' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Concurrent
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.Cci
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols.Metadata.PE
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols.Retargeting
Friend Enum RetargetOptions As Byte
RetargetPrimitiveTypesByName = 0
RetargetPrimitiveTypesByTypeCode = 1
End Enum
Partial Friend Class RetargetingModuleSymbol
''' <summary>
''' Retargeting map from underlying module to this one.
''' </summary>
Private ReadOnly _symbolMap As New ConcurrentDictionary(Of Symbol, Symbol)()
Private ReadOnly _createRetargetingMethod As Func(Of Symbol, RetargetingMethodSymbol)
Private ReadOnly _createRetargetingNamespace As Func(Of Symbol, RetargetingNamespaceSymbol)
Private ReadOnly _createRetargetingTypeParameter As Func(Of Symbol, RetargetingTypeParameterSymbol)
Private ReadOnly _createRetargetingNamedType As Func(Of Symbol, RetargetingNamedTypeSymbol)
Private ReadOnly _createRetargetingField As Func(Of Symbol, RetargetingFieldSymbol)
Private ReadOnly _createRetargetingProperty As Func(Of Symbol, RetargetingPropertySymbol)
Private ReadOnly _createRetargetingEvent As Func(Of Symbol, RetargetingEventSymbol)
Private Function CreateRetargetingMethod(symbol As Symbol) As RetargetingMethodSymbol
Debug.Assert(symbol.ContainingModule Is Me.UnderlyingModule)
Return New RetargetingMethodSymbol(Me, DirectCast(symbol, MethodSymbol))
End Function
Private Function CreateRetargetingNamespace(symbol As Symbol) As RetargetingNamespaceSymbol
Debug.Assert(symbol.ContainingModule Is Me.UnderlyingModule)
Return New RetargetingNamespaceSymbol(Me, DirectCast(symbol, NamespaceSymbol))
End Function
Private Function CreateRetargetingNamedType(symbol As Symbol) As RetargetingNamedTypeSymbol
Debug.Assert(symbol.ContainingModule Is Me.UnderlyingModule)
Return New RetargetingNamedTypeSymbol(Me, DirectCast(symbol, NamedTypeSymbol))
End Function
Private Function CreateRetargetingField(symbol As Symbol) As RetargetingFieldSymbol
Debug.Assert(symbol.ContainingModule Is Me.UnderlyingModule)
Return New RetargetingFieldSymbol(Me, DirectCast(symbol, FieldSymbol))
End Function
Private Function CreateRetargetingProperty(symbol As Symbol) As RetargetingPropertySymbol
Debug.Assert(symbol.ContainingModule Is Me.UnderlyingModule)
Return New RetargetingPropertySymbol(Me, DirectCast(symbol, PropertySymbol))
End Function
Private Function CreateRetargetingEvent(symbol As Symbol) As RetargetingEventSymbol
Debug.Assert(symbol.ContainingModule Is Me.UnderlyingModule)
Return New RetargetingEventSymbol(Me, DirectCast(symbol, EventSymbol))
End Function
Private Function CreateRetargetingTypeParameter(symbol As Symbol) As RetargetingTypeParameterSymbol
Dim typeParameter = DirectCast(symbol, TypeParameterSymbol)
Dim container = typeParameter.ContainingSymbol
Dim containingType = If(container.Kind = SymbolKind.Method,
DirectCast(container, NamedTypeSymbol))
Debug.Assert(containingType.ContainingModule Is Me.UnderlyingModule)
Return New RetargetingTypeParameterSymbol(Me, typeParameter)
End Function
Friend Class RetargetingSymbolTranslator
Inherits VisualBasicSymbolVisitor(Of RetargetOptions, Symbol)
Private ReadOnly _retargetingModule As RetargetingModuleSymbol
Public Sub New(retargetingModule As RetargetingModuleSymbol)
Debug.Assert(retargetingModule IsNot Nothing)
_retargetingModule = retargetingModule
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Retargeting map from underlying module to the retargeting module.
''' </summary>
Private ReadOnly Property SymbolMap As ConcurrentDictionary(Of Symbol, Symbol)
Return _retargetingModule._symbolMap
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' RetargetingAssemblySymbol owning retargeting module.
''' </summary>
Private ReadOnly Property RetargetingAssembly As RetargetingAssemblySymbol
Return _retargetingModule._retargetingAssembly
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' The map that captures information about what assembly should be retargeted
''' to what assembly. Key is the AssemblySymbol referenced by the underlying module,
''' value is the corresponding AssemblySymbol referenced by the retargeting module,
''' and corresponding retargeting map for symbols.
''' </summary>
Private ReadOnly Property RetargetingAssemblyMap As Dictionary(Of AssemblySymbol, DestinationData)
Return _retargetingModule._retargetingAssemblyMap
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' The underlying ModuleSymbol for the retargeting module.
''' </summary>
Private ReadOnly Property UnderlyingModule As SourceModuleSymbol
Return _retargetingModule._underlyingModule
End Get
End Property
Public Function Retarget(symbol As Symbol) As Symbol
Debug.Assert(symbol.Kind <> SymbolKind.NamedType OrElse DirectCast(symbol, NamedTypeSymbol).PrimitiveTypeCode = PrimitiveTypeCode.NotPrimitive)
Return symbol.Accept(Me, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByName)
End Function
Public Function Retarget(marshallingInfo As MarshalPseudoCustomAttributeData) As MarshalPseudoCustomAttributeData
If marshallingInfo Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
' Retarget by type code - primitive types are encoded in short form in an attribute signature:
Return marshallingInfo.WithTranslatedTypes(Of TypeSymbol, RetargetingSymbolTranslator)(
Function(type, translator) translator.Retarget(DirectCast(type, TypeSymbol), RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByTypeCode), Me)
End Function
Public Function Retarget(symbol As TypeSymbol, options As RetargetOptions) As TypeSymbol
Return DirectCast(symbol.Accept(Me, options), TypeSymbol)
End Function
Public Function Retarget(ns As NamespaceSymbol) As NamespaceSymbol
Return DirectCast(SymbolMap.GetOrAdd(ns, _retargetingModule._createRetargetingNamespace), NamespaceSymbol)
End Function
Private Function RetargetNamedTypeDefinition(type As NamedTypeSymbol, options As RetargetOptions) As NamedTypeSymbol
Debug.Assert(type Is type.OriginalDefinition)
If type.IsTupleType Then
Dim newUnderlyingType = Retarget(type.TupleUnderlyingType, options)
If newUnderlyingType.IsTupleOrCompatibleWithTupleOfCardinality(type.TupleElementTypes.Length) Then
Return DirectCast(type, TupleTypeSymbol).WithUnderlyingType(newUnderlyingType)
Return newUnderlyingType
End If
End If
' Check if we need to do special retargeting
' for primitive type references encoded with enum values in metadata signatures.
If (options = RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByTypeCode) Then
Dim typeCode As PrimitiveTypeCode = type.PrimitiveTypeCode
If typeCode <> PrimitiveTypeCode.NotPrimitive Then
Return RetargetingAssembly.GetPrimitiveType(typeCode)
End If
End If
If type.Kind = SymbolKind.ErrorType Then
Return Retarget(DirectCast(type, ErrorTypeSymbol))
End If
Dim retargetFrom As AssemblySymbol = type.ContainingAssembly
' Deal with "to be local" NoPia types leaking through source module.
' These are the types that are coming from assemblies linked (/l-ed)
' by the compilation that created the source module.
Dim isLocalType As Boolean
Dim useTypeIdentifierAttribute As Boolean = False
If retargetFrom Is RetargetingAssembly.UnderlyingAssembly Then
Debug.Assert(Not retargetFrom.IsLinked)
isLocalType = type.IsExplicitDefinitionOfNoPiaLocalType
isLocalType = retargetFrom.IsLinked
End If
If isLocalType Then
Return RetargetNoPiaLocalType(type)
End If
' Perform general retargeting.
If retargetFrom Is RetargetingAssembly.UnderlyingAssembly Then
Return RetargetNamedTypeDefinitionFromUnderlyingAssembly(type)
End If
' Does this type come from one of the retargeted assemblies?
Dim destination As DestinationData = Nothing
If Not RetargetingAssemblyMap.TryGetValue(retargetFrom, destination) Then
' No need to retarget
Return type
End If
' Retarget from one assembly to another
Return PerformTypeRetargeting(destination, type)
End Function
Private Function RetargetNamedTypeDefinitionFromUnderlyingAssembly(type As NamedTypeSymbol) As NamedTypeSymbol
' The type is defined in the underlying assembly.
Dim [module] = type.ContainingModule
If [module] Is UnderlyingModule Then
Debug.Assert(Not type.IsExplicitDefinitionOfNoPiaLocalType)
Dim container = type.ContainingType
While container IsNot Nothing
If container.IsExplicitDefinitionOfNoPiaLocalType Then
' Types nested into local types are not supported.
Return DirectCast(Me.SymbolMap.GetOrAdd(type, New UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol()), NamedTypeSymbol)
End If
container = container.ContainingType
End While
Return DirectCast(Me.SymbolMap.GetOrAdd(type, _retargetingModule._createRetargetingNamedType), NamedTypeSymbol)
' The type is defined in one of the added modules
Debug.Assert([module].Ordinal > 0)
Dim addedModule = DirectCast(RetargetingAssembly.Modules([module].Ordinal), PEModuleSymbol)
Debug.Assert(DirectCast([module], PEModuleSymbol).Module Is addedModule.Module)
Return RetargetNamedTypeDefinition(DirectCast(type, PENamedTypeSymbol), addedModule)
End If
End Function
Private Function RetargetNoPiaLocalType(type As NamedTypeSymbol) As NamedTypeSymbol
Dim cached As NamedTypeSymbol = Nothing
If RetargetingAssembly.m_NoPiaUnificationMap.TryGetValue(type, cached) Then
Return cached
End If
Dim result As NamedTypeSymbol
If type.ContainingSymbol.Kind <> SymbolKind.NamedType AndAlso
type.Arity = 0 Then
' Get type's identity
Dim isInterface As Boolean = (type.IsInterface)
Dim hasGuid = False
Dim interfaceGuid As String = Nothing
Dim scope As String = Nothing
If isInterface Then
' Get type's Guid
hasGuid = type.GetGuidString(interfaceGuid)
End If
Dim name = MetadataTypeName.FromFullName(type.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.QualifiedNameOnlyFormat), forcedArity:=type.Arity)
Dim identifier As String = Nothing
If type.ContainingModule Is _retargetingModule.UnderlyingModule Then
' This is a local type explicitly declared in source. Get information from TypeIdentifier attribute.
For Each attrData In type.GetAttributes()
Dim signatureIndex = attrData.GetTargetAttributeSignatureIndex(AttributeDescription.TypeIdentifierAttribute)
If signatureIndex <> -1 Then
Debug.Assert(signatureIndex = 0 OrElse signatureIndex = 1)
If signatureIndex = 1 AndAlso attrData.CommonConstructorArguments.Length = 2 Then
scope = TryCast(attrData.CommonConstructorArguments(0).ValueInternal, String)
identifier = TryCast(attrData.CommonConstructorArguments(1).ValueInternal, String)
End If
Exit For
End If
Debug.Assert(type.ContainingAssembly IsNot RetargetingAssembly.UnderlyingAssembly)
' Note, this logic should match the one in EmbeddedType.Cci.IReference.GetAttributes.
' Here we are trying to predict what attributes we will emit on embedded type, which corresponds the
' type we are retargeting. That function actually emits the attributes.
If Not (hasGuid OrElse isInterface) Then
identifier = name.FullName
End If
End If
result = MetadataDecoder.SubstituteNoPiaLocalType(
Debug.Assert(result IsNot Nothing)
' TODO: report better error?
result = New UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol()
End If
cached = RetargetingAssembly.m_NoPiaUnificationMap.GetOrAdd(type, result)
Return cached
End Function
Private Shared Function RetargetNamedTypeDefinition(type As PENamedTypeSymbol, addedModule As PEModuleSymbol) As NamedTypeSymbol
Debug.Assert(Not type.ContainingModule.Equals(addedModule) AndAlso
DirectCast(type.ContainingModule, PEModuleSymbol).Module Is addedModule.Module)
Dim cached As TypeSymbol = Nothing
If addedModule.TypeHandleToTypeMap.TryGetValue(type.Handle, cached) Then
Return DirectCast(cached, NamedTypeSymbol)
End If
Dim result As NamedTypeSymbol
Dim containingType As NamedTypeSymbol = type.ContainingType
Dim mdName As MetadataTypeName
If containingType IsNot Nothing Then
' Nested type. We need to retarget
' the enclosing type and then go back and get the type we are interested in.
Dim scope As NamedTypeSymbol = RetargetNamedTypeDefinition(DirectCast(containingType, PENamedTypeSymbol), addedModule)
mdName = MetadataTypeName.FromTypeName(type.MetadataName, forcedArity:=type.Arity)
result = scope.LookupMetadataType(mdName)
Dim namespaceName As String = If(type.GetEmittedNamespaceName(), type.ContainingNamespace.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.QualifiedNameOnlyFormat))
mdName = MetadataTypeName.FromNamespaceAndTypeName(namespaceName, type.MetadataName, forcedArity:=type.Arity)
result = addedModule.LookupTopLevelMetadataType(mdName)
End If
Debug.Assert(If(TryCast(result, PENamedTypeSymbol)?.Handle = type.Handle, False))
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function PerformTypeRetargeting(
ByRef destination As DestinationData,
type As NamedTypeSymbol) As NamedTypeSymbol
Dim result As NamedTypeSymbol = Nothing
If Not destination.SymbolMap.TryGetValue(type, result) Then
' Lookup by name as a TypeRef.
Dim containingType As NamedTypeSymbol = type.ContainingType
Dim result1 As NamedTypeSymbol
Dim mdName As MetadataTypeName
If containingType IsNot Nothing Then
' This happens if type is a nested class. We need to retarget
' the enclosing class and then go back and get the type we are interested in.
Dim scope As NamedTypeSymbol = PerformTypeRetargeting(destination, containingType)
mdName = MetadataTypeName.FromTypeName(type.MetadataName, forcedArity:=type.Arity)
result1 = scope.LookupMetadataType(mdName)
If result1 Is Nothing Then
result1 = New MissingMetadataTypeSymbol.Nested(scope, mdName)
Debug.Assert(Not result1.IsErrorType())
End If
Dim namespaceName As String = If(type.GetEmittedNamespaceName(), type.ContainingNamespace.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.QualifiedNameOnlyFormat))
mdName = MetadataTypeName.FromNamespaceAndTypeName(namespaceName, type.MetadataName, forcedArity:=type.Arity)
result1 = destination.To.LookupDeclaredOrForwardedTopLevelMetadataType(mdName, visitedAssemblies:=Nothing)
End If
Debug.Assert(result1.Arity = type.Arity)
result = destination.SymbolMap.GetOrAdd(type, result1)
End If
Return result
End Function
Public Function Retarget(type As NamedTypeSymbol, options As RetargetOptions) As NamedTypeSymbol
Dim originalDefinition As NamedTypeSymbol = type.OriginalDefinition
Dim newDefinition As NamedTypeSymbol = RetargetNamedTypeDefinition(originalDefinition, options)
If type Is originalDefinition Then
Return newDefinition
End If
If newDefinition.Kind = SymbolKind.ErrorType AndAlso Not newDefinition.IsGenericType Then
Return newDefinition
End If
' This must be a generic instantiation (i.e. constructed type).
Debug.Assert(originalDefinition.Arity = 0 OrElse type.ConstructedFrom IsNot type)
If type.IsUnboundGenericType Then
If newDefinition Is originalDefinition Then
Return type
End If
Return newDefinition.AsUnboundGenericType()
End If
Debug.Assert(type.ContainingType Is Nothing OrElse Not type.ContainingType.IsUnboundGenericType)
Dim genericType As NamedTypeSymbol = type
Dim oldArguments = ArrayBuilder(Of TypeWithModifiers).GetInstance()
Dim startOfNonInterfaceArguments As Integer = Integer.MaxValue
' Collect generic arguments for the type and its containers.
While genericType IsNot Nothing
If startOfNonInterfaceArguments = Integer.MaxValue AndAlso
Not genericType.IsInterface Then
startOfNonInterfaceArguments = oldArguments.Count
End If
Dim arity As Integer = genericType.Arity
If arity > 0 Then
Dim args = genericType.TypeArgumentsNoUseSiteDiagnostics
If genericType.HasTypeArgumentsCustomModifiers Then
For i As Integer = 0 To arity - 1
oldArguments.Add(New TypeWithModifiers(args(i), genericType.GetTypeArgumentCustomModifiers(i)))
For i As Integer = 0 To arity - 1
oldArguments.Add(New TypeWithModifiers(args(i)))
End If
End If
genericType = genericType.ContainingType
End While
Dim anythingRetargeted As Boolean = Not originalDefinition.Equals(newDefinition)
' retarget the arguments
Dim newArguments = ArrayBuilder(Of TypeWithModifiers).GetInstance(oldArguments.Count)
For Each arg In oldArguments
Dim modifiersHaveChanged As Boolean = False
' generic instantiation is a signature
Dim newArg = New TypeWithModifiers(DirectCast(arg.Type.Accept(Me, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByTypeCode), TypeSymbol),
RetargetModifiers(arg.CustomModifiers, modifiersHaveChanged))
If Not anythingRetargeted AndAlso (modifiersHaveChanged OrElse Not TypeSymbol.Equals(newArg.Type, arg.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything)) Then
anythingRetargeted = True
End If
' See if it is or its enclosing type is a non-interface closed over NoPia local types.
Dim noPiaIllegalGenericInstantiation As Boolean = IsNoPiaIllegalGenericInstantiation(oldArguments, newArguments, startOfNonInterfaceArguments)
Dim constructedType As NamedTypeSymbol
If Not anythingRetargeted Then
' Nothing was retargeted, return original type symbol.
constructedType = [type]
' Create symbol for new constructed type and return it.
' need to collect type parameters in the same order as we have arguments,
' but this should be done for the new definition.
genericType = newDefinition
Dim newParameters = ArrayBuilder(Of TypeParameterSymbol).GetInstance(newArguments.Count)
' Collect generic arguments for the type and its containers.
While genericType IsNot Nothing
If genericType.Arity > 0 Then
End If
genericType = genericType.ContainingType
End While
Debug.Assert(newParameters.Count = newArguments.Count)
Dim substitution As TypeSubstitution = TypeSubstitution.Create(newDefinition, newParameters.ToImmutableAndFree(), newArguments.ToImmutable())
constructedType = newDefinition.Construct(substitution)
End If
If noPiaIllegalGenericInstantiation Then
constructedType = New NoPiaIllegalGenericInstantiationSymbol(constructedType)
End If
Return DirectCast(constructedType, NamedTypeSymbol)
End Function
Private Function IsNoPiaIllegalGenericInstantiation(oldArguments As ArrayBuilder(Of TypeWithModifiers), newArguments As ArrayBuilder(Of TypeWithModifiers), startOfNonInterfaceArguments As Integer) As Boolean
' TODO: Do we need to check constraints on type parameters as well?
If UnderlyingModule.ContainsExplicitDefinitionOfNoPiaLocalTypes Then
For i As Integer = startOfNonInterfaceArguments To oldArguments.Count - 1 Step 1
If IsOrClosedOverAnExplicitLocalType(oldArguments(i).Type) Then
Return True
End If
End If
Dim assembliesToEmbedTypesFrom As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblySymbol) = UnderlyingModule.GetAssembliesToEmbedTypesFrom()
If assembliesToEmbedTypesFrom.Length > 0 Then
For i As Integer = startOfNonInterfaceArguments To oldArguments.Count - 1 Step 1
If MetadataDecoder.IsOrClosedOverATypeFromAssemblies(oldArguments(i).Type, assembliesToEmbedTypesFrom) Then
Return True
End If
End If
Dim linkedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblySymbol) = RetargetingAssembly.GetLinkedReferencedAssemblies()
If Not linkedAssemblies.IsDefaultOrEmpty Then
For i As Integer = startOfNonInterfaceArguments To newArguments.Count - 1 Step 1
If MetadataDecoder.IsOrClosedOverATypeFromAssemblies(newArguments(i).Type, linkedAssemblies) Then
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Perform a check whether the type or at least one of its generic arguments
''' is an explicitly defined local type. The check is performed recursively.
''' </summary>
Private Function IsOrClosedOverAnExplicitLocalType(symbol As TypeSymbol) As Boolean
Select Case symbol.Kind
Case SymbolKind.TypeParameter
Return False
Case SymbolKind.ArrayType
Return IsOrClosedOverAnExplicitLocalType(DirectCast(symbol, ArrayTypeSymbol).ElementType)
Case SymbolKind.ErrorType, SymbolKind.NamedType
Dim namedType = DirectCast(symbol, NamedTypeSymbol)
If namedType.IsTupleType Then
namedType = namedType.TupleUnderlyingType
End If
If symbol.OriginalDefinition.ContainingModule Is _retargetingModule.UnderlyingModule AndAlso
namedType.IsExplicitDefinitionOfNoPiaLocalType Then
Return True
End If
For Each argument In namedType.TypeArgumentsNoUseSiteDiagnostics
If IsOrClosedOverAnExplicitLocalType(argument) Then
Return True
End If
namedType = namedType.ContainingType
Loop While namedType IsNot Nothing
Return False
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(symbol.Kind)
End Select
End Function
Public Overridable Function Retarget(typeParameter As TypeParameterSymbol) As TypeParameterSymbol
Return DirectCast(SymbolMap.GetOrAdd(typeParameter, _retargetingModule._createRetargetingTypeParameter), TypeParameterSymbol)
End Function
Public Function Retarget(type As ArrayTypeSymbol) As ArrayTypeSymbol
Dim oldElement As TypeSymbol = type.ElementType
Dim newElement As TypeSymbol = Retarget(oldElement, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByTypeCode)
Dim modifiersHaveChanged As Boolean = False
Dim newModifiers As ImmutableArray(Of CustomModifier) = RetargetModifiers(type.CustomModifiers, modifiersHaveChanged)
If Not modifiersHaveChanged AndAlso oldElement.Equals(newElement) Then
Return type
End If
If type.IsSZArray Then
Return ArrayTypeSymbol.CreateSZArray(newElement, newModifiers, RetargetingAssembly)
End If
Return ArrayTypeSymbol.CreateMDArray(newElement, newModifiers, type.Rank, type.Sizes, type.LowerBounds, RetargetingAssembly)
End Function
Friend Function RetargetModifiers(oldModifiers As ImmutableArray(Of CustomModifier), ByRef modifiersHaveChanged As Boolean) As ImmutableArray(Of CustomModifier)
Dim newModifiers As ArrayBuilder(Of CustomModifier) = Nothing
For i As Integer = 0 To oldModifiers.Length - 1 Step 1
Dim newModifier As NamedTypeSymbol = Retarget(DirectCast(oldModifiers(i).Modifier, NamedTypeSymbol), RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByName) ' should be retargeted by name
If Not newModifier.Equals(oldModifiers(i).Modifier) Then
If newModifiers Is Nothing Then
newModifiers = ArrayBuilder(Of CustomModifier).GetInstance(oldModifiers.Length)
newModifiers.AddRange(oldModifiers, i)
End If
ElseIf newModifiers IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Debug.Assert(newModifiers Is Nothing OrElse newModifiers.Count = oldModifiers.Length)
modifiersHaveChanged = (newModifiers IsNot Nothing)
Return If(modifiersHaveChanged, newModifiers.ToImmutableAndFree(), oldModifiers)
End Function
Friend Function RetargetModifiers(oldModifiers As ImmutableArray(Of CustomModifier), ByRef lazyCustomModifiers As ImmutableArray(Of CustomModifier)) As ImmutableArray(Of CustomModifier)
If lazyCustomModifiers.IsDefault Then
Dim modifiersHaveChanged As Boolean
Dim newModifiers = RetargetModifiers(oldModifiers, modifiersHaveChanged)
ImmutableInterlocked.InterlockedCompareExchange(lazyCustomModifiers, newModifiers, Nothing)
End If
Return lazyCustomModifiers
End Function
Friend Function RetargetModifiers(
oldTypeModifiers As ImmutableArray(Of CustomModifier),
oldRefModifiers As ImmutableArray(Of CustomModifier),
ByRef lazyCustomModifiers As CustomModifiersTuple
) As CustomModifiersTuple
If lazyCustomModifiers Is Nothing Then
Dim modifiersHaveChanged As Boolean
Dim newTypeModifiers = RetargetModifiers(oldTypeModifiers, modifiersHaveChanged)
Dim newRefModifiers = RetargetModifiers(oldRefModifiers, modifiersHaveChanged)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(lazyCustomModifiers, CustomModifiersTuple.Create(newTypeModifiers, newRefModifiers), Nothing)
End If
Return lazyCustomModifiers
End Function
Private Function RetargetAttributes(oldAttributes As ImmutableArray(Of VisualBasicAttributeData)) As ImmutableArray(Of VisualBasicAttributeData)
Return oldAttributes.SelectAsArray(Function(a, t) t.RetargetAttributeData(a), Me)
End Function
Friend Iterator Function RetargetAttributes(attributes As IEnumerable(Of VisualBasicAttributeData)) As IEnumerable(Of VisualBasicAttributeData)
For Each attrData In attributes
Yield RetargetAttributeData(attrData)
End Function
Private Function RetargetAttributeData(oldAttribute As VisualBasicAttributeData) As VisualBasicAttributeData
Dim oldAttributeCtor As MethodSymbol = oldAttribute.AttributeConstructor
Dim newAttributeCtor As MethodSymbol = If(oldAttributeCtor Is Nothing,
Retarget(oldAttributeCtor, MethodSignatureComparer.RetargetedExplicitMethodImplementationComparer))
Dim oldAttributeType As NamedTypeSymbol = oldAttribute.AttributeClass
Dim newAttributeType As NamedTypeSymbol
If newAttributeCtor IsNot Nothing Then
newAttributeType = newAttributeCtor.ContainingType
ElseIf oldAttributeType IsNot Nothing Then
newAttributeType = Retarget(oldAttributeType, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByTypeCode)
newAttributeType = Nothing
End If
Dim oldCtorArguments = oldAttribute.CommonConstructorArguments
Dim newCtorArguments = RetargetAttributeConstructorArguments(oldCtorArguments)
Dim oldNamedArguments = oldAttribute.CommonNamedArguments
Dim newNamedArguments = RetargetAttributeNamedArguments(oldNamedArguments)
' Must create a RetargetingAttributeData even if the types and
' arguments are unchanged since the AttributeData instance is
' used to resolve System.Type which may require retargeting.
Return New RetargetingAttributeData(oldAttribute,
End Function
Private Function RetargetAttributeConstructorArguments(constructorArguments As ImmutableArray(Of TypedConstant)) As ImmutableArray(Of TypedConstant)
Dim retargetedArguments = constructorArguments
Dim argumentsHaveChanged As Boolean = False
If Not constructorArguments.IsDefault AndAlso constructorArguments.Any() Then
Dim newArguments = ArrayBuilder(Of TypedConstant).GetInstance(constructorArguments.Length)
For Each oldArgument As TypedConstant In constructorArguments
Dim retargetedArgument As TypedConstant = RetargetTypedConstant(oldArgument, argumentsHaveChanged)
If argumentsHaveChanged Then
retargetedArguments = newArguments.ToImmutable()
End If
End If
Return retargetedArguments
End Function
Private Function RetargetTypedConstant(oldConstant As TypedConstant, ByRef typedConstantChanged As Boolean) As TypedConstant
Dim oldConstantType As TypeSymbol = DirectCast(oldConstant.TypeInternal, TypeSymbol)
Dim newConstantType As TypeSymbol = If(oldConstantType Is Nothing,
Retarget(oldConstantType, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByTypeCode))
If oldConstant.Kind = TypedConstantKind.Array Then
Dim newArray = RetargetAttributeConstructorArguments(oldConstant.Values)
If newConstantType IsNot oldConstantType OrElse newArray <> oldConstant.Values Then
typedConstantChanged = True
Return New TypedConstant(newConstantType, newArray)
Return oldConstant
End If
End If
Dim newConstantValue As Object
Dim oldConstantValue = oldConstant.ValueInternal
If (oldConstant.Kind = TypedConstantKind.Type) AndAlso (oldConstantValue IsNot Nothing) Then
newConstantValue = Retarget(DirectCast(oldConstantValue, TypeSymbol), RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByTypeCode)
newConstantValue = oldConstantValue
End If
If newConstantType IsNot oldConstantType OrElse newConstantValue IsNot oldConstantValue Then
typedConstantChanged = True
Return New TypedConstant(newConstantType, oldConstant.Kind, newConstantValue)
Return oldConstant
End If
End Function
Private Function RetargetAttributeNamedArguments(namedArguments As ImmutableArray(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, TypedConstant))) As ImmutableArray(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, TypedConstant))
Dim retargetedArguments = namedArguments
Dim argumentsHaveChanged As Boolean = False
If namedArguments.Any() Then
Dim newArguments = ArrayBuilder(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, TypedConstant)).GetInstance(namedArguments.Length)
For Each oldArgument As KeyValuePair(Of String, TypedConstant) In namedArguments
Dim oldConstant As TypedConstant = oldArgument.Value
Dim typedConstantChanged As Boolean = False
Dim newConstant As TypedConstant = RetargetTypedConstant(oldConstant, typedConstantChanged)
If typedConstantChanged Then
newArguments.Add(New KeyValuePair(Of String, TypedConstant)(oldArgument.Key, newConstant))
argumentsHaveChanged = True
End If
If argumentsHaveChanged Then
retargetedArguments = newArguments.ToImmutable()
End If
End If
Return retargetedArguments
End Function
' Get the retargeted attributes
Friend Function GetRetargetedAttributes(underlyingSymbol As Symbol, ByRef lazyCustomAttributes As ImmutableArray(Of VisualBasicAttributeData), Optional getReturnTypeAttributes As Boolean = False) As ImmutableArray(Of VisualBasicAttributeData)
If lazyCustomAttributes.IsDefault Then
Dim oldAttributes As ImmutableArray(Of VisualBasicAttributeData)
If Not getReturnTypeAttributes Then
oldAttributes = underlyingSymbol.GetAttributes()
If underlyingSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Method Then
' Also compute the return type attributes here because GetAttributes
' is called during ForceComplete on the symbol.
Dim unused = DirectCast(underlyingSymbol, MethodSymbol).GetReturnTypeAttributes()
End If
Debug.Assert(underlyingSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Method)
oldAttributes = DirectCast(underlyingSymbol, MethodSymbol).GetReturnTypeAttributes()
End If
Dim retargetedAttributes As ImmutableArray(Of VisualBasicAttributeData) = RetargetAttributes(oldAttributes)
ImmutableInterlocked.InterlockedCompareExchange(lazyCustomAttributes, retargetedAttributes, Nothing)
End If
Return lazyCustomAttributes
End Function
Public Function Retarget(type As ErrorTypeSymbol) As ErrorTypeSymbol
' TODO: if it is no longer missing in the target assembly, then we can resolve it here.
' A retargeted error symbol must trigger an error on use so that a dependent compilation won't
' improperly succeed. We therefore ensure we have a use-site diagnostic.
Dim useSiteDiagnostic = type.GetUseSiteInfo
If useSiteDiagnostic.DiagnosticInfo IsNot Nothing Then
Return type
End If
Dim errorInfo = If(type.ErrorInfo, ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_InReferencedAssembly, If(type.ContainingAssembly?.Identity.GetDisplayName, "")))
Return New ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(errorInfo, type.Name, type.Arity, type.CandidateSymbols, type.ResultKind, True)
End Function
Public Function Retarget(sequence As IEnumerable(Of NamedTypeSymbol)) As IEnumerable(Of NamedTypeSymbol)
Return sequence.Select(Function(s)
Debug.Assert(s.PrimitiveTypeCode = PrimitiveTypeCode.NotPrimitive)
Return Retarget(s, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByName)
End Function)
End Function
Public Function Retarget(arr As ImmutableArray(Of Symbol)) As ImmutableArray(Of Symbol)
Dim symbols = ArrayBuilder(Of Symbol).GetInstance(arr.Length)
For Each s As Symbol In arr
Return symbols.ToImmutableAndFree()
End Function
Public Function Retarget(sequence As ImmutableArray(Of NamedTypeSymbol)) As ImmutableArray(Of NamedTypeSymbol)
Dim result = ArrayBuilder(Of NamedTypeSymbol).GetInstance(sequence.Length)
For Each nts As NamedTypeSymbol In sequence
' We want this to be true in non-error cases, but it is not true in general.
' Debug.Assert(sequence(i).PrimitiveTypeCode = PrimitiveTypeCode.NotPrimitive)
result.Add(Retarget(nts, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByName))
Return result.ToImmutableAndFree()
End Function
Public Function Retarget(sequence As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol)) As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol)
Dim result = ArrayBuilder(Of TypeSymbol).GetInstance(sequence.Length)
For Each ts As TypeSymbol In sequence
' We want this to be true in non-error cases, but it is not true in general.
' Debug.Assert(sequence(i).PrimitiveTypeCode = PrimitiveTypeCode.NotPrimitive)
result.Add(Retarget(ts, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByName))
Return result.ToImmutableAndFree()
End Function
Public Function Retarget(list As ImmutableArray(Of TypeParameterSymbol)) As ImmutableArray(Of TypeParameterSymbol)
Dim parameters = ArrayBuilder(Of TypeParameterSymbol).GetInstance(list.Length)
For Each tps As TypeParameterSymbol In list
Return parameters.ToImmutableAndFree()
End Function
Public Function Retarget(method As MethodSymbol) As RetargetingMethodSymbol
Return DirectCast(SymbolMap.GetOrAdd(method, _retargetingModule._createRetargetingMethod), RetargetingMethodSymbol)
End Function
Public Function Retarget(method As MethodSymbol, retargetedMethodComparer As IEqualityComparer(Of MethodSymbol)) As MethodSymbol
Debug.Assert(method Is method.ConstructedFrom)
If method.ContainingModule Is Me.UnderlyingModule AndAlso method.IsDefinition Then
Return DirectCast(SymbolMap.GetOrAdd(method, _retargetingModule._createRetargetingMethod), RetargetingMethodSymbol)
End If
Dim containingType = method.ContainingType
Dim retargetedType = Retarget(containingType, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByName)
If retargetedType Is containingType Then
Return method
End If
If Not containingType.IsDefinition Then
Debug.Assert(Not retargetedType.IsDefinition)
Dim retargetedDefinition = Retarget(method.OriginalDefinition, retargetedMethodComparer)
If retargetedDefinition Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
Return retargetedDefinition.AsMember(retargetedType)
End If
' NB: may return null if the method cannot be found in the retargeted type (e.g. removed in a subsequent version)
Return FindMethodInRetargetedType(method, retargetedType, retargetedMethodComparer)
End Function
Private Function FindMethodInRetargetedType(method As MethodSymbol, retargetedType As NamedTypeSymbol, retargetedMethodComparer As IEqualityComparer(Of MethodSymbol)) As MethodSymbol
Return RetargetedTypeMethodFinder.Find(Me, method, retargetedType, retargetedMethodComparer)
End Function
Private Class RetargetedTypeMethodFinder
Inherits RetargetingSymbolTranslator
Private ReadOnly _retargetedType As NamedTypeSymbol
Private ReadOnly _toFind As MethodSymbol
Private Sub New(retargetingModule As RetargetingModuleSymbol, retargetedType As NamedTypeSymbol, toFind As MethodSymbol)
_retargetedType = retargetedType
_toFind = toFind
End Sub
Public Shared Function Find(
translator As RetargetingSymbolTranslator,
method As MethodSymbol,
retargetedType As NamedTypeSymbol,
retargetedMethodComparer As IEqualityComparer(Of MethodSymbol)
) As MethodSymbol
If retargetedType.IsErrorType() Then
Return Nothing
End If
If Not method.IsGenericMethod AndAlso Not retargetedType.IsGenericType Then
Return FindWorker(translator, method, retargetedType, retargetedMethodComparer)
End If
' We shouldn't run into a constructed method here because we are looking for a method
' among members of a type, constructed methods are never returned through GetMembers API.
Debug.Assert(method Is method.ConstructedFrom)
' A generic method or a method in generic type needs special handling because its signature is very likely
' to refer to method's or type's type parameters.
Dim finder = New RetargetedTypeMethodFinder(translator._retargetingModule, retargetedType, method)
Return FindWorker(finder, method, retargetedType, retargetedMethodComparer)
End Function
Private Shared Function FindWorker(
translator As RetargetingSymbolTranslator,
method As MethodSymbol,
retargetedType As NamedTypeSymbol,
retargetedMethodComparer As IEqualityComparer(Of MethodSymbol)
) As MethodSymbol
Dim modifiersHaveChanged As Boolean
Dim targetParamsBuilder = ArrayBuilder(Of ParameterSymbol).GetInstance(method.Parameters.Length)
For Each param As ParameterSymbol In method.Parameters
targetParamsBuilder.Add(New SignatureOnlyParameterSymbol(
translator.Retarget(param.Type, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByTypeCode),
translator.RetargetModifiers(param.CustomModifiers, modifiersHaveChanged),
translator.RetargetModifiers(param.RefCustomModifiers, modifiersHaveChanged),
param.ExplicitDefaultConstantValue, param.IsParamArray,
param.IsByRef, param.IsOut, param.IsOptional))
' We will be using this symbol only for the purpose of method signature comparison,
' IndexedTypeParameterSymbols should work just fine as the type parameters for the method.
' We can't produce "real" TypeParameterSymbols without finding the method first and this
' is what we are trying to do right now.
Dim targetMethod = New SignatureOnlyMethodSymbol(method.Name, retargetedType, method.MethodKind,
translator.Retarget(method.ReturnType, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByTypeCode),
translator.RetargetModifiers(method.ReturnTypeCustomModifiers, modifiersHaveChanged),
translator.RetargetModifiers(method.RefCustomModifiers, modifiersHaveChanged),
ImmutableArray(Of MethodSymbol).Empty)
For Each retargetedMember As Symbol In retargetedType.GetMembers(method.Name)
If retargetedMember.Kind = SymbolKind.Method Then
Dim retargetedMethod = DirectCast(retargetedMember, MethodSymbol)
If retargetedMethodComparer.Equals(retargetedMethod, targetMethod) Then
Return retargetedMethod
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function Retarget(typeParameter As TypeParameterSymbol) As TypeParameterSymbol
If typeParameter.TypeParameterKind = TypeParameterKind.Method Then
Debug.Assert(typeParameter.ContainingSymbol Is _toFind)
' The method symbol we are building will be using IndexedTypeParameterSymbols as
' its type parameters, therefore, we should return them here as well.
Return IndexedTypeParameterSymbol.GetTypeParameter(typeParameter.Ordinal)
End If
Dim containingType As NamedTypeSymbol = _toFind.ContainingType
Dim retargetedContainingType As NamedTypeSymbol = _retargetedType
If containingType Is typeParameter.ContainingSymbol Then
Return retargetedContainingType.TypeParameters(typeParameter.Ordinal)
End If
containingType = containingType.ContainingType
retargetedContainingType = retargetedContainingType.ContainingType
Loop While containingType IsNot Nothing
Throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable
End Function
End Class
Public Function Retarget(field As FieldSymbol) As RetargetingFieldSymbol
Return DirectCast(SymbolMap.GetOrAdd(field, _retargetingModule._createRetargetingField), RetargetingFieldSymbol)
End Function
Public Function Retarget([property] As PropertySymbol) As RetargetingPropertySymbol
Return DirectCast(SymbolMap.GetOrAdd([property], _retargetingModule._createRetargetingProperty), RetargetingPropertySymbol)
End Function
Public Function Retarget([event] As EventSymbol) As RetargetingEventSymbol
Return DirectCast(SymbolMap.GetOrAdd([event], _retargetingModule._createRetargetingEvent), RetargetingEventSymbol)
End Function
Public Function RetargetImplementedEvent([event] As EventSymbol) As EventSymbol
If ([event].ContainingModule Is Me.UnderlyingModule) AndAlso [event].IsDefinition Then
Return DirectCast(SymbolMap.GetOrAdd([event], _retargetingModule._createRetargetingEvent), RetargetingEventSymbol)
End If
Dim containingType = [event].ContainingType
Dim retargetedType = Retarget(containingType, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByName)
' NB: may return Nothing if the [event] cannot be found in the retargeted type (e.g. removed in a subsequent version)
Return If(retargetedType Is containingType,
FindEventInRetargetedType([event], retargetedType))
End Function
Private Function FindEventInRetargetedType([event] As EventSymbol,
retargetedType As NamedTypeSymbol) As EventSymbol
Dim retargetedEventType = Retarget([event].Type, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByName)
For Each retargetedMember As Symbol In retargetedType.GetMembers([event].Name)
If retargetedMember.Kind = SymbolKind.Event Then
Dim retargetedEvent = DirectCast(retargetedMember, EventSymbol)
If TypeSymbol.Equals(retargetedEvent.Type, retargetedEventType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything) Then
Return retargetedEvent
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Function Retarget([property] As PropertySymbol, retargetedPropertyComparer As IEqualityComparer(Of PropertySymbol)) As PropertySymbol
If ([property].ContainingModule Is Me.UnderlyingModule) AndAlso [property].IsDefinition Then
Return DirectCast(SymbolMap.GetOrAdd([property], _retargetingModule._createRetargetingProperty), RetargetingPropertySymbol)
End If
Dim containingType = [property].ContainingType
Dim retargetedType = Retarget(containingType, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByName)
' NB: may return Nothing if the [property] cannot be found in the retargeted type (e.g. removed in a subsequent version)
Return If(retargetedType Is containingType,
FindPropertyInRetargetedType([property], retargetedType, retargetedPropertyComparer))
End Function
Private Function FindPropertyInRetargetedType([property] As PropertySymbol, retargetedType As NamedTypeSymbol, retargetedPropertyComparer As IEqualityComparer(Of PropertySymbol)) As PropertySymbol
Dim modifiersHaveChanged As Boolean
Dim targetParamsBuilder = ArrayBuilder(Of ParameterSymbol).GetInstance()
For Each param As ParameterSymbol In [property].Parameters
targetParamsBuilder.Add(New SignatureOnlyParameterSymbol(
Retarget(param.Type, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByTypeCode),
RetargetModifiers(param.CustomModifiers, modifiersHaveChanged),
RetargetModifiers(param.RefCustomModifiers, modifiersHaveChanged),
If(param.HasExplicitDefaultValue, param.ExplicitDefaultConstantValue, Nothing), param.IsParamArray,
param.IsByRef, param.IsOut, param.IsOptional))
Dim targetProperty = New SignatureOnlyPropertySymbol([property].Name,
Retarget([property].Type, RetargetOptions.RetargetPrimitiveTypesByTypeCode),
RetargetModifiers([property].TypeCustomModifiers, modifiersHaveChanged),
RetargetModifiers([property].RefCustomModifiers, modifiersHaveChanged))
For Each retargetedMember As Symbol In retargetedType.GetMembers([property].Name)
If retargetedMember.Kind = SymbolKind.Property Then
Dim retargetedProperty = DirectCast(retargetedMember, PropertySymbol)
If retargetedPropertyComparer.Equals(retargetedProperty, targetProperty) Then
Return retargetedProperty
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitModule(symbol As ModuleSymbol, options As RetargetOptions) As Symbol
' We shouldn't run into any other module, but the underlying module
Debug.Assert(symbol Is _retargetingModule.UnderlyingModule)
Return _retargetingModule
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNamespace(symbol As NamespaceSymbol, options As RetargetOptions) As Symbol
Return Retarget(symbol)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNamedType(symbol As NamedTypeSymbol, options As RetargetOptions) As Symbol
Return Retarget(symbol, options)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayType(symbol As ArrayTypeSymbol, arg As RetargetOptions) As Symbol
Return Retarget(symbol)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMethod(symbol As MethodSymbol, options As RetargetOptions) As Symbol
Return Retarget(symbol)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitField(symbol As FieldSymbol, options As RetargetOptions) As Symbol
Return Retarget(symbol)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitProperty(symbol As PropertySymbol, arg As RetargetOptions) As Symbol
Return Retarget(symbol)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitEvent(symbol As EventSymbol, arg As RetargetOptions) As Symbol
Return Retarget(symbol)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeParameter(symbol As TypeParameterSymbol, options As RetargetOptions) As Symbol
Return Retarget(symbol)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitErrorType(symbol As ErrorTypeSymbol, options As RetargetOptions) As Symbol
Return Retarget(symbol)
End Function
End Class
End Class
End Namespace