' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Emit
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Imports TypeKind = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.TypeKind
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Partial Friend Class Symbol
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
' Changes to the public interface of this class should remain synchronized with the C# version of Symbol.
' Do not make any changes to the public interface without making the corresponding change
' to the C# version.
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
''' <summary>
''' Gets the attributes on this symbol. Returns an empty ImmutableArray if there are
''' no attributes.
''' </summary>
Public Overridable Function GetAttributes() As ImmutableArray(Of VisualBasicAttributeData)
Return ImmutableArray(Of VisualBasicAttributeData).Empty
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Build and add synthesized attributes for this symbol.
''' </summary>
Friend Overridable Sub AddSynthesizedAttributes(moduleBuilder As PEModuleBuilder, ByRef attributes As ArrayBuilder(Of VisualBasicAttributeData))
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Convenience helper called by subclasses to add a synthesized attribute to a collection of attributes.
''' </summary>
Friend Shared Sub AddSynthesizedAttribute(ByRef attributes As ArrayBuilder(Of VisualBasicAttributeData), attribute As VisualBasicAttributeData)
If attribute IsNot Nothing Then
If attributes Is Nothing Then
attributes = ArrayBuilder(Of VisualBasicAttributeData).GetInstance(4)
End If
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Returns the appropriate AttributeTarget for a symbol. This is used to validate attribute usage when
''' applying an attribute to a symbol. For any symbol that does not support the application of custom
''' attributes 0 is returned.
''' </summary>
''' <returns>The attribute target flag for this symbol or 0 if none apply.</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Friend Function GetAttributeTarget() As AttributeTargets
Select Case Kind
Case SymbolKind.Assembly
Return AttributeTargets.Assembly
Case SymbolKind.Event
Return AttributeTargets.Event
Case SymbolKind.Field
Return AttributeTargets.Field
Case SymbolKind.Method
Dim method = DirectCast(Me, MethodSymbol)
Select Case method.MethodKind
Case MethodKind.Constructor,
Return AttributeTargets.Constructor
Case MethodKind.Ordinary,
Return AttributeTargets.Method
End Select
Case SymbolKind.Property
Return AttributeTargets.Property
Case SymbolKind.NamedType
Dim namedType = DirectCast(Me, NamedTypeSymbol)
Select Case namedType.TypeKind
Case TypeKind.Class,
Return AttributeTargets.Class
Case TypeKind.Structure
Return AttributeTargets.Struct
Case TypeKind.Interface
Return AttributeTargets.Interface
Case TypeKind.Enum
Return AttributeTargets.Enum Or AttributeTargets.Struct
Case TypeKind.Delegate
Return AttributeTargets.Delegate
Case TypeKind.Submission
' attributes can't be applied on a submission type
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(namedType.TypeKind)
End Select
Case SymbolKind.NetModule
Return AttributeTargets.Module
Case SymbolKind.Parameter
Return AttributeTargets.Parameter
Case SymbolKind.TypeParameter
Return AttributeTargets.GenericParameter
End Select
Return 0
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Method to early decode applied well-known attribute which can be queried by the binder.
''' This method is called during attribute binding after we have bound the attribute types for all attributes,
''' but haven't yet bound the attribute arguments/attribute constructor.
''' Early decoding certain well-known attributes enables the binder to use this decoded information on this symbol
''' when binding the attribute arguments/attribute constructor without causing attribute binding cycle.
''' </summary>
Friend Overridable Function EarlyDecodeWellKnownAttribute(ByRef arguments As EarlyDecodeWellKnownAttributeArguments(Of EarlyWellKnownAttributeBinder, NamedTypeSymbol, AttributeSyntax, AttributeLocation)) As VisualBasicAttributeData
Return Nothing
End Function
Friend Function EarlyDecodeDeprecatedOrExperimentalOrObsoleteAttribute(
ByRef arguments As EarlyDecodeWellKnownAttributeArguments(Of EarlyWellKnownAttributeBinder, NamedTypeSymbol, AttributeSyntax, AttributeLocation),
<Out> ByRef boundAttribute As VisualBasicAttributeData,
<Out> ByRef obsoleteData As ObsoleteAttributeData
) As Boolean
Dim type = arguments.AttributeType
Dim syntax = arguments.AttributeSyntax
Dim kind As ObsoleteAttributeKind
If VisualBasicAttributeData.IsTargetEarlyAttribute(type, syntax, AttributeDescription.ObsoleteAttribute) Then
kind = ObsoleteAttributeKind.Obsolete
ElseIf VisualBasicAttributeData.IsTargetEarlyAttribute(type, syntax, AttributeDescription.DeprecatedAttribute) Then
kind = ObsoleteAttributeKind.Deprecated
ElseIf VisualBasicAttributeData.IsTargetEarlyAttribute(type, syntax, AttributeDescription.WindowsExperimentalAttribute) Then
kind = ObsoleteAttributeKind.WindowsExperimental
ElseIf VisualBasicAttributeData.IsTargetEarlyAttribute(type, syntax, AttributeDescription.ExperimentalAttribute) Then
kind = ObsoleteAttributeKind.Experimental
boundAttribute = Nothing
obsoleteData = Nothing
Return False
End If
Dim hasAnyDiagnostics As Boolean = False
boundAttribute = arguments.Binder.GetAttribute(syntax, type, hasAnyDiagnostics)
If Not boundAttribute.HasErrors Then
obsoleteData = boundAttribute.DecodeObsoleteAttribute(kind)
If hasAnyDiagnostics Then
boundAttribute = Nothing
End If
obsoleteData = Nothing
boundAttribute = Nothing
End If
Return True
End Function
''' <summary>
''' This method is called by the binder when it is finished binding a set of attributes on the symbol so that
''' the symbol can extract data from the attribute arguments and potentially perform validation specific to
''' some well known attributes.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' <para>
''' Symbol types should override this if they want to handle a specific well-known attribute.
''' If the attribute is of a type that the symbol does not wish to handle, it should delegate back to
''' this (base) method.
''' </para>
''' </remarks>
Friend Overridable Sub DecodeWellKnownAttribute(ByRef arguments As DecodeWellKnownAttributeArguments(Of AttributeSyntax, VisualBasicAttributeData, AttributeLocation))
Dim compilation = Me.DeclaringCompilation
MarkEmbeddedAttributeTypeReference(arguments.Attribute, arguments.AttributeSyntaxOpt, compilation)
ReportExtensionAttributeUseSiteInfo(arguments.Attribute, arguments.AttributeSyntaxOpt, compilation, DirectCast(arguments.Diagnostics, BindingDiagnosticBag))
If arguments.Attribute.IsTargetAttribute(AttributeDescription.SkipLocalsInitAttribute) Then
DirectCast(arguments.Diagnostics, BindingDiagnosticBag).Add(ERRID.WRN_AttributeNotSupportedInVB, arguments.AttributeSyntaxOpt.Location, AttributeDescription.SkipLocalsInitAttribute.FullName)
ElseIf arguments.Attribute.IsTargetAttribute(AttributeDescription.CompilerFeatureRequiredAttribute) Then
DirectCast(arguments.Diagnostics, BindingDiagnosticBag).Add(ERRID.ERR_DoNotUseCompilerFeatureRequired, arguments.AttributeSyntaxOpt.Location)
ElseIf arguments.Attribute.IsTargetAttribute(AttributeDescription.RequiredMemberAttribute) Then
DirectCast(arguments.Diagnostics, BindingDiagnosticBag).Add(ERRID.ERR_DoNotUseRequiredMember, arguments.AttributeSyntaxOpt.Location)
ElseIf arguments.Attribute.IsTargetAttribute(AttributeDescription.ExperimentalAttribute) Then
If Not SyntaxFacts.IsValidIdentifier(DirectCast(arguments.Attribute.CommonConstructorArguments(0).ValueInternal, String)) Then
Dim attrArgumentLocation = VisualBasicAttributeData.GetFirstArgumentLocation(arguments.AttributeSyntaxOpt)
DirectCast(arguments.Diagnostics, BindingDiagnosticBag).Add(ERRID.ERR_InvalidExperimentalDiagID, attrArgumentLocation)
End If
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Called to report attribute related diagnostics after all attributes have been bound and decoded.
''' Called even if there are no attributes.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' This method is called by the binder from <see cref="LoadAndValidateAttributes"/> after it has finished binding attributes on the symbol,
''' has executed <see cref="DecodeWellKnownAttribute"/> for attributes applied on the symbol and has stored the decoded data in the
''' lazyCustomAttributesBag on the symbol. Bound attributes haven't been stored on the bag yet.
''' Post-validation for attributes that is dependent on other attributes can be done here.
''' This method should not have any side effects on the symbol, i.e. it SHOULD NOT change the symbol state.
''' </remarks>
''' <param name="boundAttributes">Bound attributes.</param>
''' <param name="allAttributeSyntaxNodes">Syntax nodes of attributes in order they are specified in source.</param>
''' <param name="diagnostics">Diagnostic bag.</param>
''' <param name="symbolPart">Specific part of the symbol to which the attributes apply, or <see cref="AttributeLocation.None"/> if the attributes apply to the symbol itself.</param>
''' <param name="decodedData">Decoded well known attribute data.</param>
Friend Overridable Sub PostDecodeWellKnownAttributes(boundAttributes As ImmutableArray(Of VisualBasicAttributeData),
allAttributeSyntaxNodes As ImmutableArray(Of AttributeSyntax),
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag,
symbolPart As AttributeLocation,
decodedData As WellKnownAttributeData)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' This method does the following set of operations in the specified order:
''' (1) GetAttributesToBind: Merge the given attributeBlockSyntaxList into a single list of attributes to bind.
''' (2) GetAttributes: Bind the attributes (attribute type, arguments and constructor).
''' (3) DecodeWellKnownAttributes: Decode and validate bound well-known attributes.
''' (4) ValidateAttributes: Perform some additional attribute validations, such as
''' 1) Duplicate attributes,
''' 2) Attribute usage target validation, etc.
''' (5) Store the bound attributes and decoded well-known attribute data in lazyCustomAttributesBag in a thread safe manner.
''' </summary>
Friend Sub LoadAndValidateAttributes(attributeBlockSyntaxList As OneOrMany(Of SyntaxList(Of AttributeListSyntax)),
ByRef lazyCustomAttributesBag As CustomAttributesBag(Of VisualBasicAttributeData),
Optional symbolPart As AttributeLocation = 0)
Dim diagnostics = BindingDiagnosticBag.GetInstance()
Dim sourceAssembly = DirectCast(If(Me.Kind = SymbolKind.Assembly, Me, Me.ContainingAssembly), SourceAssemblySymbol)
Dim sourceModule = sourceAssembly.SourceModule
Dim compilation = sourceAssembly.DeclaringCompilation
Dim binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder) = Nothing
Dim attributesToBind = GetAttributesToBind(attributeBlockSyntaxList, symbolPart, compilation, binders)
Dim boundAttributes As ImmutableArray(Of VisualBasicAttributeData)
Dim wellKnownAttrData As WellKnownAttributeData
If attributesToBind.Any() Then
Debug.Assert(attributesToBind.Length = binders.Length)
' Initialize the bag so that data decoded from early attributes can be stored onto it.
If (lazyCustomAttributesBag Is Nothing) Then
Interlocked.CompareExchange(lazyCustomAttributesBag, New CustomAttributesBag(Of VisualBasicAttributeData)(), Nothing)
End If
Dim boundAttributeTypes As ImmutableArray(Of NamedTypeSymbol) = Binder.BindAttributeTypes(binders, attributesToBind, Me, diagnostics)
Dim attributeBuilder = New VisualBasicAttributeData(boundAttributeTypes.Length - 1) {}
' Early bind and decode some well-known attributes.
Dim earlyData As EarlyWellKnownAttributeData = Me.EarlyDecodeWellKnownAttributes(binders, boundAttributeTypes, attributesToBind, attributeBuilder, symbolPart)
' Store data decoded from early bound well-known attributes.
' Bind attributes.
Binder.GetAttributes(binders, attributesToBind, boundAttributeTypes, attributeBuilder, Me, diagnostics)
boundAttributes = attributeBuilder.AsImmutableOrNull
' Validate attribute usage and Decode remaining well-known attributes.
wellKnownAttrData = Me.ValidateAttributeUsageAndDecodeWellKnownAttributes(binders, attributesToBind, boundAttributes, diagnostics, symbolPart)
' Store data decoded from remaining well-known attributes.
boundAttributes = ImmutableArray(Of VisualBasicAttributeData).Empty
wellKnownAttrData = Nothing
Interlocked.CompareExchange(lazyCustomAttributesBag, CustomAttributesBag(Of VisualBasicAttributeData).WithEmptyData(), Nothing)
End If
Me.PostDecodeWellKnownAttributes(boundAttributes, attributesToBind, diagnostics, symbolPart, wellKnownAttrData)
' Store attributes into the bag.
sourceModule.AtomicStoreAttributesAndDiagnostics(lazyCustomAttributesBag, boundAttributes, diagnostics)
End Sub
Private Function GetAttributesToBind(attributeDeclarationSyntaxLists As OneOrMany(Of SyntaxList(Of AttributeListSyntax)),
symbolPart As AttributeLocation,
compilation As VisualBasicCompilation,
<Out> ByRef binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder)) As ImmutableArray(Of AttributeSyntax)
Dim attributeTarget = DirectCast(Me, IAttributeTargetSymbol)
Dim sourceModule = DirectCast(compilation.SourceModule, SourceModuleSymbol)
Dim syntaxBuilder As ArrayBuilder(Of AttributeSyntax) = Nothing
Dim bindersBuilder As ArrayBuilder(Of Binder) = Nothing
Dim attributesToBindCount As Integer = 0
For listIndex = 0 To attributeDeclarationSyntaxLists.Count - 1
Dim attributeDeclarationSyntaxList As SyntaxList(Of AttributeListSyntax) = attributeDeclarationSyntaxLists(listIndex)
If attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Any() Then
Dim prevCount As Integer = attributesToBindCount
For Each attributeDeclarationSyntax In attributeDeclarationSyntaxList
For Each attributeSyntax In attributeDeclarationSyntax.Attributes
If MatchAttributeTarget(attributeTarget, symbolPart, attributeSyntax.Target) Then
If syntaxBuilder Is Nothing Then
syntaxBuilder = New ArrayBuilder(Of AttributeSyntax)()
bindersBuilder = New ArrayBuilder(Of Binder)()
End If
attributesToBindCount += 1
End If
If attributesToBindCount <> prevCount Then
Debug.Assert(attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Node IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(bindersBuilder IsNot Nothing)
Dim binder = GetAttributeBinder(attributeDeclarationSyntaxList, sourceModule)
For i = 0 To attributesToBindCount - prevCount - 1
End If
End If
If syntaxBuilder IsNot Nothing Then
binders = bindersBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree()
Return syntaxBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree()
binders = ImmutableArray(Of Binder).Empty
Return ImmutableArray(Of AttributeSyntax).Empty
End If
End Function
Friend Function GetAttributeBinder(syntaxList As SyntaxList(Of AttributeListSyntax), sourceModule As SourceModuleSymbol) As Binder
Dim syntaxTree = syntaxList.Node.SyntaxTree
Dim parent = syntaxList.Node.Parent
If parent.IsKind(SyntaxKind.AttributesStatement) AndAlso parent.Parent.IsKind(SyntaxKind.CompilationUnit) Then
' Create a binder for the file-level attributes. To avoid infinite recursion, the bound file information
' must be fully computed prior to trying to bind the file attributes.
Return BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForProjectLevelNamespace(sourceModule, syntaxTree)
Return BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForAttribute(sourceModule, syntaxTree, Me)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function MatchAttributeTarget(attributeTarget As IAttributeTargetSymbol, symbolPart As AttributeLocation, targetOpt As AttributeTargetSyntax) As Boolean
If targetOpt Is Nothing Then
Return True
End If
Dim explicitTarget As AttributeLocation
' Parser ensures that an error is reported for anything other than "assembly" or
' "module". Only assembly and module keywords can get here.
Select Case targetOpt.AttributeModifier.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.AssemblyKeyword
explicitTarget = AttributeLocation.Assembly
Case SyntaxKind.ModuleKeyword
explicitTarget = AttributeLocation.Module
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(targetOpt.AttributeModifier.Kind)
End Select
If symbolPart = 0 Then
Return explicitTarget = attributeTarget.DefaultAttributeLocation
Return explicitTarget = symbolPart
End If
End Function
Friend Shared Sub GetAttributesToBind(attributeBlockSyntaxList As SyntaxList(Of AttributeListSyntax), ByRef attributeSyntaxBuilder As ArrayBuilder(Of AttributeSyntax))
If attributeBlockSyntaxList.Count > 0 Then
If attributeSyntaxBuilder Is Nothing Then
attributeSyntaxBuilder = ArrayBuilder(Of AttributeSyntax).GetInstance()
End If
For Each attributeBlock In attributeBlockSyntaxList
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Method to early decode certain well-known attributes which can be queried by the binder.
''' This method is called during attribute binding after we have bound the attribute types for all attributes,
''' but haven't yet bound the attribute arguments/attribute constructor.
''' Early decoding certain well-known attributes enables the binder to use this decoded information on this symbol
''' when binding the attribute arguments/attribute constructor without causing attribute binding cycle.
''' </summary>
Private Function EarlyDecodeWellKnownAttributes(binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder),
boundAttributeTypes As ImmutableArray(Of NamedTypeSymbol),
attributesToBind As ImmutableArray(Of AttributeSyntax),
attributeBuilder As VisualBasicAttributeData(),
symbolPart As AttributeLocation) As EarlyWellKnownAttributeData
Dim arguments = New EarlyDecodeWellKnownAttributeArguments(Of EarlyWellKnownAttributeBinder, NamedTypeSymbol, AttributeSyntax, AttributeLocation)()
arguments.SymbolPart = symbolPart
For i = 0 To boundAttributeTypes.Length - 1
Dim attributeType As NamedTypeSymbol = boundAttributeTypes(i)
If Not attributeType.IsErrorType() Then
arguments.Binder = New EarlyWellKnownAttributeBinder(Me, binders(i))
arguments.AttributeType = attributeType
arguments.AttributeSyntax = attributesToBind(i)
attributeBuilder(i) = Me.EarlyDecodeWellKnownAttribute(arguments)
End If
Return If(arguments.HasDecodedData, arguments.DecodedData, Nothing)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' This method validates attribute usage for each bound attribute and calls <see cref="DecodeWellKnownAttribute"/>
''' on attributes with valid attribute usage.
''' This method is called by the binder when it is finished binding a set of attributes on the symbol so that
''' the symbol can extract data from the attribute arguments and potentially perform validation specific to
''' some well known attributes.
''' </summary>
Friend Function ValidateAttributeUsageAndDecodeWellKnownAttributes(
binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder),
attributeSyntaxList As ImmutableArray(Of AttributeSyntax),
boundAttributes As ImmutableArray(Of VisualBasicAttributeData),
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag,
symbolPart As AttributeLocation) As WellKnownAttributeData
Debug.Assert(binders.Length = boundAttributes.Length)
Debug.Assert(attributeSyntaxList.Length = boundAttributes.Length)
Dim totalAttributesCount As Integer = boundAttributes.Length
Dim uniqueAttributeTypes = New HashSet(Of NamedTypeSymbol)
Dim arguments = New DecodeWellKnownAttributeArguments(Of AttributeSyntax, VisualBasicAttributeData, AttributeLocation)()
arguments.AttributesCount = totalAttributesCount
arguments.Diagnostics = diagnostics
arguments.SymbolPart = symbolPart
For i = 0 To totalAttributesCount - 1
Dim boundAttribute As VisualBasicAttributeData = boundAttributes(i)
Dim attributeSyntax As AttributeSyntax = attributeSyntaxList(i)
Dim binder As Binder = binders(i)
If Not boundAttribute.HasErrors AndAlso ValidateAttributeUsage(boundAttribute, attributeSyntax, binder.Compilation, symbolPart, diagnostics, uniqueAttributeTypes) Then
arguments.Attribute = boundAttribute
arguments.AttributeSyntaxOpt = attributeSyntax
arguments.Index = i
End If
Return If(arguments.HasDecodedData, arguments.DecodedData, Nothing)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Validate attribute usage target and duplicate attributes.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="attribute">Bound attribute</param>
''' <param name="node">Syntax node for attribute specification</param>
''' <param name="compilation">Compilation</param>
''' <param name="symbolPart">Symbol part to which the attribute has been applied</param>
''' <param name="diagnostics">Diagnostics</param>
''' <param name="uniqueAttributeTypes">Set of unique attribute types applied to the symbol</param>
Private Function ValidateAttributeUsage(
attribute As VisualBasicAttributeData,
node As AttributeSyntax,
compilation As VisualBasicCompilation,
symbolPart As AttributeLocation,
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag,
uniqueAttributeTypes As HashSet(Of NamedTypeSymbol)) As Boolean
Dim attributeType As NamedTypeSymbol = attribute.AttributeClass
Debug.Assert(attributeType IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(Not attributeType.IsErrorType())
Debug.Assert(attributeType.IsOrDerivedFromWellKnownClass(WellKnownType.System_Attribute, compilation, CompoundUseSiteInfo(Of AssemblySymbol).Discarded))
' Get attribute usage for this attribute
Dim attributeUsage As AttributeUsageInfo = attributeType.GetAttributeUsageInfo()
Debug.Assert(Not attributeUsage.IsNull)
' check if this attribute was used multiple times and attributeUsage.AllowMultiple is False.
If Not uniqueAttributeTypes.Add(attributeType) AndAlso Not attributeUsage.AllowMultiple Then
diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_InvalidMultipleAttributeUsage1, node.GetLocation(), CustomSymbolDisplayFormatter.ShortErrorName(attributeType))
Return False
End If
Dim attributeTarget As AttributeTargets
If symbolPart = AttributeLocation.Return Then
Debug.Assert(Me.Kind = SymbolKind.Method OrElse Me.Kind = SymbolKind.Property)
attributeTarget = AttributeTargets.ReturnValue
attributeTarget = Me.GetAttributeTarget()
End If
' VB allows NonSerialized on events even though the NonSerialized does not have this attribute usage specified.
' See Dev 10 Bindable::VerifyCustomAttributesOnSymbol
Dim applicationIsValid As Boolean
If attributeType Is compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_NonSerializedAttribute) AndAlso
Me.Kind = SymbolKind.Event AndAlso DirectCast(Me, SourceEventSymbol).AssociatedField IsNot Nothing Then
applicationIsValid = True
Dim validOn = attributeUsage.ValidTargets
applicationIsValid = attributeTarget <> 0 AndAlso (validOn And attributeTarget) <> 0
End If
If Not applicationIsValid Then
Select Case attributeTarget
Case AttributeTargets.Assembly
diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_InvalidAssemblyAttribute1, node.Name.GetLocation, CustomSymbolDisplayFormatter.ShortErrorName(attributeType))
Case AttributeTargets.Module
diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_InvalidModuleAttribute1, node.Name.GetLocation, CustomSymbolDisplayFormatter.ShortErrorName(attributeType))
Case AttributeTargets.Method
If Me.Kind = SymbolKind.Method Then
Dim method = DirectCast(Me, SourceMethodSymbol)
Dim accessorName = TryGetAccessorDisplayName(method.MethodKind)
If accessorName IsNot Nothing Then
Debug.Assert(method.AssociatedSymbol IsNot Nothing)
diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_InvalidAttributeUsageOnAccessor, node.Name.GetLocation,
CustomSymbolDisplayFormatter.ShortErrorName(attributeType), accessorName, CustomSymbolDisplayFormatter.ShortErrorName(method.AssociatedSymbol))
Exit Select
End If
End If
diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_InvalidAttributeUsage2, node.Name.GetLocation,
CustomSymbolDisplayFormatter.ShortErrorName(attributeType), CustomSymbolDisplayFormatter.ShortErrorName(Me).ToString())
Case AttributeTargets.Field
Dim withEventsBackingField = TryCast(Me, SourceWithEventsBackingFieldSymbol)
Dim ownerName As String
If withEventsBackingField IsNot Nothing Then
ownerName = CustomSymbolDisplayFormatter.ShortErrorName(withEventsBackingField.AssociatedSymbol).ToString()
ownerName = CustomSymbolDisplayFormatter.ShortErrorName(Me).ToString()
End If
diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_InvalidAttributeUsage2, node.Name.GetLocation, CustomSymbolDisplayFormatter.ShortErrorName(attributeType), ownerName)
Case AttributeTargets.ReturnValue
diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_InvalidAttributeUsage2, node.Name.GetLocation, CustomSymbolDisplayFormatter.ShortErrorName(attributeType),
New LocalizableErrorArgument(ERRID.IDS_FunctionReturnType))
Case Else
diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_InvalidAttributeUsage2, node.Name.GetLocation, CustomSymbolDisplayFormatter.ShortErrorName(attributeType),
End Select
Return False
End If
If attribute.IsSecurityAttribute(compilation) Then
Select Case Me.Kind
Case SymbolKind.Assembly, SymbolKind.NamedType, SymbolKind.Method
Exit Select
Case Else
' BC36979: Security attribute '{0}' is not valid on this declaration type. Security attributes are only valid on assembly, type and method declarations.
diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_SecurityAttributeInvalidTarget, node.Name.GetLocation, CustomSymbolDisplayFormatter.ShortErrorName(attributeType))
Return False
End Select
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Sub ReportExtensionAttributeUseSiteInfo(attribute As VisualBasicAttributeData, nodeOpt As AttributeSyntax, compilation As VisualBasicCompilation, diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag)
' report issues with a custom extension attribute everywhere, where the attribute is used in source
' (we will not report in location where it's implicitly used (like the containing module or assembly of extension methods)
Dim useSiteInfo As UseSiteInfo(Of AssemblySymbol) = Nothing
If attribute.AttributeConstructor IsNot Nothing AndAlso
attribute.AttributeConstructor Is compilation.GetExtensionAttributeConstructor(useSiteInfo) Then
diagnostics.Add(useSiteInfo, If(nodeOpt IsNot Nothing, nodeOpt.GetLocation(), NoLocation.Singleton))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MarkEmbeddedAttributeTypeReference(attribute As VisualBasicAttributeData, nodeOpt As AttributeSyntax, compilation As VisualBasicCompilation)
Debug.Assert(Not attribute.HasErrors)
' Mark embedded attribute type reference only if the owner is itself not
' embedded and the attribute syntax is actually from the current compilation.
If Not Me.IsEmbedded AndAlso
attribute.AttributeClass.IsEmbedded AndAlso
nodeOpt IsNot Nothing AndAlso
compilation.ContainsSyntaxTree(nodeOpt.SyntaxTree) Then
' Note that none of embedded symbols from referenced
' assemblies or compilations should be found/referenced.
Debug.Assert(attribute.AttributeClass.ContainingAssembly Is compilation.Assembly)
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Ensure that attributes are bound and the ObsoleteState/ExperimentalState of this symbol is known.
''' </summary>
Friend Sub ForceCompleteObsoleteAttribute()
If Me.ObsoleteKind = ObsoleteAttributeKind.Uninitialized Then
End If
Debug.Assert(Me.ObsoleteState <> ThreeState.Unknown, "ObsoleteState should be true or false now.")
Debug.Assert(Me.ExperimentalState <> ThreeState.Unknown, "ExperimentalState should be true or false now.")
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace