            // it and return that for all future parts to be added to.
            var newChildNode = MetadataNode.Allocate(simpleName);
            _parentToChildren.Add(currentNode, newChildNode);
            return newChildNode;
        private readonly ImmutableArray<BuilderNode> GenerateUnsortedNodes(MultiDictionary<string, ExtensionMethodInfo> receiverTypeNameToMethodMap)
            var unsortedNodes = ArrayBuilder<BuilderNode>.GetInstance();
            AddUnsortedNodes(unsortedNodes, receiverTypeNameToMethodMap, parentNode: _rootNode, parentIndex: 0, fullyQualifiedContainerName: _containsExtensionsMethod ? "" : null);
            return unsortedNodes.ToImmutableAndFree();
        private readonly void AddUnsortedNodes(ArrayBuilder<BuilderNode> unsortedNodes,
            MultiDictionary<string, ExtensionMethodInfo> receiverTypeNameToMethodMap,
            MetadataNode parentNode,
            int parentIndex,
            string? fullyQualifiedContainerName)
            foreach (var child in _parentToChildren[parentNode])
                var childNode = new BuilderNode(child.Name, parentIndex, _extensionMethodToParameterTypeInfo[child]);
                var childIndex = unsortedNodes.Count;
                if (fullyQualifiedContainerName != null)
                    foreach (var parameterTypeInfo in _extensionMethodToParameterTypeInfo[child])
                        // We do not differentiate array of different kinds for simplicity.
                        // e.g. int[], int[][], int[,], etc. are all represented as int[] in the index.
                        // similar for complex receiver types, "[]" means it's an array type, "" otherwise.
                        var parameterTypeName = (parameterTypeInfo.IsComplexType, parameterTypeInfo.IsArray) switch
                            (true, true) => Extensions.ComplexArrayReceiverTypeName,                          // complex array type, e.g. "T[,]"
                            (true, false) => Extensions.ComplexReceiverTypeName,                              // complex non-array type, e.g. "T"
                            (false, true) => parameterTypeInfo.Name + Extensions.ArrayReceiverTypeNameSuffix, // simple array type, e.g. "int[][,]"
                            (false, false) => parameterTypeInfo.Name                                          // simple non-array type, e.g. "int"
                        receiverTypeNameToMethodMap.Add(parameterTypeName, new ExtensionMethodInfo(fullyQualifiedContainerName, child.Name));
                AddUnsortedNodes(unsortedNodes, receiverTypeNameToMethodMap, child, childIndex, Concat(fullyQualifiedContainerName, child.Name));
            [return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(containerName))]
            static string? Concat(string? containerName, string name)
                if (containerName == null)
                    return null;
                if (containerName.Length == 0)
                    return name;
                return containerName + "." + name;
    private sealed class MetadataNode
        private static readonly ObjectPool<MetadataNode> s_pool = SharedPools.Default<MetadataNode>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Represent this as non-null because that will be true when this is not in a pool and it is being used by
        /// other services.
        /// </summary>
        public string Name { get; private set; } = null!;
        public static MetadataNode Allocate(string name)
            var node = s_pool.Allocate();
            Debug.Assert(node.Name == null);
            node.Name = name;
            return node;
        public static void Free(MetadataNode node)
            Debug.Assert(node.Name != null);
            node.Name = null!;
    private enum MetadataDefinitionKind
    private readonly struct MetadataDefinition(
        MetadataDefinitionKind kind,
        string name,
        ParameterTypeInfo receiverTypeInfo = default,
        NamespaceDefinition @namespace = default,
        TypeDefinition type = default)
        public string Name { get; } = name;
        public MetadataDefinitionKind Kind { get; } = kind;
        /// <summary>
        /// Only applies to member kind. Represents the type info of the first parameter.
        /// </summary>
        public ParameterTypeInfo ReceiverTypeInfo { get; } = receiverTypeInfo;
        public NamespaceDefinition Namespace { get; } = @namespace;
        public TypeDefinition Type { get; } = type;
        public static MetadataDefinition Create(
            MetadataReader reader, NamespaceDefinitionHandle namespaceHandle)
            var definition = reader.GetNamespaceDefinition(namespaceHandle);
            return new MetadataDefinition(
                @namespace: definition);
        public static MetadataDefinition Create(
            MetadataReader reader, TypeDefinition definition)
            var typeName = GetMetadataNameWithoutBackticks(reader, definition.Name);
            return new MetadataDefinition(MetadataDefinitionKind.Type, typeName, type: definition);