' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Partial Friend Class SourceNamedTypeSymbol
Protected Overrides Sub AddGroupClassMembersIfNeeded(membersBuilder As MembersAndInitializersBuilder, diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag)
' For reference, see Bindable::IsMyGroupCollection and Bindable::CrackAttributesOnAllSymbolsInContainer in native code.
If Me.TypeKind = TypeKind.Class AndAlso Not Me.IsGenericType Then
Dim binder As Binder = Nothing
Dim attributeSyntax As AttributeSyntax = Nothing
Dim attributeData As VisualBasicAttributeData = GetMyGroupCollectionAttributeData(diagnostics, binder, attributeSyntax)
If attributeData IsNot Nothing Then
' Ok, this looks like a group class. Let's inspect the attribute data (Attribute::CrackArgBlob).
' Attribute arguments are comma-separated lists.
Dim separatorComma = {","c}
Dim separatorDot = {"."c}
Dim baseTypeNames() As String = If(attributeData.GetConstructorArgument(Of String)(0, SpecialType.System_String), "").Split(separatorComma, StringSplitOptions.None)
Dim createMethods() As String = If(attributeData.GetConstructorArgument(Of String)(1, SpecialType.System_String), "").Split(separatorComma, StringSplitOptions.None)
Dim disposeMethods() As String = If(attributeData.GetConstructorArgument(Of String)(2, SpecialType.System_String), "").Split(separatorComma, StringSplitOptions.None)
' DefaultInstanceAliases are respected only for attributes applied in MyTemplate.
Dim defaultInstances() As String
If attributeSyntax.SyntaxTree.IsMyTemplate Then
defaultInstances = If(attributeData.GetConstructorArgument(Of String)(3, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_String), "").Split(separatorComma, StringSplitOptions.None)
defaultInstances = Array.Empty(Of String)()
End If
' Types matching each name in baseTypeNames will be grouped together in the builder below and groups will be separated by Nothing item.
' See comment inside the loop about why there could be more than one.
Dim baseTypes As ArrayBuilder(Of NamedTypeSymbol) = ArrayBuilder(Of NamedTypeSymbol).GetInstance()
Dim haveBaseTypes As Boolean = False
For i As Integer = 0 To Math.Min(baseTypeNames.Length, createMethods.Length) - 1
baseTypeNames(i) = baseTypeNames(i).Trim()
createMethods(i) = createMethods(i).Trim()
If baseTypeNames(i).Length = 0 OrElse createMethods(i).Length = 0 Then
' This might feel strange, but native compiler stops processing arguments
' as soon as it encounters an empty base type name or create method name
Exit For
If i < disposeMethods.Length Then
disposeMethods(i) = disposeMethods(i).Trim()
End If
If i < defaultInstances.Length Then
defaultInstances(i) = defaultInstances(i).Trim()
End If
' See if we can locate the base class this group class is associated with. This might feel strange,
' but native compiler does the match by fully qualified name without generic parameters, therefore we might
' find more than one base type from different assemblies or types with different arities, all are valid candidates.
FindGroupClassBaseTypes(baseTypeNames(i).Split(separatorDot, StringSplitOptions.None), DeclaringCompilation.GlobalNamespace, 0, baseTypes)
If Not haveBaseTypes AndAlso baseTypes.Count > 0 AndAlso baseTypes.Last() IsNot Nothing Then
haveBaseTypes = True
End If
End If
If haveBaseTypes Then
' Now, iterate over all top level types declared in this module and pick those
' inheriting from the bases we found (Bindable::ScanAndLoadMyGroupCollectionMembers).
Dim collectionTypes = ArrayBuilder(Of KeyValuePair(Of NamedTypeSymbol, Integer)).GetInstance()
GetMyGroupCollectionTypes(Me.ContainingModule.GlobalNamespace, baseTypes, binder, collectionTypes)
If collectionTypes.Count > 0 Then
' See Bindable::GenSyntheticMyGroupCollectionProperties
' sort members to handle simple name clashes. Having all the classes with the same simple name
' grouped together helps decide in one step if mangling is necessary.
' It is only a gain of O(n*n) -> O(n*log(n))
For i As Integer = 0 To collectionTypes.Count - 1
Dim current As KeyValuePair(Of NamedTypeSymbol, Integer) = collectionTypes(i)
' members with the same simple name are grouped together.
' if two adjacent members with the same simple name then use name mangling
Dim mangleNames As Boolean = (i > 0 AndAlso IdentifierComparison.Equals(current.Key.Name, collectionTypes(i - 1).Key.Name)) OrElse
(i < collectionTypes.Count - 1 AndAlso IdentifierComparison.Equals(current.Key.Name, collectionTypes(i + 1).Key.Name))
AddSyntheticMyGroupCollectionProperty(current.Key, mangleNames,
If(current.Value < disposeMethods.Length,
If(current.Value < defaultInstances.Length,
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetMyGroupCollectionAttributeData(diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag, <Out> ByRef binder As Binder, <Out> ByRef attributeSyntax As AttributeSyntax) As VisualBasicAttributeData
' Calling GetAttributes() here is likely to get us in a cycle. Also, we want this function to be
' as cheap as possible, it is called for every class and we don't want to bind all attributes
' attached to the declaration (even when it doesn't cause a cycle) before we able to create symbol's
' members. So, we will have to manually bind only those attributes that potentially could be
' MyGroupCollectionAttribute, by examining syntax ourselves.
Dim attributeLists As ImmutableArray(Of SyntaxList(Of AttributeListSyntax)) = GetAttributeDeclarations()
Dim attributeData As VisualBasicAttributeData = Nothing
For Each list As SyntaxList(Of AttributeListSyntax) In attributeLists
If list.Any() Then
binder = GetAttributeBinder(list, ContainingSourceModule)
Dim quickChecker As QuickAttributeChecker = binder.QuickAttributeChecker
For Each attrList In list
For Each attr In attrList.Attributes
If (quickChecker.CheckAttribute(attr) And QuickAttributes.MyGroupCollection) <> 0 Then
' This attribute syntax might be an application of MyGroupCollectionAttribute.
' Let's bind it.
Dim attributeType As NamedTypeSymbol = Binder.BindAttributeType(binder, attr, Me, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded)
If Not attributeType.IsErrorType() Then
If VisualBasicAttributeData.IsTargetEarlyAttribute(attributeType, attr, AttributeDescription.MyGroupCollectionAttribute) Then
' Calling GetAttribute can still get us into cycle if MyGroupCollectionAttribute is applied to itself.
If attributeType Is Me Then
binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagnostics, attr, ERRID.ERR_MyGroupCollectionAttributeCycle)
Debug.Assert(attributeData Is Nothing)
GoTo DoneWithBindingAttributes
End If
' Or if any argument expression refers to a member of this type. Therefore, as a simple solution,
' we will allow only literals as the arguments.
For Each argumentSyntax As ArgumentSyntax In attr.ArgumentList.Arguments
Dim expression As ExpressionSyntax
Select Case argumentSyntax.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.SimpleArgument
expression = DirectCast(argumentSyntax, SimpleArgumentSyntax).Expression
Case SyntaxKind.OmittedArgument
expression = Nothing
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(argumentSyntax.Kind)
End Select
If expression IsNot Nothing AndAlso
Not TypeOf expression Is LiteralExpressionSyntax Then
binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagnostics, expression, ERRID.ERR_LiteralExpected)
attributeData = Nothing
GoTo DoneWithBindingAttributes
End If
Dim generatedDiagnostics As Boolean = False
Dim data As VisualBasicAttributeData = (New EarlyWellKnownAttributeBinder(Me, binder)).GetAttribute(attr, attributeType, generatedDiagnostics)
If Not data.HasErrors AndAlso Not generatedDiagnostics AndAlso
data.IsTargetAttribute(AttributeDescription.MyGroupCollectionAttribute) Then
' Looks like we've found MyGroupCollectionAttribute
If attributeData IsNot Nothing Then
' Ambiguity, the attribute cannot be applied multiple times. Let's ignore all of them,
' an error about multiple applications will be reported later, when all attributes are
' bound and validated.
attributeData = Nothing
GoTo DoneWithBindingAttributes
End If
attributeData = data
attributeSyntax = attr
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If attributeData Is Nothing Then
binder = Nothing
attributeSyntax = Nothing
End If
Return attributeData
End Function
Private Shared Sub FindGroupClassBaseTypes(nameParts() As String, current As NamespaceOrTypeSymbol, nextPart As Integer, candidates As ArrayBuilder(Of NamedTypeSymbol))
' Bindable::FindBaseInMyGroupCollection
If nextPart = nameParts.Length Then
If current.Kind = SymbolKind.NamedType Then
Dim named = DirectCast(current, NamedTypeSymbol)
If named.TypeKind = TypeKind.Class AndAlso Not named.IsNotInheritable Then
End If
End If
End If
Dim name As String = nameParts(nextPart)
nextPart += 1
For Each member As Symbol In current.GetMembers(name)
Select Case member.Kind
Case SymbolKind.Namespace, SymbolKind.NamedType
FindGroupClassBaseTypes(nameParts, DirectCast(member, NamespaceOrTypeSymbol), nextPart, candidates)
End Select
End Sub
Private Shared Sub GetMyGroupCollectionTypes(
ns As NamespaceSymbol,
baseTypes As ArrayBuilder(Of NamedTypeSymbol),
binder As Binder,
collectionTypes As ArrayBuilder(Of KeyValuePair(Of NamedTypeSymbol, Integer))
For Each member As Symbol In ns.GetMembersUnordered()
Select Case member.Kind
Case SymbolKind.NamedType
Dim named = TryCast(member, SourceNamedTypeSymbol)
' See Bindable::ScanAndLoadMyGroupCollectionMembers, Bindable::CanBeMyGroupCollectionMember
' CONSIDER: The IsAccessible check is probably redundant because top level types are always accessible within the same module.
' We can remove it if it becomes a perf issue.
If named IsNot Nothing AndAlso
Not named.IsImplicitlyDeclared AndAlso
named.TypeKind = TypeKind.Class AndAlso
Not named.IsGenericType AndAlso
Not named.IsMustInherit AndAlso
binder.IsAccessible(named, useSiteInfo:=CompoundUseSiteInfo(Of AssemblySymbol).Discarded) Then
Dim matchingItem As Integer = FindBaseInMyGroupCollection(named, baseTypes)
If matchingItem >= 0 AndAlso
MyGroupCollectionCandidateHasPublicParameterlessConstructor(named) Then
collectionTypes.Add(New KeyValuePair(Of NamedTypeSymbol, Integer)(named, matchingItem))
End If
End If
Case SymbolKind.Namespace
GetMyGroupCollectionTypes(DirectCast(member, NamespaceSymbol), baseTypes, binder, collectionTypes)
End Select
End Sub
Private Shared Function FindBaseInMyGroupCollection(classType As NamedTypeSymbol, bases As ArrayBuilder(Of NamedTypeSymbol)) As Integer
' See Bindable::FindBaseInMyGroupCollection
' Names in the MyGroupCollectionAttribute are matched from left to right to bases from most derived to the least derived.
classType = classType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics
While classType IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not classType.IsObjectType()
Dim result As Integer = 0
For Each candidate As NamedTypeSymbol In bases
If candidate Is Nothing Then
' This means that we are switching to the next item in the comma-separated list of base type names.
result += 1
ElseIf classType.OriginalDefinition Is candidate Then
Return result
End If
classType = classType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics
End While
Return -1 ' Haven't found a match.
End Function
Private Shared Function MyGroupCollectionCandidateHasPublicParameterlessConstructor(candidate As SourceNamedTypeSymbol) As Boolean
' Simply calling HasPublicParameterlessConstructor might get us in a cycle.
Debug.Assert(candidate.TypeKind = TypeKind.Class)
If candidate.MembersHaveBeenCreated Then
Return HasPublicParameterlessConstructor(candidate) = ConstructorConstraintError.None
Return candidate.InferFromSyntaxIfClassWillHavePublicParameterlessConstructor()
End If
End Function
#If DEBUG Then
Protected Overrides Sub VerifyMembers()
If Me.TypeKind = TypeKind.Class Then
Dim constructorConstraintError As ConstructorConstraintError = HasPublicParameterlessConstructor(Me)
If InferFromSyntaxIfClassWillHavePublicParameterlessConstructor() Then
Debug.Assert(constructorConstraintError = ConstructorConstraintError.None OrElse constructorConstraintError = ConstructorConstraintError.HasRequiredMembers)
Debug.Assert(constructorConstraintError = ConstructorConstraintError.NoPublicParameterlessConstructor)
End If
End If
End Sub
#End If
Friend Function InferFromSyntaxIfClassWillHavePublicParameterlessConstructor() As Boolean
Debug.Assert(Me.TypeKind = TypeKind.Class)
Dim diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance()
Dim haveInstanceConstructor As Boolean = False
For Each syntaxRef In SyntaxReferences
Dim node = syntaxRef.GetSyntax()
' Set up a binder for this part of the type.
Dim binder As Binder = BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForType(ContainingSourceModule, syntaxRef.SyntaxTree, Me)
Dim typeBlock = DirectCast(node, TypeBlockSyntax)
For Each memberSyntax In typeBlock.Members
Dim constructorSyntax As SubNewStatementSyntax
Select Case memberSyntax.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.ConstructorBlock
constructorSyntax = DirectCast(memberSyntax, ConstructorBlockSyntax).SubNewStatement
Case SyntaxKind.SubNewStatement
constructorSyntax = DirectCast(memberSyntax, SubNewStatementSyntax)
Case Else
constructorSyntax = Nothing
End Select
If constructorSyntax IsNot Nothing Then
Dim modifiers As SourceMemberFlags = SourceMethodSymbol.DecodeConstructorModifiers(constructorSyntax.Modifiers, Me, binder, diagnostics).AllFlags
If (modifiers And SourceMemberFlags.Shared) = 0 Then
If constructorSyntax.ParameterList Is Nothing OrElse constructorSyntax.ParameterList.Parameters.Count = 0 Then
Return (modifiers And SourceMemberFlags.AccessibilityMask) = SourceMemberFlags.AccessibilityPublic
End If
haveInstanceConstructor = True
End If
End If
Return Not haveInstanceConstructor AndAlso Not Me.IsMustInherit
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Used to sort types - members of group collection.
''' </summary>
Private Class GroupCollectionComparer
Implements IComparer(Of KeyValuePair(Of NamedTypeSymbol, Integer))
Public Shared ReadOnly Singleton As New GroupCollectionComparer
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Function Compare(x As KeyValuePair(Of NamedTypeSymbol, Integer), y As KeyValuePair(Of NamedTypeSymbol, Integer)) As Integer Implements IComparer(Of KeyValuePair(Of NamedTypeSymbol, Integer)).Compare
Return IdentifierComparison.Compare(x.Key.Name, y.Key.Name)
End Function
End Class
Private Sub AddSyntheticMyGroupCollectionProperty(
targetType As NamedTypeSymbol,
mangleNames As Boolean,
createMethod As String,
disposeMethod As String,
defaultInstanceAlias As String,
membersBuilder As MembersAndInitializersBuilder,
binder As Binder,
attributeSyntax As AttributeSyntax,
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag
Dim propertyName As String
If mangleNames Then
propertyName = targetType.ToDisplayString()
propertyName = propertyName.Replace("."c, "_"c)
propertyName = targetType.Name
End If
Dim fieldName As String = "m_" & propertyName
' For now let reject any clash. The new member is a synthetic property and no overloads or other members with the same name should
' be allowed
Dim conflictsWith As Symbol = Nothing
Dim nestedTypes = GetTypeMembersDictionary()
Dim isWinMd = Me.IsCompilationOutputWinMdObj()
If ConflictsWithExistingMemberOrType(propertyName, membersBuilder, nestedTypes, conflictsWith) OrElse
ConflictsWithExistingMemberOrType(binder.GetAccessorName(propertyName, MethodKind.PropertyGet, False), membersBuilder, nestedTypes, conflictsWith) OrElse
(disposeMethod.Length > 0 AndAlso ConflictsWithExistingMemberOrType(binder.GetAccessorName(propertyName, MethodKind.PropertySet, isWinMd), membersBuilder, nestedTypes, conflictsWith)) OrElse
ConflictsWithExistingMemberOrType(fieldName, membersBuilder, nestedTypes, conflictsWith) Then
binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagnostics, attributeSyntax, ERRID.ERR_PropertyNameConflictInMyCollection, conflictsWith, targetType)
End If
Dim prop As New SynthesizedMyGroupCollectionPropertySymbol(Me, attributeSyntax, propertyName, fieldName, targetType, createMethod, disposeMethod, defaultInstanceAlias)
AddMember(prop.AssociatedField, binder, membersBuilder, omitDiagnostics:=True)
AddMember(prop, binder, membersBuilder, omitDiagnostics:=True)
AddMember(prop.GetMethod, binder, membersBuilder, omitDiagnostics:=True)
If prop.SetMethod IsNot Nothing Then
AddMember(prop.SetMethod, binder, membersBuilder, omitDiagnostics:=True)
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Function ConflictsWithExistingMemberOrType(
name As String,
membersBuilder As MembersAndInitializersBuilder,
nestedTypes As Dictionary(Of String, ImmutableArray(Of NamedTypeSymbol)),
<Out> ByRef conflictsWith As Symbol
) As Boolean
Dim members As ArrayBuilder(Of Symbol) = Nothing
Dim types As ImmutableArray(Of NamedTypeSymbol) = Nothing
If membersBuilder.Members.TryGetValue(name, members) Then
conflictsWith = members(0)
ElseIf nestedTypes.TryGetValue(name, types) Then
conflictsWith = types(0)
conflictsWith = Nothing
End If
Return conflictsWith IsNot Nothing
End Function
End Class
End Namespace